``` unison {{ # Doc This is a *doc*! term link {x} type link {type Optional} }} x : Nat -> Nat x y = x = 1 + 1 x + y -- Should keep comments after -- symbolyDefinition (<|>) : Nat -> Nat -> (Nat, Nat) (<|>) a b = (a, b) symbolyEndOfBlock = x = 1 (+:) -- Test for a previous regression that added extra brackets. oneLiner = {{ one liner }} -- After -- Before explicit.doc = {{ # Here's a top-level doc With a paragraph Or two }} -- After {{ A doc before an ability }} ability Thing where more : Nat -> Text -> Nat doThing : Nat -> Int {{ Ability with single constructor }} structural ability Ask a where ask : {Ask a} a -- Regression test for: https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/issues/4666 provide : a -> '{Ask a} r -> r provide a action = h = cases {ask -> resume} -> handle resume a with h {r} -> r handle !action with h {{ A Doc before a type }} structural type Optional a = More Text | Some | Other a | None Nat {{ A doc before a type with no type-vars }} type Two = One Nat | Two Text -- Regression for https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/issues/4669 multilineBold = {{ **This paragraph is really really really really really long and spans multiple lines with a strike-through block** _This paragraph is really really really really really long and spans multiple lines with a strike-through block_ ~This paragraph is really really really really really long and spans multiple lines with a strike-through block~ }} ``` ``` ucm scratch/main> debug.format ``` ``` unison:added-by-ucm scratch.u x.doc = {{ # Doc This is a **doc**! term link {x} type link {type Optional} }} x : Nat -> Nat x y = use Nat + x = 1 + 1 x + y -- Should keep comments after -- symbolyDefinition (<|>) : Nat -> Nat -> (Nat, Nat) a <|> b = (a, b) symbolyEndOfBlock = x = 1 (+:) -- Test for a previous regression that added extra brackets. oneLiner = {{ one liner }} -- After -- Before explicit.doc = {{ # Here's a top-level doc With a paragraph Or two }} -- After Thing.doc = {{ A doc before an ability }} ability Thing where more : Nat -> Text ->{Thing} Nat doThing : Nat ->{Thing} Int Ask.doc = {{ Ability with single constructor }} structural ability Ask a where ask : {Ask a} a -- Regression test for: https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/issues/4666 provide : a -> '{Ask a} r -> r provide a action = h = cases { ask -> resume } -> handle resume a with h { r } -> r handle action() with h Optional.doc = {{ A Doc before a type }} structural type Optional a = More Text | Some | Other a | None Nat Two.doc = {{ A doc before a type with no type-vars }} type Two = One Nat | Two Text -- Regression for https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/issues/4669 multilineBold = {{ **This paragraph is really really really really really long and spans multiple lines with a strike-through block** __This paragraph is really really really really really long and spans multiple lines with a strike-through block__ ~~This paragraph is really really really really really long and spans multiple lines with a strike-through block~~ }} ``` Formatter should leave things alone if the file doesn't typecheck. ``` unison brokenDoc = {{ hello }} + 1 ``` ``` ucm Loading changes detected in scratch.u. I couldn't figure out what + refers to here: 1 | brokenDoc = {{ hello }} + 1 The name + is ambiguous. I tried to resolve it by type but no term with that name would pass typechecking. I think its type should be: Doc2 -> Nat -> o If that's not what you expected, you may have a type error somewhere else in your code. Help me out by using a more specific name here or adding a type annotation. I found some terms in scope with matching names but different types. If one of these is what you meant, try using its full name: (Float.+) : Float -> Float -> Float (Int.+) : Int -> Int -> Int (Nat.+) : Nat -> Nat -> Nat ``` ``` ucm scratch/main> debug.format ```