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module AmesTests (tests) where
2019-08-01 03:27:13 +03:00
import Arvo
import Data.Acquire
2019-08-01 03:27:13 +03:00
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List hiding (take)
import Data.Ord.Unicode
import Noun
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.TH
2019-08-01 03:27:13 +03:00
import Urbit.Time
import UrbitPrelude
2019-08-01 03:27:13 +03:00
import Vere.Ames
import Vere.Log
import Vere.Pier.Types
2019-08-01 03:27:13 +03:00
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread, threadDelay)
import Data.LargeWord (LargeKey(..))
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
2019-08-01 03:27:13 +03:00
import Network.Socket (tupleToHostAddress)
2019-08-01 03:27:13 +03:00
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
pid :: KingId
pid = KingId 0
turfEf :: NewtEf
turfEf = NewtEfTurf (0, ()) []
sendEf :: Galaxy -> Wen -> Bytes -> NewtEf
sendEf g w bs = NewtEfSend (0, ()) (ADGala w g) bs
runGala :: Word8 -> Acquire (TQueue Ev, EffCb NewtEf)
runGala point = do
q <- liftIO newTQueueIO
cb <- snd $ ames pid (fromIntegral point) Nothing (writeTQueue q)
liftIO $ cb turfEf
pure (q, cb)
waitForPacket :: TQueue Ev -> Bytes -> IO Bool
waitForPacket q val = go
go =
atomically (readTQueue q) >>= \case
EvBlip (BlipEvAmes (AmesEvWake () ())) -> go
EvBlip (BlipEvAmes (AmesEvHear () _ bs)) -> pure (bs == val)
_ -> pure False
runAcquire :: Acquire a -> IO a
runAcquire acq = with acq pure
sendThread :: EffCb NewtEf -> (Galaxy, Bytes) -> Acquire ()
sendThread cb (to, val) = void $ mkAcquire start cancel
start = async $ forever $ do threadDelay 1_000
wen <- now
cb (sendEf to wen val)
threadDelay 10_000
zodSelfMsg :: Property
zodSelfMsg = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
runTest :: Bytes -> IO Bool
runTest val = runAcquire $ do
(zodQ, zod) <- runGala 0
() <- sendThread zod (0, val)
liftIO (waitForPacket zodQ val)
twoTalk :: Property
twoTalk = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
runTest :: (Word8, Word8, Bytes) -> IO Bool
runTest (aliceShip, bobShip, val) =
if aliceShip == bobShip
then pure True
else go aliceShip bobShip val
go :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes -> IO Bool
go aliceShip bobShip val = runAcquire $ do
(aliceQ, alice) <- runGala aliceShip
(bobQ, bob) <- runGala bobShip
sendThread alice (Galaxy bobShip, val)
sendThread bob (Galaxy aliceShip, val)
liftIO (waitForPacket aliceQ val >> waitForPacket bobQ val)
tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Ames"
[ localOption (QuickCheckTests 10) $
testProperty "Zod can send a message to itself" $
, localOption (QuickCheckTests 10) $
testProperty "Two galaxies can talk" $
-- Generate Arbitrary Values ---------------------------------------------------
arb :: Arbitrary a => Gen a
arb = arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Ipv4 where arbitrary = Ipv4 <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Port where arbitrary = Port <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Wen where arbitrary = Wen <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Gap where arbitrary = Gap . abs <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Galaxy where arbitrary = Galaxy <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Bytes where arbitrary = pure (MkBytes "wtfbbq")
-- MkBytes . take 100 <$> arb
instance Arbitrary ByteString where
arbitrary = pack <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Natural where
arbitrary = fromIntegral . abs <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (LargeKey a b) where
arbitrary = LargeKey <$> arb <*> arb
genIpv4 :: Gen Ipv4
genIpv4 = do
x <- arbitrary
if (x == 0 || (x256 && x512))
then genIpv4
else pure (Ipv4 x)
instance Arbitrary AmesDest where
arbitrary = oneof [ ADGala <$> arb <*> arb
, ADIpv4 <$> arb <*> arb <*> genIpv4
instance Arbitrary Ship where
arbitrary = Ship <$> arb
instance Arbitrary LogIdentity where
arbitrary = LogIdentity <$> arb <*> arb <*> arb