
70 lines
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-- A data structure that allows giving computations weight such that the
-- lowest-cost computation will be returned first. Allows searching
-- infinite spaces productively.
-- Adapted from http://hackage.haskell.org/package/weighted-search-
use Universal == < >
type Weighted a
= Fail
| Yield a (Weighted a)
| Weight Nat (() -> Weighted a)
namespace Weighted where
weight : Nat ->{e} (() ->{e} Weighted a) ->{e} Weighted a
weight w ws = Weight w ws
map : (a ->{e} b) -> Weighted a ->{e} Weighted b
map f = cases
Weighted.Fail -> Weighted.Fail
Weighted.Yield x w -> Yield (f x) (map f w)
Weighted.Weight a w -> weight a '(map f !w)
yield : a -> Weighted a
yield a = Yield a Fail
flatMap : (a -> Weighted b) -> Weighted a -> Weighted b
flatMap f = cases
Weighted.Fail -> Weighted.Fail
Weighted.Yield x m -> f x <|> flatMap f m
Weighted.Weight w m -> Weight w '(flatMap f !m)
mergeWith : (a -> b -> c) -> Weighted a -> Weighted b -> Weighted c
mergeWith f as bs =
flatMap (a -> map (b -> f a b) bs) as
(<|>): Weighted a -> Weighted a -> Weighted a
(<|>) m n = match (m, n) with
(Weighted.Fail, n) -> n
(Weighted.Yield x m, n) -> Yield x (m <|> n)
(Weighted.Weight w m, Weighted.Fail) -> Weight w m
(Weighted.Weight w m, Weighted.Yield x n) ->
Yield x (Weight w m <|> n)
(Weighted.Weight w m, Weighted.Weight w' n) ->
if w < w' then Weight w '(!m <|> Weight (w' `drop` w) n)
else if w == w' then Weight w '(!m <|> !n)
else Weight w '(Weight (w `drop` w') m <|> !n)
sample : Nat -> Weighted a -> [a]
sample n wsa =
if n > 0 then
match wsa with
Weighted.Fail -> []
Weighted.Yield a ms -> cons a (sample (n `drop` 1) ms)
Weighted.Weight _ w -> sample n !w
else []
nats : Weighted Nat
nats = let
go n = yield n <|> weight 1 '(go (n + 1))
go 0
lists : Weighted a -> Weighted [a]
lists w = yield [] <|> weight 1 '(mergeWith cons w (lists w))
fromList : [a] -> Weighted a
fromList = cases
[] -> Weighted.Fail
a +: as -> yield a <|> weight 1 '(fromList as)