
95 lines
3.7 KiB

alias DIndex k v = Index Node (Index k v);
alias Set v = Index v Unit;
alias SearchIndex = DIndex Text (Set Text);
alias VisitSet = DIndex (Hash Text) Unit;
search : Number -> Vector Text -> SearchIndex
-> Remote (Vector Text);
search limit query ind = do Remote
url-sets := Remote.traverse (k -> DIndex.lookup k ind) query;
url-sets = Vector.map Index.traversal (Optional.somes url-sets);
zero = IndexedTraversal.empty;
merge = IndexedTraversal.intersect (Order.by-2nd Hash.Order);
urls = Optional.get-or IndexedTraversal.empty <| Vector.fold-balanced1 merge url-sets;
urls := IndexedTraversal.take-keys limit urls;
pure (Vector.map 1st urls);;
trim-to-host : Text -> Text;
trim-to-host url = Optional.get-or url <| do Optional
host := Uri.parse-authority url;
scheme := Uri.parse-scheme url;
pure (Text.concatenate scheme ("//" `Text.concatenate` host));;
-- | Convert url (possibly relative to parent) to an absolute url
resolve-url : Text -> Text -> Text;
resolve-url parent child =
if Text.take 1 child ==_Text "/" then
Text.concatenate (trim-to-host parent) child
else if (Text.take 5 child ==_Text "http:") `or` (Text.take 6 child ==_Text "https:") then
else parent `Text.concatenate` "/" `Text.concatenate` child
crawl : Number -> SearchIndex -> VisitSet -> Text -> Remote Unit;
crawl depth ind visited url = let rec
insert url keyword = do Remote
url-set := DIndex.lookup keyword ind;
(do Remote
url-set := Index.empty;
DIndex.insert keyword url-set ind;
insert url keyword;;)
(Index.insert url Unit)
go depth url =
if depth <=_Number 0 then Remote.pure Unit
else do Remote
page := Remote.map (Debug.log "indexing url" url) (Http.get-url url);
page = Either.fold (err -> Debug.log "error fetching" (url, err) "") identity page;
page-hash := hash! page;
h := DIndex.lookup page-hash visited;
(do Remote
page-text = Html.plain-text page;
keywords = Text.words page-text
|> Vector.map Text.lowercase
|> Vector.ranked-histogram Text.Order;
summary = Vector.drop 5 keywords |> Vector.take 100; -- hacky filter
keywords = summary;
-- rankings = Debug.watch "rs" <| Vector.map 2nd keywords;
-- rankings0 = Debug.watch "kw" <| Vector.map 1st keywords;
keywords = Vector.map 1st keywords;
links = Html.get-links page;
links = Vector.map (Html.get-href `and-then` resolve-url url) links;
-- insert all keywords for the page into the map
Remote.traverse (insert url) keywords;
-- mark page as visited
Debug.log "finished indexing" url <| DIndex.insert page-hash Unit visited;
-- recurse
Remote.traverse (go (depth - 1)) links;
pure Unit;;)
(x -> Remote.pure (Debug.log "already visited" url Unit))
go depth url;;
do Remote
n := Remote.spawn;
Remote.transfer n;
ind := DIndex.empty;
visited := DIndex.empty;
ind-nodes := Remote.replicate 3 Remote.spawn;
visited-nodes := Remote.replicate 3 Remote.spawn;
Remote.traverse (n -> Remote.at' n (DIndex.join ind)) ind-nodes;
Remote.traverse (n -> Remote.at' n (DIndex.join visited)) visited-nodes;
Remote.fork <| crawl 2 ind visited "http://unisonweb.org";
Remote.sleep (Duration.seconds 500);
results := search 10 ["design", "unison", "refactoring"] ind;
pure <| Debug.watch "results --- " results;;