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2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
!: :: /sys/arvo
:: :: %reference/2
:: %arvo: arvo microkernel.
=< :: this lifecycle wrapper makes the arvo door
:: (multi-armed core) look like a gate (function
:: or single-armed core), to fit urbit's formal
:: lifecycle function. a practical interpreter
:: can ignore it.
|= {now/@da ovo/ovum}
2016-11-25 22:32:48 +03:00
~> %slog.[0 leaf+"arvo-event"]
2016-11-29 22:48:10 +03:00
.(+> +:(poke now ovo))
2016-11-25 22:32:48 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: :: ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: (1) public molds
:: :: ::
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
++ arms (map chip dope) :: stated identity
++ bait :: analysis state
$: now/@da :: date
eny/@uvJ :: entropy
sky/roof :: namespace
== ::
++ card {p/@tas q/*} :: tagged event
++ case :: version
$% {$da p/@da} :: date
{$tas p/@tas} :: label
{$ud p/@ud} :: sequence
== ::
++ cave (cask maze) :: marked untyped vase
++ chip :: standard identity
$? $giv :: given name
$fam :: surname
$had :: fictitious name
$mid :: middle name
$gen :: generational suffix
== ::
++ desk @tas :: ship desk case spur
++ dope (pair @tas @t) :: term/unicode pair
++ duct (list wire) :: causal history
++ maze {p/* q/*} :: untyped vase
++ ovum (pair wire card) :: input or output
++ plum (pair term noun) :: deep file
++ ruby @pG :: 64-bit passcode
++ roof (room vase) :: namespace
++ rook (room maze) :: meta-namespace
++ room :: either namespace
|* vase/mold :: vase or maze
$- $: lyc/(unit (set ship)) :: leakset
car/term :: perspective
bem/beam :: path
== ::
%- unit :: ~: unknown
%- unit :: ~ ~: invalid
(cask vase) :: marked cargo
:: ::
++ ship @p :: network identity
++ vane :: kernel module
|* $: $: task/mold :: ->$ in request
gift/mold :: <-$ out result
sign/mold :: $<- in result
note/mold :: $-> out request
== ::
mind/mold :: current state
tomb/mold :: prior state
== ::
=* move ::
$% {$give p/gift} :: return
{$pass p/path q/note} :: invoke
== ::
$_ ^? ::
|_ mind :: active state
++ load $-(tomb _+>) :: reload
++ stay *mind :: preserve
++ plow :: work in time
|_ $: now/@da :: date
eny/@uvJ :: entropy
sky/roof :: namespace
== ::
++ doze *(unit @da) :: awake when
++ peek roof :: local namespace
++ spin :: work on state
|_ $: hen/duct :: cause stack
moz/(list move) :: moves, inverted
== ::
++ call |=(task +>) :: forward effect
++ take |=({wire sign} +>) :: backward effect
-- ::
-- ::
-- ::
++ wire path :: cause
-- =>
:: :: ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: (2) state molds
:: :: ::
++ evil :: evolvable state
|* {span/_span twig/_twig vase/_vase} :: injected molds
|% ::
++ ball :: arvo vane move
$% {$give p/mill} :: vane "return"
{$pass p/wire q/(pair term mill)} :: vane "call"
== ::
++ mall :: any arvo version
$? {$293 mast} :: kelvin 293, current
== ::
++ mast :: system state
$: $= gut :: abdomen
$: run/(list move) :: worklist
out/(list ovum) :: unix output
but/(unit seed) :: reboot
== ::
$= hax :: thorax
$: sac/worm :: compiler cache
== ::
$= bug :: insect brain
$: noc/@ta :: process nonce
ver/(qual @tas @ud @ud @ud) :: vendor/version
== ::
$= mal :: mammal brain
$: off/? :: not yet booted
lac/_| :: not verbose
eny/@uvJ :: 512-bit entropy
yor/vase :: %york, vane models
zus/vase :: %zuse, user lib
van/(map term vase) :: vanes
== ::
$= rep :: reptile brain
$: orb/@p :: ship
nym/arms :: name information
roy/(map @ud ruby) :: start secrets
fat/(map path (pair term noun)) :: boot filesystem
== == ::
++ mill (each vase maze) :: vase or metavase
++ move (pair duct ball) :: vane move
++ worm :: compiler cache
$: nes/(set ^) :: ++nest
pay/(map (pair span twig) span) :: ++play
mit/(map (pair span twig) (pair span nock)) :: ++mint
== ::
-- ::
++ hoof @t :: hoon source file
++ live (evil) :: modern molds
++ seed (pair (unit hoof) hoof) :: hoon/arvo boot src
++ vile (evil typo twit vise) :: old molds
++ wasp :: arvo effect
$% {$wack p/@uvJ} :: add entropy
{$what p/(list (pair path (pair term noun)))} :: reset reptile files
{$whim p/arms} :: reset arms
{$wise p/(map @ud ruby)} :: reset secrets
{$whom p/@p} :: set identity; boot
== ::
-- =>
:: :: ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: (3) engines
:: :: ::
:: :: ++le
++ le :: deep engine
=+ [now=*@da *mall:live]
=* ::
:: sys: system state
sys ->
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: :: ++abet:le
++ abet :: complete cycle
^- {(each (list ovum) seed) _sys}
?^ but.gut
[[%| u.but.gut] sys]
[[%& (flop out.gut)] sys(out.gut ~)]
:: :: ++boot:le
++ boot :: reboot
|= $: :: hyn: optional hoon.hoon source
:: ars: arvo.hoon source
hyn/(unit @t)
^- {* *}
?~ hyn
:: hon: hoon kernel as a vase
:: are: arvo kernel as a vase
:: arc: arvo core as a vase
:: lod: load gate on arvo core
=/ hon !>(..ride)
~& [%compile-arvo `@p`(mug p.hon) `@p`(mug ars)]
=* are (slap hon (ream ars))
=* arc (slot 7 are)
=* lod (slap arc [%limb %load])
(^ q:(slam lod !>([now sys])))
:: compile the hoon.hoon source with the current compiler
~& [%hoon-compile `@p`(mug u.hyn)]
=+ raw=(ride %noun u.hyn)
:: activate the new compiler gate
=+ cop=.*(0 +.raw)
:: find the hoon version number of the new kernel
=+ nex=(@ .*(cop q:(~(mint ut p.raw) %noun [%limb %hoon])))
?> |(=(nex hoon) =(+(nex) hoon))
:: if we're upgrading language versions, recompile the compiler
=> ?: =(nex hoon)
[hot=`*`raw .]
~& [%hoon-compile-upgrade nex]
=+ hot=.*(cop(+< [%noun u.hyn]) -.cop)
.(cop .*(0
:: extract the hoon core from the outer gate
=+ hoc=.*(cop [0 7])
:: compute the span of the hoon.hoon core
=+ hyp=-:.*(cop(+< [ '+>']) -.cop)
:: compile arvo
~& [%compile-arvo `@p`(mug hyp) `@p`(mug ars)]
=+ rav=.*(cop(+< [hyp ars]) -.cop)
:: create the arvo kernel
=+ arv=.*(hoc +.rav)
:: extract the arvo core from the outer gate
=+ voc=.*(arv [0 7])
:: compute the span of the arvo.hoon core
=+ vip=-:.*(cop(+< [-.rav '+>']) -.cop)
:: entry gate: ++load for the normal case, ++come for upgrade
=+ gat=.*(voc +:.*(cop(+< [vip ?:(=(nex hoon) 'load' 'come')]) -.cop))
:: sample: [date system-state]
=+ sam=[now sys]
:: call into the new kernel
(^ .*(gat(+< sam) -.gat))
:: :: ++call:le
++ call :: forward to vane
|= {hen/duct way/term hil/mill}
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
^+ +>
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
(call:(spin way hen) hil)
:: :: ++doze:le
++ doze :: next wakeup by vane
|= way/term
^- (unit @da)
doze:(plow way)
:: :: ++emit:le
++ emit :: emit move
|= mov/move:live
+>(run.gut [mov run.gut])
:: :: ++grow:le
++ grow :: hardcoded prefixes
|= lay/term
^- term
?+ lay !!
$a %ames
$b %behn
$c %clay
$d %dill
$e %eyre
$f %ford
$g %gall
$j %jael
:: :: ++loop:le
++ loop :: main loop
^+ .
:: done if stack is empty
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
?~ run.gut .
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: mov: top move on stack
=/ mov `move:live`
:: pop top move off stack
=> .(run.gut
:: interpret top move
:: %give: return move
:: the duct can't be empty
?> ?=(^
:: tea: top wire on duct
:: nex: rest of duct
=/ tea
=* nex
:: route gift by wire
?. ?=({$$ *} tea)
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: the caller was another vane
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
?> ?=({@tas *} tea)
(take nex i.tea t.tea
:: the caller was arvo itself
?: ?=({$unix $~} t.tea)
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: the caller was unix i/o
(unix nex (wile
?> ?=({$arvo $~} t.tea)
:: the caller was boot logic
(warp nex ((hard wasp) (wile
:: %pass: forward move
:: tea: proximate cause of action
:: hen: ultimate cause of action
:: way: target
:: hil: event data
=* tea
=* hen
=* way
=* hil
(call [tea hen] way hil)
:: :: ++pike:le
++ pike :: event to %pass
|= $: :: way: event route
:: now: date
:: ovo: input ovum
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
^+ +>
:: print event if in verbose mode
~? &(!lac.mal !=(%belt -.q.ovo)) [%unix -.q.ovo p.ovo]
:: vax: card as vase
=^ vax +> (open q.ovo)
:: hen: fundamental cause (unix input channel)
:: tea: local cause (unix i/o)
:: mov: action (pass into event route)
=* hen `duct`[p.ovo ~]
=* tea `wire`[%$ %unix ~]
=* mov `move:live`[hen %pass tea way %& vax]
:: push move on stack, and work.
loop:(emit mov)
:: :: ++open:le
++ open :: input card to move
|= fav/card
^- {vase _+>}
?< off.mal
:: gat: mold for correct unix task
:: vax: molded card
=^ gat sac.hax (~(slap wa sac.hax) zus.mal [%limb %unix-task])
=/ vax (slam gat [%noun fav])
~| [%le-open -.fav]
?> =(fav q.vax)
[vax +>.$]
:: :: ++peek:le
++ peek :: namespace
|= $: :: lyc: other ships result may leak to
:: cyr: general perspective, eg %cx
:: bem: name
lyc/(unit (set ship))
^- (unit (unit cave))
:: way: vane to look in
:: car: perspective within vane
=* way (grow (end 3 1 cyr))
=* car (rsh 3 1 cyr)
(peek:(plow(eny.mal `@`0) way) lyc car bem)
:: :: ++plow:le
++ plow :: plowing vane
|= way/term
(va-plow:(va-amid:va way) now eny.mal peek)
:: :: ++poke:le
++ poke :: event from unix
|= $: :: ovo: event
^+ +>
~& [%poke -.ovo]
~| [%poke -.ovo]
?+ -.q.ovo !!
:: unix input, send to vane
$belt (pike %dill now ovo)
$blew (pike %dill now ovo)
$born (pike %eyre now ovo)
$hail (pike %dill now ovo)
$hear (pike %ames now ovo)
$hook (pike %dill now ovo)
$into (pike %clay now ovo)
$they (pike %eyre now ovo)
$this (pike %eyre now ovo)
$thus (pike %eyre now ovo)
$wake (pike %behn now ovo)
?($wack $what $whom $whim $wise)
=/ wap ((hard wasp) ovo)
=* tea `wire`[%$ %arvo ~]
=* hen `duct`[tea [p.ovo ~]]
=* mov `move:live`[hen %give %& !>(wap)]
(emit mov)
:: :: ++spin:le
++ spin :: spinning vane
|= {way/term hen/duct}
(spin:(plow way) hen)
++ take
|= {hen/duct way/term tea/wire hil/mill}
^+ +>
=< loop
(take:(spin way hen) tea hil)
:: :: ++unix:le
++ unix :: return to unix
|= {hen/duct fav/card}
^+ +>
?> ?=({* $~} hen)
loop(out.gut [[i.hen fav] out.gut])
:: :: ++va:le
++ va :: vane engine
|_ $: :: way: vane name, eg `%ames`
:: vax: vane, or vane builder if `off.mal`
:: :: ++va-abet:va:le
++ va-abet :: resolve
^+ (~(put by van.mal) way vax))
:: :: ++va-amid:va:le
++ va-amid :: load existing
|= way/term
^+ +>
?< off.mal
+>(way way, vax (~(got by van.mal) way))
:: :: ++va-abut:va:le
++ va-apex :: boot / reboot
|= $: way/term
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
^+ +>
=. ^way way
=/ bun (~(get by van.mal) way)
?~ bun
(va-create src)
(va-update(vax u.bun) src)
:: :: ++va-plow:va:le
++ va-plow :: context awareness
|= $: :: now: date
:: eny: 512-bit entropy
:: sky: meta-typed namespace
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: kys: user-typed namespace vase
:: sam: core sample
:: wok: plowing vase
=* kys `vase`[-:!>(*roof) sky]
=* sam (slop !>(now) (slop !>(eny) kys))
=^ wok sac.hax (~(open wa sac.hax) vax %plow %& sam)
:: :: ++doze:va-plow:va:le
++ doze :: next wakeup
^- (unit @da)
=^ pro sac.hax (~(slap wa sac.hax) wok [%limb %doze])
=. sac.hax (~(neat wa sac.hax) -:!>(*(unit @da)) %& pro)
((unit @da)
:: :: ++peek:va-plow:va:le
++ peek :: internal peek
|= $: :: lyc: set of output ships
:: car: local perspective
:: bem: true path
lyc/(unit (set ship))
^- (unit (unit cave))
:: yeb: namespace input
:: pro: namespace output
=/ yeb !>([lyc car bem])
=^ pro sac.hax (~(call wa sac.hax) wok %peek %& yeb)
=. sac.hax (~(neat wa sac.hax) -:!>([*mark *vase]) %& pro)
:: detect unit cases
?~ ~
?~ [~ ~]
:: dat: vase of [mark vase]
=^ dat sac.hax (~(slot wa sac.hax) 7 pro)
``[(mark -.q.dat) (^ +.q.dat)]
:: :: ++spin:va-plow:va:le
++ spin :: causal action
|= hen/duct
:: fox: spinning vase
=* sam !>([hen *(list move)])
=^ fox sac.hax (~(open wa sac.hax) vax %spin %& sam)
:: :: ++abet:spin:va-plow:
++ abet :: integrate
:: vom: vase of (list move)
:: moz: actual output list (inverted order)
:: zax: new vase core
=^ vom sac.hax (~(slot wa sac.hax) 13 fox)
=^ moz sac.hax (~(refine-moves me sac.hax) vom)
=^ zax sac.hax (~(slot wa sac.hax) 31 fox)
%= va-abet
vax zax
%+ weld
%+ turn moz
|= mov/move:live
?. ?=($pass mov
:: append vane label to pass return address
mov(p.q [way])
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: :: ++call:spin:va-plow:
++ call :: pass forward
|= $: :: hil: logical argument
=^ nex sac.hax (~(call wa sac.hax) fox %call hil)
abet(fox nex)
:: :: ++take:spin:va-plow:
++ take :: pass backward
|= $: :: tea: return address
:: hil: logical result
:: yet: return address as vase
:: sam: whole sample as mill
=/ yet !>(tea)
=/ sam ^- mill
?- -.hil
$& [%& (slop yet p.hil)]
$| [%| [[%cell p.yet p.p.hil] [q.yet q.p.hil]]]
=^ nex sac.hax (~(call wa sac.hax) fox %take sam)
abet(fox nex)
:: :: ++va-create:va:le
++ va-create :: compile new vase
|= src/hoof
^+ +>
:: no existing vase; compile new vase
~& [%vase-compile way `@p`(mug src)]
=. vax (slap zus.mal (ream src))
?: off.mal
:: initialize vane
:: :: ++va-settle:va:le
++ va-settle :: initialize with ship
^+ .
.(vax (slam vax !>(orb.rep)))
:: :: ++va-update
++ va-update :: replace existing
|= src/hoof
^+ +>
?: off.mal
:: replacing unbooted, weird but ok
(va-create src)
:: out: saved state from old vane
=+ out=(slap vax [%limb %stay])
:: replace `vax` with new empty vane
=. +>.$ (va-create src)
:: initialize new vane with old state
+>.$(vax (slam (slap vax [%limb %come]) out))
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: :: ++warp:le
++ warp :: arvo effect
|= {hen/duct wap/wasp}
^+ +>
?- -.wap
$wack +>(eny.mal (mix (shaz (mix now eny.mal)) (shaz p.wap)))
$what (what hen p.wap)
$whim +>(nym.rep p.wap)
$wise +>(roy.rep p.wap)
$whom (whom hen p.wap)
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: :: ++whom:le
++ whom :: initialize ship
|= {hen/duct our/@p}
^+ +>
:: initialization only happens once
?> =(& off.mal)
:: continue working after initialization
=< loop
:: set all flags
=: orb.rep our
off.mal |
:: activate all vanes
=. van.mal
%- ~(run by van.mal)
|=(vase (slam +< !>(our)))
:: send vanes `[%boot ~]` card, in alphabetical order
=/ fal (sort (turn (~(tap by van.mal)) |=({term *} +<-)) aor)
|- ^+ +>.^$
?~ fal +>.^$
=. +>.^$ $(fal t.fal)
(emit [hen %pass [%$ %arvo ~] i.fal %& !>([%boot ~])])
:: :: ++wile:le
++ wile :: mill as card
|= hil/mill
^- card
=. sac.hax (~(neat wa sac.hax) -:!>(card) hil)
?- -.hil
$| ((hard card) q.p.hil)
$& ((hard card) q.p.hil)
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: :: ++wilt:le
++ wilt :: deep file as source
|= pet/plum
^- hoof
?>(?=({$hoon @tas} pet)
:: :: ++wise:le
++ wine :: load/reload vane
|= {way/term src/hoof}
^+ +>
va-abet:(va-apex:va way src)
:: :: ++what:le
++ what :: write deep storage
|= {hen/duct fal/(list (pair path plum))}
^+ +>
:: dev: collated `fal`
=/ dev
=| $= dev
$: :: use: non-system files
:: new: system installs
:: rep: system replacements
use/(map path plum)
new/(map path plum)
rez/(map path plum)
|- ^+ dev
?~ fal dev
:: pax: path of this file
:: pet: value of this file
=+ [pax pet]=[p q]:i.fal
=> .(fal t.fal)
:: old: current value in deep storage
=+ old=(~(get by fat.rep) pax)
:: ignore unchanged data
?: =(old `pet) $
:: classify as user, system install or replacement
?. ?=({$sys *} pax)
$( (~(put by pax pet))
?~ old
$( (~(put by pax pet))
$( (~(put by pax pet))
:: just adopt user changes, which have no systems impact
=. fat.rep (~(uni by fat.rep)
:: but: kernel reboot operation, if any
=/ but
^- (unit seed)
=/ hun (~(get by /sys/hoon)
=/ arv (~(get by /sys/arvo)
?~ hun
?~ arv ~
:: light reboot, arvo only
`[~ (wilt u.arv)]
:: heavy reboot, hoon and arvo
`[`(wilt u.hun) (wilt ?^(arv u.arv (~(got by fat.rep) /sys/arvo)))]
?^ but
:: stop working and set up reboot
%= +>.$
:: set boot hook for termination
but.gut ?>(=(~ but.gut) but)
:: execute write after reboot
run.gut :: syt: all systems changes
=* syt (~(tap by (~(uni by
:_ run.gut
`move:live`[hen %give %& !>([%what syt])]
:: delete reboot source files from deep
:: storage, so install causes vane upgrade,
:: and *does not* cause repeat kernel upgrade.
fat.rep ?~ p.u.but
(~(del by fat.rep) /sys/hoon)
:: keep working after vane upgrades
=< loop
:: job: plan for upgrading
=/ job
^- $: yor/(unit hoof)
zus/(unit hoof)
vat/(list (pair term hoof))
=< [yor zus (~(tap by van))]
:: yor: reload shared structures
:: zus: reload shared library
:: vat: replacement map
=/ yor (bind (~(get by /sys/york) wilt)
=/ zus (bind (~(get by /sys/zuse) wilt)
:: %york is the subject of %zuse
=. zus ?^(zus zus ?~(yor ~ `(wilt (~(got by fat.rep) /sys/zuse))))
:: vat: all vane upgrades, as [initial name source]
=/ van
:: zyr: all system file replacements
:: van: accumulated upgrades
=/ zyr (~(tap by
=| van/(map @tas hoof)
|- ^+ van
?^ zyr
:: mor: process rest of `zyr`
=/ mor $(zyr t.zyr)
?. ?=({$sys $van @tas $~} p.i.zyr)
:: replaced vane in `/sys/vane/*/[nam]`
=* nam `term`i.t.t.p.i.zyr
(~(put in mor) nam (wilt q.i.zyr))
:: reload current vanes if needed
?. |((~(has by /sys/hoon) ?=(^ zus))
:: we didn't replace compiler, %york or %zuse
:: also reboot any vanes not already rebooted
%- ~(gas by van)
%+ skip
^- (list (pair term hoof))
%+ turn (~(tap by van.mal))
|= {way/term vax/vase}
[way (wilt (~(got by fat.rep) [%sys %van way ~]))]
|= {way/term src/hoof}
(~(has in van) way)
:: upgrade %york, vane shared structures
=> ?~ yor.job .
%= .
yor.mal ~& [%york-boot `@p`(mug u.yor.job)]
(slap !>(..arms) (ream u.yor.job))
:: upgrade %zuse, vane shared libraries
=> ?~ zus.job .
%= .
zus.mal ~& [%zuse-boot `@p`(mug u.zus.job)]
(slap yor.mal (ream u.zus.job))
:: upgrade all indicated vanes
|- ^+ +>.^$
?~ vat.job +>.^$
~& [%vane-boot p.i.vat.job `@p`(mug q.i.vat.job)]
$(vat.job t.vat.job, +>.^$ (wine i.vat.job))
:: :: ++me
++ me :: dynamic analysis
:: sac: compiler cache
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
|_ sac/worm
:: :: ++refine-moves:me
++ refine-moves :: move list from vase
|= vax/vase
^- {(list move:live) worm}
?: =(~ q.vax) [~ sac]
=^ hed sac (~(slot wa sac) 2 vax)
=^ tal sac (~(slot wa sac) 3 vax)
=^ mov sac (refine-move hed)
=^ moz sac $(vax tal)
[[mov moz] sac]
:: :: ++refine-move:me
++ refine-move :: move from vase
|= vax/vase
^- {move:live worm}
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: den: ++duct vase
:: yat: card vase
=^ hip sac (~(nell wa sac) p.vax)
?> hip
=^ den sac (~(slot wa sac) 2 vax)
=^ yat sac (~(slot wa sac) 3 vax)
=. sac (~(neat wa sac) -:!>(*duct) %& den)
?> hip
=^ del sac (refine-ball yat)
[[(duct q.den) del] sac]
:: :: ++refine-ball:me
++ refine-ball :: ball from vase
|= vax/vase
^- {ball:live worm}
:: specialize span to actual card stem
=^ hex sac (~(spec wa sac) vax)
?+ -.q.hex ~|(%bad-move !!)
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
=. sac (~(neat wa sac) -:!>([%give *card]) %& hex)
:: yed: vase containing card
:: hil: card as mill
=^ yed sac (~(slot wa sac) 3 hex)
=^ hil sac (refine-card yed)
[[%give hil] sac]
=. sac (~(neat wa sac) -:!>([%pass *path *term *card]) %& hex)
:: yed: vase containing card
:: hil: card as mill
=^ yed sac (~(slot wa sac) 15 hex)
=^ hil sac (refine-card yed)
[[%pass (path +6:p.hex) (term +14:p.hex) hil] sac]
:: :: ++refine-card:me
++ refine-card :: card from vase
|= vax/vase
^- (pair mill worm)
:: specialize span to actual card data
=^ hex sac (~(spec wa sac) vax)
=^ hip sac (~(nell wa sac) p.hex)
?> hip
?. ?=($meta -.q.hex)
:: for an non-meta card, the mill is the vase
[[%& hex] sac]
:: tiv: vase of vase of card
:: typ: vase of span
=^ tiv sac (~(slot wa sac) 3 hex)
=^ hip sac (~(nell wa sac) p.tiv)
?> hip
=^ typ sac (~(slot wa sac) 2 tiv)
=. sac (~(neat wa sac) -:!>(*span) %& hex)
:: support for meta-meta-cards has been removed
[[%| (^ q.tiv)] sac]
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: :: ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: (4) interface
:: :: ::
=| sys/mall:live
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: :: ++come
++ come :: load old-hoon, +11
|= {now/@da old/mall:vile}
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: if typed, would produce `{(list ovum) _+>}`
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
^- {* *}
:: trivial when arvo models don't change
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
(load now old)
:: :: ++keep
++ keep :: timeout, +4
|= {now/@da pax/path}
^- (unit @da)
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: XX: change interface to specify vane, not path
:: XX: rename "keep" to "doze"
:: way: vane of timeout
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
?> ?=({$$ @tas $~} pax)
=* way i.t.pax
(~(doze le now sys) way)
:: :: ++load
++ load :: load current, +86
|= {now/@da new/mall:live}
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: if typed, would produce `{(list ovum) _+>}`
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
^- {* *}
(poke(sys new) now *ovum)
:: :: ++peek
++ peek :: inspect, 87
|= {now/@da pax/path}
^- (unit *)
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: XX: adapt external users to modern (unit (unit cage))
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
?. ?=({@ta @ta @ta @ta *} pax) ~
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: lyc: access control, `[~ ~]` gets anything
:: cyr: perspective
:: bec: path head, `[ship desk case]`
:: tyl: path tail
:: nut: peek result
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
=/ lyc `(unit (set ship))`[~ ~]
=/ cyr ?>(((sane %tas) i.pax) `@tas`i.pax)
=/ bec ^- beak
:+ (slav %p i.t.pax)
(slav %tas i.t.t.pax)
((hard case) (slay i.t.t.t.pax))
=* tyl t.t.t.t.pax
=/ nut (~(peek le now sys) lyc cyr bec tyl)
?~ nut ~
?~ u.nut ~
[~ +.q.u.u.nut]
:: :: ++poke
++ poke :: apply, 42
|= {now/@da ovo/ovum}
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: if typed, would produce `{(list ovum) _+>}`
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
^- {* *}
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: iterate entropy, it can't hurt
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
=. eny.mal.sys (mix (shaz now) eny.mal.sys)
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: produce a new state, and either output or a reboot
2016-12-02 04:17:02 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
=^ new sys
=< abet
:: as a hack for reboots, an empty ovum is a no-op
?: =(*ovum ovo)
~(loop le now sys)
(~(poke le now sys) ovo)
:: no reboot; produce output and current core
$& [`(list ovum)` +>.$]
:: reboot; produce loop result from new kernel
$| ~(boot le now sys)
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00
2017-04-17 03:12:12 +03:00
:: :: ++wish
++ wish :: compute, 20
|= src/hoof
q:(slap ?:(off.mal.sys !>(+>) zus.mal.sys) (ream src))
2016-11-24 07:25:07 +03:00