# Duplicate names in scratch file. ```ucm:hide scratch/main> builtins.merge ``` Term and ability constructor collisions should cause a parse error. ```unison:error structural ability Stream where send : a -> () Stream.send : a -> () Stream.send _ = () ``` Term and type constructor collisions should cause a parse error. ```unison:error structural type X = x X.x : a -> () X.x _ = () ``` Ability and type constructor collisions should cause a parse error. ```unison:error structural type X = x structural ability X where x : () ``` Field accessors and terms with the same name should cause a parse error. ```unison:error structural type X = {x : ()} X.x.modify = () X.x.set = () X.x = () ``` Types and terms with the same name are allowed. ```unison structural type X = Z X = () ``` ```ucm scratch/main> add scratch/main> view X ```