2021-10-21 18:05:52 -04:00

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#lang racket
(define nock-eval
(lambda (nock)
(match nock
; Cell at head of formula, evaluate both formulae and return as cell
([cons (var a) (cons (cons (var b) (var c)) (var d))]
(nock-eval (cons a (cons b c)))
(nock-eval (cons a (cons d)))))
; literal tree index into subject
([cons (var a) (cons 0 b)] (nock-tree-find a b))
; literal
([cons _ (cons 1 b)] b)
; evaluate b with subject a
; evaluate c with subject a
; evaluate result of c with result of b as subject
([cons (var a) (cons 2 (cons (var b) (var c)))] (nock-eval (cons (nock-eval (cons a b)) (nock-eval (cons a c)))))
; evaluate b with a as subject, return
([cons (var a) (cons 3 (var b))] (if (pair? (nock-eval (cons a b))) 0 1))
([cons (var a) (cons 4 (var b))] (+ 1 (nock-eval (cons a b))))
([cons (var a) (cons 5 (cons (var b) (var c)))] (if (eqv? (nock-eval (cons a b) (cons a c))) 0 1))
; Here we deviate from slavishly following the spec to a symbolically-evaluated reduction of the spec
; Evaluate b with subject a. If 0 then evaluate c with subject a, else evaluate d with subject a
([cons (var a) (cons 6 (cons (var b) (cons (var c) (var d))))]
(let ([bval (nock-eval (cons a b))])
(if (= bval 0)
(nock-eval (cons a c))
(nock-eval (cons a d)))))
; Evaluate b with subject a, use result as subject and evaluate c
([cons (var a) (cons 7 (cons (var b) (var c)))] (nock-eval (cons (nock-eval (cons a b)) c)))
; Evaluate b with subject a, add result to subject a and evaluate c
([cons (var a) (cons 8 (cons (var b) (var c)))] (nock-eval (cons (cons (nock-eval (cons a b)) a) c)))
; Evaluate c with subject a to get a core, look up address b in the core and use it as a formula with the core
; as the subject
([cons (var a) (cons 9 (cons (var b) (var c)))]
(let ([core (nock-eval (cons a c))])
(nock-eval (cons core (nock-tree-find core b)))))
; Replace the address specified by b in the result of c with subject a with the result of d with subject a
([cons (var a) (cons 10 (cons (cons (var b) (var c)) (var d)))]
(nock-tree-edit (nock-eval a c) b (nock-eval a d)))
; Cell hint, compute then discard
([cons (var a) (cons 11 (cons (cons (var b) (var c)) (var d)))]
((const (nock-eval (cons b c))) (nock-eval (cons a d))))
; Atom hint, discard
([cons (var a) (cons 11 (cons _ (var c)))]
(nock-eval a c))
; Atom, return
([var a] a))))
; / operator in nock spec: tree addressing
(define nock-tree-find
(lambda (tree address)
(if (= address 1) tree
(nock-tree-find (if (even? address) (car tree) (cdr tree)) (quotient address 2)))))
; # operator in nock spec: tree editing
(define nock-tree-edit
(lambda (subtree address tree)
(if (= address 1) subtree
(if (even? address)
(cons (nock-tree-edit subtree (quotient address 2) (car tree)) (cdr tree))
(cons (car tree) (nock-tree-edit subtree (quotient address 2) (cdr tree)))))))
(nock-eval (cons (cons 2 3) (cons 0 3)))