
27 lines
515 B

ability Noop where
noop : a -> {Noop} a
type List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
map : (a ->{} b) -> List a -> List b
map f as = case as of
List.Nil -> List.Nil
List.Cons h t -> List.Cons (f h) (map f t)
c = List.Cons
z : ∀ a . List a
z = List.Nil
ex = c 1 (c 2 (c 3 z))
pureMap : List Text
pureMap = map (a -> "hello") ex
-- this should not typecheck because map is annotated to take a pure function
zappy : '{Noop} (List Nat)
zappy = 'let map (zap -> Noop.noop (zap Nat.+ 1)) ex