Merge pull request #270 from urbit/add-mip-reference

add mip reference
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Sigilante 2023-01-18 10:34:30 -06:00 committed by GitHub
commit 8151d1d900
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
title = "Mips (Maps of Maps)"
weight = 60
[glossaryEntry."Mip (map of maps) mold builder"]
name = "Mip (map of maps) mold builder"
symbol = "mip"
usage = "libmip"
slug = "#mip"
desc = "Used in /lib/mip.hoon"
[glossaryEntry."Mip engine"]
name = "Mip engine"
symbol = "bi"
usage = "libmip"
slug = "#bi"
desc = "Used in /lib/mip.hoon"
[glossaryEntry."Delete item in mip"]
name = "Delete item in mip"
symbol = "del:bi"
usage = "libmip"
slug = "#delbi"
desc = "Used in /lib/mip.hoon"
[glossaryEntry."Maybe get value in mip"]
name = "Maybe get value in mip"
symbol = "get:bi"
usage = "libmip"
slug = "#getbi"
desc = "Used in /lib/mip.hoon"
[glossaryEntry."Get value in mip or default"]
name = "Get value in mip or default"
symbol = "gut:bi"
usage = "libmip"
slug = "#gutbi"
desc = "Used in /lib/mip.hoon"
[glossaryEntry."Check if mip contains"]
name = "Check if mip contains"
symbol = "has:bi"
usage = "libmip"
slug = "#hasbi"
desc = "Used in /lib/mip.hoon"
[glossaryEntry."Get keys of inner map in mip"]
name = "Get keys of inner map in mip"
symbol = "key:bi"
usage = "libmip"
slug = "#keybi"
desc = "Used in /lib/mip.hoon"
[glossaryEntry."Insert value in mip"]
name = "Insert value in mip"
symbol = "put:bi"
usage = "libmip"
slug = "#putbi"
desc = "Used in /lib/mip.hoon"
[glossaryEntry."Convert mip to list"]
name = "Convert mip to list"
symbol = "tap:bi"
usage = "libmip"
slug = "#tapbi"
desc = "Used in /lib/mip.hoon"
A `mip` is a map of maps. These can be constructed manually by nesting
ordinary `map`s, but the `%garden` desk contains a `/lib/mip.hoon` library which
makes these a bit easier to deal with. You can copy the library into your own
project. The various `mip` functions are documented below.
## `++mip`
Mip (map of maps) mold builder
A `mip` is a map of maps. An outer `map` maps keys to inner `map`s, which
themselves map keys to values.
A `(mip kex key value)` is equivalent to `(map kex (map key value))`.
#### Accepts
`kex` is a `mold`, the type of the outer map's key.
`key` is a `mold`, the type of the key of the inner maps.
`value` is a `mold`, the type of the value of the inner maps.
#### Produces
A `mold`.
#### Source
++ mip :: map of maps
|$ [kex key value]
(map kex (map key value))
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> *(mip:libmip @ @ @)
> (~(put bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @)) 1 2 3)
[n=[p=1 q=[n=[p=2 q=3] l=~ r=~]] l=~ r=~]
## `++bi`
Mip engine
This is the container door for all the mip functions.
#### Accepts
`a` is a [`mip`](#mip).
#### Source
++ bi :: mip engine
=| a=(map * (map))
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> ~(. bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @))
< 8.bql
[ a=nlr([p=@ q=nlr([p=@ q=@])])
<2.gtk 17.zfg 35.yza 14.oai 54.ecl 77.swa 232.sje 51.qbt 123.ppa 46.hgz 1.pnw %140>
### `++del:bi`
Delete item in `mip`
This takes two keys as its argument, `b` and `c`, and deletes `c` in the inner
map that matches key `b` in the outer map . If this results in an empty inner
map, then `b` is also deleted from the outer map.
#### Accepts
`a` is a [`mip`](#mip), and is the [`+bi`](#bi) door's sample.
`b` is a key matching the key type of the outer map.
`c` is a key matching the key type of the inner maps.
#### Produces
A [`mip`](#mip) with `c` deleted from `b`, or `b` deleted from `a` if `c` ended
up empty.
#### Source
++ del
|* [b=* c=*]
=+ d=(~(gut by a) b ~)
=+ e=(~(del by d) c)
?~ e
(~(del by a) b)
(~(put by a) b e)
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @)) 1 2 3)
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip mymip) 1 3 4)
> mymip
[n=[p=1 q=[n=[p=2 q=3] l=~ r=[n=[p=3 q=4] l=~ r=~]]] l=~ r=~]
> =mymip (~(del bi:libmip mymip) 1 2)
> mymip
[n=[p=1 q=[n=[p=3 q=4] l=~ r=~]] l=~ r=~]
> =mymip (~(del bi:libmip mymip) 1 3)
> mymip
### `++get:bi`
Maybe get value in `mip`
Get the value of `c` in the map with key `b` in `mip` `a` as a unit. If
there's no `c` in `b` or `b` in `a`, the unit is null.
#### Accepts
`a` is a [`mip`](#mip), and is the sample of the [`++bi`](#bi) door.
`b` is a key matching the key type of the outer map.
`c` is a key matching the key type of the inner maps.
#### Produces
A `(unit [type])`, where `[type]` is the value type. The unit is null if there's
no `c` in `b` or no `b` in `a`.
#### Source
++ get
|* [b=* c=*]
=> .(b `_?>(?=(^ a) p.n.a)`b, c `_?>(?=(^ a) ?>(?=(^ q.n.a) p.n.q.n.a))`c)
^- (unit _?>(?=(^ a) ?>(?=(^ q.n.a) q.n.q.n.a)))
(~(get by (~(gut by a) b ~)) c)
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @)) 1 2 3)
> (~(get bi:libmip mymip) 1 2)
[~ 3]
> (~(get bi:libmip mymip) 2 3)
#### `++got:bi`
Get value in `mip` or crash
Get the value of `c` in the map with key `b` in `mip` `a`. If there's no `c`
in `b` or `b` in `a`, crash.
#### Accepts
`a` is a [`mip`](#mip), and is the sample of the [`++bi`](#bi) door.
`b` is a key matching the key type of the outer map.
`c` is a key matching the key type of the inner maps.
#### Produces
A noun of the type of the values in the `mip`, or else crashes.
#### Source
++ got
|* [b=* c=*]
(need (get b c))
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @)) 1 2 3)
> (~(got bi:libmip mymip) 1 2)
> (~(got bi:libmip mymip) 2 3)
/lib/mip/hoon:<[25 5].[25 21]>
dojo: hoon expression failed
### `++gut:bi`
Get value in `mip` or default
Get the value of `c` in the map with key `b` in `mip` `a`. If there's no `c`
in `b` or `b` in `a`, produce default value `d`.
#### Accepts
`a` is a [`mip`](#mip), and is the sample of the [`++bi`](#bi) door.
`b` is a key matching the key type of the outer map.
`c` is a key matching the key type of the inner maps.
`d` is a default value, which is produced if the value cannot be found.
#### Produces
A noun, either the type of the value in the map or `d`.
#### Source
++ gut
|* [b=* c=* d=*]
(~(gut by (~(gut by a) b ~)) c d)
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @)) 1 2 3)
> (~(gut bi:libmip mymip) 1 2 42)
> (~(gut bi:libmip mymip) 2 3 42)
### `++has:bi`
Check if `mip` contains
Check if `mip` `a` contains `c` in `b`.
#### Accepts
`a` is a [`mip`](#mip), and is the sample of the [`++bi`](#bi) door.
`b` is a key matching the key type of the outer map.
`c` is a key matching the key type of the inner maps.
#### Produces
A `?` which is true if `c` in `b` exists, and false otherwise.
#### Source
++ has
|* [b=* c=*]
!=(~ (get b c))
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @)) 1 2 3)
> (~(has bi:libmip mymip) 1 2)
> (~(has bi:libmip mymip) 2 3)
### `++key:bi`
Get keys of inner map in `mip`
Get the `set` of keys of the inner map matching key `b` in the outer map. If
`b` doesn't exist, an empty set is returned.
#### Accepts
`a` is a [`mip`](#mip), and is the sample of the [`++bi`](#bi) door.
`b` is a key matching the key type of the outer map.
#### Produces
A `(set [type])` where `[type]` is the type of the keys in the inner map.
#### Source
++ key
|* b=*
~(key by (~(gut by a) b ~))
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @)) 1 2 3)
> (~(key bi:libmip mymip) 1)
> (~(key bi:libmip mymip) 2)
### `++put:bi`
Insert value in `mip`
Add value `d` with key `c` to the inner map with key `b` in the outer map. If
`b` doesn't exist, an inner map is also added with that key. If `c` already
exists, its value is replaced with `d`.
#### Accepts
`a` is a [`mip`](#mip), and is the sample of the [`++bi`](#bi) door.
`b` is a key matching the key type of the outer map.
`c` is a key matching the key type of the inner maps.
`d` is a noun matching the type of the values in the `mip`.
#### Produces
A new, modified `mip`.
#### Source
++ put
|* [b=* c=* d=*]
%+ ~(put by a) b
%. [c d]
%~ put by
(~(gut by a) b ~)
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @)) 1 2 3)
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip mymip) 1 1 42)
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip mymip) 2 12 99)
> ~(tap bi:libmip mymip)
~[[x=2 y=12 v=99] [x=1 y=2 v=3] [x=1 y=1 v=42]]
### `++tap:bi`
Convert `mip` to `list`
The `mip` is flattened to a `list` of the triple `[x y v]`, where `x` is a key
in the outer map, `y` is a key in an inner map, and `v` is its value.
#### Accepts
`a` is a [`mip`](#mip), and is the sample of the [`++bi`](#bi) door.
#### Produces
A triple cell of `[x y v]`, where:
- `x` is a key in the outer map.
- `y` is a key in an inner map.
- `v` is its value.
#### Source
++ tap
::NOTE naive turn-based implementation find-errors ):
=< $
=+ b=`_?>(?=(^ a) *(list [x=_p.n.a _?>(?=(^ q.n.a) [y=p v=q]:n.q.n.a)]))`~
|. ^+ b
?~ a
$(a r.a, b (welp (turn ~(tap by q.n.a) (lead p.n.a)) $(a l.a)))
#### Examples
> =libmip -build-file /=garden=/lib/mip/hoon
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip *(mip:libmip @ @ @)) 1 2 3)
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip mymip) 1 1 42)
> =mymip (~(put bi:libmip mymip) 2 12 99)
> ~(tap bi:libmip mymip)
~[[x=2 y=12 v=99] [x=1 y=2 v=3] [x=1 y=1 v=42]]