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synced 2024-12-19 14:41:42 +03:00
fix timer bugs, add our
replacement in kernel event loop
This commit is contained in:
@ -1951,7 +1951,15 @@ async fn make_event_loop(
kernel_message = recv_in_loop.recv() => {
let kernel_message = kernel_message.expect("fatal: event loop died");
let mut kernel_message = kernel_message.expect("fatal: event loop died");
// the kernel treats the node-string "our" as a special case,
// and replaces it with the name of the node this kernel is running.
if kernel_message.source.node == "our" {
kernel_message.source.node = our_name.clone();
if kernel_message.target.node == "our" {
kernel_message.target.node = our_name.clone();
// here: are the special kernel-level capabilities checks!
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ async fn main() {
// the boolean flag determines whether the runtime module is *public* or not,
// where public means that any process can always message it.
let mut runtime_extensions = vec![
let runtime_extensions = vec![
ProcessId::new(Some("filesystem"), "sys", "uqbar"),
@ -79,33 +79,52 @@ pub async fn timer_service(
loop {
tokio::select! {
Some(km) = timer_message_receiver.recv() => {
// we only handle Requests which contain a little-endian u64 as IPC
// ignore Requests sent from other nodes
if km.source.node != our { continue };
// we only handle Requests which contain a little-endian u64 as IPC,
// except for a special "debug" message, which prints the current state
let Message::Request(req) = km.message else { continue };
if req.ipc == "debug".as_bytes() {
let _ = print_tx.send(Printout {
verbosity: 0,
content: format!("timer service active timers ({}):", timer_map.timers.len()),
for (k, v) in timer_map.timers.iter() {
let _ = print_tx.send(Printout {
verbosity: 0,
content: format!("{}: {:?}", k, v),
let Ok(bytes): Result<[u8; 8], _> = req.ipc.try_into() else { continue };
let time = u64::from_le_bytes(bytes);
// if the timer is set to pop in the past, we immediately respond
let timer_secs = u64::from_le_bytes(bytes);
// if the timer is set to pop in 0 seconds, we immediately respond
// otherwise, store in our persisted map, and spawn a task that
// sleeps for the given time, then sends the response
let now = std::time::SystemTime::now()
if time <= now {
let pop_time = now + timer_secs;
if timer_secs == 0 {
send_response(&our, km.id, km.rsvp.unwrap_or(km.source), &kernel_message_sender).await;
} else if timer_map.contains(time) {
timer_map.insert(time, km.id, km.rsvp.unwrap_or(km.source));
} else {
timer_map.insert(time, km.id, km.rsvp.unwrap_or(km.source));
if !timer_map.contains(pop_time) {
timer_tasks.spawn(async move {
tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(time - now)).await;
return time
return pop_time
timer_map.insert(pop_time, km.id, km.rsvp.unwrap_or(km.source));
persist_state(&our, &timer_map, &kernel_message_sender).await;
Some(Ok(time)) = timer_tasks.join_next() => {
// when a timer pops, we send the response to the process(es) that set
// the timer(s), and then remove it from our persisted map
let Some(timers) = timer_map.remove(time) else { continue };
persist_state(&our, &timer_map, &kernel_message_sender).await;
for (id, addr) in timers {
send_response(&our, id, addr, &kernel_message_sender).await;
@ -126,7 +145,8 @@ impl TimerMap {
fn insert(&mut self, pop_time: u64, id: u64, addr: Address) {
.and_modify(|v| v.push((id, addr)));
.push((id, addr));
fn contains(&mut self, pop_time: u64) -> bool {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user