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2020-05-21 00:20:01 +03:00
:: +writ: from king to serf
+$ writ
$% $: %live
$% [%exit cod=@]
[%save eve=@]
[%pack eve=@]
== ==
[%peek now=date lyc=gang pat=path]
[%play eve=@ lit=(list ?((pair date ovum) *))]
[%work job=(pair date ovum)]
:: +plea: from serf to king
+$ plea
$% [%live ~]
[%ripe [pro=@ hon=@ nok=@] eve=@ mug=@]
[%slog pri=@ ?(cord tank)]
[%peek dat=(unit (cask))]
$: %play
$% [%done mug=@]
[%bail eve=@ mug=@ dud=goof]
== ==
$: %work
$% [%done eve=@ mug=@ fec=(list ovum)]
[%swap eve=@ mug=@ job=(pair date ovum) fec=(list ovum)]
[%bail lud=(list goof)]
== ==
module Urbit.Vere.Serf.IPC where
import Urbit.Prelude hiding ((<|))
import Data.Conduit
import Urbit.Arvo
import Urbit.Vere.Pier.Types hiding (Work)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke)
import System.Process (ProcessHandle)
import Urbit.Time (Wen)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
-- IPC Types -------------------------------------------------------------------
type Gang = Maybe (HoonSet Ship)
type Goof = (Term, [Tank])
data Live
= LExit Atom
| LSave EventId
| LPack EventId
deriving (Show)
type PlayBail = (EventId, Mug, Goof)
data Play
= PDone Mug
| PBail PlayBail
deriving (Show)
data Work
= WDone EventId Mug [Ef]
| WSwap EventId Mug (Wen, Noun) [Ef]
| WBail [Goof]
deriving (Show)
data Writ
= WLive Live
| WPeek Wen Gang Path
| WPlay EventId [Noun]
| WWork Wen Ev
deriving (Show)
data RipeInfo = RipeInfo
{ riProt :: Atom
, riHoon :: Atom
, riNock :: Atom
deriving (Show)
data SerfInfo = SerfInfo
{ siRipe :: RipeInfo
, siEvId :: EventId
, siHash :: Mug
deriving (Show)
type Slog = (Atom, Tank)
data Plea
= PLive ()
| PRipe SerfInfo
| PSlog Slog
| PPeek (Maybe (Term, Noun))
| PPlay Play
| PWork Work
deriving (Show)
deriveNoun ''Live
deriveNoun ''Play
deriveNoun ''Work
deriveNoun ''Writ
deriveNoun ''RipeInfo
deriveNoun ''SerfInfo
deriveNoun ''Plea
data Serf = Serf
{ serfSend :: Handle
, serfRecv :: Handle
, serfProc :: ProcessHandle
, serfSlog :: Slog -> IO ()
2020-05-21 00:20:01 +03:00
-- API Types -------------------------------------------------------------------
data SerfConfig = SerfConfig -- binary, directory, &c
2020-05-21 00:20:01 +03:00
data RunError
= RunBail [Goof]
| RunSwap EventId Mug Wen Noun [Ef]
2020-05-21 00:20:01 +03:00
data RunInput
= RunSnap
| RunPack
| RunPeek Wen Gang Path (Maybe (Term, Noun) -> IO ())
| RunWork Wen Ev (RunError -> IO ())
2020-05-21 00:20:01 +03:00
data RunOutput = RunOutput EventId Mug Wen (Either Noun Ev) [Ef]
-- Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------
data SerfExn
-- = BadComputeId EventId WorkResult
-- | BadReplacementId EventId ReplacementEv
-- | UnexpectedPlay EventId (EventId, Mug)
= UnexpectedPlea Plea Text
| BadPleaAtom Atom
| BadPleaNoun Noun [Text] Text
-- | ReplacedEventDuringReplay EventId ReplacementEv
-- | ReplacedEventDuringBoot EventId ReplacementEv
-- | EffectsDuringBoot EventId FX
| SerfConnectionClosed
-- | UnexpectedPleaOnNewShip Plea
-- | InvalidInitialPlea Plea
deriving (Show, Exception)
-- Low Level IPC Functions -----------------------------------------------------
fromRightExn :: (Exception e, MonadIO m) => Either a b -> (a -> e) -> m b
fromRightExn (Left m) exn = throwIO (exn m)
fromRightExn (Right x) _ = pure x
withWord64AsByteString :: Word64 -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
withWord64AsByteString w k = alloca $ \wp -> do
poke wp w
bs <- BS.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr wp, 8)
k bs
sendLen :: Serf -> Int -> IO ()
sendLen s i = do
w <- evaluate (fromIntegral i :: Word64)
withWord64AsByteString (fromIntegral i) (hPut (serfSend s))
sendBytes :: Serf -> ByteString -> IO ()
sendBytes s bs = handle onIOError $ do
sendLen s (length bs)
hPut (serfSend s) bs
hFlush (serfSend s)
onIOError :: IOError -> IO ()
onIOError = const (throwIO SerfConnectionClosed)
recvBytes :: Serf -> Word64 -> IO ByteString
recvBytes serf = io . BS.hGet (serfRecv serf) . fromIntegral
recvLen :: Serf -> IO Word64
recvLen w = do
bs <- BS.hGet (serfRecv w) 8
case length bs of
8 -> BS.unsafeUseAsCString bs (peek . castPtr)
_ -> throwIO SerfConnectionClosed
recvAtom :: Serf -> IO Atom
recvAtom w = do
len <- recvLen w
bytesAtom <$> recvBytes w len
-- Send Writ / Recv Plea -------------------------------------------------------
sendWrit :: Serf -> Writ -> IO ()
sendWrit s w = do
sendBytes s $ jamBS $ toNoun w
recvPlea :: Serf -> IO Plea
recvPlea w = do
a <- recvAtom w
n <- fromRightExn (cue a) (const $ BadPleaAtom a)
p <- fromRightExn (fromNounErr n) (\(p, m) -> BadPleaNoun n p m)
pure p
recvPleaHandlingSlog :: Serf -> IO Plea
recvPleaHandlingSlog serf = loop
loop = recvPlea serf >>= \case
PSlog info -> serfSlog serf info >> loop
other -> pure other
-- Higher-Level IPC Functions --------------------------------------------------
recvPlay :: Serf -> IO Play
recvPlay serf = recvPleaHandlingSlog serf >>= \case
PPlay play -> pure play
plea -> throwIO (UnexpectedPlea plea "expecting %play")
recvLive :: Serf -> IO ()
recvLive serf = recvPleaHandlingSlog serf >>= \case
PLive () -> pure ()
plea -> throwIO (UnexpectedPlea plea "expecting %live")
recvWork :: Serf -> IO Work
recvWork serf = do
recvPleaHandlingSlog serf >>= \case
PWork work -> pure work
plea -> throwIO (UnexpectedPlea plea "expecting %work")
recvPeek :: Serf -> IO (Maybe (Term, Noun))
recvPeek serf = do
recvPleaHandlingSlog serf >>= \case
PPeek peek -> pure peek
plea -> throwIO (UnexpectedPlea plea "expecting %peek")
-- Request-Response Points -----------------------------------------------------
snapshot :: Serf -> EventId -> IO ()
snapshot serf eve = do
sendWrit serf (WLive $ LSave eve)
recvLive serf
compact :: Serf -> EventId -> IO ()
compact serf eve = do
sendWrit serf (WLive $ LPack eve)
recvLive serf
scry :: Serf -> Wen -> Gang -> Path -> IO (Maybe (Term, Noun))
scry serf w g p = do
sendWrit serf (WPeek w g p)
recvPeek serf
-- Serf Usage Flows ------------------------------------------------------------
start :: SerfConfig -> IO (Serf, SerfInfo)
start = error "TODO"
TODO wait for process exit?
TODO force shutdown after time period? Not our job?
shutdown :: Serf -> Atom -> IO ()
shutdown serf exitCode = do
sendWrit serf (WLive $ LExit exitCode)
pure ()
TODO Take advantage of IPC support for batching.
TODO Maybe take snapshots
:: Serf -> SerfInfo -> ConduitT Noun Void IO (Either PlayBail (Mug, EventId))
replay serf info = go (siHash info) (siEvId info)
go :: Mug -> EventId -> ConduitT Noun Void IO (Either PlayBail (Mug, EventId))
go mug eid = await >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (Right (mug, eid))
Just no -> do
io $ sendWrit serf (WPlay eid [no])
io (recvPlay serf) >>= \case
PBail bail -> pure (Left bail)
PDone hash -> go hash (eid + 1)
TODO callbacks on snapshot and compaction?
TODO Take advantage of async IPC to fill pipe with more than one thing.
running :: Serf -> SerfInfo -> ConduitT RunInput RunOutput IO (Mug, EventId)
running serf info = go (siHash info) (siEvId info)
go mug eve = await >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (mug, eve)
Just RunSnap -> do
io (snapshot serf eve)
go mug eve
Just RunPack -> do
io (compact serf eve)
go mug eve
Just (RunPeek wen gang pax act) -> do
res <- io (scry serf wen gang pax)
io (act res)
go mug eve
Just (RunWork wen evn err) -> do
io (sendWrit serf (WWork wen evn))
io (recvWork serf) >>= \case
WDone eid hash fx -> do
yield (RunOutput eid hash wen (Right evn) fx)
go hash eid
WSwap eid hash (wen, noun) fx -> do
io $ err (RunSwap eid hash wen noun fx)
yield (RunOutput eid hash wen (Left noun) fx)
go hash eid
WBail goofs -> do
io $ err (RunBail goofs)
go mug eve