# Test that the options selector for fuzzy finding is working as expected for different argument types. If an argument is required but doesn't have a fuzzy resolver, the command should just print the help. ``` ucm -- The second argument of move.term is a 'new-name' and doesn't have a fuzzy resolver scratch/main> move.term `move.term foo bar` renames `foo` to `bar`. ``` If a fuzzy resolver doesn't have any options available it should print a message instead of opening an empty fuzzy-select. ``` ucm scratch/empty> view ⚠️ Sorry, I was expecting an argument for the definition to view, and I couldn't find any to suggest to you. 😅 ``` ``` unison optionOne = 1 nested.optionTwo = 2 ``` Definition args ``` ucm scratch/main> add ⍟ I've added these definitions: nested.optionTwo : ##Nat optionOne : ##Nat scratch/main> debug.fuzzy-options view _ Select a definition to view: * optionOne * nested.optionTwo ``` Namespace args ``` ucm scratch/main> add ⊡ Ignored previously added definitions: nested.optionTwo optionOne scratch/main> debug.fuzzy-options find-in _ Select a namespace: * nested ``` Project Branch args ``` ucm myproject/main> branch mybranch Done. I've created the mybranch branch based off of main. Tip: To merge your work back into the main branch, first `switch /main` then `merge /mybranch`. scratch/main> debug.fuzzy-options switch _ Select a project or branch to switch to: * myproject/main * myproject/mybranch * scratch/empty * scratch/main * myproject * scratch ```