mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 16:51:42 +03:00
1735 lines
44 KiB
1735 lines
44 KiB
:: /app/publish.hoon
/- *publish
/+ *server, *publish, default-agent
/= index
/^ $-(json manx)
/: /===/app/publish/index /!noun/
/= js
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/| /: /===/app/publish/js/index /js/
/~ ~
/= css
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/| /: /===/app/publish/css/index /css/
/~ ~
/= tile-js
/^ octs
/; as-octs:mimes:html
/| /: /===/app/publish/js/tile /js/
/~ ~
/= images
/^ (map knot @)
/: /===/app/publish/img /_ /png/
+$ versioned-state
$% [%0 state-zero]
+$ state-zero
$: pubs=(map @tas collection)
subs=(map [ship @tas] collection)
awaiting=(map @tas [builds=(set wire) partial=(unit delta)])
latest=(list [who=ship coll=@tas post=@tas])
unread=(set [who=ship coll=@tas post=@tas])
invites=(map [who=ship coll=@tas] title=@t)
+$ card card:agent:gall
=| state-zero
=* state -
^- agent:gall
|_ bol=bowl:gall
+* this .
pub-core +>
pc ~(. pub-core bol)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bol)
++ on-init
:_ this
:~ [%pass /bind/publish %arvo %e %connect [~ /'~publish'] %publish]
:* %pass /launch/publish %agent [our.bol %launch] %poke
%launch-action !>([%publish /publishtile '/~publish/tile.js'])
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old=vase
`this(state !<(state-zero old))
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
=^ cards state
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
(poke-noun:pc !<(* vase))
(poke-publish-action:pc !<(action vase))
=+ !<([eyre-id=@ta =inbound-request:eyre] vase)
:_ state
%+ give-simple-payload:app eyre-id
%+ require-authorization:app inbound-request
(poke-import:pc !<(* vase))
[~ state]
[cards this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card _this)
=^ cards state
?+ path (on-watch:def path)
[%export *] (peer-export:pc t.path)
[%publishtile *] (peer-publishtile:pc t.path)
[%primary *] (peer-primary:pc t.path)
[%collection *] (peer-collection:pc t.path)
[%http-response *] [~ state]
[cards this]
++ on-leave
|= =wire
^- (quip card _this)
=^ cards state
(pull:pc wire)
[cards this]
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=^ cards state
(reap:pc wire p.sign)
[cards this]
?. ?=([%collection *] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
=^ cards state
(quit-collection:pc t.wire)
[cards this]
?. ?=(%publish-rumor p.cage.sign)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
=^ cards state
(bake:pc !<(rumor q.cage.sign))
[cards this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ -.sign-arvo (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
?: ?=(%bound +<.sign-arvo)
[~ this]
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
?. ?=(%made +<.sign-arvo)
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
=^ cards state
(made:pc wire date.sign-arvo result.sign-arvo)
[cards this]
?. ?=(%done +<.sign-arvo)
(on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
?~ error.sign-arvo
[~ this]
((slog tang.u.error.sign-arvo) [~ this])
++ on-fail on-fail:def
|_ bol=bowl:gall
:: +our-beak: beak for this app, with case set to current invocation date
++ our-beak /(scot %p our.bol)/[q.byk.bol]/(scot %da now.bol)
++ ships-to-whom
|= ships=(set @p)
^- (set whom:clay)
%- ~(run in ships)
|= who=@p
^- whom:clay
[%.y who]
++ get-contributors
|= coll=@tas
^- [mod=?(%white %black) who=(set @p)]
=/ pax (weld our-beak /web/publish/[coll])
=/ pem=[r=dict:clay w=dict:clay] .^([dict:clay dict:clay] %cp pax)
:- mod.rul.w.pem
(resolve-real rul.w.pem)
++ resolve-real
|= rel=real:clay
^- (set @p)
%- ~(uni in p.who.rel)
%- (set @p)
%- ~(rep by q.who.rel)
|= [[@ta cru=crew:clay] out=(set @p)]
^- (set @p)
(~(uni in out) cru)
++ whom-to-ships
|= whoms=(set whom:clay)
^- (set @p)
%- ~(rep in whoms)
|= [who=whom:clay out=(set @p)]
?: ?=(%.y -.who)
(~(put in out) p.who)
++ allowed
|= [who=@p mod=?(%read %write) pax=path]
^- ?
=. pax (weld our-beak pax)
=/ pem=[dict:clay dict:clay] .^([dict:clay dict:clay] %cp pax)
?- mod
%read (allowed-by who -.pem)
%write (allowed-by who +.pem)
:: +allowed-by: checks if ship :who is allowed by the permission rules in :dic
++ allowed-by
|= [who=@p dic=dict:clay]
^- ?
?: =(who our.bol) &
=/ in-list=?
?| (~(has in p.who.rul.dic) who)
%- ~(rep by q.who.rul.dic)
|= [[@ta cru=crew:clay] out=_|]
?: out &
(~(has in cru) who)
?: =(%black mod.rul.dic)
:: +write-file: write file at path
++ write-file
=, space:userlib
|= [pax=path cay=cage]
^- card
=. pax (weld our-beak pax)
[%pass (weld /write-file pax) %arvo %c %info (foal pax cay)]
++ delete-file
=, space:userlib
|= pax=path
^- card
=. pax (weld our-beak pax)
[%pass (weld /remove-file pax) %arvo %c %info (fray pax)]
++ update-udon-front
|= [fro=(map knot cord) udon=@t]
^- @t
%- of-wain:format
=/ tum (trip udon)
=/ id (find ";>" tum)
?~ id
%+ weld (front-to-wain fro)
(to-wain:format (crip (weld ";>\0a" tum)))
%+ weld (front-to-wain fro)
(to-wain:format (crip (slag u.id tum)))
++ front-to-wain
|= a=(map knot cord)
^- wain
=/ entries=wain
%+ turn ~(tap by a)
|= b=[knot cord]
=/ c=[term cord] (,[term cord] b)
(crip " [{<-.c>} {<+.c>}]")
?~ entries ~
;: weld
[':- :~' ~]
[' ==' ~]
++ poke-noun
|= a=*
^- (quip card _state)
?. =(src.bol our.bol)
[~ state]
?+ a
[~ state]
~& bol
[~ state]
~& state
[~ state]
=/ pubs=[broken=(list [@p @tas @tas]) new=(map @tas collection)]
%- ~(rep by pubs)
|= $: [nom=@tas col=collection]
broken=(list [@p @tas @tas])
pubs=(map @tas collection)
^- [(list [@p @tas @tas]) (map @tas collection)]
=/ bad-posts=(list [@p @tas @tas])
%- ~(rep by pos.col)
|= $: [pos=@tas dat=(each [post-info manx @t] tang)]
broken=(list [@p @tas @tas])
^- (list [@p @tas @tas])
?: -.dat
[[our.bol nom pos] broken]
=. pin.order.col
%+ skip pin.order.col
|= pos=@tas
^- ?
?~ (find [our.bol nom pos]~ bad-posts)
=. unpin.order.col
%+ skip unpin.order.col
|= pos=@tas
^- ?
?~ (find [our.bol nom pos]~ bad-posts)
[(welp broken bad-posts) (~(put by pubs) nom col)]
=/ subs=[broken=(list [@p @tas @tas]) new=(map [@p @tas] collection)]
%- ~(rep by subs)
|= $: [[who=@p nom=@tas] col=collection]
broken=(list [@p @tas @tas])
subs=(map [@p @tas] collection)
^- [(list [@p @tas @tas]) (map [@p @tas] collection)]
=/ bad-posts=(list [@p @tas @tas])
%- ~(rep by pos.col)
|= $: [pos=@tas dat=(each [post-info manx @t] tang)]
broken=(list [@p @tas @tas])
^- (list [@p @tas @tas])
?: -.dat
[[who nom pos] broken]
=. pin.order.col
%+ skip pin.order.col
|= pos=@tas
?~ (find [who nom pos]~ bad-posts)
=. unpin.order.col
%+ skip unpin.order.col
|= pos=@tas
?~ (find [who nom pos]~ bad-posts)
[(welp broken bad-posts) (~(put by subs) [who nom] col)]
=/ new-latest=(list [@p @tas @tas])
%+ skip latest
|= elm=[@p @tas @tas]
^- ?
?^ (find [elm]~ broken.pubs)
?^ (find [elm]~ broken.subs)
=/ new-unread=(set [@p @tas @tas])
%- sy
%+ skip ~(tap in unread)
|= elm=[@p @tas @tas]
^- ?
?^ (find [elm]~ broken.pubs)
?^ (find [elm]~ broken.subs)
=/ mow=(list card)
%- ~(rep by new.pubs)
|= [[nom=@tas col=collection] out=(list card)]
^- (list card)
=/ del=delta [%total our.bol nom col]
(welp (affection del) out)
:- mow
%= state
latest new-latest
unread new-unread
pubs new.pubs
subs new.subs
++ da
|_ moves=(list card)
++ da-this .
++ da-done
^- (quip card _state)
[(flop moves) state]
++ da-emit
|= mov=card
%_ da-this
moves [mov moves]
++ da-emil
|= mov=(list card)
%_ da-this
moves (welp (flop mov) moves)
++ da-change
|= del=delta
^+ da-this
?- -.del
=/ old=(unit collection)
?: =(our.bol who.del)
(~(get by pubs) col.del)
(~(get by subs) who.del col.del)
=/ new=collection
?~ old
[dat.del ~ ~ [~ ~] [%white ~] ~ now.bol]
u.old(col dat.del, last-update now.bol)
=? contributors.new =(our.bol who.del)
(get-contributors col.del)
=? pubs =(our.bol who.del)
(~(put by pubs) col.del new)
=? subs !=(our.bol who.del)
(~(put by subs) [who.del col.del] new)
(da-emil (affection del))
=/ old=(unit collection)
?: =(our.bol who.del)
(~(get by pubs) col.del)
(~(get by subs) who.del col.del)
=/ new=collection
?~ old
:* [%.n ~] (my [pos.del dat.del] ~) ~
[~ ~] [%white ~] ~ now.bol
%= u.old
pos (~(put by pos.u.old) pos.del dat.del)
last-update now.bol
=? pubs =(our.bol who.del)
(~(put by pubs) col.del new)
=? subs !=(our.bol who.del)
(~(put by subs) [who.del col.del] new)
=. da-this
?: -.dat.del
(da-insert who.del col.del pos.del)
(da-remove who.del col.del pos.del)
(da-emil (affection del))
=/ old=(unit collection)
?: =(our.bol who.del)
(~(get by pubs) col.del)
(~(get by subs) who.del col.del)
=/ new=collection
?~ old
:* [%.n ~] ~ (my [pos.del dat.del] ~)
[~ ~] [%white ~] ~ now.bol
%= u.old
com (~(put by com.u.old) pos.del dat.del)
last-update now.bol
=? pubs =(our.bol who.del)
(~(put by pubs) col.del new)
=? subs !=(our.bol who.del)
(~(put by subs) [who.del col.del] new)
(da-emil (affection del))
=? contributors.dat.del =(our.bol who.del)
(get-contributors col.del)
=? pubs =(our.bol who.del)
(~(put by pubs) col.del dat.del)
=? subs !=(our.bol who.del)
(~(put by subs) [who.del col.del] dat.del(order [~ ~]))
=/ posts=(list [@tas (each [post-info manx @t] tang)])
~(tap by pos.dat.del)
=. da-this
?~ posts
?. +<.i.posts
%= $
da-this (da-remove who.del col.del -.i.posts)
posts t.posts
%= $
da-this (da-insert who.del col.del -.i.posts)
posts t.posts
(da-emil (affection del))
:: remove blog
?~ pos.del
:: collect post ids for blog, delete blog, and sent out moves
=^ posts da-this
?: =(our.bol who.del)
:: if its our blog, we must send out notifications to subscribers
=/ old=(unit collection) (~(get by pubs) col.del)
?~ old
[~ da-this]
=. pubs (~(del by pubs) col.del)
:- ~(tap in ~(key by pos.u.old))
(da-emil (affection del))
:: if its not our blog, we need to pull subscription
=/ old=(unit collection) (~(get by subs) who.del col.del)
?~ old
[~ da-this]
=. subs (~(del by subs) who.del col.del)
:- ~(tap in ~(key by pos.u.old))
%- da-emil
:- [%pass /collection/[col.del] %agent [who.del %publish] %leave ~]
(affection-primary del)
:: iterate through post ids collected before, removing each from
:: secondary indices in state
=. da-this
?~ posts
%= $
da-this (da-remove who.del col.del i.posts)
posts t.posts
:: remove post
=/ old=(unit collection)
?: =(our.bol who.del)
(~(get by pubs) col.del)
(~(get by subs) who.del col.del)
?~ old
?. (~(has in ~(key by pos.u.old)) u.pos.del)
=/ new=collection
%= u.old
pos (~(del by pos.u.old) u.pos.del)
com (~(del by com.u.old) u.pos.del)
=. da-this (da-emil (affection del))
?: =(our.bol who.del)
=. pubs (~(put by pubs) col.del new)
=. da-this (da-remove who.del col.del u.pos.del)
(da-emil (affection del))
=. subs (~(put by subs) [who.del col.del] new)
=. da-this (da-remove who.del col.del u.pos.del)
(da-emil (affection-primary del))
++ da-remove-unread
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^+ da-this
=. unread (~(del in unread) who coll post)
(da-emil make-tile-moves)
++ da-remove-latest
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^+ da-this
=/ ids=(list @) (fand [who coll post]~ latest)
=. latest
?~ ids
%= $
latest (oust [i.ids 1] latest)
ids t.ids
(da-emil make-tile-moves)
++ da-remove-order
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^+ da-this
=/ col=(unit collection) (get-coll-by-index who coll)
?~ col
=/ new=collection u.col
=/ pin-ids=(list @) (fand [post]~ pin.order.new)
=. pin.order.new
?~ pin-ids
%= $
pin.order.new (oust [i.pin-ids 1] pin.order.new)
pin-ids t.pin-ids
=/ unpin-ids=(list @) (fand [post]~ unpin.order.new)
=. unpin.order.new
?~ unpin-ids
%= $
unpin.order.new (oust [i.unpin-ids 1] unpin.order.new)
unpin-ids t.unpin-ids
=? pubs =(who our.bol)
(~(put by pubs) coll new)
=? subs !=(who our.bol)
(~(put by subs) [who coll] new)
(da-emil make-tile-moves)
++ da-remove
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^+ da-this
=. da-this (da-remove-unread +<)
=. da-this (da-remove-latest +<)
=. da-this (da-remove-order +<)
++ da-insert-unread
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^+ da-this
:: assume we've read our own posts
=? unread !=(who our.bol)
(~(put in unread) who coll post)
(da-emil make-tile-moves)
++ da-insert-latest
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^+ da-this
=/ new-date=@da date-created:(need (get-post-info-by-index who coll post))
=/ pre=(list [@p @tas @tas]) ~
=/ suf=(list [@p @tas @tas]) latest
=? latest =(~ (find [who coll post]~ latest))
?~ suf
(weld pre [who coll post]~)
=/ i-date=@da date-created:(need (get-post-info-by-index i.suf))
?: (gte new-date i-date)
(weld pre [[who coll post] suf])
%= $
suf t.suf
pre (snoc pre i.suf)
++ da-insert-order
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^+ da-this
=/ new-post=post-info (need (get-post-info-by-index who coll post))
=/ col=collection (need (get-coll-by-index who coll))
=/ pre=(list @tas) ~
=/ suf=(list @tas)
?: pinned.new-post
?: ?=(^ (find [post]~ suf))
=/ new-list=(list @tas)
?~ suf
(snoc pre post)
?: =(post i.suf)
(weld pre suf)
=/ i-date=@da date-created:(need (get-post-info-by-index who coll i.suf))
?: (gte date-created.new-post i-date)
(weld pre [post suf])
%= $
suf t.suf
pre (snoc pre i.suf)
=. order.col
?: pinned.new-post
[new-list unpin.order.col]
[pin.order.col new-list]
=? pubs =(our.bol who)
(~(put by pubs) coll col)
=? subs !=(our.bol who)
(~(put by subs) [who coll] col)
++ da-insert
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^+ da-this
=. da-this (da-insert-unread +<)
=. da-this (da-insert-latest +<)
=. da-this (da-insert-order +<)
:: +bake: apply delta
++ bake
|= del=delta
^- (quip card _state)
da-done:(da-change:da del)
:: +affection: rumors to primary
++ affection-primary
|= del=delta
^- (list card)
[%give %fact `/primary %publish-rumor !>(del)]~
:: +affection: rumors to interested
++ affection
|= del=delta
^- (list card)
=/ wir=wire /collection/[col.del]
:~ [%give %fact `/primary %publish-rumor !>(del)]
[%give %fact `wir %publish-rumor !>(del)]
++ get-post-by-index
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^- (unit (each [post-info manx @t] tang))
=/ col=(unit collection)
?: =(our.bol who)
(~(get by pubs) coll)
(~(get by subs) who coll)
?~ col ~
=/ pos=(unit (each [post-info manx @t] tang))
(~(get by pos.u.col) post)
++ get-post-info-by-index
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
^- (unit post-info)
=/ col=(unit collection)
?: =(our.bol who)
(~(get by pubs) coll)
(~(get by subs) who coll)
?~ col ~
=/ pos=(unit (each [post-info manx @t] tang))
(~(get by pos.u.col) post)
?~ pos ~
?: ?=(%.n -.u.pos) ~
[~ -.p.u.pos]
++ get-coll-by-index
|= [who=@p coll=@tas]
^- (unit collection)
?: =(our.bol who)
(~(get by pubs) coll)
(~(get by subs) who coll)
++ made
|= [wir=wire wen=@da mad=made-result:ford]
^- (quip card _state)
?+ wir
[~ state]
[%collection @t ~]
=/ col=@tas i.t.wir
=/ awa (~(get by awaiting) col)
=/ dat=(each collection-info tang)
?: ?=([%incomplete *] mad)
[%.n tang.mad]
?: ?=([%error *] build-result.mad)
[%.n message.build-result.mad]
?> ?=(%bake +<.build-result.mad)
?> ?=(%publish-info p.cage.build-result.mad)
[%.y (collection-info q.q.cage.build-result.mad)]
?~ awa
(bake [%collection our.bol col dat])
=. builds.u.awa (~(del in builds.u.awa) wir)
?~ partial.u.awa
?~ builds.u.awa
:: one-off build, make delta and process it
=. awaiting (~(del by awaiting) col)
(bake [%collection our.bol col dat])
:: 1st part of multi-part, store partial delta and don't process it
=/ del=delta
:* %total our.bol col dat
~ ~ [~ ~] [%white ~] ~ now.bol
=. awaiting (~(put by awaiting) col builds.u.awa `del)
[~ state]
?~ builds.u.awa
:: last part of multipart, update partial delta and process it
?> ?=(%total -.u.partial.u.awa)
=/ del=delta
:* %total
[~ ~]
[%white ~]
=. awaiting (~(del by awaiting) col)
(bake del)
:: nth part of multi-part, update partial delta and don't process it
?> ?=(%total -.u.partial.u.awa)
=/ del=delta
:* %total
[~ ~]
[%white ~]
=. awaiting (~(put by awaiting) col builds.u.awa `del)
[~ state]
[%post @t @t ~]
=/ col=@tas i.t.wir
=/ pos=@tas i.t.t.wir
=/ awa (~(get by awaiting) col)
=/ dat=(each [post-info manx @t] tang)
?: ?=([%incomplete *] mad)
[%.n tang.mad]
?: ?=([%error *] build-result.mad)
[%.n message.build-result.mad]
?> ?=(%bake +<.build-result.mad)
?> ?=(%publish-post p.cage.build-result.mad)
[%.y (,[post-info manx @t] q.q.cage.build-result.mad)]
?~ awa
(bake [%post our.bol col pos dat])
=. builds.u.awa (~(del in builds.u.awa) wir)
?~ partial.u.awa
?~ builds.u.awa
:: one-off build, make delta and process it
=. awaiting (~(del by awaiting) col)
(bake [%post our.bol col pos dat])
:: 1st part of multi-part, store partial delta and don't process it
=/ del=delta
:* %total our.bol col [%.n ~] (my [pos dat] ~)
~ [~ ~] [%white ~] ~ now.bol
=. awaiting (~(put by awaiting) col builds.u.awa `del)
[~ state]
?~ builds.u.awa
:: last part of multipart, update partial delta and process it
?> ?=(%total -.u.partial.u.awa)
=/ del=delta
:* %total
(~(put by pos.dat.u.partial.u.awa) pos dat)
[~ ~]
[%white ~]
=. awaiting (~(del by awaiting) col)
(bake del)
:: nth part of multi-part, update partial delta and don't process it
?> ?=(%total -.u.partial.u.awa)
=/ del=delta
:* %total
(~(put by pos.dat.u.partial.u.awa) pos dat)
[~ ~]
[%white ~]
=. awaiting (~(put by awaiting) col builds.u.awa `del)
[~ state]
[%comments @t @t ~]
=/ col=@tas i.t.wir
=/ pos=@tas i.t.t.wir
=/ awa (~(get by awaiting) col)
=/ dat=(each (list [comment-info @t]) tang)
?: ?=([%incomplete *] mad)
[%.n tang.mad]
?: ?=([%error *] build-result.mad)
[%.n message.build-result.mad]
?> ?=(%bake +<.build-result.mad)
?> ?=(%publish-comments p.cage.build-result.mad)
[%.y (,(list [comment-info @t]) q.q.cage.build-result.mad)]
?~ awa
(bake [%comments our.bol col pos dat])
=. builds.u.awa (~(del in builds.u.awa) wir)
?~ partial.u.awa
?~ builds.u.awa
:: one-off build, make delta and process it
=. awaiting (~(del by awaiting) col)
(bake [%comments our.bol col pos dat])
:: 1st part of multi-part, store partial delta and don't process it
=/ del=delta
:* %total our.bol col [%.n ~] ~ (my [pos dat] ~)
[~ ~] [%white ~] ~ now.bol
=. awaiting (~(put by awaiting) col builds.u.awa `del)
[~ state]
?~ builds.u.awa
:: last part of multipart, update partial delta and process it
?> ?=(%total -.u.partial.u.awa)
=/ del=delta
:* %total
(~(put by com.dat.u.partial.u.awa) pos dat)
[~ ~]
[%white ~]
=. awaiting (~(del by awaiting) col)
(bake del)
:: nth part of multi-part, update partial delta and don't process it
?> ?=(%total -.u.partial.u.awa)
=/ del=delta
:* %total
(~(put by com.dat.u.partial.u.awa) pos dat)
[~ ~]
[%white ~]
=. awaiting (~(put by awaiting) col builds.u.awa `del)
[~ state]
++ make-kills
|= [coll=@tas post=(unit @tas)]
^- (list card)
=/ col=(unit collection) (~(get by pubs) coll)
?~ col
~| [%non-existent-collection coll] !!
?~ post
=/ kills=(list card)
%+ roll ~(tap by pos.u.col)
|= [[pos=@tas *] out=(list card)]
:* [%pass /post/[coll]/[pos] %arvo %f %kill ~]
[%pass /comments/[coll]/[pos] %arvo %f %kill ~]
[[%pass /collection/[coll] %arvo %f %kill ~] kills]
:~ [%pass /post/[coll]/[u.post] %arvo %f %kill ~]
[%pass /comments/[coll]/[u.post] %arvo %f %kill ~]
++ make-deletes
|= [coll=@tas post=(unit @tas)]
^- (list card)
=/ files=(list path)
?~ post
.^((list path) %ct (weld our-beak /web/publish/[coll]))
.^((list path) %ct (weld our-beak /web/publish/[coll]/[u.post]))
%+ turn files
|= pax=path
^- card
(delete-file pax)
++ mack
|= [wir=wire err=(unit tang)]
^- (quip card _state)
?~ err
[~ state]
%- (slog u.err)
[~ state]
++ poke-publish-action
|= act=action
^- (quip card _state)
?- -.act
?. =(our.bol src.bol)
:: no one else is permitted to create blogs
[~ state]
?: (~(has by pubs) name.act)
[~ state]
=/ conf=collection-info
:* our.bol
=/ blog-perms=task:able:clay
:* %perm q.byk.bol
%rw `read.perm.act `write.perm.act
=/ info-perms=task:able:clay
:* %perm q.byk.bol
%rw `*rule:clay `*rule:clay
=/ schema=schematic:ford
:* %bake
[[our.bol q.byk.bol] /[name.act]/publish/web]
=/ pax=path /web/publish/[name.act]/publish-info
:_ state
:~ (write-file pax %publish-info !>(conf))
[%pass /perms %arvo %c blog-perms]
[%pass /perms %arvo %c info-perms]
[%pass /collection/[name.act] %arvo %f %build %.y schema]
?. =(who.act our.bol)
:_ state
[%pass /forward %agent [who.act %publish] %poke %publish-action !>(act)]~
=/ pax=path /web/publish/[coll.act]/[name.act]/udon
?. (allowed src.bol %write pax)
[~ state]
=/ col=(unit collection) (~(get by pubs) coll.act)
?~ col
[~ state]
?: (~(has by pos.u.col) name.act)
[~ state]
=. content.act (cat 3 content.act '\0a') :: XX fix udon parser
=/ front=(map knot cord)
%- my
:~ [%creator (scot %p src.bol)]
[%title title.act]
[%collection coll.act]
[%filename name.act]
[%comments com.act]
[%date-created (scot %da now.bol)]
[%last-modified (scot %da now.bol)]
[%pinned %false]
=/ out=@t (update-udon-front front content.act)
=/ post-wir=wire /post/[coll.act]/[name.act]
=/ post-schema=schematic:ford
:* %bake
[[our.bol q.byk.bol] /[name.act]/[coll.act]/publish/web]
=/ comments-wir=wire /comments/[coll.act]/[name.act]
=/ comments-schema=schematic:ford
:* %bake
[[our.bol q.byk.bol] /[name.act]/[coll.act]/publish/web]
=/ post-perms=task:able:clay
:* %perm q.byk.bol
%w `[%white (ships-to-whom (sy src.bol ~))]
=/ comment-perms=task:able:clay
:* %perm q.byk.bol
%w `[%black ~]
:_ state
:~ (write-file pax %udon !>(out))
[%pass /perms %arvo %c post-perms]
[%pass /perms %arvo %c comment-perms]
[%pass comments-wir %arvo %f %build %.y comments-schema]
[%pass post-wir %arvo %f %build %.y post-schema]
?. =(who.act our.bol)
:_ state
[%pass /forward %agent [who.act %publish] %poke %publish-action !>(act)]~
=/ pax=path
/web/publish/[coll.act]/[post.act]/(scot %da now.bol)/publish-comment
?. (allowed src.bol %write pax)
[~ state]
=/ col=(unit collection) (~(get by pubs) coll.act)
?~ col
[~ state]
?. (~(has by pos.u.col) post.act)
[~ state]
=/ com=comment
[[src.bol coll.act post.act now.bol now.bol] content.act]
=/ comment-perms=task:able:clay [%perm q.byk.bol pax %w `[%white ~]]
:_ state
:~ (write-file pax %publish-comment !>(com))
[%pass /perms %arvo %c comment-perms]
?. =(src.bol our.bol)
[~ state]
=/ kills (make-kills coll.act ~)
=/ deletes (make-deletes coll.act ~)
=/ del=delta [%remove our.bol coll.act ~]
=^ moves state (bake del)
;: welp
%= state
awaiting (~(del by awaiting) coll.act)
?. =(src.bol our.bol)
[~ state]
=/ kills (make-kills coll.act `post.act)
=/ deletes (make-deletes coll.act `post.act)
=/ del=delta [%remove our.bol coll.act `post.act]
=^ moves state (bake del)
:_ state
;: welp
?. =(src.bol our.bol)
[~ state]
:_ state
[(delete-file /web/publish/[coll.act]/[post.act]/[comment.act]/udon)]~
?. =(src.bol our.bol)
[~ state]
=/ pax=path /web/publish/[name.act]/publish-info
=/ col=(unit collection) (~(get by pubs) name.act)
?~ col
[~ state]
?: ?=(%.n -.col.u.col)
[~ state]
=/ out=collection-info p.col.u.col(title title.act)
:_ state
[(write-file pax %publish-info !>(out))]~
?. =(who.act our.bol)
:_ state
[%pass /forward %agent [who.act %publish] %poke %publish-action !>(act)]~
=/ pax=path /web/publish/[coll.act]/[name.act]/udon
?. (allowed src.bol %write pax)
[~ state]
=/ col=(unit collection) (~(get by pubs) coll.act)
?~ col
[~ state]
?. (~(has by pos.u.col) name.act)
[~ state]
=/ pos=(unit (each [post-info manx @t] tang))
(get-post-by-index who.act coll.act name.act)
?~ pos
~| %editing-non-existent-post !!
=/ date-created=@da
?: ?=(%.y -.u.pos)
=. content.act (cat 3 content.act '\0a') :: XX fix udon parser
=/ front=(map knot cord)
%- my
:~ [%creator (scot %p src.bol)]
[%title title.act]
[%collection coll.act]
[%filename name.act]
[%comments com.act]
[%date-created (scot %da date-created)]
[%last-modified (scot %da now.bol)]
[%pinned %false]
=/ out=@t (update-udon-front front content.act)
:_ state
[(write-file pax %udon !>(out))]~
:: %invite: if the action is from us it means send invites to other people
:: if its from someone else it means we've been invited
?: =(our.bol src.bol)
=/ new-act=action [%invite coll.act title.act ~]
:_ state
%+ turn who.act
|= who=@p
^- card
[%pass /forward %agent [who %publish] %poke %publish-action !>(new-act)]
=. invites (~(put by invites) [src.bol coll.act] title.act)
=/ upd=update [%invite %.y src.bol coll.act title.act]
:_ state
%+ welp make-tile-moves
[%give %fact `/primary %publish-update !>(upd)]~
:: %reject-invite: remove invite from list, acceptance is handled by
:: %subscribe action
=/ title=(unit @t) (~(get by invites) [who.act coll.act])
?~ title
[~ state]
=. invites (~(del by invites) [who.act coll.act])
=/ upd=update [%invite %.n who.act coll.act u.title]
:_ state
%+ welp make-tile-moves
[%give %fact `/primary %publish-update !>(upd)]~
:: %serve:
:: XX specialize this check for subfiles
?. =(our.bol src.bol)
[~ state]
?: (~(has by pubs) coll.act)
[~ state]
=/ files=(list path)
.^((list path) %ct (weld our-beak /web/publish/[coll.act]))
?> ?=(^ (find [/web/publish/[coll.act]/publish-info]~ files))
=/ all=[moves=(list card) builds=(set wire)]
%+ roll files
|= [pax=path out=[moves=(list card) builds=(set wire)]]
?+ pax
[%web %publish @tas %publish-info ~]
?> =(coll.act i.t.t.pax)
=/ wir=wire /collection/[coll.act]
=/ schema=schematic:ford
:* %bake
[[our.bol q.byk.bol] /[coll.act]/publish/web]
%= out
builds (~(put in builds.out) wir)
:* [%pass wir %arvo %f %build %.y schema]
[%web %publish @tas @tas %udon ~]
?> =(coll.act i.t.t.pax)
=/ post i.t.t.t.pax
=/ post-wir=wire /post/[coll.act]/[post]
=/ post-schema=schematic:ford
:* %bake
[[our.bol q.byk.bol] /[post]/[coll.act]/publish/web]
=/ comments-wir=wire /comments/[coll.act]/[post]
=/ comments-schema=schematic:ford
:* %bake
[[our.bol q.byk.bol] /[post]/[coll.act]/publish/web]
%= out
:* [%pass post-wir %arvo %f %build %.y post-schema]
[%pass comments-wir %arvo %f %build %.y comments-schema]
(~(uni in builds.out) (sy post-wir comments-wir ~))
:- moves.all
%= state
awaiting (~(put by awaiting) coll.act builds.all ~)
:: %unserve:
:: XX pull subscriptions for unserved collections
?. =(our.bol src.bol)
[~ state]
=/ kills (make-kills coll.act ~)
=/ del=delta [%remove our.bol coll.act ~]
=^ moves state (bake del)
;: welp
%= state
awaiting (~(del by awaiting) coll.act)
:: %subscribe: sub to a foreign blog; remove invites for that blog
=/ wir=wire /collection/[coll.act]
=/ title=(unit @t) (~(get by invites) [who.act coll.act])
=. invites (~(del by invites) [who.act coll.act])
:_ state
;: welp
[%pass wir %agent [who.act %publish] %watch wir]~
?~ title ~
=/ upd=update [%invite %.n who.act coll.act u.title]
[%give %fact `/primary %publish-update !>(upd)]~
:: %unsubscribe: unsub from a foreign blog, delete all state related to it
=/ wir=wire /collection/[coll.act]
=/ new-latest=(list [@p @tas @tas])
%+ skim latest
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
?& =(who our.bol)
=(coll coll.act)
=. unread
^- (set [@p @tas @tas])
%- sy
%+ skim ~(tap in unread)
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
?& =(who our.bol)
=(coll coll.act)
:_ %= state
subs (~(del by subs) who.act coll.act)
latest new-latest
:- [%pass wir %agent [who.act %publish] %leave ~]
%+ welp make-tile-moves
=/ rum=rumor [%remove who.act coll.act ~]
[%give %fact `/primary %publish-rumor !>(rum)]~
:: %read: notify that we've seen a post
=. unread (~(del in unread) who.act coll.act post.act)
:_ state
%+ welp make-tile-moves
=/ upd=update [%unread %.n (sy [who.act coll.act post.act] ~)]
[%give %fact `/primary %publish-update !>(upd)]~
++ quit-collection
|= wir=wire
^- (quip card _state)
=/ pax=path (weld /collection wir)
:_ state
[%pass pax %agent [src.bol %publish] %watch pax]~
++ bound
|= [wir=wire success=? binding=binding:eyre]
^- (quip card _state)
[~ state]
:: +poke-handle-http-request: received on a new connection established
++ poke-handle-http-request
|= =inbound-request:eyre
^- simple-payload:http
=/ request-line (parse-request-line url.request.inbound-request)
?+ request-line
:: images
[[[~ %png] [%'~publish' @t ~]] ~]
=/ filename=@t i.t.site.request-line
=/ img=(unit @t) (~(get by images) filename)
?~ img
(png-response:gen (as-octs:mimes:html u.img))
:: styling
[[[~ %css] [%'~publish' %index ~]] ~]
(css-response:gen css)
:: scripting
[[[~ %js] [%'~publish' %index ~]] ~]
(js-response:gen js)
:: tile js
[[[~ %js] [%'~publish' %tile ~]] ~]
(js-response:gen tile-js)
:: home page; redirect to recent
[[~ [%'~publish' ~]] ~]
=/ hym=manx (index (state-to-json state))
(redirect:gen '/~publish/recent')
:: recent page
[[~ [%'~publish' %recent ~]] ~]
=/ hym=manx (index (state-to-json state))
(manx-response:gen hym)
:: subscriptions
[[~ [%'~publish' %subs ~]] ~]
=/ hym=manx (index (state-to-json state))
(manx-response:gen hym)
:: published
[[~ [%'~publish' %pubs ~]] ~]
=/ hym=manx (index (state-to-json state))
(manx-response:gen hym)
:: new post
[[~ [%'~publish' %new-post ~]] ~]
=/ hym=manx (index (state-to-json state))
(manx-response:gen hym)
:: new blog
[[~ [%'~publish' %new-blog ~]] ~]
=/ hym=manx (index (state-to-json state))
(manx-response:gen hym)
:: blog
[[~ [%'~publish' @t @t ~]] ~]
=/ hym=manx (index (state-to-json state))
(manx-response:gen hym)
:: blog post
[[~ [%'~publish' @t @t @t ~]] ~]
=/ hym=manx (index (state-to-json state))
(manx-response:gen hym)
++ state-to-json
|= sat=_state
^- json
%- pairs:enjs:format
:~ :+ %pubs
%+ roll ~(tap by pubs.sat)
|= [[nom=@tas col=collection] out=(map @t json)]
%+ ~(put by out)
(total-build-to-json col)
:+ %subs
%- ~(rep by subs.sat)
|= $: [[who=@p nom=@tas] col=collection]
out=(map @t [%o (map @t json)])
=/ shp=@t (rsh 3 1 (scot %p who))
?: (~(has by out) shp)
%+ ~(put by out)
:- %o
%+ ~(put by +:(~(got by out) shp))
(total-build-to-json col)
%+ ~(put by out)
:- %o
(my [nom (total-build-to-json col)] ~)
:+ %latest
%+ turn latest.sat
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
%- pairs:enjs:format
:~ who+(ship:enjs:format who)
:+ %unread
%+ turn ~(tap in unread.sat)
|= [who=@p coll=@tas post=@tas]
%- pairs:enjs:format
:~ who+(ship:enjs:format who)
:+ %invites
%+ turn ~(tap in invites.sat)
|= [[who=@p coll=@tas] title=@t]
%- pairs:enjs:format
:~ who+(ship:enjs:format who)
++ make-tile-moves
^- (list card)
[%give %fact `/publishtile %json !>(make-tile-json)]~
++ make-tile-json
^- json
%- pairs:enjs:format
:~ invites+(numb:enjs:format ~(wyt by invites))
new+(numb:enjs:format ~(wyt in unread))
++ poke-import
|= i=*
^- (quip card _state)
?> ?=([%publish-v0 *] i)
=/ dir=publish-dir ;;(publish-dir +.i)
:: make moves to save all files to clay, and
:: make moves to call %serve for each collection
=/ out=[mow=(list card) sob=soba:clay]
%+ roll ~(tap by dir)
|= [[pax=path fil=publish-file] mow=(list card) sob=soba:clay]
=/ mis=miso:clay
(feel:space:userlib (weld our-beak pax) -.fil !>(+.fil))
?+ pax
[mow sob]
[%web %publish * %publish-info ~]
=/ col=@tas &3.pax
=/ wir=wire /collection/[col]
=/ schema=schematic:ford
:* %bake
[[our.bol q.byk.bol] /[col]/publish/web]
:- :* [%pass wir %arvo %f %build %.y schema]
[[pax mis] sob]
[%web %publish * * %udon ~]
=/ col=@tas &3.pax
=/ pos=@tas &4.pax
=/ post-wir=wire /post/[col]/[pos]
=/ post-schema=schematic:ford
:* %bake
[[our.bol q.byk.bol] /[pos]/[col]/publish/web]
=/ comment-wir=wire /comments/[col]/[pos]
=/ comment-schema=schematic:ford
:* %bake
[[our.bol q.byk.bol] /[pos]/[col]/publish/web]
:- :* [%pass post-wir %arvo %f %build %.y post-schema]
[%pass comment-wir %arvo %f %build %.y comment-schema]
[[pax mis] sob]
[%web %publish * * * %publish-comment ~]
:- mow
[[pax mis] sob]
=/ tor=toro:clay
[q.byk.bol %.y sob.out]
:_ state
[[%pass /import %arvo %c %info tor] mow.out]
++ peer-export
|= pax=path
^- (quip card _state)
=/ pal=(list path) .^((list path) %ct (weld our-beak /web/publish))
=/ dir=publish-dir
%+ roll pal
|= [pax=path out=publish-dir]
^- publish-dir
?+ pax
[%web %publish * %publish-info ~]
=/ fil=collection-info .^(collection-info %cx (welp our-beak pax))
(~(put by out) pax [%publish-info fil])
[%web %publish * * %udon ~]
=/ fil=@t .^(@t %cx (welp our-beak pax))
(~(put by out) pax [%udon fil])
[%web %publish * * * %publish-comment ~]
=/ fil=comment .^(comment %cx (welp our-beak pax))
(~(put by out) pax [%publish-comment fil])
:_ state
[%give %fact ~ %export !>([%publish-v0 dir])]~
++ peer-publishtile
|= wir=wire
^- (quip card _state)
:_ state
[%give %fact ~ %json !>(make-tile-json)]~
++ peer-primary
|= wir=wire
^- (quip card _state)
?. =(our.bol src.bol)
:: only we are allowed to subscribe on primary
:_ state
[%give %kick ~ ~]~
[~ state]
++ pull
|= wir=wire
^- (quip card _state)
?+ wir
[~ state]
[%collection @t ~]
=/ coll=@tas i.t.wir
=/ col=(unit collection) (~(get by pubs) coll)
?~ col
[~ state]
=/ new=collection
u.col(subscribers (~(del in subscribers.u.col) src.bol))
[~ state(pubs (~(put by pubs) coll new))]
++ peer-collection
|= wir=wire
^- (quip card _state)
?. ?=([@tas ~] wir)
[~ state]
=/ coll=@tas i.wir
=/ pax /web/publish/[coll]
?> (allowed src.bol %read pax)
=/ col=collection (~(got by pubs) coll)
=/ new=collection
col(subscribers (~(put in subscribers.col) src.bol))
=/ rum=rumor
[%total our.bol coll new]
:_ state(pubs (~(put by pubs) coll new))
[%give %fact ~ %publish-rumor !>(rum)]~
++ reap
|= [wir=wire err=(unit tang)]
^- (quip card _state)
?~ err
[~ state]
?> ?=([%collection @tas ~] wir)
=/ col=@tas i.t.wir
%- (slog [leaf+"failed to subscribe to blog: {<col>}"]~)
[~ state]