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module Arvo.Effect where
import Urbit.Time
import UrbitPrelude
import Arvo.Common (Header, HttpEvent, HttpServerConf, Lane, Method, Mime, Turf)
import Arvo.Common (ReOrg(..), reorgThroughNoun)
-- Newt Effects ----------------------------------------------------------------
%turf -- Set which domain names we've bound.
%send -- Send a UDP packet.
data NewtEf
= NewtEfTurf (Atom, ()) [Turf]
| NewtEfSend (Atom, ()) Lane Bytes
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriveNoun ''NewtEf
-- HTTP Client Effects ---------------------------------------------------------
data HttpClientReq = HttpClientReq
{ method :: Method
, url :: Cord
, headerList :: [Header]
, body :: Maybe Octs
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
%request -- TODO
%cancel-request -- TODO
data HttpClientEf
= HCERequest (Atom, ()) Word HttpClientReq
| HCECancelRequest Path Word
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriveNoun ''HttpClientReq
deriveNoun ''HttpClientEf
-- HTTP Server Effects ---------------------------------------------------------
%set-config -- Update HTTP server configuration.
%response -- Respond to an active HTTP request.
data HttpServerEf
= HSESetConfig (Atom, ()) HttpServerConf
| HSEResponse (Atom, Decimal, Decimal, ()) HttpEvent
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriveNoun ''HttpServerEf
-- File System Effects ---------------------------------------------------------
%hill -- TODO
%dirk -- mark mount dirty
%ergo -- TODO
%ogre -- TODO
data SyncEf
= SyncEfHill () [Term]
| SyncEfDirk Path Term
| SyncEfErgo Path Term [(Path, Maybe Mime)]
| SyncEfOgre Path Term
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriveNoun ''SyncEf
-- UDP Effects -----------------------------------------------------------------
%init -- "I don't think that's something that can happen"
%west -- "Those also shouldn't happen"
%woot -- "Those also shouldn't happen"
data AmesEf
= AmesEfInit Path ()
| AmesEfWest Path Ship Path Noun
| AmesEfWoot Path Ship (Maybe (Maybe (Term, [Tank])))
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriveNoun ''AmesEf
-- Timer Effects ---------------------------------------------------------------
%doze -- Set or clear timer.
%void -- Nasty hack to make the parser not treat this as a record.
data BehnEf
= BehnEfDoze (Atom, ()) (Maybe Wen)
| BehnEfVoid Void
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriveNoun ''BehnEf
-- Terminal Effects ------------------------------------------------------------
%bel -- TODO
%clr -- TODO
%hop -- TODO
%lin -- TODO
%mor -- TODO
%sag -- TODO
%sav -- TODO
%url -- TODO
data Blit
= Bel
| Clr
| Hop Word64
| Lin [Char]
| Mor
| Sag Path Noun
| Sav Path Atom
| Url Cord
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
%bbye -- TODO
%blip -- TODO
%init -- TODO
%logo -- Shutdown
%mass -- Measure memory usage (unused)
%send -- Send a UDP packet (duplicate of ames %send)
data TermEf
= TermEfBbye Path ()
| TermEfBlit Path [Blit]
| TermEfInit (Decimal, ()) ()
| TermEfLogo Path ()
| TermEfMass Path Noun -- Irrelevant
| TermEfSend Path Lane Bytes
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriveNoun ''Blit
deriveNoun ''TermEf
-- IO-Driver Routing -----------------------------------------------------------
data VaneEf
= VENewt NewtEf
| VEHttpClient HttpClientEf
| VEHttpServer HttpServerEf
| VEBehn BehnEf
| VEAmes AmesEf
| VETerm TermEf
| VEClay SyncEf
| VESync SyncEf
| VEBoat SyncEf
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriveNoun ''VaneEf
-- Top-Level Ef Type -----------------------------------------------------------
data Ef
= EfVane VaneEf
| EfVega Cord EvilPath -- second path component, rest of path
| EfExit Cord EvilPath -- second path component, rest of path
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ToNoun Ef where
toNoun = \case
EfVane v -> toNoun $ reorgThroughNoun ("", v)
EfExit s p -> toNoun $ ReOrg "" s "exit" p (A 0)
EfVega s p -> toNoun $ ReOrg "" s "vega" p (A 0)
instance FromNoun Ef where
parseNoun = parseNoun >=> \case
ReOrg "" s "exit" p (A 0) -> pure (EfExit s p)
ReOrg "" s "exit" p _ -> fail "%exit effect expects nil value"
ReOrg "" s "vega" p (A 0) -> pure (EfVega s p)
ReOrg "" s "vega" p _ -> fail "%vega effect expects nil value"
ReOrg "" s tag p val -> EfVane <$> parseNoun (toNoun (s, tag, p, val))
ReOrg _ _ _ _ _ -> fail "Non-empty first path-element"