Cleanup and fill in todo

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2021-07-13 23:58:05 -04:00
parent 9a1d3669d6
commit fa88db9dda

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@ -301,10 +301,6 @@ termEntryToNamedTerm ppe typeWidth (TermEntry r name mayType tag) = NamedTerm
, termTag = tag
formatType :: Var v => PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> Width -> Type v a -> Syntax.SyntaxText
formatType ppe w =
fmap Syntax.convertElement . Pretty.render w . TypePrinter.pretty0 ppe mempty (-1)
typeEntryToNamedType :: TypeEntry -> NamedType
typeEntryToNamedType (TypeEntry r name tag) = NamedType
{ typeName = HQ'.toText name
@ -551,17 +547,20 @@ expandShortBranchHash codebase hash = do
_ ->
throwError . AmbiguousBranchHash hash $ (SBH.fromHash len) hashSet
formatType' :: Var v => PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> Width -> Type v a -> UST.SyntaxText
formatType' ppe w =
Pretty.render w . TypePrinter.pretty0 ppe mempty (-1)
formatType :: Var v => PPE.PrettyPrintEnv -> Width -> Type v a -> Syntax.SyntaxText
formatType ppe w = mungeSyntaxText . formatType' ppe w
:: Var v
=> Width
-> PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl
=> PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl
-> Width
-> Type v Ann
-> Syntax.SyntaxText
prettyType width ppe =
mungeSyntaxText . Pretty.render width . TypePrinter.pretty0
(PPE.suffixifiedPPE ppe)
formatSuffixedType ppe = formatType (PPE.suffixifiedPPE ppe)
:: Functor g => g (UST.Element Reference) -> g Syntax.Element
@ -651,12 +650,14 @@ prettyDefinitionsBySuffixes relativeTo root renderWidth suffixifyBindings rt cod
decls (Reference.DerivedId r) = fmap (DD.amap (const ())) <$> lift (Codebase.getTypeDeclaration codebase r)
decls _ = pure Nothing
docResults :: [Name] -> Backend IO [(HashQualifiedName, UnisonHash, Doc.Doc)]
docResults docs = fmap join . for docs $ \name -> do
-- rs0 can be empty or the term fetched, so when viewing a doc term
-- you get both its source and its rendered form
docResults :: [Reference] -> [Name] -> Backend IO [(HashQualifiedName, UnisonHash, Doc.Doc)]
docResults rs0 docs = fmap join . for docs $ \name -> do
-- resolve each name to (0 or more) references
rs <- pure . Set.toList $ Names3.lookupHQTerm (HQ.NameOnly name) parseNames
-- lookup the type of each, make sure it's a doc
docs <- selectDocs rs
docs <- selectDocs (map Referent.Ref rs0 <> rs)
-- render all the docs
join <$> traverse renderDoc docs
@ -667,7 +668,7 @@ prettyDefinitionsBySuffixes relativeTo root renderWidth suffixifyBindings rt cod
(Branch.head branch)
(Referent.Ref r)
(HQ'.NameOnly (NameSegment bn))
docs <- docResults $ docNames (Names3.termName hqLength (Referent.Ref r) printNames)
docs <- docResults [r] $ docNames (Names3.termName hqLength (Referent.Ref r) printNames)
mk docs ts bn tag
mk _ Nothing _ _ = throwError $ MissingSignatureForTerm r
@ -677,7 +678,7 @@ prettyDefinitionsBySuffixes relativeTo root renderWidth suffixifyBindings rt cod
(bimap mungeSyntaxText mungeSyntaxText tm)
(prettyType width ppe typeSig)
(formatSuffixedType ppe width typeSig)
mkTypeDefinition r tp = do
let bn = bestNameForType @v (PPE.suffixifiedPPE ppe) width r
@ -685,7 +686,7 @@ prettyDefinitionsBySuffixes relativeTo root renderWidth suffixifyBindings rt cod
(HQ'.NameOnly (NameSegment bn))
docs <- docResults $ docNames (Names3.typeName hqLength r printNames)
docs <- docResults [] $ docNames (Names3.typeName hqLength r printNames)
pure $ TypeDefinition (flatten $ Map.lookup r typeFqns)
@ -802,7 +803,8 @@ termsToSyntax suff width ppe0 terms =
ppeDecl =
(if suffixified suff then PPE.suffixifiedPPE else PPE.unsuffixifiedPPE) ppe0
go ((n, r), dt) = (r,) $ case dt of
DisplayObject.BuiltinObject _ -> error "todo" undefined
DisplayObject.BuiltinObject typ -> DisplayObject.BuiltinObject $
formatType' (ppeBody r) width typ
DisplayObject.MissingObject sh -> DisplayObject.MissingObject sh
DisplayObject.UserObject tm -> DisplayObject.UserObject .
Pretty.render width . TermPrinter.prettyBinding (ppeBody r) n $ tm