
205 lines
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#lang racket/base
; This implements a standalone unison runtime, with options for
; generating compilable racket modules.
; For runtime, it relies on the support for unison dynamic code
; loading. It expects to be provided with a serialized list of term
; links and associated code. It then loads the code in the same manner
; as dynamic runtime execution, and evaluates a main definition.
; Since this is intended to be an implementation of evaluation for
; e.g. ucm, the input is expected to be complete. No protocol is
; implemented for negotiating with a host for additional needed
; definitions. The program has all the built in definitions, and
; everything else is expected to be provided in the initial input.
; In addition to this mode, it is possible to supply a command line
; argument `-G` with a file name. This will instead produce a racket
; file with the supplied definitions. This file should be suitable for
; compilation and distribution with the `raco` tool, so long as the
; supporting unison-on-racket libraries are known to the racket
; install.
(except-in racket false true unit any)
(define (grab-num port)
(integer-bytes->integer (read-bytes 4 port) #f #t 0 4))
; Gets bytes using the expected input format. The format is simple:
; - 4 bytes indicating how many bytes follow
; - the actual payload, with size matching the above
(define (grab-bytes port)
(let ([size (grab-num port)])
(read-bytes size port)))
; Gets args sent after the code payload. Format is:
; - 4 bytes indicating how many arguments
; - for each argument
; - 4 bytes indicating length of argument
; - utf-8 bytes of that length
(define (grab-args port)
(let ([n (grab-num port)])
(for/list ([i (range n)])
(bytes->string/utf-8 (grab-bytes port)))))
; Reads and decodes the input. First uses `grab-bytes` to read the
; payload, then uses unison functions to deserialize the `Value` that
; is expected.
; The `Value` is expected to be a pair of loadable code and which
; definition should be executed. In unison types, it is:
; ([(Link.Term, Code)], Link.Term)
(define (decode-input port)
(let ([bs (grab-bytes port)])
(match (builtin-Value.deserialize (bytes->chunked-bytes bs))
[(unison-data _ t (list q))
(= t ref-either-right:tag)
(unison-tuple->list (reify-value (unison-quote-val q))))]
(raise "unexpected input")])))
(define (natural->bytes/variable n)
(let rec ([i n] [acc '()])
[(< i #x80) (list->bytes (reverse (cons i acc)))]
(rec (arithmetic-shift i -7)
(cons (bitwise-and i #x7f) acc))])))
(define (write-string-bytes str port)
(define bs (string->bytes/utf-8 str))
(write-bytes (natural->bytes/variable (bytes-length bs)) port)
(write-bytes bs port))
(define (write-value-bytes val port)
(define qval (unison-quote (reflect-value val)))
(define bs (chunked-bytes->bytes (builtin-Value.serialize qval)))
(write-bytes bs port))
(define (encode-success result port)
(write-bytes #"\0" port)
(write-value-bytes result port)
(define (encode-error ex port)
(match ex
[(exn:bug msg val)
(write-bytes #"\1" port)
(write-string-bytes msg port)
(write-value-bytes val port)]
(write-bytes #"\2" port)
(write-string-bytes (exception->string ex) port)])
(define (encode-exception fail port)
(write-bytes #"\1" port)
(write-string-bytes "builtin.raise" port)
(write-value-bytes fail port)
(define ((eval-exn-handler port) rq)
(request-case rq
[pure (result) (encode-success result port)]
[0 (fail)
(control ref-exception:typelink k
(encode-exception fail port))]]))
; Implements the evaluation mode of operation. First decodes the
; input. Then uses the dynamic loading machinery to add the code to
; the runtime. Finally executes a specified main reference.
(define (do-evaluate in out)
(let-values ([(code main-ref) (decode-input in)]
[(args) (list->vector (grab-args in))])
(add-runtime-code 'unison-main code)
([exn:bug? (lambda (e) (encode-error e out))])
(parameterize ([current-command-line-arguments args])
(handle [ref-exception:typelink] (eval-exn-handler out)
((termlink->proc main-ref)))))))
; Uses racket pretty printing machinery to instead generate a file
; containing the given code, and which executes the main definition on
; loading. This file can then be built with `raco exe`.
(define (write-module srcf main-ref icode)
(lambda (port)
(parameterize ([print-as-expression #t])
(display "#lang racket/base\n\n" port)
(for ([expr (build-intermediate-module main-ref icode)])
(pretty-print expr port 1)
(newline port))
(newline port)))
#:exists 'replace))
; Decodes input and writes a module to the specified file.
(define (do-generate srcf)
(define-values (icode main-ref) (decode-input (current-input-port)))
(write-module srcf main-ref icode))
(define generate-to (make-parameter #f))
(define show-version (make-parameter #f))
(define use-port-num (make-parameter #f))
(define (handle-command-line)
#:program "unison-runtime"
"display version"
(show-version #t)]
[("-p" "--port")
"runtime communication port"
(use-port-num port-num)]
[("-G" "--generate-file")
"generate code to <file>"
(generate-to file)]
#:args remaining
(list->vector remaining)))
(let ([sub-args (handle-command-line)])
(current-command-line-arguments sub-args))
[(show-version) (displayln "unison-runtime version 0.0.11")]
[(generate-to) (do-generate (generate-to))]
(match (string->number (use-port-num))
#:when (port-number? port)
(let-values ([(in out) (tcp-connect "localhost" port)])
(do-evaluate in out)
(close-output-port out)
(close-input-port in))]
(displayln "could not parse port number")
(exit 1)]
(displayln "bad port number")
(exit 1)])]
(do-evaluate (current-input-port) (open-output-bytes))]))