Paul Chiusano 5af38fb39b Merge branch 'master' into wip/effects
# Conflicts:
#	parser-typechecker/src/Unison/PrintError.hs
#	parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Typechecker/Context.hs
#	parser-typechecker/tests/Unison/Test/Typechecker.hs
2018-08-14 16:13:50 -04:00

104 lines
2.7 KiB

-- A simple distributed computation effect
effect Remote n where
-- Spawn a new node, of type `n`
spawn : {Remote n} n
-- Sequentially evaluate the given thunk on another node
-- then return to the current node when it completes
at : n -> '{Remote n} a -> {Remote n} a
-- Start a computation running, returning an `r` that can be forced to
-- await the result of the computation
fork : '{Remote n} a -> {Remote n} ('{Remote n} a)
type Monoid a = Monoid (a -> a -> a) a
use UInt64 + - * / == <
use Sequence map take drop size fold-left halve
use Optional None Some
use Monoid.Monoid -- import the constructor
use Remote fork spawn at
namespace Monoid where
zero : Monoid a -> a
zero m = case m of Monoid _ z -> z
op : Monoid a -> a -> a -> a
op m = case m of Monoid op _ -> op
fold-map : (a -> {e} b) -> Monoid b -> [a] -> {e} b
fold-map f m as =
op = Monoid.op m
-- this line has a type error, `op` is (b -> b -> b)
-- and `zero m` is of type `b`, but `as` is of type `[a]`
-- 👇
if size as < 2 then Sequence.fold-left op (zero m) as
else case Sequence.halve as of (l, r) -> fold-map f m l `op` fold-map f m r
par : Monoid a -> Monoid ('{Remote n} a)
par m =
o = op m
z = zero m
-- note - does not typecheck if flip the order of the constructor!
-- the 'z has type 'a, which fails to match the later remote thunk
Monoid (a1 a2 -> par-apply o a1 a2) 'z
force : '{e} a -> {e} a
force a = !a
map-reduce : (a -> {Remote n} b) -> Monoid b -> [a] -> {Remote n} b
map-reduce f m a =
force <| Monoid.fold-map (a -> fork '(f a)) (Monoid.par m) a
namespace Sequence where
fold-left : (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
fold-left f z as = _todo2
halve : [a] -> ([a], [a])
halve as = (take (size as / 2) as, drop (size as / 2) as)
ex : '{Remote n} UInt64
ex = 'let
alice = spawn
bob = spawn
f1 = fork '(1 + 1)
f2 = fork '(2 + 2)
!f1 + !f2
par-apply : (a -> b -> c) -> '{Remote n} a -> '{Remote n} b -> '{Remote n} c
par-apply f a b = 'let
x = fork a
y = fork b
f !x !y
-- this currently crashes the compiler
Remote.run-local : '{Remote UInt64} a -> a
Remote.run-local r =
step : UInt64 -> Effect (Remote UInt64) a -> a
step nid r = case r of
{a} -> a
{Remote.fork t -> k} -> handle (step nid) in k t
{Remote.spawn -> k} -> handle (step (nid + 1)) in k nid
{Remote.at _ t -> k} -> handle (step (nid + 1)) in k !t
handle (step 0) in !r
uno : '{e} a -> '{e} a -> {e} a
uno a a2 = !a
dos : (a -> a -> a) -> '{e} a -> '{e} a -> {e} a
dos f a a2 = f !a !a2
(<|) : (i -> o) -> i -> o
f <| i = f i
i |> f = f i
Stream.from-uint64 1
|> Stream.take 15
|> Stream.to-sequence