2019-06-25 04:10:41 +03:00
TODO Close the database on uncaught exception.
TODO `Persist` should just be the thread id.
the thread should close the database when it is killed.
module Vere.Persist (start, stop) where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (init)
2019-07-12 22:24:44 +03:00
import Database.LMDB.Raw
2019-06-25 04:10:41 +03:00
import Vere.Log
import Vere.Pier.Types
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data Persist = Persist EventLog (Async ())
-- Start and Stop --------------------------------------------------------------
start :: EventLog
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> (Writ [Eff] -> STM ())
-> IO Persist
start log inp cb = do
tid <- asyncBound (persistThread log inp cb)
pure (Persist log tid)
-- TODO: properly handle shutdowns during write
stop :: Persist -> IO ()
stop (Persist log tid) = do
void (cancel tid)
void (waitCatch tid)
close log
-- Persist Thread --------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: We need to be able to send back an exception to the main thread on an
-- exception on the persistence thread.
persistThread :: EventLog
-> TQueue (Writ [Eff])
-> (Writ [Eff] -> STM ())
-> IO ()
persistThread (EventLog env) inputQueue onPersist =
2019-07-12 22:24:44 +03:00
forever $ do
2019-06-25 04:10:41 +03:00
writs <- atomically $ readQueue inputQueue
writeEvents writs
atomically $ traverse_ onPersist writs
writeEvents writs = do
txn <- mdb_txn_begin env Nothing False
db <- mdb_dbi_open txn (Just "EVENTS") [MDB_CREATE, MDB_INTEGERKEY]
let flags = compileWriteFlags [MDB_NOOVERWRITE]
for_ writs $ \w -> do
putJam flags txn db (eventId w) (event w)
mdb_txn_commit txn
-- Get eventhing from the input queue. -----------------------------------------
Read one or more items from a TQueue, only blocking on the first item.
readQueue :: TQueue a -> STM (NonNull [a])
readQueue q =
readTQueue q >>= go . singleton
go acc =
tryReadTQueue q >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (reverse acc)
Just item -> go (item <| acc)