mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 11:09:30 +03:00
natpmp: checkpoint while addressing comments
This commit is contained in:
@ -206,20 +206,20 @@ instance Enum Error where
initNatPmp :: MonadIO m => m (Either Error NatPmpHandle)
initNatPmp = do
natpmp <- liftIO $ mallocBytes #{size natpmp_t}
ret <- liftIO $ _init_nat_pmp natpmp 0 0
initNatPmp = liftIO do
natpmp <- mallocBytes #{size natpmp_t}
ret <- _init_nat_pmp natpmp 0 0
case ret of
0 -> pure $ Right natpmp
_ -> do
liftIO $ free natpmp
free natpmp
pure $ Left $ intToEnum ret
closeNatPmp :: MonadIO m => NatPmpHandle -> m (Either Error ())
closeNatPmp handle = do
ret <- liftIO $ _close_nat_pmp handle
liftIO $ free handle
closeNatPmp handle = liftIO do
ret <- _close_nat_pmp handle
free handle
case ret of
0 -> pure $ Right ()
_ -> pure $ Left $ intToEnum ret
@ -227,10 +227,10 @@ closeNatPmp handle = do
-- Public interface for getting the public IPv4 address
getPublicAddress :: MonadIO m => NatPmpHandle -> m (Either Error HostAddress)
getPublicAddress natpmp = do
sendRetcode <- liftIO $ sendPublicAddressRequest natpmp
getPublicAddress natpmp = liftIO do
sendRetcode <- sendPublicAddressRequest natpmp
case sendRetcode of
2 -> liftIO $ alloca $ \(pResponse :: NatPmpResponseHandle) -> do
2 -> alloca $ \(pResponse :: NatPmpResponseHandle) -> do
respRetcode <- readNatResponseSynchronously natpmp pResponse
case respRetcode of
0 -> peek pResponse >>= \case
@ -247,15 +247,15 @@ setPortMapping :: MonadIO m
-> Port
-> LifetimeSeconds
-> m (Either Error ())
setPortMapping natpmp protocol privatePort publicPort lifetime = do
setPortMapping natpmp protocol privatePort publicPort lifetime = liftIO do
let protocolNum = fromEnum protocol
sendResp <-
liftIO $ sendNewPortMappingRequest natpmp
sendNewPortMappingRequest natpmp
(fromIntegral protocolNum) (CUShort privatePort) (CUShort publicPort)
(CUInt lifetime)
case sendResp of
12 -> liftIO $ alloca $ \(pResponse :: NatPmpResponseHandle) -> do
12 -> alloca $ \(pResponse :: NatPmpResponseHandle) -> do
respRetcode <- readNatResponseSynchronously natpmp pResponse
case respRetcode of
0 -> peek pResponse >>= \case
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ class (HasKingEnv a, HasMultiEyreApi a, HasPortControlApi a) =>
data HostEnv = HostEnv
{ _hostEnvKingEnv :: !KingEnv
, _hostEnvMultiEyreApi :: MultiEyreApi
, _hostEnvPortControlApi :: PortControlApi
, _hostEnvMultiEyreApi :: !MultiEyreApi
, _hostEnvPortControlApi :: !PortControlApi
makeLenses ''HostEnv
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ instance HasPortControlApi HostEnv where
-- Running Running Envs --------------------------------------------------------
runHostEnv :: MultiEyreApi -> PortControlApi -> RIO HostEnv ()
-> RIO KingEnv ()
runHostEnv :: MultiEyreApi -> PortControlApi -> RIO HostEnv a
-> RIO KingEnv a
runHostEnv multi ports action = do
king <- ask
@ -197,11 +197,9 @@ pillFromURL = PillSourceURL <$> strOption
<> help "URL to pill file")
enableNAT :: Parser Bool
enableNAT = (flag' False
enableNAT = not <$> switch
( long "no-port-forwarding"
<> help "Disable trying to ask the router to forward ames ports"))
(pure True)
<> help "Disable trying to ask the router to forward ames ports")
pierPath :: Parser FilePath
pierPath = strArgument (metavar "PIER" <> help "Path to pier")
@ -474,15 +474,12 @@ newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do
multi <- multiEyre (MultiEyreConf Nothing Nothing True)
-- TODO: We hit the same problem as above: we need the running options to
-- determine how to configure the ports
-- TODO: We hit the same problem as above: we need a host env to boot a ship
-- because it may autostart the ship, so build an inactive port configuration.
let ports = buildInactivePorts
-- here we are with a king env, and we now need a multi env.
runHostEnv multi ports go
go :: RIO HostEnv ()
go = case nBootType of
runHostEnv multi ports $ case nBootType of
CLI.BootComet -> do
pill <- pillFrom nPillSource
putStrLn "boot: retrieving list of stars currently accepting comets"
@ -515,6 +512,7 @@ newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do
bootFromSeed pill seed
shipFrom :: Text -> RIO HostEnv Ship
shipFrom name = case Ob.parsePatp name of
Left x -> error "Invalid ship name"
@ -525,7 +523,7 @@ newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do
Just x -> x
Nothing -> "./" <> unpack name
nameFromShip :: Ship -> RIO HostEnv Text
nameFromShip :: HasKingEnv e => Ship -> RIO e Text
nameFromShip s = name
nameWithSig = Ob.renderPatp $ Ob.patp $ fromIntegral s
@ -546,16 +544,17 @@ newShip CLI.New{..} opts = do
-- Now that we have all the information for running an application with a
-- PierConfig, do so.
runTryBootFromPill :: Pill -> Text -> Ship -> LegacyBootEvent
runTryBootFromPill :: Pill
-> Text
-> Ship
-> LegacyBootEvent
-> RIO HostEnv ()
runTryBootFromPill pill name ship bootEvent = do
env <- ask
let vKill = (env ^. kingEnvL) ^. kingEnvKillSignal
vKill <- asks (^. kingEnvL . kingEnvKillSignal)
let pierConfig = toPierConfig (pierPath name) opts
let networkConfig = toNetworkConfig opts
runPierEnv pierConfig networkConfig vKill $
tryBootFromPill True pill nLite ship bootEvent
------ tryBootFromPill (CLI.oExit opts) pill nLite flags ship bootEvent
runShipEnv :: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> TMVar () -> RIO PierEnv a -> RIO HostEnv a
runShipEnv (CLI.Run pierPath) opts vKill act = do
@ -591,8 +590,8 @@ runShip (CLI.Run pierPath) opts daemon = do
buildPortHandler :: (HasLogFunc e) => Bool -> RIO e PortControlApi
buildPortHandler False = pure $ buildInactivePorts
buildPortHandler :: HasLogFunc e => Bool -> RIO e PortControlApi
buildPortHandler False = pure buildInactivePorts
-- TODO: Figure out what to do about logging here. The "port: " messages are
-- the sort of thing that should be put on the muxed terminal log, but we don't
-- have that at this layer.
@ -725,8 +724,7 @@ runShipNoRestart
:: CLI.Run -> CLI.Opts -> Bool -> RIO HostEnv ()
runShipNoRestart r o d = do
-- killing ship same as killing king
env <- ask
let vKill = (env ^. kingEnvL) ^. kingEnvKillSignal
vKill <- asks (^. kingEnvL . kingEnvKillSignal)
tid <- asyncBound (runShipEnv r o vKill $ runShip r o d)
onKill <- view onKillKingSigL
@ -152,7 +152,8 @@ fakeUdpServ = do
Real UDP server. See module-level docs.
:: forall e . (HasLogFunc e, HasPortControlApi e)
:: forall e
. (HasLogFunc e, HasPortControlApi e)
=> PortNumber
-> HostAddress
-> RIO e UdpServ
@ -179,8 +179,7 @@ startServ
startServ who isFake conf plan = do
logDebug (displayShow ("EYRE", "startServ"))
env <- ask
let multi = env ^. multiEyreApiL
multi <- asks (^. multiEyreApiL)
let vLive = meaLive multi
@ -23,32 +23,31 @@ data PortControlApi = PortControlApi
, pRemovePortRequest :: Word16 -> IO ()
-- Builds a Ports struct which does nothing when called.
-- | Builds a PortControlApi struct which does nothing when called.
buildInactivePorts :: PortControlApi
buildInactivePorts = PortControlApi noop noop
noop x = pure ()
-- Builds a Ports struct which tries to hole-punch by talking to the NAT
-- gateway over NAT-PMP.
-- | Builds a PortControlApi struct which tries to hole-punch by talking to the
-- NAT gateway over NAT-PMP.
buildNATPorts :: (HasLogFunc e)
=> (Text -> RIO e ())
-> RIO e PortControlApi
buildNATPorts stderr = do
q <- newTQueueIO
async $ portThread q stderr
pure $ PortControlApi (addRequest q) (removeRequest q)
addRequest :: TQueue PortThreadMsg -> Word16 -> IO ()
addRequest q port = do
let addRequest port = do
resp <- newEmptyTMVarIO
atomically $
writeTQueue q (PTMInitialRequestOpen port (putTMVar resp True))
atomically $ takeTMVar resp
pure ()
removeRequest :: TQueue PortThreadMsg -> Word16 -> IO ()
removeRequest q port = atomically $ writeTQueue q (PTMRequestClose port)
let removeRequest port = atomically $ writeTQueue q (PTMRequestClose port)
pure $ PortControlApi addRequest removeRequest
portLeaseLifetime :: Word32
portLeaseLifetime = 15 * 60
@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ portThread q stderr = do
now <- io $ getPOSIXTime
let repeatMsg = PTMRequestOpen p
let withRenew =
insert (now + (fromIntegral portRenewalTime), repeatMsg)
insert (now + fromIntegral portRenewalTime, repeatMsg)
atomically notifyComplete
loop pmp withRenew
@ -208,14 +207,14 @@ portThread q stderr = do
-- When we were unable to connect to a router, get the ip address on the
-- default ipv4 interface to check if it
likelyIPAddress :: RIO e (Maybe (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8))
likelyIPAddress = do
likelyIPAddress :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8))
likelyIPAddress = liftIO do
-- Try opening a socket to to get our own IP address. Since UDP is
-- stateless and we aren't sending anything, we aren't actually contacting
-- them in any way.
sock <- io $ socket AF_INET Datagram 0
io $ connect sock (SockAddrInet 53 (tupleToHostAddress (8, 8, 8, 8)))
sockAddr <- io $ getSocketName sock
sock <- socket AF_INET Datagram 0
connect sock (SockAddrInet 53 (tupleToHostAddress (8, 8, 8, 8)))
sockAddr <- getSocketName sock
case sockAddr of
SockAddrInet _ addr -> pure $ Just $ hostAddressToTuple addr
_ -> pure $ Nothing
@ -227,13 +226,11 @@ requestPortAccess port = do
request :: RIO e ()
request = do
env <- ask
let api = env ^. portControlApiL
io $ (pAddPortRequest api) port
api <- asks (^. portControlApiL)
io $ pAddPortRequest api port
release :: () -> RIO e ()
release _ = do
env <- ask
let api = env ^. portControlApiL
io $ (pRemovePortRequest api) port
api <- asks (^. portControlApiL)
io $ pRemovePortRequest api port
@ -28,8 +28,11 @@ import qualified Urbit.EventLog.LMDB as Log
type HasAmes e = (HasLogFunc e, HasNetworkConfig e, HasKingId e,
HasPortControlApi e)
type HasAmes e =
( HasLogFunc e
, HasNetworkConfig e
, HasKingId e
, HasPortControlApi e)
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference in New Issue
Block a user