Switch to self-contained namespace model

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2022-03-27 16:52:42 -05:00
parent 863d989856
commit f752ff7abc
3 changed files with 28 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ loop = do
L.Hash sh -> Just (HQ.HashOnly sh)
_ -> Nothing
hqs = Set.fromList . mapMaybe (getHQ . L.payload) $ tokens
let parseNames = Backend.getCurrentParseNames (Backend.AllNames currentPath'') root'
let parseNames = Backend.getCurrentParseNames (Backend.Within currentPath'') root'
LoopState.latestFile .= Just (Text.unpack sourceName, False)
LoopState.latestTypecheckedFile .= Nothing
Result notes r <- eval $ Typecheck ambient parseNames sourceName lexed
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ loop = do
HistoryI {} -> wat
TestI {} -> wat
LinksI {} -> wat
SearchByNameI {} -> wat
FindI {} -> wat
FindShallowI {} -> wat
FindPatchI {} -> wat
ShowDefinitionI {} -> wat
@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ loop = do
p | last p == '.' -> p ++ s
p -> p ++ "." ++ s
pathArgStr = show pathArg
SearchByNameI isVerbose _showAll ws -> do
FindI isVerbose global ws -> do
let prettyPrintNames = basicPrettyPrintNames
unlessError do
results <- case ws of
@ -1131,7 +1131,9 @@ loop = do
-- name query
(map HQ.unsafeFromString -> qs) -> do
let ns = basicPrettyPrintNames
ns <- lift $
if not global then basicParseNames
else fst <$> basicNames' Backend.AllNames
let srs = searchBranchScored ns fuzzyNameDistance qs
pure $ uniqueBy SR.toReferent srs
lift do
@ -1400,7 +1402,7 @@ loop = do
IOTestI main -> do
-- todo - allow this to run tests from scratch file, using addRunMain
testType <- eval RuntimeTest
parseNames <- (`NamesWithHistory.NamesWithHistory` mempty) <$> basicPrettyPrintNamesA
parseNames <- (`NamesWithHistory.NamesWithHistory` mempty) <$> basicParseNames
ppe <- suffixifiedPPE parseNames
-- use suffixed names for resolving the argument to display
let oks results =
@ -2537,7 +2539,7 @@ getMetadataFromName name = do
getPPE = do
currentPath' <- use LoopState.currentPath
sbhLength <- eval BranchHashLength
Backend.basicSuffixifiedNames sbhLength <$> use LoopState.root <*> pure (Backend.AllNames $ Path.unabsolute currentPath')
Backend.basicSuffixifiedNames sbhLength <$> use LoopState.root <*> pure (Backend.Within $ Path.unabsolute currentPath')
-- | Get the set of terms related to a hash-qualified name.
getHQTerms :: HQ.HashQualified Name -> Action' m v (Set Referent)
@ -3116,7 +3118,7 @@ findHistoricalHQs lexedHQs0 = do
pure rawHistoricalNames
basicPrettyPrintNamesA :: Functor m => Action' m v Names
basicPrettyPrintNamesA = snd <$> basicNames'
basicPrettyPrintNamesA = snd <$> basicNames' Backend.AllNames
makeShadowedPrintNamesFromHQ :: Monad m => Set (HQ.HashQualified Name) -> Names -> Action' m v NamesWithHistory
makeShadowedPrintNamesFromHQ lexedHQs shadowing = do
@ -3131,7 +3133,7 @@ makeShadowedPrintNamesFromHQ lexedHQs shadowing = do
(NamesWithHistory basicNames (fixupNamesRelative curPath rawHistoricalNames))
basicParseNames, slurpResultNames :: Functor m => Action' m v Names
basicParseNames = fst <$> basicNames'
basicParseNames = fst <$> basicNames' Backend.Within
-- we check the file against everything in the current path
slurpResultNames = currentPathNames
@ -3142,11 +3144,11 @@ currentPathNames = do
pure $ Branch.toNames (Branch.head currentBranch')
-- implementation detail of basicParseNames and basicPrettyPrintNames
basicNames' :: (Functor m) => Action m i v (Names, Names)
basicNames' = do
basicNames' :: (Functor m) => (Path -> Backend.NameScoping) -> Action m i v (Names, Names)
basicNames' nameScoping = do
root' <- use LoopState.root
currentPath' <- use LoopState.currentPath
pure $ Backend.basicNames' root' (Backend.AllNames $ Path.unabsolute currentPath')
pure $ Backend.basicNames' root' (nameScoping $ Path.unabsolute currentPath')
data AddRunMainResult v
= NoTermWithThatName

View File

@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ data Input
| -- Display docs for provided terms. If list is empty, prompt a fuzzy search.
DocsI [Path.HQSplit']
| -- other
SearchByNameI Bool Bool [String] -- SearchByName isVerbose showAll query
FindI Bool Bool [String] -- SearchByName isVerbose global query
| FindShallowI Path'
| FindPatchI
| -- Show provided definitions. If list is empty, prompt a fuzzy search.

View File

@ -399,9 +399,15 @@ viewByPrefix =
find :: InputPattern
find =
find = find' "find" False
findGlobal :: InputPattern
findGlobal = find' "find.global" True
find' :: String -> Bool -> InputPattern
find' cmd global =
[(ZeroPlus, fuzzyDefinitionQueryArg)]
( P.wrapColumn2
@ -413,10 +419,13 @@ find =
( "`find foo bar`",
"lists all definitions with a name similar to 'foo' or 'bar' in the "
<> "current namespace."
( "find.global foo",
"lists all definitions with a name similar to 'foo' in any namespace"
(pure . Input.SearchByNameI False False)
(pure . Input.FindI False global)
findShallow :: InputPattern
findShallow =
@ -442,12 +451,12 @@ findVerbose :: InputPattern
findVerbose =
["list.verbose", "ls.verbose"]
[(ZeroPlus, fuzzyDefinitionQueryArg)]
( "`find.verbose` searches for definitions like `find`, but includes hashes "
<> "and aliases in the results."
(pure . Input.SearchByNameI True False)
(pure . Input.FindI True False)
findPatch :: InputPattern
findPatch =