
38 lines
644 B

type Foo a = Foo a
(+) = (UInt64.+)
-- The type 'a is sugar for `() -> a`.
-- The term 'a is sugar for `() -> a`.
-- !a forces a delayed expression (equivalent to `a()`)
woot : 'UInt64
woot = '42
-- A 'a can also be created by prefixing `let` with a '
woot2 : 'UInt64
woot2 = 'let
x = 1
y = 2
x + y
-- ' has higher precedence than -> in type signatures
-- and a lower precedence than type application
woot3 : 'UInt64 -> UInt64
woot3 x = !x + 1
woot4 : ∀ a . 'Foo a -> Foo a
woot4 foo = !foo
woot4-usage = woot4 '(Foo.Foo 19)
woot4-usage2 =
foo = 'let
x : UInt64
x = 99
Foo.Foo (x + x)
woot4 foo