added some convenience functions to ABT

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-06-11 12:21:15 -04:00
parent b2de0a3caf
commit f5b4fe5fe8

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@ -102,6 +102,14 @@ bound' t = case out t of
Tm f -> Foldable.toList f >>= bound'
_ -> []
annotateBound :: (Ord v, Functor f, Foldable f) => Term f v () -> Term f v [v]
annotateBound t = go [] t where
go env t = case out t of
Abs v body -> abs' env v (go (v : env) body)
Cycle body -> cycle' env (go env body)
Tm f -> tm' env (go env <$> f)
Var v -> annotatedVar env v
-- | Return the list of all variables bound by this ABT
bound :: (Ord v, Foldable f) => Term f v a -> Set v
bound t = Set.fromList (bound' t)
@ -281,27 +289,27 @@ rebuildUp f (Term _ ann body) = case body of
-- `visit (const Nothing) t == pure t` and
-- `visit (const (Just (pure t2))) t == pure t2`
visit :: (Traversable f, Applicative g, Ord v)
=> (Term f v () -> Maybe (g (Term f v ())))
-> Term f v ()
-> g (Term f v ())
=> (Term f v a -> Maybe (g (Term f v a)))
-> Term f v a
-> g (Term f v a)
visit f t = case f t of
Just gt -> gt
Nothing -> case out t of
Var _ -> pure t
Cycle body -> cycle <$> visit f body
Abs x e -> abs x <$> visit f e
Tm body -> tm <$> traverse (visit f) body
Cycle body -> cycle' (annotation t) <$> visit f body
Abs x e -> abs' (annotation t) x <$> visit f e
Tm body -> tm' (annotation t) <$> traverse (visit f) body
-- | Apply an effectful function to an ABT tree top down, sequencing the results.
visit' :: (Traversable f, Applicative g, Monad g, Ord v)
=> (f (Term f v ()) -> g (f (Term f v ())))
-> Term f v ()
-> g (Term f v ())
=> (f (Term f v a) -> g (f (Term f v a)))
-> Term f v a
-> g (Term f v a)
visit' f t = case out t of
Var _ -> pure t
Cycle body -> cycle <$> visit' f body
Abs x e -> abs x <$> visit' f e
Tm body -> f body >>= \body -> tm <$> traverse (visit' f) body
Cycle body -> cycle' (annotation t) <$> visit' f body
Abs x e -> abs' (annotation t) x <$> visit' f e
Tm body -> f body >>= \body -> tm' (annotation t) <$> traverse (visit' f) body
data Subst f v a =
Subst { freshen :: forall m v' . Monad m => (v -> m v') -> m v'