Arya Irani 8cee89dc29 rename Builtins in initial namespace construction, and update tests
- () -> Unit
- ().() -> Unit.Unit
- Pair -> Tuple
- Pair.Pair -> Tuple.Cons
- Sequence -> List
- Effect -> Request
- {Int,Nat,Float,Text}.{==,<,<=,>,>=} -> {Int,Nat,Float,Text}.{eq,lt,lteq,gt,gteq}
- mark Text.!= as a deprecated builtin
2019-08-22 16:34:12 -04:00

96 lines
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type Either a b = Left a | Right b
type Status = Running | Finished | Canceled | Error Error
type Duration = Seconds Nat
-- type Abilities e = Abilities {e}
ability Remote loc where
fork : loc {e}
-> '{e} a
-> {Remote loc} Future loc a
forkRegistered : (Future loc a -> {e2} ()) -> loc {e} -> '{e} a
-> {Remote loc, e2} Future loc a
forkRegistered register loc t =
future = Remote.fork loc t
register future
Future.begin future
ability Error e where error : e ->{Error e} ()
type Future loc a = Future
('{Remote loc} () -- begin
,'{Remote loc} () -- cancel
,'{Remote loc} Status -- status
,'{Remote loc, Error Future.Error} a -- join
type Future.Error = UnknownFuture | UnreachableLocation | UnresponsiveLocation | Terminated | AbilityCheckFailure
-- Ability.check : Abilities {a} -> Request {b} x -> Boolean
-- Ability.check = _
-- Remote.server : (loc {e} -> {e} a) -> {e} a
-- Remote.server computation =
Future.join : Future loc a ->{Remote loc, Error Future.Error} a
Future.join f = case f of Future.Future (b, c, s, j) -> !j
Future.cancel : Future loc a ->{Remote loc} ()
Future.cancel f = case f of Future.Future (b, c, s, j) -> !c
Future.status : Future loc a ->{Remote loc} Status
Future.status f = case f of Future.Future (b, c, s, j) -> !s
Future.begin : Future loc a ->{Remote loc} ()
Future.begin f = case f of Future.Future (b, c, s, j) -> !b
type UnitLoc e = UnitLoc
-- Remote.runSequential : '{Remote UnitLoc, Error e} a -> Either e a
-- Remote.runSequential r =
-- step : Request {Remote UnitLoc} a -> a
-- step r = case r of
-- {a} -> a
-- {Remote.fork loc t -> k} ->
-- join = Right !t
-- cancel = ()
-- status = Finished
-- keepalive d = ()
-- handle step in k (Future ('join, 'cancel, 'status, keepalive))
-- err : Request {Error e} a -> Either e a
-- err e = case e of
-- {a} -> Right a
-- {Error.error t -> k} ->handle err in k (Left t)
-- handle err in handle step in !r
-- > Remote.runSequential
-- use Optional Some None
-- use Either Left Right
-- Either.join : Either a (Either a b) -> Either a b
-- Either.join e = case e of
-- Left a -> Left a
-- Right e -> e
-- parMergeSort : (a -> a -> Boolean) -> [a] ->{Remote UnitLoc, Error} [a]
-- parMergeSort (<) as =
-- -- merge : [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-- merge z l r =
-- l0 = at 0 l
-- r0 = at 0 r
-- case (l0, r0) of
-- (None, _) -> z ++ r
-- (_, None) -> z ++ l
-- (Some l0, Some r0) ->
-- if l0 < r0
-- then merge (z `snoc` l0) (drop 1 l) r
-- else merge (z `snoc` r0) l (drop 1 r)
-- split = size as / 2
-- if split == 0 then as
-- else
-- fl = Remote.fork UnitLoc '(parMergeSort (<) (take split as))
-- fr = Remote.fork UnitLoc '(parMergeSort (<) (drop split as))
-- merge [] (Future.join fl) (Future.join fr)