2024-04-01 23:37:52 -06:00

454 lines
13 KiB

a |> f = f a
f <| a = f a
uncurry f = cases (x, y) -> f x y
snd = cases (_, y) -> y
compose f g = a -> f (g a)
compose2 f g = a -> b -> f (g a b)
compose3 f g = a -> b -> c -> f (g a b c)
id a = a
void x = ()
structural ability Exception where
raise: io2.Failure -> anything
Exception.reraise : Either Failure a ->{Exception} a
Exception.reraise = cases
Left e -> Exception.raise e
Right a -> a
Either.isLeft = cases
Left _ -> true
Right _ -> false
Exception.catch : '{g, Exception} a ->{g} Either Failure a
Exception.catch ex =
handle !ex
{ a } -> Right a
{Exception.raise f -> _} -> Left f
Either.raiseMessage v e = reraise (Either.mapLeft (msg -> failure msg v) e)
Either.mapLeft f = cases
Left l -> Left (f l)
Right r -> Right r
Exception.failure msg a = Failure (typeLink Unit) msg (Any a)
Exception.toEither.handler : Request {Exception} a -> Either Failure a
Exception.toEither.handler = cases
{ a } -> Right a
{Exception.raise f -> _} -> Left f
Exception.toEither : '{ε, Exception} a -> {ε} Either Failure a
Exception.toEither a = handle !a with Exception.toEither.handler
Exception.unsafeRun! : '{g, Exception} a ->{g} a
Exception.unsafeRun! e =
h : Request {Exception} a -> a
h = cases
{raise fail -> _} -> bug fail
{ a } -> a
handle !e with h
structural ability Throw e where
throw : e -> a
List.range : Nat -> Nat -> [Nat]
List.range m =
go acc n =
if n <= m then acc
n' = drop n 1
go (n' +: acc) n'
go []
List.all : (a ->{ε} Boolean) -> [a] ->{ε} Boolean
List.all f = cases
[] -> true
h +: t -> f h && all f t
List.foldLeft : (b ->{g} a ->{g} b) -> b -> [a] ->{g} b
List.foldLeft f b as =
go b i =
match List.at i as with
None -> b
Some a ->
use Nat +
go (f b a) (i + 1)
go b 0
List.filter: (a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]
List.filter f all =
go acc = cases
[] -> acc
a +: as -> if (f a) then go (cons a acc) as else go acc as
go [] all
List.forEach : [a] -> (a ->{e} ()) ->{e} ()
List.forEach l f =
go = cases
x +: xs -> f x ; go xs
[] -> ()
go l
List.zip : [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
List.zip = cases
[], _ -> []
_, [] -> []
x +: xs, y +: ys -> (x,y) +: List.zip xs ys
List.unzip : [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])
List.unzip =
loop = cases
acc, [] -> acc
(as,bs), (a,b) +: abs ->
loop (as :+ a, bs :+ b) abs
loop ([],[])
List.reverse : [a] -> [a]
List.reverse =
loop acc = cases
[] -> acc
x +: xs -> loop (x +: acc) xs
loop []
first : (a -> b) -> (a,c) -> (b,c)
first f = cases (x,y) -> (f x, y)
check: Text -> Boolean -> {Stream Result} ()
check msg test = if test then emit (Ok msg) else emit (Fail msg)
checks : [Boolean] -> [Result]
checks bs =
if all id bs then [Ok "Passed"]
else [Fail "Failed"]
hex : Bytes -> Text
hex b =
match Bytes.toBase16 b |> fromUtf8.impl
with Left e -> bug e
Right t -> t
ascii : Text -> Bytes
ascii = toUtf8
fromHex : Text -> Bytes
fromHex txt =
match toUtf8 txt |> Bytes.fromBase16
with Left e -> bug e
Right bs -> bs
isNone = cases
Some _ -> false
None -> true
structural ability Stream a where
emit: a -> ()
Stream.toList.handler : Request {Stream a} r -> [a]
Stream.toList.handler =
go : [a] -> Request {Stream a} r -> [a]
go acc = cases
{ Stream.emit a -> k } -> handle !k with go (acc :+ a)
{ _ } -> acc
go []
Stream.toList : '{Stream a} r -> [a]
Stream.toList s = handle !s with toList.handler
Stream.collect.handler : Request {Stream a} r -> ([a],r)
Stream.collect.handler =
go : [a] -> Request {Stream a} r -> ([a],r)
go acc = cases
{ Stream.emit a -> k } -> handle !k with go (acc :+ a)
{ r } -> (acc, r)
go []
Stream.collect : '{e, Stream a} r -> {e} ([a],r)
Stream.collect s =
handle !s with Stream.collect.handler
-- An ability that facilitates creating temoporary directories that can be
-- automatically cleaned up
structural ability TempDirs where
newTempDir: Text -> Text
removeDir: Text -> ()
-- A handler for TempDirs which cleans up temporary directories
-- This will be useful for IO tests which need to interact with
-- the filesystem
autoCleaned.handler: '{io2.IO} (Request {TempDirs} r -> r)
autoCleaned.handler _ =
remover : [Text] -> {io2.IO} ()
remover = cases
a +: as -> match removeDirectory.impl a with
Left (Failure _ e _) -> watch e ()
_ -> ()
remover as
[] -> ()
go : [Text] -> {io2.IO} Request {TempDirs} r -> r
go dirs = cases
{ a } -> remover dirs
{ TempDirs.newTempDir prefix -> k } ->
dir = createTempDirectory prefix
handle k dir with go (dir +: dirs)
{ TempDirs.removeDir dir -> k } ->
removeDirectory dir
handle !k with go (filter (d -> not (d == dir)) dirs)
go []
autoCleaned: '{io2.IO, TempDirs} r -> r
autoCleaned comp = handle !comp with !autoCleaned.handler
stdout = IO.stdHandle StdOut
printText : Text -> {io2.IO} Either Failure ()
printText t = putBytes.impl stdout (toUtf8 t)
printLine : Text -> {io2.IO, Exception} ()
printLine t = reraise (printText (t ++ "\n"))
delay : Nat ->{IO, Exception} ()
delay n = reraise (delay.impl n)
-- Run tests which might fail, might create temporary directores and Stream out
-- results, returns the Results and the result of the test
evalTest: '{Stream Result, TempDirs, io2.IO, Exception} a ->{io2.IO, Exception}([Result], a)
evalTest a = handle (handle !a with Stream.collect.handler) with !autoCleaned.handler
-- Run tests which might fail, might create temporary directores and Stream out
-- results, but ignore the produced value and only return the test Results
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception, TempDirs, Exception, io2.IO} a -> {io2.IO}[Result]
runTest t = handle evalTest t with cases
{ Exception.raise (Failure _ f _) -> _ } -> [ Fail ("Error running test: " ++ f) ]
{ (a, _) } -> a
expect : Text -> (a -> a -> Boolean) -> a -> a -> {Stream Result} ()
expect msg compare expected actual = if compare expected actual then emit (Ok msg) else emit (Fail msg)
expectU : Text -> a -> a -> {Stream Result} ()
expectU msg expected actual = expect msg (==) expected actual
startsWith: Text -> Text -> Boolean
startsWith prefix text = (eq (Text.take (size prefix) text) prefix)
contains : Text -> Text -> Boolean
contains needle haystack = if (size haystack) == 0 then false else
if startsWith needle haystack then true else
contains needle (drop 1 haystack)
isDirectory = compose reraise isDirectory.impl
createTempDirectory = compose reraise createTempDirectory.impl
directoryContents = compose reraise directoryContents.impl
getTempDirectory = compose reraise getTempDirectory.impl
removeDirectory = compose reraise removeDirectory.impl
fileExists = compose reraise fileExists.impl
renameDirectory = compose2 reraise renameDirectory.impl
openFile = compose2 reraise openFile.impl
isFileOpen = compose reraise isFileOpen.impl
closeFile = compose reraise closeFile.impl
isSeekable = compose reraise isSeekable.impl
isFileEOF = compose reraise isFileEOF.impl
Text.fromUtf8 = compose reraise fromUtf8.impl
getBytes = compose2 reraise getBytes.impl
getSomeBytes = compose2 reraise getSomeBytes.impl
handlePosition = compose reraise handlePosition.impl
getBuffering = compose reraise getBuffering.impl
setBuffering mode = compose reraise (setBuffering.impl mode)
setEcho = compose2 reraise setEcho.impl
getEcho = compose reraise getEcho.impl
getChar = compose reraise getChar.impl
ready = compose reraise ready.impl
seekHandle = compose3 reraise seekHandle.impl
putBytes = compose2 reraise putBytes.impl
getLine = compose reraise getLine.impl
systemTime = compose reraise systemTime.impl
decodeCert = compose reraise decodeCert.impl
serverSocket = compose2 reraise IO.serverSocket.impl
listen = compose reraise listen.impl
handshake = compose reraise handshake.impl
send = compose2 reraise Tls.send.impl
closeSocket = compose reraise closeSocket.impl
clientSocket = compose2 reraise IO.clientSocket.impl
receive = compose reraise receive.impl
terminate = compose reraise terminate.impl
newServer = compose2 reraise newServer.impl
socketAccept = compose reraise socketAccept.impl
socketPort = compose reraise socketPort.impl
newClient = compose2 reraise newClient.impl
MVar.take = compose reraise take.impl
MVar.read = compose reraise read.impl
MVar.put = compose2 reraise put.impl
MVar.swap = compose2 reraise MVar.swap.impl
-- Some functions for using a sorted list as a map
-- Given an association list sorted by a values, finds the corresponding
-- b value. It is also expected that the a values will be unique. If not,
-- which b is returned depends on the exact size of the list.
bSearch : [(a,b)] -> a -> Optional b
bSearch m k =
find l u =
i = (l+u)/2
if l >= u then None
else match at i m with
Some (k', v)
| k == k' -> Some v
| k > k' -> find (i+1) u
| otherwise -> find l i
None -> None
find 0 (size m)
-- Given a sorted association list, determine if an a value exists in the
-- list.
bContains : [(a,b)] -> a -> Boolean
bContains m k = match bSearch m k with
Some _ -> true
None -> false
-- Given a sorted association list, splits the list into the portion before
-- the given a value, and after the a value. The a value should only appear
-- once in the list to get a well defined split. Otherwise where the split
-- occurs will be chosen arbitrarily, based on which copy the binary search
-- finds.
bSplit : [(a,b)] -> a -> ([(a,b)], [(a,b)])
bSplit m k =
find l u =
i = (l+u)/2
if l >= u then (List.take l m, List.drop l m)
else match at i m with
Some (k', _)
| k == k' -> (List.take i m, List.drop (i+1) m)
| k > k' -> find (i+1) u
| otherwise -> find l i
None -> (m, [])
find 0 (size m)
-- Inserts a key-value pair into a sorted association list. This maintains
-- the invariant that the a values are unique, via bSplit throwing out an
-- association pair if there is an exact key match.
bInsert : [(a,b)] -> a -> b -> [(a,b)]
bInsert m k v = match bSplit m k with
(pre, post) -> pre ++ [(k,v)] ++ post
-- Yields a list with unique, sorted a keys via insertion sort.
bSort : [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)]
bSort = foldLeft (acc -> uncurry (bInsert acc)) []
-- Finding transitive dependencies
-- main logic, given a sorted list of found dependencies and a list of
-- dependencies to search, yields the sorted list of transitive
-- dependencies
-- Leaves out builtins, since they shouldn't be necessary, and can't be
-- transported/saved reliably.
crawl found = cases
[] -> found
ln +: rest
| Text.take 2 (Link.Term.toText ln) == "##" -> crawl found rest
| bContains found ln -> crawl found rest
| otherwise -> match Code.lookup ln with
Some code ->
(bInsert found ln code)
(rest ++ Code.dependencies code)
None -> crawl found rest
Code.transitiveDeps : Link.Term ->{IO} [(Link.Term, Code)]
Code.transitiveDeps base = crawl [] [base]
Value.transitiveDeps : Value ->{IO} [(Link.Term, Code)]
Value.transitiveDeps v = crawl [] (Value.dependencies v)
-- Save/load a value with its dependencies to a file for serialization testing.
saveSelfContained : a -> Text ->{IO, Exception} ()
saveSelfContained x path =
v = Value.value x
deps = Value.transitiveDeps v
cv = Value.value (deps, v)
bs = Bytes.toBase32 (Value.serialize cv)
writeFile path bs
readFile : Text ->{IO,Exception} Bytes
readFile path =
h = openFile path FileMode.Read
load acc =
if isFileEOF h then acc else load (acc ++ getBytes h 1024)
bs = load Bytes.empty
closeFile h
writeFile : Text -> Bytes ->{IO,Exception} ()
writeFile path bs =
h = openFile path FileMode.Write
putBytes h bs
closeFile h
fail : Text -> b ->{Exception} c
fail msg x = raise (Failure (typeLink IOFailure) msg (Any x))
fromB32 : Bytes ->{Exception} Bytes
fromB32 bs32 = match fromBase32 bs32 with
Left msg -> fail ("base32 decoding failed: " ++ msg) bs32
Right bs -> bs
loadValueBytes : Bytes ->{Exception,IO} ([(Link.Term, Code)], Value)
loadValueBytes bs = match Value.deserialize bs with
Left err -> fail ("could not deserialize value: " ++ err) bs
Right sv -> match Value.load sv with
Left l -> fail "could not load value" l
Right v -> v
loadCodeBytes : Bytes ->{Exception} Code
loadCodeBytes bs = match Code.deserialize bs with
Left err -> fail ("could not deserialize code: " ++ err) bs
Right co -> co
cache : [(Link.Term, Code)] -> ()
cache deps =
match validateLinks deps with
Left rs -> fail "cache: missing binding group" rs
Right [] -> ()
Right rs -> fail "cache: rehash failed" rs
match cache_ deps with
[] -> ()
l -> fail "code not self-contained" l
loadSelfContained : Text ->{IO, Exception} a
loadSelfContained path =
bs = fromB32 (readFile path)
(deps, v) = loadValueBytes bs
cache deps
match Value.load v with
Left l -> fail "value missing deps" l
Right x -> x
saveTestCase : Text -> Text -> (a ->{} Text) -> a ->{IO,Exception} ()
saveTestCase name ver f i =
dir = "unison-src/transcripts-using-base/serialized-cases/"
sfile = dir ++ name ++ "." ++ ver ++ ".ser"
ofile = dir ++ name ++ ".out"
hfile = dir ++ name ++ "." ++ ver ++ ".hash"
output = f i
saveSelfContained (f, i) sfile
writeFile ofile (toUtf8 output)
writeFile hfile (Bytes.toBase32 (crypto.hash Sha3_512 (f, i)))