
This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Rosen 2021-10-13 01:20:05 -04:00
parent 40101f9912
commit f41382efb4
4 changed files with 97 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -471,9 +471,9 @@ fixupNamesRelative root = Names3.map0 fixName where
-- Construct a 'Search' with 'makeTypeSearch' or 'makeTermSearch', and eliminate it with 'applySearch'.
data Search r = Search
{ lookupNames :: r -> Set (HQ'.HashQualified Name),
lookupRelativeHQRefs :: HQ.HashQualified Name -> Set r,
lookupRelativeHQRefs' :: HQ'.HashQualified Name -> Set r,
makeResult :: HQ.HashQualified Name -> r -> Set (HQ.HashQualified Name) -> SR.SearchResult,
matchesNamedRef :: Name -> r -> HQ.HashQualified Name -> Bool
matchesNamedRef :: Name -> r -> HQ'.HashQualified Name -> Bool
-- | Make a type search, given a short hash length and names to search in.
@ -481,8 +481,8 @@ makeTypeSearch :: Int -> Names -> Search Reference
makeTypeSearch len names =
{ lookupNames = \ref -> Names3.typeName len ref names,
lookupRelativeHQRefs = \name -> Names3.lookupRelativeHQType name names,
matchesNamedRef = HQ.matchesNamedReference,
lookupRelativeHQRefs' = \name -> Names3.lookupRelativeHQType' name names,
matchesNamedRef = HQ'.matchesNamedReference,
makeResult = SR.typeResult
@ -491,16 +491,16 @@ makeTermSearch :: Int -> Names -> Search Referent
makeTermSearch len names =
{ lookupNames = \ref -> Names3.termName len ref names,
lookupRelativeHQRefs = \name -> Names3.lookupRelativeHQTerm name names,
matchesNamedRef = HQ.matchesNamedReferent,
lookupRelativeHQRefs' = \name -> Names3.lookupRelativeHQTerm' name names,
matchesNamedRef = HQ'.matchesNamedReferent,
makeResult = SR.termResult
-- | Interpret a 'Search' as a function from name to search results.
applySearch :: Search r -> HQ.HashQualified Name -> [SR.SearchResult]
applySearch Search {lookupNames, lookupRelativeHQRefs, makeResult, matchesNamedRef} query =
applySearch :: Search r -> HQ'.HashQualified Name -> [SR.SearchResult]
applySearch Search {lookupNames, lookupRelativeHQRefs', makeResult, matchesNamedRef} query =
-- a bunch of references will match a HQ ref.
toList (lookupRelativeHQRefs query) <&> \ref ->
toList (lookupRelativeHQRefs' query) <&> \ref ->
let -- Precondition: the input set is non-empty
prioritize :: Set (HQ'.HashQualified Name) -> (HQ'.HashQualified Name, Set (HQ'.HashQualified Name))
prioritize =
@ -519,14 +519,9 @@ applySearch Search {lookupNames, lookupRelativeHQRefs, makeResult, matchesNamedR
x : xs -> (x, Set.fromList xs)
-- | The output list (of lists) corresponds to the query list.
searchBranchExact ::
Int -> Names -> [HQ'.HashQualified Name] -> [[SR.SearchResult]]
searchBranchExact len names queries =
-- Mitchell says: the `toHQ` here is a bit odd, and indicates to me the types here are not quite right.
-- `searchBranchExact` takes queries that definitely have names (`HashQualified'`), but calls out to a search
-- function that is capable of finding refs without names (`Names3.lookupRelativeHQType`). Doesn't it therefore seem
-- better to instead accept possibly-nameless `HashQualified` as the input to `searchBranchExact` instead?
[applySearch typeSearch q <> applySearch termSearch q | (HQ'.toHQ -> q) <- queries]
searchBranchExact :: Int -> Names -> [HQ'.HashQualified Name] -> [[SR.SearchResult]]
searchBranchExact len names queries = do
[applySearch typeSearch query <> applySearch termSearch query | query <- queries ]
typeSearch :: Search Reference
typeSearch =

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@ -38,9 +38,12 @@ default-extensions:
- FlexibleInstances
- LambdaCase
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- NamedFieldPuns
- PatternSynonyms
- ScopedTypeVariables
- TupleSections
- TypeApplications
- ViewPatterns

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@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Unison.Names3 where
@ -15,6 +12,7 @@ import qualified Unison.HashQualified' as HQ'
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.Reference as Reference
import Unison.Referent as Referent
import Unison.ShortHash (ShortHash)
import Unison.Util.Relation (Relation)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -127,35 +125,34 @@ shadowing :: Names0 -> Names -> Names
shadowing prio (Names current old) =
Names (prio `unionLeftName0` current) (current <> old)
makeAbsolute0:: Names0 -> Names0
makeAbsolute0 :: Names0 -> Names0
makeAbsolute0 = map0 Name.makeAbsolute
-- Find all types whose name has a suffix matching the provided `HashQualified`,
-- returning types with relative names if they exist, and otherwise
-- returning types with absolute names.
lookupRelativeHQType :: HashQualified Name -> Names -> Set Reference
lookupRelativeHQType hq ns@Names{..} = let
rs = lookupHQType hq ns
keep r = any (not . Name.isAbsolute) (R.lookupRan r (Names.types currentNames))
in case Set.filter keep rs of
rs' | Set.null rs' -> rs
| otherwise -> rs'
lookupRelativeHQType hq ns@Names {..} =
let rs = lookupHQType hq ns
keep r = any (not . Name.isAbsolute) (R.lookupRan r (Names.types currentNames))
in case Set.filter keep rs of
| Set.null rs' -> rs
| otherwise -> rs'
-- Find all types whose name has a suffix matching the provided `HashQualified`.
lookupRelativeHQType' :: HQ'.HashQualified Name -> Names -> Set Reference
lookupRelativeHQType' =
lookupRelativeHQType . HQ'.toHQ
-- | Find all types whose name has a suffix matching the provided 'HashQualified'.
lookupHQType :: HashQualified Name -> Names -> Set Reference
lookupHQType hq Names{..} = case hq of
HQ.NameOnly n -> Name.searchBySuffix n (Names.types currentNames)
HQ.HashQualified n sh -> case matches sh (Names.types currentNames) of
s | (not . null) s -> s
| otherwise -> matches sh (Names.types oldNames)
matches sh ns =
Set.filter (Reference.isPrefixOf sh) (Name.searchBySuffix n ns)
HQ.HashOnly sh -> case matches sh currentNames of
s | (not . null) s -> s
| otherwise -> matches sh oldNames
matches sh ns = Set.filter (Reference.isPrefixOf sh) (R.ran $ Names.types ns)
lookupHQType =
lookupHQRef Names.types Reference.isPrefixOf
-- | Find all types whose name has a suffix matching the provided 'HashQualified''. See 'lookupHQType'.
lookupHQType' :: HQ'.HashQualified Name -> Names -> Set Reference
lookupHQType' =
lookupHQType . HQ'.toHQ
hasTermNamed :: Name -> Names -> Bool
hasTermNamed n ns = not (Set.null $ lookupHQTerm (HQ.NameOnly n) ns)
@ -167,28 +164,66 @@ hasTypeNamed n ns = not (Set.null $ lookupHQType (HQ.NameOnly n) ns)
-- returning terms with relative names if they exist, and otherwise
-- returning terms with absolute names.
lookupRelativeHQTerm :: HashQualified Name -> Names -> Set Referent
lookupRelativeHQTerm hq ns@Names{..} = let
rs = lookupHQTerm hq ns
keep r = any (not . Name.isAbsolute) (R.lookupRan r (Names.terms currentNames))
in case Set.filter keep rs of
rs' | Set.null rs' -> rs
| otherwise -> rs'
lookupRelativeHQTerm hq ns@Names {..} =
let rs = lookupHQTerm hq ns
keep r = any (not . Name.isAbsolute) (R.lookupRan r (Names.terms currentNames))
in case Set.filter keep rs of
| Set.null rs' -> rs
| otherwise -> rs'
-- Find all terms whose name has a suffix matching the provided `HashQualified`.
lookupRelativeHQTerm' :: HQ'.HashQualified Name -> Names -> Set Referent
lookupRelativeHQTerm' =
lookupRelativeHQTerm . HQ'.toHQ
-- | Find all terms whose name has a suffix matching the provided 'HashQualified'.
-- If the hash-qualified name does not include a hash, then only current names are searched. Otherwise, old names are
-- searched, too, if searching current names produces no hits.
lookupHQTerm :: HashQualified Name -> Names -> Set Referent
lookupHQTerm hq Names{..} = case hq of
HQ.NameOnly n -> Name.searchBySuffix n (Names.terms currentNames)
HQ.HashQualified n sh -> case matches sh (Names.terms currentNames) of
s | (not . null) s -> s
| otherwise -> matches sh (Names.terms oldNames)
matches sh ns =
Set.filter (Referent.isPrefixOf sh) (Name.searchBySuffix n ns)
HQ.HashOnly sh -> case matches sh currentNames of
s | (not . null) s -> s
| otherwise -> matches sh oldNames
matches sh ns = Set.filter (Referent.isPrefixOf sh) (R.ran $ Names.terms ns)
lookupHQTerm =
lookupHQRef Names.terms Referent.isPrefixOf
-- | Find all terms whose name has a suffix matching the provided 'HashQualified''. See 'lookupHQTerm'.
lookupHQTerm' :: HQ'.HashQualified Name -> Names -> Set Referent
lookupHQTerm' =
lookupHQTerm . HQ'.toHQ
-- Helper that unifies looking up a set of references/referents by a hash-qualified suffix.
-- See 'lookupHQTerm', 'lookupHQType' for monomorphic versions.
lookupHQRef ::
forall r.
Ord r =>
-- | A projection of types or terms from a Names0.
(Names0 -> Relation Name r) ->
-- | isPrefixOf, for references or referents
(ShortHash -> r -> Bool) ->
-- | The name to look up
HashQualified Name ->
Names ->
Set r
lookupHQRef which isPrefixOf hq Names {currentNames, oldNames} =
case hq of
HQ.NameOnly n -> Name.searchBySuffix n currentRefs
HQ.HashQualified n sh -> matches currentRefs `orIfEmpty` matches oldRefs
matches :: Relation Name r -> Set r
matches ns =
Set.filter (isPrefixOf sh) (Name.searchBySuffix n ns)
HQ.HashOnly sh -> matches currentRefs `orIfEmpty` matches oldRefs
matches :: Relation Name r -> Set r
matches ns =
Set.filter (isPrefixOf sh) (R.ran ns)
currentRefs = which currentNames
oldRefs = which oldNames
-- (xs `orIfEmpty` ys) returns xs if it's non-empty, otherwise ys
orIfEmpty :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a
orIfEmpty xs ys =
if Set.null xs then ys else xs
-- If `r` is in "current" names, look up each of its names, and hash-qualify
-- them if they are conflicted names. If `r` isn't in "current" names, look up

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@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.4.
-- see:
-- hash: 8fff4d6586e59fb0d0aa911caff0a2557bcb58e457a2e485b26d6a908d14ac0d
name: unison-core1
version: 0.0.0
@ -77,9 +75,12 @@ library
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures -funbox-strict-fields