mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 16:51:42 +03:00
the jet system!
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
module Dashboard where
module Dashboard
( pattern FastAtom
, pattern FastHint
, Jet
, Dashboard (match)
, Freeboard
, Hashboard
, Fastboard
, Careboard
, runFree
, runHash
, runFast
, runCare
) where
import ClassyPrelude
@ -7,33 +20,48 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Noun
type Jet = Noun -> Noun
type JetName = Atom
type Hash = Int
pattern FastAtom = 9999
pattern FastHint id n =
C (A 11)
(C (A FastAtom) (C (A 1) (A id)))
-- | A context in which to run nock which supports jet lookup.
class Monad m => Dashboard m where
register :: Atom -> Noun -> m ()
-- | Find the jet associated with the formula represented by the given noun,
-- if any.
match :: Noun -> m (Maybe Jet)
-- | A dashboard which doesn't jet.
newtype Freeboard a = Freeboard (Identity a)
deriving newtype Functor
deriving newtype Applicative
deriving newtype Monad
-- | A dashboard which looks for jets by formula hash
newtype Hashboard a = Hashboard (Identity a)
deriving newtype Functor
deriving newtype Applicative
deriving newtype Monad
newtype Fastboard a = Fastboard (State (HashMap Noun Jet) a)
-- | A dashboard which checks the head of formulas for "fast
-- hints" and uses the name contained in such a hint to look for jets.
newtype Fastboard a = Fastboard (Identity a)
deriving newtype Functor
deriving newtype Applicative
deriving newtype Monad
newtype Careboard a = Careboard (State (HashMap Noun Jet) a)
-- | A dashboard which uses both lookup strategies, checking for consistency
-- between them and that each fast hint is applied to a unique formula.
-- Violations of these principles are written to standard out.
newtype Careboard a = Careboard (StateT (HashMap JetName Noun) IO a)
deriving newtype Functor
deriving newtype Applicative
deriving newtype Monad
runFree :: Freeboard a -> a
runFree (Freeboard x) = runIdentity x
@ -42,29 +70,60 @@ runHash :: Hashboard a -> a
runHash (Hashboard x) = runIdentity x
runFast :: Fastboard a -> a
runFast (Fastboard x) = evalState x mempty
runFast (Fastboard x) = runIdentity x
runCare :: Careboard a -> IO a
runCare (Careboard x) = evalStateT x mempty
instance Dashboard Freeboard where
register _ _ = pure ()
match _ = pure Nothing
match _ = Freeboard $ pure Nothing
instance Dashboard Hashboard where
register _ _ = pure ()
match n = Hashboard $ pure $ byHash $ hash n
match = Hashboard . pure . byHash . hash
byFast :: Atom -> Maybe Jet
instance Dashboard Fastboard where
match = Fastboard . \case
FastHint id n -> pure (byFast id)
_ -> pure Nothing
-- TODO maybe also detect hash collisions
instance Dashboard Careboard where
match = Careboard . \case
n@(FastHint nm _) -> case namely nm of
Just (h, j) -> do
when (h /= hash n) $
putStrLn ("careboard: jet " <> tshow nm <> " should have its hash "
<> "updated from " <> tshow h <> " to " <> tshow (hash n))
get <&> lookup nm >>= \case
Just n' ->
when (n' /= n) $
putStrLn ("careboard: jet hint " <> tshow nm <> " has been "
<> "detected on unequal formulae " <> tshow n
<> " and " <> tshow n' <> ", which is very bad")
Nothing -> modify' (insertMap nm n)
pure (Just j)
n -> pure $ byHash $ hash n
byFast :: JetName -> Maybe Jet
byFast = flip lookup fast
fast :: HashMap Atom Jet
fast = mapFromList $ map (\(l, h, j) -> (l, j)) jets
fast :: HashMap JetName Jet
fast = mapFromList $ map (\(n, _, j) -> (n, j)) jets
byHash :: Hash -> Maybe Jet
byHash = flip lookup hash
hash :: HashMap Hash Jet
hash = mapFromList $ map (\(l, h, j) -> (h, j)) jets
hash = mapFromList $ map (\(_, h, j) -> (h, j)) jets
type Entry = (Atom, Hash, Jet)
namely :: JetName -> Maybe (Hash, Jet)
namely = flip lookup fash
fash :: HashMap JetName (Hash, Jet)
fash = mapFromList $ map (\(n, h, j) -> (n, (h, j))) jets
type Entry = (JetName, Hash, Jet)
-- | Your jets here
jets :: [Entry]
jets =
@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ data Hint = Tag Atom
| Assoc Atom Nock
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic)
pattern FastAtom = 9999
pattern FastHint id = Assoc FastAtom (N1 (A id))
instance Hashable Nock
instance Hashable Hint
@ -87,7 +84,9 @@ nock n = \case
N2 sf ff -> do
s <- nock n sf
f <- nock n ff
nock s (nounToNock f)
match f >>= \case
Just jet -> pure (jet s)
Nothing -> nock s (nounToNock f)
N3 f -> nock n f <&> \case
C{} -> yes
A{} -> no
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Void
import Dashboard (pattern FastAtom)
import Nock
import Noun
Reference in New Issue
Block a user