Work on fixing some transcripts for projects

This commit is contained in:
Chris Penner 2024-06-27 15:23:29 -07:00
parent 38d60e7e6e
commit fce12cb8b7
14 changed files with 154 additions and 2667 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ CREATE TABLE current_project_path (
foreign key (project_id, branch_id)
references project_branch (project_id, branch_id)
-- Prevent deleting the project you're currently in.
on delete no action
DROP TABLE most_recent_namespace;

View File

@ -148,796 +148,13 @@ scratch/main> display term.doc
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=term
"missingDefinitions": [],
"termDefinitions": {
"#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8": {
"bestTermName": "term",
"defnTermTag": "Plain",
"signature": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"termDefinition": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "term",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "term"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "term",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "term"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "NumericLiteral"
"segment": "42"
"tag": "UserObject"
"termDocs": [
"contents": [
"contents": [
"contents": "Heading",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": [
"contents": "Heading",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "2",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "Term",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "Link:",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "#k5gpql9cbdfau6lf1aja24joc3sfctvjor8esu8bemn0in3l148otb0t3vebgqrt6qml302h62bbfeftg65gec1v8ouin5m6v2969d8",
"tag": "TermReference"
"segment": "otherTerm"
"tag": "Link"
"tag": "Special"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "Type",
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"tag": "Word"
"contents": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "#nirp5os0q69o4e1u9p3t6mmq6l6otluefi3ksm7dhm0diidjvkkgl8o9bvnflbj0sanuvdusf34f1qrins3ktcaglpcqv9oums2slsg",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Maybe"
"tag": "Link"
"tag": "Special"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
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"contents": "source:",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": {
"contents": [
"contents": [
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8",
"tag": "TermReference"
"segment": "term"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": ": "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"annotation": {
"contents": "term",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "term"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "term",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "term"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
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"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Term"
"tag": "Source"
"tag": "Special"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "Term",
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"contents": "signature:",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
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"tag": "TermReference"
"segment": "term"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": ": "
"annotation": {
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"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
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"contents": [
"contents": [
"contents": "List",
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"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"tag": "BulletedList"
"contents": [
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"tag": "Word"
"contents": "item",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"tag": "NumberedList"
"contents": [
"contents": ">",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "Block",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "quote",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
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"tag": "Word"
"contents": "block",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "Inline",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "code:",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"tag": "NumericLiteral"
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"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat.+",
"tag": "TermReference"
"segment": "Nat.+"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "NumericLiteral"
"segment": "2"
"tag": "Example"
"tag": "Special"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": {
"contents": "\"doesn't typecheck\" + 1",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Code"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": [
"contents": [
"contents": "Link",
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"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": {
"contents": "",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Group"
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"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "![Image](",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": {
"contents": [
"contents": "Bold",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"tag": "Bold"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": {
"contents": [
"contents": "Italic",
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"tag": "Paragraph"
"tag": "Bold"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": {
"contents": [
"contents": "Strikethrough",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"tag": "Strikethrough"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "Horizontal",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "rule",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
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"contents": "---",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "Table",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "Header",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "1",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "Header",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "2",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "--------",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "--------",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "Cell",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "1",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "Cell",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "2",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "Cell",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "3",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "Cell",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "4",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "|",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "Video",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": {
"contents": [
"mediaSourceMimeType": null,
"mediaSourceUrl": "test.mp4"
"poster": "test.png"
"tag": "Video"
"tag": "Special"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "Transclusion/evaluation:",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": [
"contents": [
"contents": "This",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "doc",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "should",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "be",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "embedded.",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"contents": [
"contents": "message",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"tag": "UntitledSection"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"tag": "Section"
"tag": "Section"
"termNames": [
"typeDefinitions": {}
The transcript failed due to an error in the stanza above. The error is:
Error decoding response from /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=term: Error in $: Failed reading: not a valid json value at 'QueryparameterrootBranchisrequired'

View File

@ -37,219 +37,23 @@ scratch/main> add
-- Namespace segment prefix search
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=http
"result": {
"segments": [
"contents": "ross.",
"tag": "Gap"
"contents": "http",
"tag": "Match"
"contents": "Client.y",
"tag": "Gap"
"score": 156
"contents": {
"bestFoundTermName": "y",
"namedTerm": {
"termHash": "#emomp74i93h6ps0b5sukke0tci0ooba3f9jk21qm919a7act9u7asani84c0mqbdk4lcjrdvr9olpedp23p6df78r4trqlg0cciadc8",
"termName": "ross.httpClient.y",
"termTag": "Plain",
"termType": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "##Nat"
"tag": "FoundTermResult"
"result": {
"segments": [
"contents": "joey.",
"tag": "Gap"
"contents": "http",
"tag": "Match"
"contents": "Server.z",
"tag": "Gap"
"score": 156
"contents": {
"bestFoundTermName": "z",
"namedTerm": {
"termHash": "#a84tg4er4kfl9k2p250vp2o1dsp5kmn9a7q8g2bo723qbtbf9sagrl28fa4q0j5f2cv4alsjik6rf487ss646qt95gbm3dd13k7e1fo",
"termName": "joey.httpServer.z",
"termTag": "Plain",
"termType": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "##Nat"
"tag": "FoundTermResult"
-- Namespace segment prefix search
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=http
-- Namespace segment suffix search
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=Server
"result": {
"segments": [
"contents": "joey.http",
"tag": "Gap"
"contents": "Server",
"tag": "Match"
"contents": ".z",
"tag": "Gap"
"score": 223
"contents": {
"bestFoundTermName": "z",
"namedTerm": {
"termHash": "#a84tg4er4kfl9k2p250vp2o1dsp5kmn9a7q8g2bo723qbtbf9sagrl28fa4q0j5f2cv4alsjik6rf487ss646qt95gbm3dd13k7e1fo",
"termName": "joey.httpServer.z",
"termTag": "Plain",
"termType": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "##Nat"
"tag": "FoundTermResult"
-- Substring search
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=lesys
"result": {
"segments": [
"contents": "",
"tag": "Gap"
"contents": "lesys",
"tag": "Match"
"contents": "tem.x",
"tag": "Gap"
"score": 175
"contents": {
"bestFoundTermName": "x",
"namedTerm": {
"termHash": "#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8",
"termName": "rachel.filesystem.x",
"termTag": "Plain",
"termType": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "##Nat"
"tag": "FoundTermResult"
-- Cross-segment search
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=joey.http
"result": {
"segments": [
"contents": "joey.http",
"tag": "Match"
"contents": "Server.z",
"tag": "Gap"
"score": 300
"contents": {
"bestFoundTermName": "z",
"namedTerm": {
"termHash": "#a84tg4er4kfl9k2p250vp2o1dsp5kmn9a7q8g2bo723qbtbf9sagrl28fa4q0j5f2cv4alsjik6rf487ss646qt95gbm3dd13k7e1fo",
"termName": "joey.httpServer.z",
"termTag": "Plain",
"termType": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "##Nat"
"tag": "FoundTermResult"
The transcript failed due to an error in the stanza above. The error is:
Error decoding response from /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=http: Error in $: Failed reading: not a valid json value at 'QueryparameterrootBranchisrequired'

View File

@ -8,503 +8,21 @@ nested.names.x = 42
-- Should NOT find names by suffix
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=x
"missingDefinitions": [
"termDefinitions": {},
"typeDefinitions": {}
-- Term names should strip relativeTo prefix.
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=names.x&relativeTo=nested
"missingDefinitions": [],
"termDefinitions": {
"#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8": {
"bestTermName": "x",
"defnTermTag": "Plain",
"signature": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"termDefinition": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "x",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "x"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "x",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "x"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "NumericLiteral"
"segment": "42"
"tag": "UserObject"
"termDocs": [
"contents": [
"contents": "Documentation",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"termNames": [
"typeDefinitions": {}
-- Should find definitions by hash, names should be relative
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=%23qkhkl0n238&relativeTo=nested
"missingDefinitions": [],
"termDefinitions": {
"#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8": {
"bestTermName": "x",
"defnTermTag": "Plain",
"signature": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"termDefinition": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "x",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "x"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "x",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "x"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "NumericLiteral"
"segment": "42"
"tag": "UserObject"
"termDocs": [
"contents": [
"contents": "Documentation",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"termNames": [
"typeDefinitions": {}
doctest.thing.doc = {{ The correct docs for the thing }}
doctest.thing = "A thing"
doctest.thingalias.doc = {{ Docs for the alias, should not be displayed }}
doctest.thingalias = "A thing"
doctest.otherstuff.thing.doc = {{ A doc for a different term with the same name, should not be displayed }}
doctest.otherstuff.thing = "A different thing"
Only docs for the term we request should be returned, even if there are other term docs with the same suffix.
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=thing&relativeTo=doctest
"missingDefinitions": [],
"termDefinitions": {
"#jksc1s5kud95ro5ivngossullt2oavsd41s3u48bch67jf3gknru5j6hmjslonkd5sdqs8mr8k4rrnef8fodngbg4sm7u6au564ekjg": {
"bestTermName": "doctest.thing",
"defnTermTag": "Plain",
"signature": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"termDefinition": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "doctest.thing",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "doctest.thing"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "doctest.thing",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "doctest.thing"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TextLiteral"
"segment": "\"A thing\""
"tag": "UserObject"
"termDocs": [
"contents": [
"contents": "The",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "correct",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "docs",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "for",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "the",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "thing",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"termNames": [
"typeDefinitions": {}
```If we request a doc, the api should return the source, but also the rendered doc should appear in the 'termDocs' list.
-- Should NOT find names by suffix
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=x
-- Term names should strip relativeTo prefix.
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=names.x&relativeTo=nested
-- Should find definitions by hash, names should be relative
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=%23qkhkl0n238&relativeTo=nested
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=thing.doc&relativeTo=doctest
"missingDefinitions": [],
"termDefinitions": {
"#t9qfdoiuskj4n9go8cftj1r83s43s3o7sppafm5vr0bq5feieb7ap0cie5ed2qsf9g3ig448vffhnajinq81pnnkila1jp2epa7f26o": {
"bestTermName": "doctest.thing.doc",
"defnTermTag": "Doc",
"signature": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "#ej86si0ur1lsjade71dojr25phk9bbom9rdks6dltolos5tjivakujcriqe02npba53n9gd7tkh8bmv08ttjb9t35lq2ch5heshqcs0",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Doc2"
"termDefinition": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "doctest.thing.doc",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "doctest.thing.doc"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeAscriptionColon"
"segment": " :"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "#ej86si0ur1lsjade71dojr25phk9bbom9rdks6dltolos5tjivakujcriqe02npba53n9gd7tkh8bmv08ttjb9t35lq2ch5heshqcs0",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Doc2"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"contents": "doctest.thing.doc",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "doctest.thing.doc"
"annotation": {
"tag": "BindingEquals"
"segment": " ="
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "DocDelimiter"
"segment": "{{"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "The"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "correct"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "docs"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "for"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "the"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "thing"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "DocDelimiter"
"segment": "}}"
"tag": "UserObject"
"termDocs": [
"contents": [
"contents": "The",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "correct",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "docs",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "for",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "the",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "thing",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"termNames": [
"typeDefinitions": {}
The transcript failed due to an error in the stanza above. The error is:
Error decoding response from /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/getDefinition?names=x: Error in $: Failed reading: not a valid json value at 'QueryparameterrootBranchisrequired'

View File

@ -37,45 +37,13 @@ scratch/main> add
-- Should find names by suffix
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/namespaces/nested.names
"fqn": "nested.names",
"hash": "#6tnmlu9knsce0u2991u6fvcmf4v44fdf0aiqtmnq7mjj0gi5sephg3lf12iv3odr5rc7vlgq75ciborrd3625c701bdmdomia2gcm3o",
"readme": {
"contents": [
"contents": "Here's",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": "a",
"tag": "Word"
"contents": {
"contents": [
"contents": {
"contents": [
"contents": "README",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Paragraph"
"tag": "Bold"
"contents": "!",
"tag": "Word"
"tag": "Join"
"tag": "Group"
"tag": "Paragraph"
The transcript failed due to an error in the stanza above. The error is:
Error decoding response from /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/namespaces/nested.names: Error in $: Failed reading: not a valid json value at 'QueryparameterrootBranchisrequired'

View File

@ -34,101 +34,17 @@ scratch/main> add
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/list?namespace=nested.names
"namespaceListingChildren": [
"contents": {
"termHash": "#ddmmatmmiqsts2ku0i02kntd0s7rvcui4nn1cusio8thp9oqhbtilvcnhen52ibv43kr5q83f5er5q9h56s807k17tnelnrac7cch8o",
"termName": "readme",
"termTag": "Doc",
"termType": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "#ej86si0ur1",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "#ej86si0ur1"
"tag": "TermObject"
"contents": {
"termHash": "#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8",
"termName": "x",
"termTag": "Plain",
"termType": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "##Nat"
"tag": "TermObject"
"contents": {
"namespaceHash": "#n1egracfeljprftoktbjcase2hs4f4p8idbhs5ujipl42agld1810hrq9t7p7ped16aagni2cm1fjcjhho770jh80ipthhmg0cnsur0",
"namespaceName": "x",
"namespaceSize": 1
"tag": "Subnamespace"
"namespaceListingFQN": "nested.names",
"namespaceListingHash": "#oms19b4f9s3c8tb5skeb8jii95ij35n3hdg038pu6rv5b0fikqe4gd7lnu6a1i6aq5tdh2opdo4s0sfrupvk6vfkr9lf0n752gbl8o0"
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/list?namespace=nested.names
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/list?namespace=names&relativeTo=nested
"namespaceListingChildren": [
"contents": {
"termHash": "#ddmmatmmiqsts2ku0i02kntd0s7rvcui4nn1cusio8thp9oqhbtilvcnhen52ibv43kr5q83f5er5q9h56s807k17tnelnrac7cch8o",
"termName": "readme",
"termTag": "Doc",
"termType": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "#ej86si0ur1",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "#ej86si0ur1"
"tag": "TermObject"
"contents": {
"termHash": "#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8",
"termName": "x",
"termTag": "Plain",
"termType": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "##Nat"
"tag": "TermObject"
"contents": {
"namespaceHash": "#n1egracfeljprftoktbjcase2hs4f4p8idbhs5ujipl42agld1810hrq9t7p7ped16aagni2cm1fjcjhho770jh80ipthhmg0cnsur0",
"namespaceName": "x",
"namespaceSize": 1
"tag": "Subnamespace"
"namespaceListingFQN": "nested.names",
"namespaceListingHash": "#oms19b4f9s3c8tb5skeb8jii95ij35n3hdg038pu6rv5b0fikqe4gd7lnu6a1i6aq5tdh2opdo4s0sfrupvk6vfkr9lf0n752gbl8o0"
The transcript failed due to an error in the stanza above. The error is:
Error decoding response from /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/list?namespace=nested.names: Error in $: Failed reading: not a valid json value at 'QueryparameterrootBranchisrequired'

View File

@ -24,803 +24,33 @@ structural ability Stream s where
-- term
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8/summary?name=nat
"displayName": "nat",
"hash": "#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Plain"
-- term without name uses hash
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8/summary
"displayName": "#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8",
"hash": "#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Plain"
-- doc
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@icfnhas71n8q5rm7rmpe51hh7bltsr7rb4lv7qadc4cbsifu1mhonlqj2d7836iar2ptc648q9p4u7hf40ijvld574421b6u8gpu0lo/summary?name=doc
"displayName": "doc",
"hash": "#icfnhas71n8q5rm7rmpe51hh7bltsr7rb4lv7qadc4cbsifu1mhonlqj2d7836iar2ptc648q9p4u7hf40ijvld574421b6u8gpu0lo",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "#ej86si0ur1lsjade71dojr25phk9bbom9rdks6dltolos5tjivakujcriqe02npba53n9gd7tkh8bmv08ttjb9t35lq2ch5heshqcs0",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Doc2"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Doc"
-- test
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@u17p9803hdibisou6rlr1sjbccdossgh7vtkd03ovlvnsl2n91lq94sqhughc62tnrual2jlrfk922sebp4nm22o7m5u9j40emft8r8/summary?name=mytest
"displayName": "mytest",
"hash": "#u17p9803hdibisou6rlr1sjbccdossgh7vtkd03ovlvnsl2n91lq94sqhughc62tnrual2jlrfk922sebp4nm22o7m5u9j40emft8r8",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"tag": "DelimiterChar"
"segment": "["
"annotation": {
"contents": "#aql7qk3iud6vs4cvu43aimopoosgk0fnipibdkc3so13adencmibgfn0u5c01r0adei55nkl3ttsjhl8gbj7tr4gnpj63g64ftbq6s0",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Result"
"annotation": {
"tag": "DelimiterChar"
"segment": "]"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Test"
-- function
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@6ee6j48hk3eovokflkgbmpbfr3oqj4hedqn8ocg3i4i0ko8j7nls7njjirmnh4k2bg8h95seaot798uuloqk62u2ttiqoceulkbmq2o/summary?name=func
"displayName": "func",
"hash": "#6ee6j48hk3eovokflkgbmpbfr3oqj4hedqn8ocg3i4i0ko8j7nls7njjirmnh4k2bg8h95seaot798uuloqk62u2ttiqoceulkbmq2o",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Plain"
-- constructor
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@altimqs66j3dh94dpab5pg7j5adjrndq61n803j7fg0v0ohdiut6or66bu1fiongpd45s5euiuo8ru47b928aqv8osln1ikdeg05hq0@d0/summary?name=Thing.This
"displayName": "Thing.This",
"hash": "#altimqs66j3dh94dpab5pg7j5adjrndq61n803j7fg0v0ohdiut6or66bu1fiongpd45s5euiuo8ru47b928aqv8osln1ikdeg05hq0#0",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Nat",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Nat"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "#altimqs66j3dh94dpab5pg7j5adjrndq61n803j7fg0v0ohdiut6or66bu1fiongpd45s5euiuo8ru47b928aqv8osln1ikdeg05hq0",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Thing"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "DataConstructor"
-- Long type signature
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@ieskgcjjvuegpecq9pbha59ttonke7pf31keeq0jlh31ijkfq00e06fdi36ae90u24pjva6ucqdbedropjgi3g3b75nu76ll5ls8ke8/summary?name=funcWithLongType
"displayName": "funcWithLongType",
"hash": "#ieskgcjjvuegpecq9pbha59ttonke7pf31keeq0jlh31ijkfq00e06fdi36ae90u24pjva6ucqdbedropjgi3g3b75nu76ll5ls8ke8",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Plain"
-- Long type signature with render width
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@ieskgcjjvuegpecq9pbha59ttonke7pf31keeq0jlh31ijkfq00e06fdi36ae90u24pjva6ucqdbedropjgi3g3b75nu76ll5ls8ke8/summary?renderWidth=20&name=funcWithLongType
"displayName": "funcWithLongType",
"hash": "#ieskgcjjvuegpecq9pbha59ttonke7pf31keeq0jlh31ijkfq00e06fdi36ae90u24pjva6ucqdbedropjgi3g3b75nu76ll5ls8ke8",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"annotation": null,
"segment": "\n"
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Text",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Text"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Plain"
-- Builtin Term
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@@IO.putBytes.impl.v3/summary?name=putBytesImpl
"displayName": "putBytesImpl",
"hash": "##IO.putBytes.impl.v3",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Handle",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Handle"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "##Bytes",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Bytes"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "TypeOperator"
"segment": "->"
"annotation": {
"tag": "AbilityBraces"
"segment": "{"
"annotation": {
"contents": "##IO",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "IO"
"annotation": {
"tag": "AbilityBraces"
"segment": "}"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "#0o7mf021foma9acqdaibmlh1jidlijq08uf7f5se9tssttqs546pfunjpk6s31mqoq8s2o1natede8hkk6he45l95fibglidikt44v8",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Either"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "#r29dja8j9dmjjp45trccchaata8eo1h6d6haar1eai74pq1jt4m7u3ldhlq79f7phfo57eq4bau39vqotl2h63k7ff1m5sj5o9ajuf8",
"tag": "TypeReference"
"segment": "Failure"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": null,
"segment": "("
"annotation": null,
"segment": ")"
"tag": "BuiltinObject"
"tag": "Plain"
```## Type Summary APIs
-- data
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/types/by-hash/@altimqs66j3dh94dpab5pg7j5adjrndq61n803j7fg0v0ohdiut6or66bu1fiongpd45s5euiuo8ru47b928aqv8osln1ikdeg05hq0/summary?name=Thing
"displayName": "Thing",
"hash": "#altimqs66j3dh94dpab5pg7j5adjrndq61n803j7fg0v0ohdiut6or66bu1fiongpd45s5euiuo8ru47b928aqv8osln1ikdeg05hq0",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"tag": "DataTypeModifier"
"segment": "structural"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "DataTypeKeyword"
"segment": "type"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "Thing",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "Thing"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Data"
-- data with type args
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/types/by-hash/@nirp5os0q69o4e1u9p3t6mmq6l6otluefi3ksm7dhm0diidjvkkgl8o9bvnflbj0sanuvdusf34f1qrins3ktcaglpcqv9oums2slsg/summary?name=Maybe
"displayName": "Maybe",
"hash": "#nirp5os0q69o4e1u9p3t6mmq6l6otluefi3ksm7dhm0diidjvkkgl8o9bvnflbj0sanuvdusf34f1qrins3ktcaglpcqv9oums2slsg",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"tag": "DataTypeModifier"
"segment": "structural"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "DataTypeKeyword"
"segment": "type"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "Maybe",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "Maybe"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "DataTypeParams"
"segment": "a"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Data"
-- ability
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/types/by-hash/@rfi1v9429f9qluv533l2iba77aadttilrpmnhljfapfnfa6sru2nr8ibpqvib9nc4s4nb9s1as45upsfqfqe6ivqi2p82b2vd866it8/summary?name=Stream
"displayName": "Stream",
"hash": "#rfi1v9429f9qluv533l2iba77aadttilrpmnhljfapfnfa6sru2nr8ibpqvib9nc4s4nb9s1as45upsfqfqe6ivqi2p82b2vd866it8",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": {
"tag": "DataTypeModifier"
"segment": "structural"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "DataTypeKeyword"
"segment": "ability"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"contents": "Stream",
"tag": "HashQualifier"
"segment": "Stream"
"annotation": null,
"segment": " "
"annotation": {
"tag": "DataTypeParams"
"segment": "s"
"tag": "UserObject"
"tag": "Ability"
-- builtin type
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/types/by-hash/@@Nat/summary?name=Nat
"displayName": "Nat",
"hash": "##Nat",
"summary": {
"contents": [
"annotation": null,
"segment": "Nat"
"tag": "BuiltinObject"
"tag": "Data"
-- term
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8/summary?name=nat
-- term without name uses hash
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8/summary
-- doc
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@icfnhas71n8q5rm7rmpe51hh7bltsr7rb4lv7qadc4cbsifu1mhonlqj2d7836iar2ptc648q9p4u7hf40ijvld574421b6u8gpu0lo/summary?name=doc
-- test
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@u17p9803hdibisou6rlr1sjbccdossgh7vtkd03ovlvnsl2n91lq94sqhughc62tnrual2jlrfk922sebp4nm22o7m5u9j40emft8r8/summary?name=mytest
-- function
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@6ee6j48hk3eovokflkgbmpbfr3oqj4hedqn8ocg3i4i0ko8j7nls7njjirmnh4k2bg8h95seaot798uuloqk62u2ttiqoceulkbmq2o/summary?name=func
-- constructor
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@altimqs66j3dh94dpab5pg7j5adjrndq61n803j7fg0v0ohdiut6or66bu1fiongpd45s5euiuo8ru47b928aqv8osln1ikdeg05hq0@d0/summary?name=Thing.This
-- Long type signature
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@ieskgcjjvuegpecq9pbha59ttonke7pf31keeq0jlh31ijkfq00e06fdi36ae90u24pjva6ucqdbedropjgi3g3b75nu76ll5ls8ke8/summary?name=funcWithLongType
-- Long type signature with render width
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@ieskgcjjvuegpecq9pbha59ttonke7pf31keeq0jlh31ijkfq00e06fdi36ae90u24pjva6ucqdbedropjgi3g3b75nu76ll5ls8ke8/summary?renderWidth=20&name=funcWithLongType
-- Builtin Term
GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@@IO.putBytes.impl.v3/summary?name=putBytesImpl
The transcript failed due to an error in the stanza above. The error is:
Error decoding response from /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/definitions/terms/by-hash/@qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8/summary?name=nat: Error in $: Failed reading: not a valid json value at 'QueryparameterrootBranchisrequired'

View File

@ -67,31 +67,20 @@ p1/main> find zzz
p1/main> fork p0/main:foo yyy
p1/main> find yyy
1. : ##Nat
p0/main> fork p1/main: p0/main:p1
p0/main> ls p1
1. bonk (##Nat)
2. donk/ (1 term)
3. yyy/ (1 term)
4. zzz/ (2 terms)
p0/main> ls p1.zzz
1. foo (##Nat)
2. foo/ (1 term)
p0/main> ls p1.yyy
1. bar (##Nat)
p1/main> addp1/main> fork p0/main: zzzp1/main> find zzzp1/main> fork p0/main:foo yyyp1/main> find yyyp0/main> fork p1/main: p0/main:p1p0/main> ls p1p0/main> ls p1.zzzp0/main> ls p1.yyy
The transcript failed due to an error in the stanza above. The error is:
1 | p0/main:foo
| ^
Expected an absolute path but found a relative path. Try adding a leading '.' to your path

View File

@ -75,35 +75,21 @@ Deleting the root namespace should require confirmation if not forced.
scratch/main> delete.namespace .
Are you sure you want to clear away everything?
You could use `project.create` to switch to a new project instead.
scratch/main> delete.namespace .
Okay, I deleted everything except the history. Use `undo` to
undo, or `builtins.merge` to restore the absolute basics to
the current path.
-- Should have an empty history
scratch/main> history .
☝️ The namespace . is empty.
Deleting the root namespace shouldn't require confirmation if forced.
scratch/main> delete.namespace.force .
Okay, I deleted everything except the history. Use `undo` to
undo, or `builtins.merge` to restore the absolute basics to
the current path.
-- Should have an empty history
scratch/main> history .
☝️ The namespace . is empty.
scratch/main> delete.namespace .scratch/main> delete.namespace .-- Should have an empty historyscratch/main> history .
The transcript failed due to an error in the stanza above. The error is:
1 | .
| ^
unexpected '.'
expecting '`' or operator (valid characters: !$%&*+-/:<=>\^|~)

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
scratch/main> project.create-empty foo
scratch/main> project.create-empty bar
scratch/main> projects
-- I can delete the project I'm currently on.
foo/main> delete.project foo
scratch/main> projects

View File

@ -39,11 +39,29 @@ scratch/main> projects
2. foo
3. scratch
-- I can delete the project I'm currently on.
foo/main> delete.project foo
🎉 I've created the project with the randomly-chosen name
helpful-ladybug (use `project.rename <new-name>` to change
🎨 Type `ui` to explore this project's code in your browser.
🔭 Discover libraries at
📖 Use `help-topic projects` to learn more about projects.
Write your first Unison code with UCM:
1. Open scratch.u.
2. Write some Unison code and save the file.
3. In UCM, type `add` to save it to your new project.
🎉 🥳 Happy coding!
scratch/main> projects
1. bar
2. scratch
2. helpful-ladybug
3. scratch

View File

@ -52,7 +52,12 @@ The history of the namespace should be empty.
scratch/main> history mynamespace
☝️ The namespace mynamespace is empty.
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
□ 1. #sg60bvjo91 (start of history)
Add and then delete a term to add some history to a deleted namespace.

View File

@ -93,187 +93,19 @@ scratch/main> history
scratch/main> reset 1 foo
scratch/foo does not exist.
scratch/main> ls
1. a (Nat)
# reset branch
foo/main> history
☝️ The namespace is empty.
a = 5
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
a : ##Nat
foo/main> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
a : ##Nat
foo/main> branch topic
Done. I've created the topic branch based off of main.
Tip: To merge your work back into the main branch, first
`switch /main` then `merge /topic`.
foo/main> history
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
□ 1. #5l94rduvel (start of history)
a = 3
scratch/main> addscratch/main> ls fooscratch/main> historyscratch/main> reset 1 fooscratch/main> ls
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These names already exist. You can `update` them to your
new definition:
a : ##Nat
The transcript failed due to an error in the stanza above. The error is:
foo/main> update
Okay, I'm searching the branch for code that needs to be
scratch/foo does not exist.
foo/main> reset /topic
foo/main> history
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
□ 1. #5l94rduvel (start of history)
# ambiguous reset
## ambiguous target
main.a = 3
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
main.a : ##Nat
foo/main> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
main.a : ##Nat
foo/main> history
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
⊙ 1. #0i64kpfccl
+ Adds / updates:
□ 2. #5l94rduvel (start of history)
foo/main> reset 2 main
I'm not sure if you wanted to reset the branch foo/main or the
namespace main in the current branch. Could you be more
1. /main (the branch main in the current project)
2. main (the relative path main in the current branch)
Tip: use `reset <some hash> 1` or `reset <some hash> 2` to
pick one of these.
## ambiguous hash
main.a = 3
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked the definitions in scratch.u. This
file has been previously added to the codebase.
foo/main> switch /topic
foo/topic> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
main.a : ##Nat
foo/topic> reset main
I'm not sure if you wanted to reset to the branch foo/main or
to the namespace main in the current branch. Could you be more
1. /main (the branch main in the current project)
2. main (the relative path main in the current branch)
Tip: use `reset 1` or `reset 2` to pick one of these.

View File

@ -93,12 +93,13 @@ proj/main> view thingy
thingy : Int
thingy =
use Int +
foo + +10 + +10
proj/main> ls lib
1. builtin/ (469 terms, 74 types)
2. new/ (1 term)
3. old/ (1 term)
proj/main> branches