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2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:: dbug: debug dashboard server
/- spider
/+ server, default-agent, verb, dbug
+$ state-0 [%0 passcode=(unit @t)]
+$ card card:agent:gall
=| state-0
=* state -
%+ verb |
%- agent:dbug
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
do ~(. +> bowl)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
:_ this
[%pass /connect %arvo %e %connect [~ /'~debug'] dap.bowl]~
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old=vase
^- (quip card _this)
[~ this(state !<(state-0 old))]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%http-response *] path)
(on-watch:def path)
[~ this]
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?: ?=(%noun mark)
?> (team:title [our src]:bowl)
=/ code !<((unit @t) vase)
=/ msg=tape
?~ code
"Removing passcode access for debug interface."
Enabling passcode access for debug interface. Anyone with this code can
view your applications' state, the people you've talked to, etc. Only
share with people you trust. To disable, run :dbug ~
%- (slog leaf+msg ~)
[~ this(passcode code)]
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
?. ?=(%handle-http-request mark)
(on-poke:def mark vase)
=+ !<([eyre-id=@ta =inbound-request:eyre] vase)
:_ this
%+ give-simple-payload:app:server eyre-id
%+ authorize-http-request:do inbound-request
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?. ?=([%e %bound *] sign-arvo)
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
~? !accepted.sign-arvo
[dap.bowl "bind rejected!" binding.sign-arvo]
[~ this]
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-agent on-agent:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def
|_ =bowl:gall
:: serving
++ authorize-http-request
=, server
:: if no passcode configured, only allow host ship to view
?~ passcode require-authorization:app
|= $: =inbound-request:eyre
handler=$-(inbound-request:eyre simple-payload:http)
?: authenticated.inbound-request
(handler inbound-request)
:: else, allow randos access,
:: on the condition they provide a correct ?passcode= url parameter
=; pass=(unit @t)
?: =(passcode pass)
(handler inbound-request)
(require-authorization:app inbound-request handler)
=/ from-url=(unit @t)
=- (~(get by -) 'passcode')
%- ~(gas by *(map @t @t))
args:(parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request)
?^ from-url from-url
:: try the referer field instead
=/ ref-url=(unit @t)
(get-header:http 'referer' header-list.request.inbound-request)
?~ ref-url ~
?~ (find "passcode={(trip u.passcode)}" (trip u.ref-url)) ~
++ handle-http-request
=, server
|= =inbound-request:eyre
^- simple-payload:http
=/ =request-line
%- parse-request-line
=* req-head header-list.request.inbound-request
::TODO handle POST
?. ?=(%'GET' method.request.inbound-request)
(handle-get-request req-head request-line)
++ handle-get-request
=, server
|= [headers=header-list:http request-line]
^- simple-payload:http
=? site ?=([%'~debug' *] site)
?~ ext
$(ext `%html, site [%index ~]) ::NOTE hack
:: if not json, serve static file
?. ?=([~ %json] ext)
=/ file=(unit octs)
(get-file-at /app/debug site u.ext)
?~ file not-found:gen
?+ u.ext not-found:gen
%html (html-response:gen u.file)
%js (js-response:gen u.file)
%css (css-response:gen u.file)
%png (png-response:gen u.file)
:: get data matching the json and convert it
=; json=(unit json)
?~ json not-found:gen
(json-response:gen u.json)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
=, enjs:format
?+ site ~
:: /apps.json: {appname: running?}
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
[%apps ~]
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
%- some
%- pairs
%+ turn all:apps
|= app=term
[app b+(running:apps app)]
:: /app/[appname]...
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
[%app @ *]
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
=* app
::TODO ?. (dbugable:apps app) ~
=/ rest=^path
?+ rest ~
:: /app/[appname].json: {state: }
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
%- some
%- pairs
:~ :- 'simpleState'
%- tank
=; head=(unit ^tank)
(fall head leaf+"unversioned")
:: try to print the state version
=/ version=(unit vase)
(slew 2 (state:apps app))
?~ version ~
?. ?=(%atom -.p.u.version) ~
`(sell u.version)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:- 'subscriptions'
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
%- pairs
=+ (subscriptions:apps app)
|^ ~['in'^(incoming in) 'out'^(outgoing out)]
++ incoming
|= =bitt:gall
^- json
:- %a
%+ turn ~(tap by bitt)
|= [d=duct [s=^ship p=^path]]
%- pairs
:~ 'duct'^a+(turn d path)
'ship'^(ship s)
'path'^(path p)
++ outgoing
|= =boat:gall
^- json
:- %a
%+ turn ~(tap by boat)
|= [[w=wire s=^ship t=term] [a=? p=^path]]
%- pairs
:~ 'wire'^(path w)
'ship'^(ship s)
'path'^(path p)
:: /app/[appname]/state.json
:: /app/[appname]/state/[query].json
[%state ?(~ [@ ~])]
%- some
=- (pairs 'state'^(tank -) ~)
%+ state-at:apps app
?~ ~
(slaw %t
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:: /spider.json
[%spider %threads ~]
%- some
:: turn flat stack descriptors into object (tree) representing stacks
|^ (tree-to-json build-thread-tree)
+$ tree
$~ ~
(map tid:spider tree)
++ build-thread-tree
%+ roll tree:threads
|= [stack=(list tid:spider) =tree]
?~ stack tree
%+ ~(put by tree) i.stack
%_ $
stack t.stack
tree (~(gut by tree) i.stack ~)
++ tree-to-json
|= =tree
o+(~(run by tree) tree-to-json)
:: /azimuth/status
:: /ames/peer.json
[%ames %peer ~]
=/ [known=(list [^ship *]) alien=(list [^ship *])]
%+ skid ~(tap by peers:v-ames)
|= [^ship kind=?(%alien %known)]
?=(%known kind)
%- some
%- pairs
::NOTE would do (cork head ship) but can't get that to compile...
:~ 'known'^a+(turn (turn known head) ship)
'alien'^a+(turn (turn alien head) ship)
:: /ames/peer/[shipname].json
[%ames %peer @ ~]
=/ who=^ship
(rash fed:ag)
%- some
=, v-ames
(peer-to-json (peer who))
:: /behn/timers.json
[%behn %timers ~]
%- some
:- %a
%+ turn timers:v-behn
|= [date=@da =duct]
%- pairs
:~ 'date'^(time date)
'duct'^a+(turn duct path)
:: /clay/commits.json
[%clay %commits ~]
(some commits-json:v-clay)
:: /eyre/bindings.json
[%eyre %bindings ~]
%- some
:- %a
%+ turn bindings:v-eyre
=, eyre
|= [binding =duct =action]
%- pairs
:~ 'location'^s+(cat 3 (fall site '*') (spat path))
2020-05-23 00:57:41 +03:00
'action'^(render-action:v-eyre action)
:: /eyre/connections.json
[%eyre %connections ~]
%- some
:- %a
%+ turn ~(tap by connections:v-eyre)
|= [=duct outstanding-connection:eyre]
%- pairs
:~ 'duct'^a+(turn duct path)
'action'^(render-action:v-eyre action)
:- 'request'
%- pairs
=, inbound-request
:~ 'authenticated'^b+authenticated
'source'^s+(scot %if +.address)
:: ?- -.address
:: %ipv4 %if
:: %ipv6 %is
:: ==
:- 'response'
%- pairs
:~ 'sent'^(numb bytes-sent)
:- 'header'
?~ response-header ~
=, u.response-header
%- pairs
:~ 'status-code'^(numb status-code)
:- 'headers'
:- %a
%+ turn headers
|=([k=@t v=@t] s+:((cury cat 3) k ': ' v))
:: /eyre/authentication.json
[%eyre %authentication ~]
%- some
:- %a
%+ turn
%+ sort ~(tap by sessions:auth-state:v-eyre)
|= [[@uv a=session:eyre] [@uv b=session:eyre]]
(gth expiry-time.a expiry-time.b)
2020-05-23 00:57:41 +03:00
|= [cookie=@uv session:eyre]
%- pairs
:~ 'cookie'^s+(end 3 4 (rsh 3 2 (scot %x (shax cookie))))
'expiry'^(time expiry-time)
'channels'^(numb ~(wyt in channels))
2020-05-23 00:57:41 +03:00
:: /eyre/channels.json
[%eyre %channels ~]
%- some
:- %a
=+ channel-state:v-eyre
%+ turn ~(tap by session)
|= [key=@t channel:eyre]
%- pairs
:~ 'session'^s+key
'expiry'^?-(-.state %& (time date.p.state), %| ~)
'next-id'^(numb next-id)
'unacked'^a+(turn (sort (turn ~(tap in events) head) dor) numb)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
2020-05-23 00:57:41 +03:00
:- 'subscriptions'
:- %a
%+ turn ~(tap by subscriptions)
|= [id=@ud [=^ship app=term =^path *]]
2020-05-23 00:57:41 +03:00
%- pairs
:~ 'id'^(numb id)
2020-05-23 00:57:41 +03:00
'ship'^(^ship ship)
'path'^(^path path)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
++ get-file-at
|= [base=path file=path ext=@ta]
^- (unit octs)
?. ?=(?(%html %css %js %png) ext)
=/ =path
:* (scot %p our.bowl)
(scot %da now.bowl)
(snoc (weld base file) ext)
?. .^(? %cu path) ~
%- some
%- as-octs:mimes:html
.^(@ %cx path)
:: applications
++ apps
++ all
^- (list term)
%+ murn
(scry (list path) %ct %home /app)
|= =path
^- (unit term)
?. ?=([%app @ %hoon ~] path) ~
++ running
|= app=term
(scry ? %gu app ~)
++ dbugable
|= app=term
^- ?
!! ::TODO how to check if it supports the /dbug scries?
++ state
|= app=term
^- vase
(scry-dbug vase app /state)
++ state-at
|= [app=term what=(unit @t)]
^- tank
=/ state=vase (state app)
?~ what (sell state)
=/ result=(each vase tang)
%- mule |.
%+ slap
(slop state !>([bowl=bowl ..zuse]))
(ream u.what)
?- -.result
%& (sell p.result)
%| (head p.result)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
++ subscriptions
=, gall
|= app=term
^- [out=boat in=bitt]
(scry-dbug ,[boat bitt] app /subscriptions)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
++ scry-dbug
|* [=mold app=term =path]
(scry mold %gx app (snoc `^path`[%dbug path] %noun))
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
::TODO but why? we can't tell if it's on or not
++ poke-verb-toggle
|= app=term
^- card
(poke /verb/[app] app %verb !>(%loud))
:: threads
++ threads
::NOTE every (list tid:spider) represents a stack,
:: with a unique tid at the end
++ tree
(scry (list (list tid:spider)) %gx %spider /tree/noun)
++ poke-kill
|= =tid:spider
^- card
(poke /spider/kill/[tid] %spider %spider-stop !>([tid |]))
:: ames
++ v-ames
++ peers
(scry (map ship ?(%alien %known)) %ax %$ /peers)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
++ peer
|= who=ship
(scry ship-state:ames %ax %$ /peers/(scot %p who))
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
++ peer-to-json
=, ames
=, enjs:format
|= =ship-state
|^ ^- json
%+ frond -.ship-state
?- -.ship-state
%alien (alien +.ship-state)
%known (known +.ship-state)
++ alien
|= alien-agenda
%- pairs
:~ 'messages'^(numb (lent messages))
'packets'^(numb ~(wyt in packets))
'heeds'^(set-array heeds from-duct)
:: json for known peer is structured to closely match the peer-state type.
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:: where an index is specified, the array is generally sorted by those.
:: { life: 123,
:: route: { direct: true, lane: 'something' },
:: qos: { kind: 'status', last-contact: 123456 }, // ms timestamp
:: flows: { forward: [snd, rcv, ...], backward: [snd, rcv, ...] }
:: -> snd:
:: { bone: 123, // index
:: duct: ['/paths', ...]
:: current: 123,
:: next: 123,
:: unsent-messages: [123, ...], // size in bytes
:: queued-message-acks: [{
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:: message-num: 123, // index
:: ack: 'ok'
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:: }, ...],
:: packet-pump-state: {
:: next-wake: 123456, // ms timestamp
:: live: [{
:: message-num: 123, // index
:: fragment-num: 123, // index
:: num-fragments: 123,
:: last-sent: 123456, // ms timestamp
:: retries: 123,
:: skips: 123
:: }, ...],
:: metrics: {
:: rto: 123, // seconds
:: rtt: 123, // seconds
:: rttvar: 123,
:: ssthresh: 123,
:: num-live: 123,
:: cwnd: 123,
:: counter: 123
:: }
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:: }
:: }
:: -> rcv:
:: { bone: 123, // index
:: duct: ['/paths', ...] // index
:: last-acked: 123,
:: last-heard: 123,
:: pending-vane-ack: [123, ...],
:: live-messages: [{
:: message-num: 123, // index
:: num-received: 122,
:: num-fragments: 123,
:: fragments: [123, ...]
:: }, ...],
:: nax: [123, ...]
:: }
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:: nax: [{
:: bone: 123, // index
:: duct: ['/paths', ...],
:: message-num: 123
:: }, ...],
:: heeds: [['/paths', ...] ...]
:: }
++ known
|= peer-state
%- pairs
:~ 'life'^(numb life)
:- 'route'
%+ maybe route
|= [direct=? =lane]
%- pairs
:~ 'direct'^b+direct
2020-05-19 23:50:59 +03:00
:- 'lane'
?- -.lane
%& (ship p.lane)
?~ l=((soft ,[=@tas =@if =@ud]) (cue p.lane))
s+(scot %x p.lane)
=, u.l
(tape "%{(trip tas)}, {(scow %if if)}, {(scow %ud ud)}")
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:- 'qos'
%- pairs
:~ 'kind'^s+-.qos
'last-contact'^(time last-contact.qos)
:- 'flows'
|^ =/ mix=(list flow)
=- (sort - dor)
%+ welp
(turn ~(tap by snd) (tack %snd))
(turn ~(tap by rcv) (tack %rcv))
=/ [forward=(list flow) backward=(list flow)]
%+ skid mix
|= [=bone *]
=(0 (mod bone 2))
%- pairs
:~ ['forward' a+(turn forward build)]
['backward' a+(turn backward build)]
+$ flow
$: =bone
$= state
$% [%snd message-pump-state]
[%rcv message-sink-state]
++ tack
|* =term
|* [=bone =noun]
[bone [term noun]]
++ build
|= flow
^- json
%+ frond -.state
?- -.state
%snd (snd-with-bone ossuary bone +.state)
%rcv (rcv-with-bone ossuary bone +.state)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:- 'nax'
:- %a
%+ turn (sort ~(tap in nax) dor) :: sort by bone
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
|= [=bone =message-num]
%- pairs
:* 'message-num'^(numb message-num)
(bone-to-pairs bone ossuary)
'heeds'^(set-array heeds from-duct)
++ snd-with-bone
|= [=ossuary =bone message-pump-state]
^- json
%- pairs
:* 'current'^(numb current)
'next'^(numb next)
:- 'unsent-messages' :: as byte sizes
(set-array unsent-messages (cork (cury met 3) numb))
'unsent-fragments'^(numb (lent unsent-fragments)) :: as lent
:- 'queued-message-acks'
:- %a
%+ turn (sort ~(tap by queued-message-acks) dor) :: sort by msg nr
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
|= [=message-num =ack]
%- pairs
:~ 'message-num'^(numb message-num)
:- 'packet-pump-state'
%- pairs
=, packet-pump-state
:~ 'next-wake'^(maybe next-wake time)
:- 'live'
:- %a
%+ turn (sort ~(tap in live) dor) :: sort by msg nr & frg nr
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
|= [live-packet-key live-packet-val]
%- pairs
:~ 'message-num'^(numb message-num)
'fragment-num'^(numb fragment-num)
'num-fragments'^(numb num-fragments)
'last-sent'^(time last-sent)
'retries'^(numb retries)
'skips'^(numb skips)
:- 'metrics'
%- pairs
=, metrics
:~ 'rto'^(numb (div rto ~s1)) ::TODO milliseconds?
'rtt'^(numb (div rtt ~s1))
'rttvar'^(numb (div rttvar ~s1))
'ssthresh'^(numb ssthresh)
'num-live'^(numb num-live)
'cwnd'^(numb cwnd)
'counter'^(numb counter)
(bone-to-pairs bone ossuary)
++ rcv-with-bone
|= [=ossuary =bone message-sink-state]
^- json
%- pairs
:* 'last-acked'^(numb last-acked)
'last-heard'^(numb last-heard)
:- 'pending-vane-ack'
=- a+(turn - numb)
(sort (turn ~(tap in pending-vane-ack) head) dor) :: sort by msg #
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:- 'live-messages'
:- %a
%+ turn (sort ~(tap by live-messages) dor) :: sort by msg #
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
|= [=message-num partial-rcv-message]
%- pairs
:~ 'message-num'^(numb message-num)
'num-received'^(numb num-received)
'num-fragments'^(numb num-fragments)
'fragments'^(set-array ~(key by fragments) numb)
'nax'^a+(turn (sort ~(tap in nax) dor) numb)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
(bone-to-pairs bone ossuary)
++ bone-to-pairs
|= [=bone ossuary]
^- (list [@t json])
:~ 'bone'^(numb bone)
2020-05-21 13:31:28 +03:00
'duct'^(from-duct (~(gut by by-bone) bone ~))
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
++ maybe
|* [unit=(unit) enjs=$-(* json)]
^- json
?~ unit ~
(enjs u.unit)
++ set-array
|* [set=(set) enjs=$-(* json)]
^- json
a+(turn ~(tap in set) enjs)
++ from-duct
|= =duct
a+(turn duct path)
:: behn
++ v-behn
++ timers
(scry ,(list [date=@da =duct]) %bx %$ /debug/timers)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:: clay
::TODO depends on new clay changes (%s care)
++ v-clay
=, clay
++ start-path /(scot %p our.bowl)/home/(scot %da now.bowl)
+$ commit
[=tako parents=(list tako) children=(list tako) wen=@da content-hash=@uvI]
++ commits-json
^- json
=+ .^(desks=(set desk) %cd start-path)
=/ heads=(list [tako desk])
%+ turn ~(tap in desks)
|= =desk
=+ .^(=dome %cv /(scot %p our.bowl)/[desk]/(scot %da now.bowl))
=/ =tako (~(got by hit.dome) let.dome)
[tako desk]
=/ yakis=(set yaki)
%- silt
^- (list yaki)
%- zing
%+ turn heads
|= [=tako =desk]
(trace-tako tako)
=/ commits=(list commit) (yakis-to-commits ~(tap in yakis))
=, enjs:format
%: pairs
head+(pairs (turn heads |=([=tako =desk] (scot %uv tako)^s+desk)))
commits+(commits-to-json commits)
++ yakis-to-commits
|= yakis=(list yaki)
^- (list commit)
%+ turn yakis
|= =yaki
:* r.yaki p.yaki
=/ candidates
%+ turn
(skim yakis |=(can=^yaki (lien p.can |=(=tako =(r.yaki tako)))))
|= can=^yaki
~(tap in (silt candidates))
.^(@uvI %cs (weld start-path /hash/(scot %uv r.yaki)))
++ trace-tako
|= =tako
^- (list yaki)
=+ .^(=yaki %cs (weld start-path /yaki/(scot %uv tako)))
:- yaki
(zing (turn p.yaki trace-tako))
++ commits-to-json
|= commits=(list commit)
^- json
:- %a
%+ turn
%+ sort commits
|= [a=commit b=commit]
(gte wen.a wen.b)
|= =commit
(commit-to-json commit)
++ commit-to-json
|= =commit
^- json
=, enjs:format
%: pairs
'commitHash'^(tako-to-json tako.commit)
parents+a+(turn parents.commit tako-to-json)
children+a+(turn children.commit tako-to-json)
'contentHash'^(tako-to-json content-hash.commit)
++ tako-to-json
|= =tako
^- json
s+(scot %uv tako)
:: eyre
++ v-eyre
2020-05-23 00:57:41 +03:00
=, eyre
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
++ bindings
(scry ,(list [=binding =duct =action]) %e %bindings ~)
2020-05-23 00:57:41 +03:00
++ connections
(scry ,(map duct outstanding-connection) %e %connections ~)
++ auth-state
(scry authentication-state %e %authentication-state ~)
++ channel-state
(scry ^channel-state %e %channel-state ~)
++ render-action
|= =action
^- json
:- %s
?+ -.action -.action
%gen :((cury cat 3) '+' (spat [desk path]:generator.action))
%app (cat 3 ':' app.action)
2020-05-08 15:58:40 +03:00
:: helpers
++ poke
|= [=wire app=term =mark =vase]
^- card
[%pass wire %agent [our.bowl app] %poke mark vase]
++ scry
|* [=mold care=term =desk =path]
.^(mold care (scot %p our.bowl) desk (scot %da now.bowl) path)