Paul Chiusano 608ad4830c fix unit tests and regenerate transcripts
I was puzzled about the change to the blocks.md transcript at first. What's happening: the previous version of the transcript was going through TDNR, and was failing the cycle check for mutually recursive lambdas. The new version isn't going through TDNR at all, it's just doing ordinary typechecking of a cycle, and cycles don't have access to any abilities so it's failing with the expected error now. Arguably, the example should have used the FQN so TDNR wasn't involved in the previous example.
2020-10-20 18:26:46 -04:00

90 lines
2.5 KiB

use Universal == <
type Future a = Future ('{Remote} a)
-- A simple distributed computation ability
ability Remote where
-- Spawn a new node
spawn : {Remote} Node
-- Sequentially evaluate the given thunk on another node
-- then return to the current node when it completes
at : n -> '{Remote} a -> {Remote} a
-- Start a computation running, returning an `r` that can be forced to
-- await the result of the computation
fork : '{Remote} a ->{Remote} Future a
type Node = Node Nat -- more realistic would be perhaps a (Hostname, PublicKey) pair
force : Future a ->{Remote} a
force = cases Future.Future r -> !r
-- Let's test out this beast! do we need to deploy our code to some EC2 instances??
-- Gak, no not yet, we just want to test locally, let's write a handler
-- for the `Remote` ability that simulates everything locally!
Remote.runLocal : '{Remote} a -> a
Remote.runLocal r =
use Future Future
step nid = cases
{a} -> a
{Remote.fork t -> k} -> handle k (Future t) with step nid
{Remote.spawn -> k} -> handle k nid with step (Node.increment nid)
{Remote.at _ t -> k} -> handle k !t with step nid
handle !r with step (Node.Node 0)
Remote.forkAt : Node -> '{Remote} a ->{Remote} (Future a)
Remote.forkAt node r = Remote.fork '(Remote.at node r)
use Optional None Some
use Monoid Monoid
use List ++
List.map : (a ->{e} b) -> [a] ->{e} [b]
List.map f as =
go f acc as i = match List.at i as with
None -> acc
Some a -> go f (acc `snoc` f a) as (i + 1)
go f [] as 0
merge : (a -> a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge lte a b =
use List at
go acc a b = match at 0 a with
None -> acc ++ b
Some hd1 -> match at 0 b with
None -> acc ++ a
Some hd2 ->
if hd1 `lte` hd2 then go (acc `snoc` hd1) (drop 1 a) b
else go (acc `snoc` hd2) a (drop 1 b)
go [] a b
dsort2 : (a -> a -> Boolean) -> [a] ->{Remote} [a]
dsort2 lte as =
if size as < 2 then as
else match halve as with
None -> as
Some (left, right) ->
use Remote forkAt spawn
l = forkAt spawn '(dsort2 lte left)
r = forkAt spawn '(dsort2 lte right)
merge lte (force l) (force r)
isEmpty : [a] -> Boolean
isEmpty a = size a == 0
halve : [a] -> Optional ([a], [a])
halve as =
if isEmpty as then None
else Some (take (size as / 2) as, drop (size as / 2) as)
Node.increment : Node -> Node
Node.increment n =
use Node Node -- the constructor
match n with Node n -> Node (n + 1)
> Remote.runLocal '(dsort2 (<) [3,2,1,1,2,3,9182,1,2,34,1,23])