2020-02-21 17:05:18 -08:00

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type Future a = Future ('{Remote} a)
-- A simple distributed computation ability
ability Remote where
-- Spawn a new node
spawn : {Remote} Node
-- Start evaluating a computation on another node
at : Node -> '{Remote} a ->{Remote} Future a
type Node = Node Nat -- more realistic would be perhaps a (Hostname, PublicKey) pair
force : Future a ->{Remote} a
force = cases Future.Future r -> !r
-- Let's test out this beast! do we need to deploy our code to some EC2 instances??
-- Gak, no not yet, we just want to test locally, let's write a handler
-- for the `Remote` ability that simulates everything locally!
use Future Future
use Optional None Some
use Monoid Monoid
use List ++ at
use Universal <
List.map : (a ->{e} b) -> [a] ->{e} [b]
List.map f as =
go f acc as i = match at i as with
None -> acc
Some a -> go f (acc `snoc` f a) as (i + 1)
go f [] as 0
type Monoid a = Monoid (a -> a -> a) a
Monoid.zero = cases Monoid.Monoid op z -> z
Monoid.op = cases Monoid.Monoid op z -> op
Monoid.orElse m = cases
None -> Monoid.zero m
Some a -> a
uncons : [a] -> Optional (a, [a])
uncons as = match at 0 as with
None -> None
Some hd -> Some (hd, drop 1 as)
dreduce : Monoid a -> [a] ->{Remote} a
dreduce m a =
if size a < 2 then Monoid.orElse m (List.at 0 a)
l = Remote.at Remote.spawn '(dreduce m (take (size a / 2) a))
r = Remote.at Remote.spawn '(dreduce m (drop (size a / 2) a))
Monoid.op m (force l) (force r)
dmapReduce : (a ->{Remote} b) -> Monoid b -> [a] ->{Remote} b
dmapReduce f m as = dreduce m (List.map f as)
dsort2 : (a -> a -> Boolean) -> [a] ->{Remote} [a]
dsort2 lte as =
dreduce (Monoid (merge lte) [])
(List.map (a -> [a]) as)
halve : [a] -> ([a], [a])
halve s = splitAt (size s / 2) s
splitAt : Nat -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt n as = (take n as, drop n as)
Node.increment : Node -> Node
Node.increment n =
use Node.Node -- the constructor
match n with Node n -> Node (n + 1)
Remote.runLocal : '{Remote} a -> a
Remote.runLocal r =
step nid = cases
{Remote.spawn -> k} -> handle k nid with step (Node.increment nid)
{Remote.at _ t -> k} -> handle k (Future t) with step nid
{a} -> a -- the pure case
handle !r with step (Node.Node 0)
merge : (a -> a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge lte a b =
go out a b = match (uncons a, uncons b) with
(None,_) -> out ++ b
(_,None) -> out ++ a
(Some (hA, tA), Some (hB, tB)) ->
if hA `lte` hB then go (out `snoc` hA) tA b
else go (out `snoc` hB) a tB
go [] a b
> merge (<) [1,3,4,99,504,799] [0,19,22,23]
sort : (a -> a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]
sort lte as =
if size as < 2 then as
else match halve as with (left, right) ->
l = sort lte left
r = sort lte right
merge lte l r
dsort : (a -> a -> Boolean) -> [a] ->{Remote} [a]
dsort lte as =
use Remote at spawn
if size as < 2 then as
else match halve as with (left, right) ->
r1 = at spawn '(dsort lte left)
r2 = at spawn '(dsort lte right)
merge lte (force r1) (force r2)
> sort (<) [1,2,3,234,6,2,4,66,2,33,4,2,57]
> Remote.runLocal '(dsort (<) [1,2,3,234,6,2,4,66,2,33,4,2,57])