Runar Bjarnason b0c108a45e IO hash
2019-02-28 17:32:59 -05:00

153 lines
4.2 KiB

-- Handles are unique identifiers.
-- The implementation of IO in the runtime will supply Haskell
-- file handles and map those to Unison handles.
-- A pure implementation of I/O might use some kind of pure supply
-- of unique IDs instead.
type Handle = Handle Text
-- Ditto for sockets
type Socket = Socket Text
-- Builtin handles: standard in, out, error
-- stdin: Handle
-- stdout: Handle
-- stderr: Handle
-- IO Modes from the Haskell API
type IOMode = Read | Write | Append | ReadWrite
-- IO error types from the Haskell API
type IOErrorType
= AlreadyExists
| NoSuchThing
| ResourceBusy
| ResourceExhausted
| IllegalOperation
| PermissionDenied
| UserError
type ErrorLocation = ErrorLocation Text
type ErrorDescription = ErrorDescription Text
type FilePath = FilePath Text
type IOError =
(Optional Handle)
(Optional FilePath)
type SeekMode = Absolute | Relative | FromEnd
-- If the buffer size is not specified,
-- use an implementation-specific size.
type BufferMode = Line | Block (Optional Nat)
type EpochTime = EpochTime Nat
-- Either a host name e.g., "unisonweb.org" or a numeric host address
-- string consisting of a dotted decimal IPv4 address or an IPv6 address
-- e.g., "".
type HostName = HostName Text
type PortNumber = Nat
-- Represents a 32-bit host address
type HostAddress = HostAddress Int
-- Internet protocol v4 socket address
type SocketAddress = SocketAddress HostAddress PortNumber
ability IO where
-- Basic file IO
openFile : FilePath -> IOMode ->{IO} Handle
closeFile : Handle ->{IO} ()
isEOF : Handle ->{IO} Boolean
isFileOpen : Handle ->{IO} Boolean
-- Text input and output
--getChar : Handle ->{IO} Char
getLine : Handle ->{IO} Text
-- Get the entire contents of the file as text
getText : Handle ->{IO} Text
-- putChar : Handle -> Char ->{IO} ()
putText : Handle -> Text ->{IO} ()
-- Handling I/O errors.
-- Question: can we do better?
throw : IOError ->{IO} a
catch : '{IO} a -> (IOError ->{IO} a) ->{IO} a
-- File positioning
isSeekable : Handle ->{IO} Boolean
seek : Handle -> SeekMode -> Int ->{IO} ()
position : Handle ->{IO} Int
-- File buffering
getBuffering : Handle ->{IO} (Optional BufferMode)
setBuffering : Handle -> Optional BufferMode ->{IO} ()
-- Should we expose mutable arrays for byte buffering?
-- Inclined to say no, although that sounds a lot like
-- a decision to just be slow.
-- We'll need a byte buffer manipulation library in that case.
-- getBytes : Handle -> Nat ->{IO} Bytes
-- putBytes : Handle -> Bytes ->{IO} ()
-- getBytes : Handle -> Nat -> ByteArray ->{IO} Nat
-- putBytes : Handle -> Nat -> ByteArray ->{IO} ()
systemTime : {IO} EpochTime
-- File system operations
getCurrentDirectory : {IO} FilePath
setCurrentDirectory : FilePath ->{IO} ()
directoryContents : FilePath ->{IO} [FilePath]
fileExists : FilePath -> {IO} Boolean
isDirectory : FilePath ->{IO} Boolean
createDirectory : FilePath ->{IO} ()
removeDirectory : FilePath ->{IO} ()
renameDirectory : FilePath -> FilePath -> {IO} ()
removeFile : FilePath ->{IO} ()
renameFile : FilePath -> FilePath ->{IO} ()
getFileTimestamp : FilePath ->{IO} EpochTime
getFileSize : FilePath ->{IO} Nat
-- Network I/O
-- Glossing over address families (ipv4, ipv6),
-- and socket types (stream, raw, etc)
-- Creates a socket and binds it to a the given local port
serverSocket : SocketAddress -> {IO} Socket
-- Creates a socket connected to the given remote address
clientSocket : SocketAddress -> {IO} Socket
socketToHandle : Socket ->{IO} Handle
handleToSocket : Handle ->{IO} Socket
closeSocket : Socket ->{IO} ()
-- Accept a connection on a socket.
-- Returns a socket that can send and receive data on a new connection,
-- together with the remote host information.
accept : Socket ->{IO} (Socket, SocketAddress)
-- Returns the number of bytes actually sent
-- send : Socket -> Bytes ->{IO} Int
-- scatter/gather mode network I/O
-- sendMany : Socket -> [Bytes] ->{IO} Int
-- Read the spefified number of bytes from the socket.
-- receive : Socket -> Int ->{IO} Bytes