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2021-10-22 01:05:52 +03:00
#lang racket
(require rackunit)
(define (nock noun)
(if (pair? noun)
(nock-noun (car noun) (cdr noun))
(define (nock-noun subject formula)
(match formula
([cons (cons (var b) (var c)) (var d)]
(cons (nock-noun subject (cons b c)) (nock-noun subject d)))
([cons 0 (var b)]
(nock-tree-find subject b))
([cons 1 (var b)]
([cons 2 (cons (var b) (var c))]
(nock-noun (nock-noun subject b) (nock-noun subject c)))
([cons 3 (var b)]
(if (pair? (nock-noun subject b)) 0 1))
([cons 4 (var b)]
(+ 1 (nock-noun subject b)))
([cons 5 (cons (var b) (var c))]
(if (equal? (nock-noun subject b) (nock-noun subject c)) 0 1))
([cons 6 (cons (var b) (cons (var c) (var d)))]
(if (= 0 (nock-noun subject b))
(nock-noun subject c)
(nock-noun subject d)))
([cons 7 (cons (var b) (var c))]
(nock-noun (nock-noun subject b) c))
([cons 8 (cons (var b) (var c))]
(nock-noun (cons (nock-noun subject b) subject) c))
([cons 9 (cons (var b) (var c))]
([core (nock-noun subject c)])
(nock-noun core (nock-tree-find core b))))
([cons 10 (cons (cons (var b) (var c)) (var d))]
(nock-tree-edit (nock-noun subject c) b (nock-noun subject d)))
([cons 11 (cons (cons (var b) (var c)) (var d))]
([_ (nock-noun subject c)])
(nock-noun subject d)))
([cons 11 (cons (var b) (var c))]
(nock-noun subject c))
([var a] #:when (exact-nonnegative-integer? a) a)))
(define nock-tree-find
(lambda (tree address)
(if (= address 1) tree
(if (even? address)
(car (nock-tree-find tree (quotient address 2)))
(cdr (nock-tree-find tree (quotient address 2)))))))
; # operator in nock spec: tree editing
(define (nock-tree-edit subtree address tree)
((nock-tree-patch-address-acc (nock-tree-patch-here subtree) address) tree))
(define (nock-tree-patch-address-acc patch address)
(if (= address 1)
(if (even? address)
(nock-tree-patch-address-acc (nock-tree-patch-left patch) (quotient address 2))
(nock-tree-patch-address-acc (nock-tree-patch-right patch) (quotient address 2)))))
(define (nock-tree-patch-here x)
(lambda (_) x))
(define (nock-tree-patch-left patch)
(lambda (tree)
(cons (patch (car tree)) (cdr tree))))
(define (nock-tree-patch-right patch)
(lambda (tree)
(cons (car tree) (patch (cdr tree)))))
(define nock-here 1)
(define (nock-car address) (* address 2))
(define (nock-cdr address) (+ 1 (* address 2)))
(define (get-0 x) (cons 0 x))
(define (literal-1 x) (cons 1 x))
(define (eval-2 x y) (cons 2 (cons x y)))
(define (cell?-3 x) (cons 3 x))
(define (inc-4 x) (cons 4 x))
(define (=-5 x y) (cons 5 (cons x y)))
(define (if-6 x y z) (cons 6 (cons x (cons y z))))
(define (compose-7 x y) (cons 7 (cons x y)))
(define (declare-8 x y) (cons 8 (cons x y)))
(define (call-9 x y) (cons 9 (cons x y)))
(define (update-10 x y z) (cons 10 (cons (cons x y) z)))
(define (hint-11 x y) (cons 11 (cons x y)))
(define lootru 0)
(define loofal 1)
(define test-tree (cons (cons 4 5) 3))
(define decrement-4-core
(if-6 (=-5 (get-0 (nock-car (nock-cdr nock-here))) (inc-4 (get-0 (nock-cdr (nock-cdr nock-here)))))
(get-0 (nock-cdr (nock-cdr nock-here)))
(call-9 (nock-car nock-here) (update-10 (nock-cdr (nock-cdr nock-here)) (inc-4 (get-0 (nock-cdr (nock-cdr nock-here)))) (get-0 nock-here))))
(cons 4 0)))
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (get-0 nock-here)) test-tree "tree address 1")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (get-0 (nock-car nock-here))) (car test-tree) "tree address 2")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (get-0 (nock-cdr nock-here))) (cdr test-tree) "tree address 3")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (get-0 (nock-car (nock-car nock-here)))) (car (car test-tree)) "tree address 4")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (get-0 (nock-cdr (nock-car nock-here)))) (cdr (car test-tree)) "tree address 5")
(check-equal? (nock-noun 0 (literal-1 test-tree)) test-tree "literal")
(check-equal? (nock-noun 0 (eval-2 (literal-1 test-tree) (literal-1 (get-0 2)))) (car test-tree) "eval")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (cell?-3 (get-0 1))) lootru "test cell true")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (cell?-3 (get-0 3))) loofal "test cell false")
(check-equal? (nock-noun 0 (inc-4 (literal-1 0))) 1 "increment")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (=-5 (literal-1 test-tree) (get-0 1))) lootru "test equals true")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (=-5 (literal-1 test-tree) (get-0 2))) loofal "test equals false")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (if-6 (literal-1 lootru) (literal-1 5) (get-0 100))) 5 "test if tru")
(check-equal? (nock-noun test-tree (if-6 (literal-1 loofal) (get-0 100) (literal-1 5))) 5 "test if false")
(check-equal? (nock-noun 0 (compose-7 (literal-1 test-tree) (get-0 2))) (car test-tree) "test compose")
(check-equal? (nock-noun 0 (declare-8 (literal-1 test-tree) (get-0 2))) test-tree "test declare")
(check-equal? (nock-noun 0 (call-9 (nock-car nock-here) (literal-1 decrement-4-core))) 3 "test call")
(check-equal? (nock-noun 0 (update-10 (nock-cdr nock-here) (literal-1 (cons 6 7)) (literal-1 test-tree))) (cons (cons 4 5) (cons 6 7)) "test update")
(check-equal? (nock-noun 0 (call-9 (nock-car nock-here) (update-10 (nock-car (nock-cdr nock-here)) (literal-1 8) (literal-1 decrement-4-core)))) 7 "test slam i.e. update sample and call")
; test 11 static and dynamic