These are commands that will likely be useful during development. __General:__ `./scripts/` compiles and builds the Haskell code and runs all tests. Recommended that you run this before pushing any code to a branch that others might be working on. _Disclaimer_ If you have trouble getting started, please get in touch via [Slack]( so we can help. If you have any fixes to the process, please send us a PR! ## Running Unison To get cracking with Unison: 1. [Install `stack`]( 2. Build the project with `stack build`. This builds all executables. 3. (Optional) Run `./dev-ui-install.hs` to fetch the latest release of the codebase UI. If you don't care about running the codebase UI locally you can ignore this step. 4. After building do `stack exec unison -- init` will initialize a codebase in your home directory (in `~/.unison`). This only needs to be done once. 5. `stack exec unison` starts Unison and watches for `.u` file changes in the current directory. If you want to run it in a different directory, just add `unison` to your `PATH`, after finding it with `stack exec which unison`. On startup, Unison prints a url for the codebase UI. If you did step 3 above, then visiting that URL in a browser will give you a nice interface to your codebase. ## Running Tests * `stack exec tests` runs the tests * `stack exec transcripts` runs the transcripts-related integration tests, found in `unison-src/transcripts`. You can add more tests to this directory. * `stack exec integration-tests` runs the additional integration tests for cli. These tests are not triggered by `tests` or `trancscripts`. * `stack exec tests -- prefix-of-test` and `stack exec transcripts -- prefix-of-test` only run tests with a matching prefix. * `stack exec unison -- transcript unison-src/transcripts-round-trip/` runs the pretty-printing round trip tests ### What if you want a profiled build? Do: stack build --executable-profiling --library-profiling --ghc-options="-fprof-auto -rtsopts" unison-parser-typechecker Again you can leave off the flag. To run an executable with profiling enabled, do: stack exec -- +RTS -p That will generate a `.prof` plain text file with profiling data. [More info on profiling]( ## Building with cabal Unison can also be built/installed with cabal. You'll need the same ghc used by `stack.yaml` to successfully build its dependencies. The provided project file is also in contrib/ so you'll need to specify its location on the command line. * To build all projects use `cabal v2-build --project-file=contrib/cabal.project all` * Tests can be run with e.g. `cabal v2-test --project-file=contrib/cabal.project all` * The executable can be installed with `cabal v2-install --project-file=contrib/cabal.project unison` * The install directory can be modified with the option `--installdir: ...`