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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
2019-09-04 01:17:20 +03:00
module Vere.Term (initializeLocalTerminal, term, TerminalSystem(..)) where
import UrbitPrelude
import Arvo hiding (Term)
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Data.Char
2019-08-30 23:25:50 +03:00
import Data.List ((!!))
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr
2019-08-29 21:12:50 +03:00
import Foreign.Storable
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Terminal
import System.Console.Terminfo.Base
2019-08-30 23:25:50 +03:00
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
2019-08-29 21:12:50 +03:00
import Data.ByteString.Internal
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Output to the attached terminal is either a series of vere blits, or it is an
-- injected printf line from the interpreter.
data VereOutput = VereBlitOutput [Blit]
| VerePrintOutput String
| VereBlankLine
data LineState = LineState String Int
-- A record used in reading data from stdInput.
data ReadData = ReadData
{ rdBuf :: Ptr Word8
, rdEscape :: Bool
, rdBracket :: Bool
-- Minimal terminal interface.
-- A Terminal can either be local or remote. Either way, the Terminal, from the
-- view of the caller, a terminal has a thread which when exits indicates that
-- the session is over, and has a general in/out queue in the types of the
-- vere/arvo interface.
2019-09-04 01:17:20 +03:00
data TerminalSystem e = TerminalSystem
-- | The reader can be waited on, as it shuts itself down when the console
-- goes away.
{ tsReaderThread :: Async()
, tsReadQueue :: TQueue Belt
, tsWriteQueue :: TQueue VereOutput
2019-09-04 01:17:20 +03:00
, tsStderr :: Text -> RIO e ()
-- Private data to the TerminalSystem that we keep around for stop().
data Private = Private
{ pWriterThread :: Async()
, pPreviousConfiguration :: TerminalAttributes
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
initialBlew w h = EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvBlew (UD 1, ()) w h
initialHail = EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvHail (UD 1, ()) ()
-- Version one of this is punting on the ops_u.dem flag: whether we're running
-- in daemon mode.
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
runMaybeTermOutput :: Terminal -> (Terminal -> Maybe TermOutput) -> RIO e ()
runMaybeTermOutput t getter = case (getter t) of
Nothing -> pure ()
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
Just x -> io $ runTermOutput t x
rioAllocaBytes :: (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> Int -> (Ptr a -> m b) -> m b
rioAllocaBytes size action =
withRunInIO $ \run ->
allocaBytes size $ \x -> run (action x)
-- Because of legacy reasons, some file operations are in the terminal
-- driver. These should be filtered out and handled locally instead of in any
-- abstractly connected terminal.
isTerminalBlit :: Blit -> Bool
isTerminalBlit (Sav _ _) = False
isTerminalBlit (Sag _ _) = False
isTerminalBlit _ = True
-- Initializes the generalized input/output parts of the terminal.
2019-09-04 01:17:20 +03:00
initializeLocalTerminal :: HasLogFunc e => RAcquire e (TerminalSystem e)
initializeLocalTerminal = do
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
(a, b) <- mkRAcquire start stop
pure a
2019-09-04 01:17:20 +03:00
start :: HasLogFunc e => RIO e (TerminalSystem e, Private)
start = do
-- Initialize the writing side of the terminal
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
t <- io $ setupTermFromEnv
-- TODO: We still need to actually get the size from the terminal somehow.
tsWriteQueue <- newTQueueIO
pWriterThread <- asyncBound (writeTerminal t tsWriteQueue)
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
pPreviousConfiguration <- io $ getTerminalAttributes stdInput
-- Create a new configuration where we put the terminal in raw mode and
-- disable a bunch of preprocessing.
let newTermSettings =
flip withTime 0 .
flip withMinInput 1 $
foldl' withoutMode pPreviousConfiguration disabledFlags
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
io $ setTerminalAttributes stdInput newTermSettings Immediately
tsReadQueue <- newTQueueIO
tsReaderThread <- asyncBound (readTerminal tsReadQueue tsWriteQueue (bell tsWriteQueue))
2019-09-04 01:17:20 +03:00
let tsStderr = \txt ->
atomically $ writeTQueue tsWriteQueue $ VerePrintOutput $ unpack txt
pure (TerminalSystem{..}, Private{..})
2019-09-04 01:17:20 +03:00
stop :: HasLogFunc e
=> (TerminalSystem e, Private) -> RIO e ()
stop (TerminalSystem{..}, Private{..}) = do
cancel tsReaderThread
cancel pWriterThread
-- take the terminal out of raw mode
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
io $ setTerminalAttributes stdInput pPreviousConfiguration Immediately
-- A list of terminal flags that we disable
disabledFlags = [
-- lflag
StartStopOutput, KeyboardInterrupts, EnableEcho, EchoLF,
ProcessInput, ExtendedFunctions,
-- iflag
MapCRtoLF, CheckParity, StripHighBit,
-- cflag, todo: Terminal library missing CSIZE?
-- oflag
getCap term cap =
getCapability term (tiGetOutput1 cap) :: Maybe TermOutput
vtClearScreen t = getCap t "clear"
vtClearToBegin t = getCap t "el"
vtSoundBell t = getCap t "bel"
vtParmLeft t = getCap t "cub1"
vtParmRight t = getCap t "cuf1"
-- Writes data to the terminal. Both the terminal reading, normal logging,
-- and effect handling can all emit bytes which go to the terminal.
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
writeTerminal :: Terminal -> TQueue VereOutput -> RIO e ()
writeTerminal t q = loop (LineState "" 0)
loop s = do
x <- atomically $ readTQueue q
case x of
VereBlitOutput blits -> do
s <- foldM (writeBlit t) s blits
loop s
VerePrintOutput p -> do
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText "\r"
runMaybeTermOutput t vtClearToBegin
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText p
s <- termRefreshLine t s
loop s
VereBlankLine -> do
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText "\r\n"
loop s
-- Writes an individual blit to the screen
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
writeBlit :: Terminal -> LineState -> Blit -> RIO e LineState
writeBlit t ls = \case
Bel () -> do
runMaybeTermOutput t vtSoundBell
pure ls
Clr () -> do
runMaybeTermOutput t vtClearScreen
termRefreshLine t ls
(Hop w) -> do
termShowCursor t ls (fromIntegral w)
(Lin c) -> do
ls2 <- termShowClear t ls
termShowLine t ls2 (pack c)
(Mor ()) -> do
termShowMore t ls
(Sag path noun) -> pure ls
(Sav path atom) -> pure ls
(Url url) -> pure ls
-- Moves the cursor to the requested position
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
termShowCursor :: Terminal -> LineState -> Int -> RIO e LineState
termShowCursor t (LineState line pos) newPos = do
if newPos < pos then do
replicateM_ (pos - newPos) (runMaybeTermOutput t vtParmLeft)
pure (LineState line newPos)
else if newPos > pos then do
replicateM_ (newPos - pos) (runMaybeTermOutput t vtParmRight)
pure (LineState line newPos)
pure (LineState line pos)
-- Displays and sets the current line
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
termShowLine :: Terminal -> LineState -> String -> RIO e LineState
termShowLine t ls newStr = do
-- TODO: Really think about how term.c munged cus_w. Amidoinitrit?
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText newStr
pure (LineState newStr (length newStr))
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
termShowClear :: Terminal -> LineState -> RIO e LineState
termShowClear t ls = do
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText "\r"
runMaybeTermOutput t vtClearToBegin
pure (LineState "" 0)
-- New Current Line
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
termShowMore :: Terminal -> LineState -> RIO e LineState
termShowMore t ls = do
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
io $ runTermOutput t $ termText "\r\n"
pure (LineState "" 0)
-- Redraw the current LineState, moving cursor to the end.
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
termRefreshLine :: Terminal -> LineState -> RIO e LineState
termRefreshLine t ls@(LineState line pos) = do
runMaybeTermOutput t vtClearToBegin
newLs <- termShowLine t ls line
termShowCursor t newLs pos
-- ring my bell
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
bell :: TQueue VereOutput -> RIO e ()
bell q = atomically $ writeTQueue q $ VereBlitOutput [Bel ()]
-- Reads data from stdInput and emit the proper effect
-- This entire path is a divergence from how term.c does things,
-- probably. First, the vtime is 0, not 1 in term.c. So (IIUC), we'll
-- always have a latency of 1/10 of a second.
-- A better way to do this would be to get some sort of epoll on stdInput,
-- since that's kinda closer to what libuv does?
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
readTerminal :: forall e. HasLogFunc e
=> TQueue Belt -> TQueue VereOutput -> (RIO e ()) -> RIO e ()
readTerminal rq wq bell =
rioAllocaBytes 1 $ \ buf -> loop (ReadData buf False False)
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
loop :: ReadData -> RIO e ()
loop rd@ReadData{..} = do
-- The problem with using fdRead raw is that it will text encode things
-- like \ESC instead of 27. That makes it broken for our purposes.
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
t <- io $ try (fdReadBuf stdInput rdBuf 1)
case t of
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
Left (e :: IOException) -> do
-- Ignore EAGAINs when doing reads
loop rd
Right 0 -> loop rd
Right _ -> do
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
w <- io $ peek rdBuf
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
-- print ("{" ++ (show w) ++ "}")
let c = w2c w
if rdEscape then
if rdBracket then do
case c of
'A' -> sendBelt $ Aro U
'B' -> sendBelt $ Aro D
'C' -> sendBelt $ Aro R
'D' -> sendBelt $ Aro L
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
_ -> bell
loop rd { rdEscape = False, rdBracket = False}
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
else if isAsciiLower c then do
sendBelt $ Met $ Cord $ pack [c]
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
else if c == '.' then do
sendBelt $ Met $ Cord "dot"
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
else if w == 8 || w == 127 then do
sendBelt $ Met $ Cord "bac"
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
else if c == '[' || c == '0' then do
loop rd { rdBracket = True }
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
else do
loop rd { rdEscape = False }
-- if not escape
else if False then
-- TODO: Put the unicode accumulation logic here.
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
loop rd
else if w >= 32 && w < 127 then do
sendBelt $ Txt $ Tour $ [c]
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
loop rd
else if w == 0 then do
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
loop rd
else if w == 8 || w == 127 then do
sendBelt $ Bac ()
loop rd
else if w == 13 then do
sendBelt $ Ret ()
loop rd
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
else if w == 3 then do
-- ETX (^C)
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
logDebug $ displayShow "Ctrl-c interrupt"
2019-08-30 01:05:01 +03:00
atomically $ do
2019-09-04 01:17:20 +03:00
writeTQueue wq $ VerePrintOutput "interrupt\r\n"
writeTQueue rq $ Ctl $ Cord "c"
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
loop rd
else if w <= 26 then do
sendBelt $ Ctl $ Cord $ pack [w2c (w + 97 - 1)]
loop rd
else if w == 27 then do
loop rd { rdEscape = True }
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
else do
-- start the utf8 accumulation buffer
2019-08-30 00:54:34 +03:00
loop rd
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
sendBelt :: HasLogFunc e => Belt -> RIO e ()
sendBelt b = do
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
logDebug $ displayShow ("terminalBelt", b)
atomically $ writeTQueue rq b
2019-09-04 01:17:20 +03:00
term :: HasLogFunc e
=> TerminalSystem e -> FilePath -> KingId -> QueueEv -> ([Ev], RAcquire e (EffCb e TermEf))
2019-08-30 23:25:50 +03:00
term TerminalSystem{..} pierPath king enqueueEv =
(initialEvents, runTerm)
initialEvents = [(initialBlew 80 24), initialHail]
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
runTerm :: RAcquire e (EffCb e TermEf)
runTerm = do
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
tim <- mkRAcquire start stop
pure handleEffect
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
start :: RIO e (Async ())
start = async readBelt
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
stop :: Async () -> RIO e ()
stop rb = cancel rb
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
readBelt :: RIO e ()
readBelt = forever $ do
b <- atomically $ readTQueue tsReadQueue
let blip = EvBlip $ BlipEvTerm $ TermEvBelt (UD 1, ()) $ b
atomically $ enqueueEv $ blip
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
handleEffect :: TermEf -> RIO e ()
handleEffect = \case
TermEfBlit _ blits -> do
let (termBlits, fsWrites) = partition isTerminalBlit blits
atomically $ writeTQueue tsWriteQueue (VereBlitOutput termBlits)
for_ fsWrites handleFsWrite
TermEfInit _ _ -> pure ()
TermEfLogo path _ -> do
-- %logo is the shutdown path. A previous iteration just had the reader
-- thread exit when it saw a ^D, which was wrong because it didn't emit
-- a ^D to your Urbit, which does things and then sends us a %logo.
-- But this isn't optimal either. Right now, Pier spins forever,
-- waiting for some piece to exit or die, and I added the terminal
-- reading Async for expedience. But the terminal system ending should
-- additionally trigger taking a snapshot, along with any other clean
-- shutdown work.
-- If we have a separate terminal program which connects to the daemon,
-- this shouldn't be shutdown, but should be a sort of disconnect,
-- meaning it would be a VereOutput?
cancel tsReaderThread
TermEfMass _ _ -> pure ()
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
handleFsWrite :: Blit -> RIO e ()
2019-08-30 23:25:50 +03:00
handleFsWrite (Sag path noun) = performPut path (jamBS noun)
handleFsWrite (Sav path atom) = pure () --performPut path atom
handleFsWrite _ = pure ()
2019-08-30 23:25:50 +03:00
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
performPut :: Path -> ByteString -> RIO e ()
2019-08-30 23:25:50 +03:00
performPut path bs = do
-- Get the types right
let elements = map (unpack . unKnot) (unPath path)
let elementsLen = length elements
-- Make sure that the
let basePutDir = pierPath </> ".urb" </> "put"
let putDir = foldl' (</>) basePutDir (take (elementsLen - 2) elements)
2019-09-03 21:02:54 +03:00
io $ createDirectoryIfMissing True putDir
2019-08-30 23:25:50 +03:00
let putOutFile = case elementsLen of
-- We know elementsLen is one, but we still can't use `head`.
1 -> case elements of
(x:xs) -> putDir </> x
_ -> putDir
_ -> putDir </>
(elements !! (elementsLen - 2)) <.> (elements !! (elementsLen - 1))
-- print $ "Writing to " ++ putOutFile
writeFile putOutFile bs
pure ()