# Delete namespace dependents check This is a regression test, previously `delete.namespace` allowed a delete as long as the deletions had a name *anywhere* in your codebase, it should only check the current project branch. ``` unison sub.dependency = 123 dependent = dependency + 99 ``` ``` ucm Loading changes detected in scratch.u. I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would change: ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`: dependent : Nat sub.dependency : Nat ``` ``` ucm myproject/main> add ⍟ I've added these definitions: dependent : Nat sub.dependency : Nat myproject/main> branch /new Done. I've created the new branch based off of main. Tip: To merge your work back into the main branch, first `switch /main` then `merge /new`. myproject/new> delete.namespace sub ⚠️ I didn't delete the namespace because the following definitions are still in use. Dependency Referenced In dependency 1. dependent If you want to proceed anyways and leave those definitions without names, use delete.namespace.force myproject/new> view dependent dependent : Nat dependent = use Nat + dependency + 99 ```