
35 lines
768 B

use State get put
use Writer tell
> handle
handle replicate 5 main
with writerHandler []
with stateHandler "hello"
main = '(tell get)
replicate : Nat -> '{e} () -> {e} ()
replicate n x =
if n `Nat.eq` 0 then () else
replicate (n `drop` 1) x
ability State a where
get : {State a} a
put : a -> {State a} ()
ability Writer w where
tell : w -> {Writer w} ()
stateHandler : s -> Request {State s} a -> (s, a)
stateHandler s = cases
{ State.get -> k } -> handle k s with stateHandler s
{ State.put s -> k } -> handle k () with stateHandler s
{ a } -> (s, a)
writerHandler : [w] -> Request {Writer w} a -> ([w], a)
writerHandler ww = cases
{ Writer.tell w -> k } -> handle k () with writerHandler (ww `snoc` w)
{ a } -> (ww, a)