Added missing try around parenthesized operators, a bunch of additional tests now passing

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-07-25 22:50:26 -04:00
parent a180f41338
commit f2bef5a21c
3 changed files with 58 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ sepBy1 sep pb = P.sepBy1 pb sep
prefixVar :: Var v => P v (L.Token v)
prefixVar = fmap (Var.named . Text.pack) <$> P.label "symbol" prefixOp
prefixOp = wordyId <|> (reserved "(" *> symbolyId <* reserved ")")
prefixOp = wordyId <|> P.label "prefix-operator" (P.try (reserved "(" *> symbolyId) <* reserved ")")
infixVar :: Var v => P v (L.Token v)
infixVar =

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@ -2,35 +2,41 @@
module Unison.Test.TermParser where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import EasyTest
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (parseErrorPretty)
import Text.RawString.QQ
import Unison.Parsers2 (parseTerm)
import qualified Unison.Parsers2 as Ps
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Parser2
import qualified Unison.TermParser2 as TP
test = scope "termparser" . tests . map parses $
[ [r|1|]
test1 = scope "termparser" . tests . map parses $
[ "1"
, "1.0"
, "+1"
, "-1"
, "-1.0"
, "4th"
-- , "()"
, "()"
, "(0)"
, "forty"
, "forty two"
, "\"forty two\""
-- , "( one ; two )"
-- , "( one ; two )"
-- , "( one ; two ; three )"
-- , "( one ; two ; 42 )"
, "( one ; two )"
, "( one ; two )"
, "( one ; two ; three )"
, "( one ; two ; 42 )"
, "[1,2,3]"
, "\"abc\""
, "x + 1"
, "1 + 1"
, "1 UInt64.+ 1"
-- , "( x + 1 )"
, "( x + 1 )"
, "foo 42"
, "1 UInt64.== 1"
, "x UInt64.== y"
@ -109,18 +115,44 @@ test = scope "termparser" . tests . map parses $
" s + 2\n"
, "and x y"
, "or x y"
-- , [r|let
-- increment = (+_UInt64) 1
-- (|>) : forall a . a -> (a -> b) -> b
-- a |> f = f a
-- Stream.from-int64 -3
-- |> Stream.take 10
-- |> Stream.fold-left 0 increment
-- |]
, [r|let
increment = (+_UInt64) 1
(|>) : forall a . a -> (a -> b) -> b
a |> f = f a
Stream.from-int64 -3
|> Stream.take 10
|> Stream.fold-left 0 increment
test2 = (scope "fiddle" . tests $ unitTests)
test = test1 <|> test2
unitTests =
[ t w "hi"
, t s "foo.+"
, t (w <|> s) "foo.+"
, t (w *> w) "foo bar"
, t (P.try (w *> w) <|> (w *> s)) "foo +"
, t TP.term "x -> x"
, t (TP.lam TP.term) "x y z -> 1 + 1"
, t (sepBy s w) ""
, t (sepBy s w) "uno"
, t (sepBy s w) "uno + dos"
, t (sepBy s w) "uno + dos * tres"
, t (reserved "(" *> sepBy s w <* reserved ")") "(uno + dos + tres)"
, t TP.term "( 0 )"
-- type TermP v = P v (AnnotatedTerm v Ann)
t :: P Symbol a -> String -> Test ()
t = parseWith
w = wordyId
s = symbolyId
builtins = Map.fromList
[("Pair", (R.Builtin "Pair", 0)),
("State.set", (R.Builtin "State", 0))]
@ -129,3 +161,9 @@ parses s = scope s $
case parseTerm @ Symbol s builtins of
Left e -> crash $ parseErrorPretty e
Right _ -> ok
parseWith :: P Symbol a -> String -> Test ()
parseWith p s = scope s $
case Ps.parse @ Symbol p s builtins of
Left e -> crash $ parseErrorPretty e
Right _ -> ok

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@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ executable tests