To run Arvo, you'll need [Urbit]( To install Urbit and run Arvo please follow the instructions in the [getting started docs]( You'll be on the live network in a few minutes.
If you're doing development on Arvo, keep reading.
To boot a fake ship from your development files, run `urbit` with the following arguments:
urbit -F zod -A /path/to/arvo -c fakezod
Mount Arvo's filesystem allows you to update its contents through Unix. To do so, run `|mount` in dojo. It is most common to `|mount /=home=`.
To create a custom pill (bootstrapping object) from the files loaded into the home desk, run `.my/pill +solid`. Your pill will appear in `/path/to/fakezod/.urb/put/my.pill`.
To boot a fake ship with a custom pill, use the `-B` flag:
urbit -F zod -A /path/to/arvo -B /path/to.pill -c fakezod
To run all tests in `/tests`, run `+test` in dojo. `+test /some/path` would only run all tests in `/tests/some/path`.