# find api ``` unison rachel.filesystem.x = 42 ross.httpClient.y = 43 joey.httpServer.z = 44 joey.yaml.zz = 45 ``` ``` ucm Loading changes detected in scratch.u. I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would change: ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`: joey.httpServer.z : ##Nat joey.yaml.zz : ##Nat rachel.filesystem.x : ##Nat ross.httpClient.y : ##Nat ``` ``` ucm scratch/main> add ⍟ I've added these definitions: joey.httpServer.z : ##Nat joey.yaml.zz : ##Nat rachel.filesystem.x : ##Nat ross.httpClient.y : ##Nat ``` ``` api -- Namespace segment prefix search GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=http [ [ { "result": { "segments": [ { "contents": "ross.", "tag": "Gap" }, { "contents": "http", "tag": "Match" }, { "contents": "Client.y", "tag": "Gap" } ] }, "score": 156 }, { "contents": { "bestFoundTermName": "y", "namedTerm": { "termHash": "#emomp74i93h6ps0b5sukke0tci0ooba3f9jk21qm919a7act9u7asani84c0mqbdk4lcjrdvr9olpedp23p6df78r4trqlg0cciadc8", "termName": "ross.httpClient.y", "termTag": "Plain", "termType": [ { "annotation": { "contents": "##Nat", "tag": "HashQualifier" }, "segment": "##Nat" } ] } }, "tag": "FoundTermResult" } ], [ { "result": { "segments": [ { "contents": "joey.", "tag": "Gap" }, { "contents": "http", "tag": "Match" }, { "contents": "Server.z", "tag": "Gap" } ] }, "score": 156 }, { "contents": { "bestFoundTermName": "z", "namedTerm": { "termHash": "#a84tg4er4kfl9k2p250vp2o1dsp5kmn9a7q8g2bo723qbtbf9sagrl28fa4q0j5f2cv4alsjik6rf487ss646qt95gbm3dd13k7e1fo", "termName": "joey.httpServer.z", "termTag": "Plain", "termType": [ { "annotation": { "contents": "##Nat", "tag": "HashQualifier" }, "segment": "##Nat" } ] } }, "tag": "FoundTermResult" } ] ] -- Namespace segment suffix search GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=Server [ [ { "result": { "segments": [ { "contents": "joey.http", "tag": "Gap" }, { "contents": "Server", "tag": "Match" }, { "contents": ".z", "tag": "Gap" } ] }, "score": 223 }, { "contents": { "bestFoundTermName": "z", "namedTerm": { "termHash": "#a84tg4er4kfl9k2p250vp2o1dsp5kmn9a7q8g2bo723qbtbf9sagrl28fa4q0j5f2cv4alsjik6rf487ss646qt95gbm3dd13k7e1fo", "termName": "joey.httpServer.z", "termTag": "Plain", "termType": [ { "annotation": { "contents": "##Nat", "tag": "HashQualifier" }, "segment": "##Nat" } ] } }, "tag": "FoundTermResult" } ] ] -- Substring search GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=lesys [ [ { "result": { "segments": [ { "contents": "rachel.fi", "tag": "Gap" }, { "contents": "lesys", "tag": "Match" }, { "contents": "tem.x", "tag": "Gap" } ] }, "score": 175 }, { "contents": { "bestFoundTermName": "x", "namedTerm": { "termHash": "#qkhkl0n238s1eqibd1ecb8605sqj1m4hpoaag177cu572otqlaf1u28c8suuuqgljdtthsjtr07rv04np05o6oa27ml9105k7uas0t8", "termName": "rachel.filesystem.x", "termTag": "Plain", "termType": [ { "annotation": { "contents": "##Nat", "tag": "HashQualifier" }, "segment": "##Nat" } ] } }, "tag": "FoundTermResult" } ] ] -- Cross-segment search GET /api/projects/scratch/branches/main/find?query=joey.http [ [ { "result": { "segments": [ { "contents": "joey.http", "tag": "Match" }, { "contents": "Server.z", "tag": "Gap" } ] }, "score": 300 }, { "contents": { "bestFoundTermName": "z", "namedTerm": { "termHash": "#a84tg4er4kfl9k2p250vp2o1dsp5kmn9a7q8g2bo723qbtbf9sagrl28fa4q0j5f2cv4alsjik6rf487ss646qt95gbm3dd13k7e1fo", "termName": "joey.httpServer.z", "termTag": "Plain", "termType": [ { "annotation": { "contents": "##Nat", "tag": "HashQualifier" }, "segment": "##Nat" } ] } }, "tag": "FoundTermResult" } ] ] ```