2024-07-05 18:02:05 -07:00

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module Unison.Test.UriParser where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.These (These (..))
import Data.Void (Void)
import EasyTest
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.RemoteRepo
( ReadRemoteNamespace (..),
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.UriParser qualified as UriParser
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash (ShortCausalHash (..))
import Unison.Core.Project (ProjectBranchName (..), ProjectName (..))
import Unison.NameSegment.Internal (NameSegment (NameSegment))
import Unison.Project (ProjectBranchSpecifier (..))
test :: Test ()
test =
scope "uriparser" . tests $
[ parserTests
(UriParser.readRemoteNamespaceParser ProjectBranchSpecifier'Name <* P.eof)
[ ("project", branchR (This "project")),
("/branch", branchR (That "branch")),
("project/branch", branchR (These "project" "branch"))
(UriParser.writeRemoteNamespace <* P.eof)
[ ("project", branchW (This "project")),
("/branch", branchW (That "branch")),
("project/branch", branchW (These "project" "branch"))
[ ".unisonweb.base"
mkPath :: [Text] -> Path.Path
mkPath = Path.fromList . fmap NameSegment
branchR :: These Text Text -> ReadRemoteNamespace (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
branchR =
ReadShare'ProjectBranch . \case
This project -> This (UnsafeProjectName project)
That branch -> That (UnsafeProjectBranchName branch)
These project branch -> These (UnsafeProjectName project) (UnsafeProjectBranchName branch)
branchW :: These Text Text -> (These ProjectName ProjectBranchName)
branchW =
This project -> This (UnsafeProjectName project)
That branch -> That (UnsafeProjectBranchName branch)
These project branch -> These (UnsafeProjectName project) (UnsafeProjectBranchName branch)
sch :: Text -> Maybe ShortCausalHash
sch = Just . ShortCausalHash
-- | @parserTests name parser goodCases badCases@ tests @parser@ against each case in @goodCases@ and @badCases@,
-- expecting success or failure, respectively.
parserTests :: (Eq a, Show a) => Text -> P.Parsec Void Text a -> [(Text, a)] -> [Text] -> Test ()
parserTests name parser goodCases badCases =
scope (Text.unpack name) (tests (map f goodCases ++ map g badCases))
f (input, expected) =
(Text.unpack input)
case P.parse parser "" input of
Left err -> crash (P.errorBundlePretty err)
Right actual -> expectEqual expected actual
g input =
(Text.unpack input)
case P.parse parser "" input of
Left _err -> ok
Right actual -> crash ("Expected parse failure, but got: " ++ show actual)