This commit is contained in:
runarorama 2021-02-17 22:36:20 -05:00
parent 92cbf1ceb8
commit fbf4bade3e

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@ -161,50 +161,58 @@ findShallow
-> Backend m [ShallowListEntry v Ann]
findShallow codebase path' = do
let path = Path.unabsolute path'
hashLength <- lift $ Codebase.hashLength codebase
root <- getRootBranch codebase
let mayb0 = Branch.head <$> Branch.getAt path root
case mayb0 of
let mayb = Branch.getAt path root
case mayb of
Nothing -> pure []
Just b0 -> do
let hqTerm b0 ns r =
let refs = Star3.lookupD1 ns . Branch._terms $ b0
in case length refs of
1 -> HQ'.fromName ns
_ -> HQ'.take hashLength $ HQ'.fromNamedReferent ns r
hqType b0 ns r =
let refs = Star3.lookupD1 ns . Branch._types $ b0
in case length refs of
1 -> HQ'.fromName ns
_ -> HQ'.take hashLength $ HQ'.fromNamedReference ns r
defnCount b =
(R.size . Branch.deepTerms $ Branch.head b)
+ (R.size . Branch.deepTypes $ Branch.head b)
termEntries <- for (R.toList . Star3.d1 $ Branch._terms b0) $ \(r, ns) ->
ot <- lift $ loadReferentType codebase r
pure $ ShallowTermEntry r (hqTerm b0 ns r) ot
typeEntries =
[ ShallowTypeEntry r (hqType b0 ns r)
| (r, ns) <- R.toList . Star3.d1 $ Branch._types b0
branchEntries =
[ ShallowBranchEntry ns
(SBH.fullFromHash $ Branch.headHash b)
(defnCount b)
| (ns, b) <- Map.toList $ Branch._children b0
patchEntries =
[ ShallowPatchEntry ns
| (ns, (_h, _mp)) <- Map.toList $ Branch._edits b0
. List.sortOn listEntryName
$ termEntries
++ typeEntries
++ branchEntries
++ patchEntries
Just b -> findShallowInBranch codebase b
:: (Monad m, Var v)
=> Codebase m v Ann
-> Branch m
-> Backend m [ShallowListEntry v Ann]
findShallowInBranch codebase b = do
hashLength <- lift $ Codebase.hashLength codebase
let hqTerm b0 ns r =
let refs = Star3.lookupD1 ns . Branch._terms $ b0
in case length refs of
1 -> HQ'.fromName ns
_ -> HQ'.take hashLength $ HQ'.fromNamedReferent ns r
hqType b0 ns r =
let refs = Star3.lookupD1 ns . Branch._types $ b0
in case length refs of
1 -> HQ'.fromName ns
_ -> HQ'.take hashLength $ HQ'.fromNamedReference ns r
defnCount b =
(R.size . Branch.deepTerms $ Branch.head b)
+ (R.size . Branch.deepTypes $ Branch.head b)
b0 = Branch.head b
termEntries <- for (R.toList . Star3.d1 $ Branch._terms b0) $ \(r, ns) -> do
ot <- lift $ loadReferentType codebase r
pure $ ShallowTermEntry r (hqTerm b0 ns r) ot
typeEntries =
[ ShallowTypeEntry r (hqType b0 ns r)
| (r, ns) <- R.toList . Star3.d1 $ Branch._types b0
branchEntries =
[ ShallowBranchEntry ns
(SBH.fullFromHash $ Branch.headHash b)
(defnCount b)
| (ns, b) <- Map.toList $ Branch._children b0
patchEntries =
[ ShallowPatchEntry ns
| (ns, (_h, _mp)) <- Map.toList $ Branch._edits b0
. List.sortOn listEntryName
$ termEntries
++ typeEntries
++ branchEntries
++ patchEntries
:: Monad m => Codebase m v a -> ShortHash -> m (Set Reference)