Make sure not to use the same home directory for two nodes at once! You can use any name for the home directory: here we just use `home`. The `--` here separates cargo arguments from binary arguments.
On boot you will be prompted to navigate to `localhost:8080`. Make sure your ETH wallet is connected to the Sepolia test network. Login should be straightforward, just submit the transactions and follow the flow. If you want to register a new ID you will either need [Sepolia testnet tokens]( or an invite code.
- CTRL+L to toggle logging mode, which writes all terminal output to the `.terminal_log` file. Off by default, this will write all events and verbose prints with timestamps.
-`/message <address> <json>`: send an inter-process message. <address> is formatted as <node>@<process_id>. <process_id> is formatted as <process_name>:<package_name>:<publisher_node>.
-`/app <address>`: set the terminal to a mode where all messages go to a specific app. To clear this selection, use `/app clear` or simply `/app`. This is useful for apps that have a command line interface.