mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 06:35:32 +03:00
Moved language stuff to another branch.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Language.Conq.Axe where
import ClassyPrelude hiding ((<.>), Left, Right, hash, cons)
import Language.Conq.Types
import Language.Conq.Exp
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Coerce
import GHC.Natural
import Control.Category
import Data.Flat
import Data.Flat.Bits
import Data.Bits
import Data.Vector (generate)
import Data.Monoid.Unicode ((∅))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, evalState, runState)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Show (showString, showParen)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base58 as Base58
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
lef = ATong (singleton F)
rit = ATong (singleton T)
sut = AAxis []
hed = AAxis [F]
tel = AAxis [T]
showFlatAxe :: Axe -> IO ()
showFlatAxe a = putStrLn $ pack
$ filter (\x -> x=='0' || x=='1')
$ show
$ fmap (\x -> if x then 1 else 0)
$ toList (bits a)
-- Encode Axes to Vals ---------------------------------------------------------
intVal :: Int -> Val
intVal n | n <= 0 = V0 VN
intVal n = V1 (intVal (n-1))
typeVal :: TyExp -> Val
typeVal = \case
TENil -> V0 $ V0 $ V0 $ VN
TESum x y -> V0 $ V0 $ V1 $ VP (typeVal x) (typeVal y)
TETup x y -> V0 $ V1 $ V0 $ VP (typeVal x) (typeVal y)
TEFor x y -> V0 $ V1 $ V1 $ VP (typeVal x) (typeVal y)
TEAll x -> V1 $ V0 $ V0 $ typeVal x
TEFix x -> V1 $ V0 $ V1 $ typeVal x
TERef i -> V1 $ V1 $ V0 $ intVal i
axeVal :: Axe -> Val
axeVal = \case
AAxis ds -> V0 $ V0 $ V0 $ flagsVal ds
APure v -> V0 $ V0 $ V1 $ v
AEval -> V0 $ V1 $ V0 $ VN
ATong ts -> V0 $ V1 $ V1 $ flagsValNE ts
ACons x y -> V1 $ V0 $ V0 $ VP (axeVal x) (axeVal y)
ACase x y -> V1 $ V0 $ V1 $ VP (axeVal x) (axeVal y)
AWith x y -> V1 $ V1 $ V0 $ VP (axeVal x) (axeVal y)
AHint h -> V1 $ V1 $ V1 $ hintVal h
hintVal :: Hint -> Val
hintVal HLazy = V0 $ V0 VN
hintVal HMark = V0 $ V1 VN
hintVal (HType t) = V1 $ V0 (typeVal t)
hintVal HFast = V1 $ V1 VN
flagsVal :: [Flag] -> Val
flagsVal [] = V0 VN
flagsVal (F:bs) = V1 (VP (V0 VN) (flagsVal bs))
flagsVal (T:bs) = V1 (VP (V1 VN) (flagsVal bs))
flagsValNE :: NonEmpty Flag -> Val
flagsValNE (F :| []) = V0 (V0 VN)
flagsValNE (T :| []) = V0 (V1 VN)
flagsValNE (F :| b:bs) = V1 (VP (V0 VN) (flagsValNE (b :| bs)))
flagsValNE (T :| b:bs) = V1 (VP (V1 VN) (flagsValNE (b :| bs)))
axeExp :: Axe -> Exp
axeExp = \case
AAxis [] -> ESubj
AAxis [F] -> EHead
AAxis [T] -> ETail
AAxis (F:ds) -> axeExp (AAxis ds) <> EHead
AAxis (T:ds) -> axeExp (AAxis ds) <> ETail
APure VN -> EPure VN
APure v -> valExp v
AEval -> EEval
ATong (F :| []) -> ELeft
ATong (T :| []) -> EWrit
ATong (F :| t:ts) -> axeExp (ATong (t :| ts)) <> ELeft
ATong (T :| t:ts) -> axeExp (ATong (t :| ts)) <> EWrit
ACons x y -> ECons (axeExp x) (axeExp y)
ACase x y -> ECase (axeExp x) (axeExp y)
AWith x y -> axeExp y <> axeExp x
AHint HLazy -> ELazy
AHint HMark -> EMark
AHint (HType ty) -> EType ty
AHint HFast -> EFast
expAxe :: Exp -> Axe
expAxe = \case
ESubj -> AAxis []
EPure v -> APure v
EEval -> AEval
ELeft -> ATong (singleton F)
EWrit -> ATong (singleton T)
EHead -> AAxis (singleton F)
ETail -> AAxis (singleton T)
EDist -> ACase (expAxe ELeft) (expAxe EWrit)
EWith x y -> AWith (expAxe x) (expAxe y)
ECons x y -> ACons (expAxe x) (expAxe y)
ECase x y -> ACase (expAxe x) (expAxe y) -- TODO Wrong
EType ty -> AHint (HType ty)
EMark -> AHint HMark
ELazy -> AHint HMark -- TODO
EFast -> AHint HFast
EQuot e -> APure (axeVal (expAxe e)) -- TODO Unquoting
ETape e -> expAxe (EQuot (ETape e))
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Language.Conq.Exp where
import Language.Conq.Types
import Language.Conq.Grainary
import ClassyPrelude hiding ((<.>), Left, Right, hash, cons)
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Coerce
import GHC.Natural
import Control.Category
import Data.Flat
import Data.Flat.Bits
import Data.Bits
import Data.Vector (generate)
import Data.Monoid.Unicode ((∅))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, evalState, runState)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Show (showString, showParen)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base58 as Base58
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
-- Unparsing -------------------------------------------------------------------
dispExp :: Exp -> String
dispExp = \case
ESubj -> "."
EPure VN -> "~"
EPure v -> show (valExp v)
EEval -> "!"
ELeft -> "0"
EWrit -> "1"
EHead -> "-"
ETail -> "+"
EDist -> "%"
EWith x y -> show y <> show x
ECons x y -> "[" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> "]"
ECase x y -> "<" <> show x <> " " <> show y <> ">"
EType t -> "{" <> show t <> "}"
ELazy -> "?"
EFast -> "_"
ETape e -> "$(" <> dispExp e <> ")"
EMark -> "@"
EQuot x -> "(" <> show x <> ")"
valExp :: Val -> Exp
valExp (valFor' -> Just e) = EQuot e
valExp VN = EPure VN
valExp VV = crash
valExp v = go v <> EPure VN
go = \case
(valFor' → Just e) → EQuot e
VV → crash
VN → ESubj
V0 VN → ELeft
V1 VN → EWrit
V0 l → ELeft <> go l
V1 r → EWrit <> go r
VP x y → ECons (go x) (go y)
VT x y _r → ECons (go x) y
VR k → EMark <> go (getGrain k)
crash :: Exp
crash = EEval <> EEval <> (EPure VN)
-- Parsing ---------------------------------------------------------------------
parseSimpl :: String -> Maybe (Exp, String)
parseSimpl = \case
'.' : xs -> pure (ESubj, xs)
'~' : xs -> pure (EPure VN, xs) -- TODO EPure
'!' : xs -> pure (EEval, xs)
'0' : xs -> pure (ELeft, xs)
'1' : xs -> pure (EWrit, xs)
'-' : xs -> pure (EHead, xs)
'+' : xs -> pure (ETail, xs)
'%' : xs -> pure (EDist, xs)
'?' : xs -> pure (ELazy, xs)
'@' : xs -> pure (EMark, xs)
_ -> Nothing
parseExp :: String -> Either String (Exp, String)
parseExp str = do
case parseSimpl str of
Just (e, xs) -> pure (e, xs)
Nothing ->
case str of
'[':xs -> parseTwo ECons ']' xs
'<':xs -> parseTwo ECase '>' xs
'(':xs -> parseSeq ')' xs <&> \case
(e,cs) -> (EQuot e, cs)
_ -> P.Left "bad"
parseSeq :: Char -> String -> Either String (Exp, String)
parseSeq end = go >=> \case
(Just x, buf) -> pure (x, buf)
(Nothing, buf) -> P.Left "empty sequence"
go :: String -> Either String (Maybe Exp, String)
go = \case
[] -> pure (Nothing, [])
c : cd | c == end -> pure (Nothing, cd)
cs -> do
(x, buf) <- parseExp cs
(y, buf) <- go buf
case y of
Nothing -> pure (Just x, buf)
Just y -> pure (Just (x <> y), buf)
parseTwo :: (Exp -> Exp -> Exp) -> Char -> String
-> Either String (Exp, String)
parseTwo cntr end buf = do
(xs, buf) <- parseSeq ' ' buf
(ys, buf) <- parseSeq end buf
pure (cntr xs ys, buf)
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Language.Conq.ForVal where
import Language.Conq.Types
import ClassyPrelude hiding ((<.>), Left, Right, hash, cons)
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Coerce
import GHC.Natural
import Control.Category
import Data.Flat
import Data.Flat.Bits
import Data.Bits
import Data.Vector (generate)
import Data.Monoid.Unicode ((∅))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, evalState, runState)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Show (showString, showParen)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base58 as Base58
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Language.Conq.Grainary where
import Language.Conq.Types
import Language.Conq.ForVal
import ClassyPrelude hiding ((<.>), Left, Right, hash, cons)
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Coerce
import GHC.Natural
import Control.Category
import Data.Flat
import Data.Flat.Bits
import Data.Bits
import Data.Vector (generate)
import Data.Monoid.Unicode ((∅))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, evalState, runState)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Show (showString, showParen)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base58 as Base58
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
-- Jets ------------------------------------------------------------------------
jetReg :: [(SHA256, Exp, Val -> Val)]
jetReg =
[ ( SHA256 (encodeBase58 "FWz5mTGmuVz2b4TLNa7yMjTKL7wihsEWakoUD2nzqP6q")
, ESubj
, id
jets :: HashMap SHA256 (Val -> Val)
jets = mapFromList (jetReg <&> \(h,_,f) -> (h,f))
grainsFromJets :: HashMap SHA256 ByteString
grainsFromJets = do
mapFromList $ jetReg <&> \(h,e,_) -> (h, flat (forVal e))
-- The Grainary ----------------------------------------------------------------
grainery :: IORef (HashMap SHA256 ByteString)
grainery = unsafePerformIO (newIORef grainsFromJets)
-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------
decodeBase58 :: ByteString -> Text
decodeBase58 = decodeUtf8 . Base58.encodeBase58 Base58.bitcoinAlphabet
fromJust (Just x) = x
fromJust _ = error "fromJust: Nothing"
encodeBase58 :: Text -> ByteString
encodeBase58 = fromJust
. Base58.decodeBase58 Base58.bitcoinAlphabet
. encodeUtf8
-- Create Grains ---------------------------------------------------------------
putGrain :: Val -> Val
putGrain v = unsafePerformIO $ do
(bs, k) <- evaluate $ force (hashVal v)
traceM ("Putting Grain: " <> unpack (decodeBase58 $ unSHA256 k))
atomicModifyIORef' grainery (\t -> (insertMap k bs t, ()))
evaluate (VR k)
hashVal :: Val -> (ByteString, SHA256)
hashVal x = (bs, SHA256 (SHA256.hash bs))
where bs = flat x
-- Read Grains -----------------------------------------------------------------
getGrain :: SHA256 -> Val
getGrain k = unsafePerformIO $ do
traceM ("Getting Grain: " <> unpack (decodeBase58 $ unSHA256 k))
t <- readIORef grainery
Just (P.Right v) <- pure (unflat <$> lookup k t)
pure v
-- Encode/Decode Formulas ------------------------------------------------------
flattenExp :: Exp -> Exp
flattenExp = go
go (EWith (EWith x y) z) = go (EWith x (EWith y z))
go (EWith x y) = EWith x (go y)
go x = x
forVal :: Exp -> Val
forVal = \e ->
case flattenExp e of
EWith x y -> V1 $ VP (opkVal x) (forVal y)
x -> V0 (opkVal x)
opkVal :: Exp -> Val
opkVal = \case
EWith _ _ -> error "forVal: broken invariant"
ELeft -> V0 $ V0 $ V0 VN
EWrit -> V0 $ V0 $ V1 VN
EHead -> V0 $ V1 $ V0 VN
ETail -> V0 $ V1 $ V1 VN
EPure v -> V1 $ V0 $ V0 $ V0 v
ESubj -> V1 $ V0 $ V0 $ V1 VN
ELazy -> V1 $ V0 $ V1 $ V0 $ V0 VN
EMark -> V1 $ V0 $ V1 $ V1 $ V0 VN
EEval -> V1 $ V1 $ V0 $ V0 VN
EDist -> V1 $ V1 $ V0 $ V1 VN
ECase x y -> V1 $ V1 $ V1 $ V0 $ VP (forVal x) (forVal y)
ECons x y -> V1 $ V1 $ V1 $ V1 $ VP (forVal x) (forVal y)
EType _ -> opkVal ESubj
_ -> undefined
valFor' :: Val -> Maybe Exp
valFor' (V0 l) = valOpk l
valFor' (VR r) = valFor' (getGrain r)
valFor' (V1 (VP x y)) = (<>) <$> valFor' y <*> valOpk x
valFor' _ = Nothing
valFor :: Val -> Exp
valFor = maybe (EPure VN) id . valFor'
valOpk :: Val -> Maybe Exp
valOpk (V0 (V0 x)) = valDir x
valOpk (V0 (V1 x)) = valGet x
valOpk (V1 (V0 (V0 x))) = valSim x
valOpk (V1 (V0 (V1 x))) = valHin x
valOpk (V1 (V1 (V0 x))) = valOtr x
valOpk (V1 (V1 (V1 x))) = valPlx x
valOpk _ = Nothing
valDir :: Val -> Maybe Exp
valDir (V0 VN) = pure ELeft
valDir (V1 VN) = pure EWrit
valDir _ = Nothing
valGet :: Val -> Maybe Exp
valGet (V0 VN) = pure EHead
valGet (V1 VN) = pure ETail
valGet _ = Nothing
valSim :: Val -> Maybe Exp
valSim (V0 v) = pure (EPure v)
valSim (V1 VN) = pure ESubj
valSim _ = Nothing
valOtr :: Val -> Maybe Exp
valOtr (V0 VN) = pure EEval
valOtr (V1 VN) = pure EDist
valOtr _ = Nothing
valPlx :: Val -> Maybe Exp
valPlx (V0 (VP x y)) = pure $ ECase (valFor x) (valFor y)
valPlx (V1 (VP x y)) = pure $ ECons (valFor x) (valFor y)
valPlx _ = Nothing
valHin :: Val -> Maybe Exp
valHin = \case
V0 (V0 VN) -> pure ELazy
V1 (V0 VN) -> pure EMark
_ -> Nothing
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Language.Conq.Types where
import ClassyPrelude hiding ((<.>), Left, Right, hash, cons)
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection
import Data.Coerce
import GHC.Natural
import Control.Category
import Data.Flat
import Data.Flat.Bits
import Data.Bits
import Data.Vector (generate)
import Data.Monoid.Unicode ((∅))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Control.Lens ((&))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, evalState, runState)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Show (showString, showParen)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base58 as Base58
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------
type Tup a b = (a, b)
data Sum a b = L a | R b
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- SHA256
newtype SHA256 = SHA256 { unSHA256 :: ByteString }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Flat, Show, Hashable, NFData)
-- RTS Values ------------------------------------------------------------------
data Val
= VV -- Void
| VN -- Null
| V0 !Val -- Left
| V1 !Val -- Right
| VP !Val !Val -- Pair
| VT !Val !Exp Val -- Thunk
| VR !SHA256 -- Grain
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Flat)
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data TyExp
= TENil
| TESum TyExp TyExp
| TETup TyExp TyExp
| TEFor TyExp TyExp
| TEAll TyExp
| TEFix TyExp
| TERef Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Flat)
data Ty
= TNil
| TSum Ty Ty
| TTup Ty Ty
| TFor Ty Ty
| TVar Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-- Axe -- Conq Encoding --------------------------------------------------------
data Flag = T | F
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Flat)
data Hint = HLazy | HMark | HType TyExp | HFast
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Flat)
deriving instance Flat a => Flat (NonEmpty a)
data Axe
= AAxis [Flag]
| APure Val
| AEval
| ATong (NonEmpty Flag)
| ACons Axe Axe
| ACase Axe Axe
| AWith Axe Axe
| AHint Hint
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Flat)
instance Semigroup Axe where
AAxis xs <> AAxis ys = AAxis (ys <> xs)
ATong xs <> ATong ys = ATong (ys <> xs)
x <> y = y `AWith` x
instance Monoid Axe where
mempty = AAxis []
-- Exp -- Conq ASTs ------------------------------------------------------------
data Exp
= ESubj
| EPure Val
| EEval
| ELeft
| EWrit
| EHead
| ETail
| EDist
| EWith Exp Exp
| ECons Exp Exp
| ECase Exp Exp
| EType TyExp
| EMark
| ELazy
| EFast
| EQuot Exp
| ETape Exp -- Unquote
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Flat)
instance Semigroup Exp where
x <> y = EWith y x
instance Monoid Exp where
mempty = ESubj
-- Conq -- Typed-Embedding -----------------------------------------------------
data Conq s r where
Subj :: Conq s s
Pure :: v -> Conq s v
Left :: Conq a (Sum a b)
Writ :: Conq b (Sum a b)
Head :: Conq (Tup a b) a
Tail :: Conq (Tup a b) b
Cons :: Conq s a -> Conq s b -> Conq s (Tup a b)
Case :: Conq a r -> Conq b r -> Conq (Sum a b) r
Dist :: Conq (Tup (Sum a b) s) (Sum (Tup a s) (Tup b s))
With :: (Conq s a) -> ((Conq a r) -> (Conq s r))
Eval :: Conq (Tup a (Conq a r)) r
Mark :: Conq a a
Lazy :: Conq (Tup s (Conq s a)) (Tup s (Conq s a))
instance Category Conq where
id = Subj
(.) = flip With
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
name: language-conq
version: 0.1.0
license: AGPL-3.0-only
source-dirs: lib
- -fwarn-incomplete-patterns
- -O2
- async
- base
- base58-bytestring
- base-unicode-symbols
- bytestring
- case-insensitive
- chunked-data
- classy-prelude
- containers
- cryptohash
- data-fix
- extra
- flat
- ghc-prim
- http-client
- http-types
- integer-gmp
- largeword
- lens
- megaparsec
- mtl
- multimap
- para
- pretty-show
- QuickCheck
- semigroups
- smallcheck
- stm
- stm-chans
- tasty
- tasty-quickcheck
- tasty-th
- text
- these
- time
- transformers
- unordered-containers
- vector
- ApplicativeDo
- BangPatterns
- BlockArguments
- DeriveAnyClass
- DeriveDataTypeable
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveGeneric
- DeriveTraversable
- DerivingStrategies
- EmptyDataDecls
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- FunctionalDependencies
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- LambdaCase
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- NamedFieldPuns
- NoImplicitPrelude
- NumericUnderscores
- OverloadedStrings
- PartialTypeSignatures
- QuasiQuotes
- Rank2Types
- RankNTypes
- RecordWildCards
- ScopedTypeVariables
- TemplateHaskell
- TupleSections
- TypeApplications
- TypeFamilies
- UnicodeSyntax
- ViewPatterns
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-- TODO Handle comments
module Language.Attila.AST.Parser where
import Language.Hoon.AST.Types
import ClassyPrelude hiding (head, many, some, try)
import Control.Lens
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Void (Void)
import Prelude (head)
import Text.Format.Para (formatParas)
import qualified Data.MultiMap as MM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT
import qualified Prelude
-- Parser Monad ----------------------------------------------------------------
data Mode = Wide | Tall
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Parser = StateT Mode (Parsec Void Text)
withLocalState :: Monad m => s -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m a
withLocalState val x = do { old <- get; put val; x <* put old }
inWideMode :: Parser a -> Parser a
inWideMode = withLocalState Wide
-- Simple Lexers ---------------------------------------------------------------
ace, pal, par ∷ Parser ()
ace = void (char ' ')
pal = void (char '(')
par = void (char ')')
gap ∷ Parser ()
gap = choice [ char ' ' >> void (some spaceChar)
, newline >> void (many spaceChar)
whitespace ∷ Parser ()
whitespace = ace <|> void gap
-- Literals --------------------------------------------------------------------
alpha ∷ Parser Char
alpha = oneOf (['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'])
sym ∷ Parser Sym
sym = bucSym <|> some alpha
where bucSym = char '$' *> pure ""
atom ∷ Parser Nat
atom = do
init ← some digitChar
rest ← many (char '.' *> some digitChar)
guard True -- TODO Validate '.'s
pure (Prelude.read $ concat $ init:rest)
nat ∷ Parser Nat
nat = Prelude.read <$> some digitChar
limb ∷ Parser (Either Nat Sym)
limb = (Right <$> sym) <|> (char '+' >> Left <$> nat)
wing ∷ Parser Wing
wing =
subjt <|> limbs
subjt ∷ Parser Wing
subjt = pure [] <* char '.'
limbs ∷ Parser Wing
limbs = do s ← limb
ss ← many (char '.' >> limb)
pure (s:ss)
tape ∷ Parser Text
tape = do
between (char '"') (char '"') $
pack <$> many (label "tape char" (anySingleBut '"'))
cord ∷ Parser Text
cord = do
between (char '\'') (char '\'') $
pack <$> many (label "cord char" (anySingleBut '\''))
literal ∷ Parser Hoon
literal = choice
[ Atom <$> atom
, Wing <$> wing
, pure Yes <* string "%.y"
, pure No <* string "%.n"
, pure Pam <* char '&'
, pure Bar <* char '|'
, pure Sig <* char '~'
, pure Lus <* char '+'
, pure Hep <* char '-'
, Cord <$> cord
, Tape <$> tape
-- Rune Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------
- If the parser is in `Wide` mode, only accept the `wide` form.
- If the parser is in `Tall` mode, either
- accept the `tall` form or:
- swich to `Wide` mode and then accept the wide form.
parseRune ∷ Parser a → Parser a → Parser a
parseRune tall wide = get >>= \case
Wide → wide
Tall → tall <|> inWideMode wide
rune1 ∷ (a→b) → Parser a → Parser b
rune1 node x = parseRune tall wide
where tall = do gap; p←x; pure (node p)
wide = do pal; p←x; par; pure (node p)
rune2 ∷ (a→b→c) → Parser a → Parser b → Parser c
rune2 node x y = parseRune tall wide
where tall = do gap; p←x; gap; q←y; pure (node p q)
wide = do pal; p←x; ace; q←y; par; pure (node p q)
rune3 ∷ (a→b→c→d) → Parser a → Parser b → Parser c → Parser d
rune3 node x y z = parseRune tall wide
where tall = do gap; p←x; gap; q←y; gap; r←z; pure (node p q r)
wide = do pal; p←x; ace; q←y; ace; r←z; par; pure (node p q r)
rune4 ∷ (a→b→c→d→e) → Parser a → Parser b → Parser c → Parser d → Parser e
rune4 node x y z g = parseRune tall wide
where tall = do gap; p←x; gap; q←y; gap; r←z; gap; s←g; pure (node p q r s)
wide = do pal; p←x; ace; q←y; ace; r←z; ace; s←g; pure (node p q r s)
runeN ∷ ([a]→b) → Parser a → Parser b
runeN node elem = node <$> parseRune tall wide
where tall = gap >> elems
where elems = term <|> elemAnd
elemAnd = do x ← elem; gap; xs ← elems; pure (x:xs)
term = string "==" *> pure []
wide = pal *> option [] elems <* par
where elems = (:) <$> elem <*> many (ace >> elem)
runeNE ∷ (NonEmpty a → b) → Parser a → Parser b
runeNE node elem = node <$> parseRune tall wide
where tall = do
let elems = term <|> elemAnd
elemAnd = do x ← elem; gap; xs ← elems; pure (x:xs)
term = string "==" *> pure []
fst <- gap *> elem
rst <- gap *> elems
pure (fst :| rst)
wide = mzero -- No wide form for cores
-- Irregular Syntax ------------------------------------------------------------
inc ∷ Parser Hoon -- +(3)
inc = do
string "+("
h ← hoon
char ')'
pure h
equals ∷ Parser (Hoon, Hoon) -- =(3 4)
equals = do
string "=("
x ← hoon
y ← hoon
char ')'
pure (x, y)
tuple ∷ ∀a. Parser a → Parser [a]
tuple p = char '[' >> elems
xs ∷ Parser [a]
xs = do { x ← p; (x:) <$> tail }
tail ∷ Parser [a]
tail = (pure [] <* char ']')
<|> (ace >> elems)
elems ∷ Parser [a]
elems = (pure [] <* char ']') <|> xs
irregular ∷ Parser Hoon
irregular =
inWideMode $
choice [ Tupl <$> tuple hoon
, IncrIrr <$> inc
, uncurry IsEqIrr <$> equals
-- Runes -----------------------------------------------------------------------
cRune ∷ (Map Sym Hoon → a) → Parser a
cRune f = do
mode ← get
guard (mode == Tall)
f . mapFromList <$> arms -- TODO Complain about duplicated arms
arms :: Parser [(Sym, Hoon)]
arms = many arm <* string "--"
arm :: Parser (Sym, Hoon)
arm = do
string "++"
s ← sym
h ← hoon
pure (s, h)
data Skin
rune ∷ Parser Hoon
rune = runeSwitch [ ("|=", rune2 BarTis hoon hoon)
, ("|-", rune1 BarHep hoon)
, (":-", rune2 ColHep hoon hoon)
, (":+", rune3 ColLus hoon hoon hoon)
, (":^", rune4 ColKet hoon hoon hoon hoon)
, (":*", runeN ColTar hoon)
, (":~", runeN ColSig hoon)
, ("^-", rune2 KetHep spec hoon)
, ("=<", rune2 TisGal hoon hoon)
, ("=>", rune2 TisGar hoon hoon)
, ("?:", rune3 WutCol hoon hoon hoon)
, ("?=", rune2 WutTis spec hoon)
, ("?@", rune3 WutPat hoon hoon hoon)
, ("?^", rune3 WutKet hoon hoon hoon)
, (".+", rune1 Incr hoon)
, (".=", rune2 IsEq hoon hoon)
, ("^=", rune2 KetTis sym hoon)
, ("=.", rune3 TisDot wing hoon hoon)
, ("|%", cRune BarCen)
runeSwitch ∷ [(Text, Parser a)] → Parser a
runeSwitch = choice . fmap (\(s, p) → string s *> p)
-- runeSwitch ∷ [(String, Parser a)] → Parser a
-- runeSwitch = parseBasedOnRune
-- . fmap (\([x,y], p) → (x, (y,p)))
-- where
-- parseBasedOnRune ∷ [(Char, (Char, Parser a))] → Parser a
-- parseBasedOnRune = combine . restructure
-- where combine = lexThen . overSnd lexThen
-- overSnd f = fmap (\(x,y) → (x,f y))
-- lexThen = choice . fmap (\(x,y) → char x *> y)
-- restructure = MM.assocs
-- . MM.fromList
-- Infix Syntax ----------------------------------------------------------------
colInfix ∷ Parser Hoon
colInfix = do
x ← try (hoonNoInfix <* char ':')
y ← hoon
pure (ColOp x y)
faceOp ∷ Parser Hoon
faceOp = FaceOp <$> try (sym <* char '=')
<*> hoon
infixOp ∷ Parser Hoon
infixOp = do
inWideMode (colInfix <|> faceOp)
-- Hoon Parser -----------------------------------------------------------------
hoonNoInfix ∷ Parser Hoon
hoonNoInfix = irregular <|> rune <|> literal
hoon ∷ Parser Hoon
hoon = infixOp <|> hoonNoInfix
-- Entry Point -----------------------------------------------------------------
hoonFile = do
option () whitespace
h ← hoon
option () whitespace
pure h
parse :: Text -> Either Text Hoon
parse txt =
runParser (evalStateT hoonFile Tall) "stdin" txt & \case
Left e -> Left (pack $ errorBundlePretty e)
Right x -> pure x
parseHoonTest ∷ Text → IO ()
parseHoonTest = parseTest (evalStateT hoonFile Tall)
main ∷ IO ()
main = (head <$> getArgs) >>= parseHoonTest
-- Parse Spec ------------------------------------------------------------------
base :: Parser Base
base = choice [ BVoid <$ char '!'
, BNull <$ char '~'
, BFlag <$ char '?'
, BNoun <$ char '*'
, BCell <$ char '^'
, BAtom <$ char '@'
specTuple ∷ Parser Spec
specTuple = tuple spec >>= \case
[] -> mzero
x:xs -> pure (STuple (x :| xs))
specFace ∷ Parser Spec
specFace = SFaceOp <$> try (sym <* char '=') <*> spec
specIrregular ∷ Parser Spec
specIrregular = inWideMode (specTuple <|> specFace)
spec :: Parser Spec
spec = specIrregular <|> specRune <|> fmap SBase base
specRune ∷ Parser Spec
specRune = choice
[ string "$:" >> runeNE SBucCol spec
, string "$-" >> rune2 SBucHep spec spec
, string "$=" >> rune2 SBucTis sym spec
, string "$?" >> runeNE SBucWut spec
, string "$@" >> rune2 SBucPat spec spec
, string "$^" >> rune2 SBucKet spec spec
, string "$%" >> runeNE SBucCen spec
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-- TODO Handle comments
module Language.Attila.AST.Types where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
-- AST Types -------------------------------------------------------------------
type Nat = Int
type Sym = String
type Wing = [Either Nat Sym]
data Base = BVoid | BNull | BFlag | BNoun | BCell | BAtom
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Spec
= SBase Base -- ^, ?
| SFaceOp Sym Spec -- x=@
| SBucCol (NonEmpty Spec) -- $:
| SBucHep Spec Spec -- $-, function core
| SBucTis Sym Spec -- $=, name
| SBucWut (NonEmpty Spec) -- $?, full pick
| SBucPat Spec Spec -- $@, atom pick
| SBucKet Spec Spec -- $^, cons pick
| SBucCen (NonEmpty Spec) -- $%, head pick
| STuple (NonEmpty Spec) -- [@ @]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Hoon
= WutCol Hoon Hoon Hoon -- ?:(c t f)
| WutTis Spec Hoon -- ?=(@ 0)
| WutPat Hoon Hoon Hoon -- ?@(c t f)
| WutKet Hoon Hoon Hoon -- ?^(c t f)
| KetTis Sym Hoon -- ^=(x 3)
| ColHep Hoon Hoon -- :-(a b)
| ColLus Hoon Hoon Hoon -- :+(a b c)
| ColKet Hoon Hoon Hoon Hoon -- :^(a b c d)
| ColTar [Hoon] -- :*(a as ...)
| ColSig [Hoon] -- :~(a as ...)
| KetHep Spec Hoon -- ^-(s h)
| TisGal Hoon Hoon -- =<(a b)
| TisGar Hoon Hoon -- =>(a b)
| BarTis Hoon Hoon -- |=(s h)
| BarHep Hoon -- |-(a)
| TisDot Wing Hoon Hoon -- =.(a 3 a)
| BarCen (Map Sym Hoon) -- |% ++ a 3 --
| ColOp Hoon Hoon -- [+ -]:[3 4]
| Tupl [Hoon] -- [a b]
| FaceOp Sym Hoon -- x=y
| Wing Wing -- ., a, a.b
| Atom Nat -- 3
| Cord Text -- 'cord'
| Tape Text -- "tape"
| Incr Hoon -- .+(3)
| IncrIrr Hoon -- +(3)
| IsEq Hoon Hoon -- .=(3 4)
| IsEqIrr Hoon Hoon -- =(3 4)
| Lus -- +
| Hep -- -
| Pam -- &
| Bar -- |
| Yes -- %.y
| No -- %.n
| Sig -- ~
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Language.Attila.IR where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (fail, try)
import GHC.Natural
import Control.Lens
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!), (!?))
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Data.ChunkedZip (Zip)
import Language.Hoon.Nock.Types
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
type Nat = Natural
type Vec = Vector
data Ty
= Nat
| Sum (Vec Ty)
| Mul (Vec Ty)
| Nok Ty Ty
| Fix Ty
| All Ty
| Ref Nat
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
An IR Expression
Formulas and subject manipulation:
- Sub -- Reference the current subject.
- Lam -- A formula (with the type for its subject)
- Wit -- Run an expression against a new subject.
- Eva -- Eval a formula against a subject.
- Fir -- Fire an arm of a core.
- Lit -- An atom literal.
- Inc -- Increment an atom.
- Eke -- Atom equality.
Product Types:
- Tup -- Construct a product type.
- Get -- Get a field out of a product.
- Mod -- Update a field of a product.
Sum Types:
- Cho -- Construct a (branch of a) sum type.
- Eat -- Pattern match (switch) on a sum type.
data Exp
= Sub
| Lam Ty Exp
| Wit Ty Exp Exp
| Eva Exp Exp
| Fir Nat (Ty, Vec Ty) Exp
| Lit Nat
| Inc Exp
| Eke Exp Exp
| Tup (Vec Exp)
| Get Nat (Vec Ty) Exp
| Cho (Vec Ty) Nat Exp
| Eat (Vec Ty) Exp (Vec Exp)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
zipWithM :: (Monad m, Traversable seq, Zip seq)
=> (a -> b -> m c) -> seq a -> seq b -> m (seq c)
zipWithM f xs ys = sequence (zipWith f xs ys)
newtype Infer a = Infer { runInfer :: Either Text a }
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadFail Infer where
fail = Infer . Left . pack
guardInfer :: String -> Bool -> Infer ()
guardInfer _ True = pure ()
guardInfer msg False = fail msg
unify2 :: Ty -> Ty -> Infer Ty
unify2 x y = do
let err = "(bad_unify " <> show x <> " ## " <> show y <> ")"
guardInfer err (x == y)
pure x
unify :: Vec Ty -> Infer Ty
unify = go . toList
go :: [Ty] -> Infer Ty
go [] = pure tVoid
go [x] = pure x
go (x:y:zs) = unify2 x y >> go (y:zs)
unifyVec :: Vec Ty -> Vec Ty -> Infer (Vec Ty)
unifyVec xs ys = do
let lenMsg = "unify-bad-len: " <> show (xs, ys)
guardInfer lenMsg (length xs == length ys)
zipWithM (\x y -> unify [x,y]) xs ys
battery :: Ty -> Infer (Vec Ty)
battery (Mul [Mul arms, _ctx]) = pure arms
battery ty = fail ("battery-not-core: " <> show ty)
arm :: Nat -> Ty -> Vec Ty -> Infer (Nat, Ty, Ty)
arm n cor arms = do
let len = fromIntegral (length arms)
arms !? fromIntegral n & \case
Nothing ->
fail ("arm-bad-idx: " <> show (n, arms))
Just (Nok nokSut nokRes) -> do
unify [cor, nokSut]
pure (armAxis n len, nokSut, nokRes)
Just armTy ->
fail ("arm-not-nok: " <> show armTy)
nokResTy :: Ty -> Ty -> Infer Ty
nokResTy sut (Nok nSut nRes) = unify [sut, nSut] $> nRes
nokResTy _ ty = fail ("not-nok: " <> show ty)
infer :: Ty -> Exp -> Infer Ty
infer sut = \case
Sub -> do
pure sut
Lam lub b -> do
Nok lub <$> infer lub b
Wit ty new bod -> do
newSut <- infer sut new
unify [ty, newSut]
infer ty bod
Eva new bod -> do
sut' <- infer sut new
nokTy <- infer sut bod
nokResTy sut' nokTy
Fir n (corTy, armTys) cor -> do
corTy' <- infer sut cor
armTys' <- battery corTy
unify [corTy, corTy']
unifyVec armTys armTys'
view _3 <$> arm n corTy armTys
Lit _ -> do
pure Nat
Inc exp -> do
eTy <- infer sut exp
unify [eTy, Nat]
Eke ex1 ex2 -> do
ty1 <- infer sut ex1
ty2 <- infer sut ex2
unify [Nat, ty1, ty2]
Tup exps -> do
Mul <$> traverse (infer sut) exps
Get n tys tup -> do
tupTy <- infer sut tup
unify [Mul tys, tupTy]
maybe (fail "mul-bad-index") pure (tys !? fromIntegral n)
Cho tys n exp -> do
ty <- infer sut exp
tu <- maybe (fail "cho-bad-index") pure (tys !? fromIntegral n)
unify [tu, ty]
pure (Sum tys)
Eat tys exp bods -> do
expTy <- infer sut exp
unify [expTy, Sum tys]
guardInfer "eat-bad-len" (length tys == length bods)
let checkBranch br exp = infer (tPair (tPair Nat br) sut) exp
unify =<< zipWithM checkBranch tys bods
tPair :: Ty -> Ty -> Ty
tPair x y = Mul [x,y]
tSum :: Ty -> Ty -> Ty
tSum x y = Sum [x, y]
tUnit, tBox, tVoid, tAtom, tNoun, tOpt, tEith, tBool, tOrd, tTop :: Ty
tUnit = Mul []
tBox = All $ Mul [Ref 0]
tVoid = Sum []
tAtom = Nat
tNoun = Fix $ tSum Nat (tSum (Ref 0) (Ref 0))
tOpt = All $ tSum tUnit (Ref 0)
tEith = All $ All $ tSum (Ref 1) (Ref 0)
tBool = tSum tUnit tUnit
tOrd = Sum [tUnit, tUnit, tUnit]
tTop = All $ Ref 0
-- Expression Examples ---------------------------------------------------------
tup2 :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
tup2 x y = Tup [x, y]
choEx, tupEx, witEx, eatEx :: Exp
choEx = Cho [Nat, Nat] 0 (Lit 0)
witEx = Wit Nat (Lit 3) Sub
tupEx = Get 0 [Nat, Nat]
$ Get 1 [Nat, Mul [Nat, Nat]]
$ tup2 (Lit 3) (tup2 (Lit 4) (Lit 5))
eatEx = Eat [Nat, Nat]
[ Get 1 [Nat, Nat]
(Get 0 [Mul [Nat, Nat], tTop] Sub)
, Inc (Lit 0)
lamEx :: Exp
lamEx = Lam Nat (tup2 (Inc Sub) Sub)
evaEx :: Exp
evaEx = Eva (Lit 0) lamEx
armExTy, batExTy, corExTy :: Ty
armExTy = Nok corExTy Nat
batExTy = Mul [armExTy]
corExTy = Fix $ Mul [Mul [Nok (Ref 0) Nat], Nat]
armEx :: Exp
armEx = Lam corExTy (Get 1 [batExTy, Nat] Sub)
batEx :: Exp
batEx = Tup [armEx]
corEx :: Exp
corEx = Tup [batEx, Lit 0]
firEx :: Exp
firEx = Fir 0 (corExTy, [armExTy]) corEx
indent :: String -> String
indent = unlines . fmap (" " <>) . lines
try :: Text -> Exp -> IO ()
try m e = do
putStrLn (m <> ":")
putStrLn " exp:"
putStr (pack $ indent (ppShow e))
putStrLn " type:"
putStr (pack $ indent (ppShow (runInfer (infer tTop e))))
putStrLn " nock:"
putStr (pack $ indent (ppShow (compile tTop e)))
tryAll :: IO ()
tryAll = do
try "tup" tupEx
try "wit" witEx
try "cho" choEx
try "eat" eatEx
try "lam" lamEx
try "eva" evaEx
try "arm" armEx
try "bat" batEx
try "cor" corEx
try "fir" firEx
- TODO Record layout (tree instead of list).
- TODO Sum layout (use all of atom, atom-head, and cell-head).
compile :: Ty -> Exp -> Either Text Nock
compile sut = \case
Sub ->
pure (NZeroAxis 1)
Lit n ->
pure (NOneConst (Atom $ fromIntegral n))
Inc x -> do
nock <- compile sut x
pure (NFourSucc nock)
Cho tys n exp -> do
nock <- compile sut exp
pure (NCons (NOneConst (Atom (fromIntegral n))) nock)
Get n tys exp -> do
vecNock <- compile sut exp
axis <- pure (tupAxis n (fromIntegral $ length tys))
pure (NSevenThen vecNock (NZeroAxis $ fromIntegral axis))
Tup xs -> do
nock <- genCons sut (toList xs)
pure nock
Eat tys exp brs -> do
nock <- compile sut exp
newSubjTys <- pure (tys <&> (\x -> tPair (tPair Nat x) sut))
nocks <- zipWithM compile newSubjTys brs
pure (NEightPush nock (cases (toList nocks)))
Eke x y -> do
nock1 <- compile sut x
nock2 <- compile sut y
pure (NFiveEq nock1 nock2)
Wit sut' ex1 ex2 -> do
nock1 <- compile sut ex1
nock2 <- compile sut' ex2
pure (NSevenThen nock1 nock2)
Lam ty exp -> do
NOneConst . nockToNoun <$> compile ty exp
Eva sub for -> do
subNock <- compile sut sub
forNock <- compile sut for
pure (NTwoCompose subNock forNock)
Fir n (corTy, armTys) cor -> do
getCore <- compile sut cor
(a,_,_) <- runInfer (arm n corTy armTys)
pure (NNineInvoke (fromIntegral a) getCore)
zapZap :: Nock
zapZap = NZeroAxis 0
genCons :: Ty -> [Exp] -> Either Text Nock
genCons sut [] = compile sut (Lit 0)
genCons sut [x] = compile sut x
genCons sut (x:xs) = do n <- compile sut x
ns <- compile sut (Tup (fromList xs))
pure (NCons n ns)
cases :: [Nock] -> Nock
cases = go 0
go tag [] = zapZap
go tag (nock:nocks) = NSixIf (NFiveEq (NOneConst (Atom (fromIntegral tag)))
(NZeroAxis 4))
(go (tag+1) nocks)
tupAxis :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
tupAxis 0 1 = 1
tupAxis 0 len = 2
tupAxis i len | i+1 == len = 1 + tupAxis (i-1) len
tupAxis i len = 2 * (1 + tupAxis (i-1) len)
armAxis :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
armAxis 0 1 = 2
armAxis 0 len = 4
armAxis i len | i+1 == len = 1 + armAxis (i-1) len
armAxis i len = 2 * (1 + armAxis (i-1) len)
-- Credits: Morgan, Ted, Benjamin
Fix (Mul [Mul [Nok (Ref 0) Nat],Nat])
Fix (Mul [Mul [Nok (Ref 0) Nat],Nat])
1: (Fix (Mul [Mul [Nok (Ref 0) Nat],Nat]))
2: (Fix (Mul [Mul [Nok (Ref 0) Nat],Nat]))
@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-- TODO Handle comments
module Language.Hoon.AST.Parser where
import Language.Hoon.AST.Types
import ClassyPrelude hiding (head, many, some, try)
import Control.Lens
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Void (Void)
import Prelude (head)
import Text.Format.Para (formatParas)
import qualified Data.MultiMap as MM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT
import qualified Prelude
-- Parser Monad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Mode = Wide | Tall
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Parser = StateT Mode (Parsec Void Text)
withLocalState :: Monad m => s -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m a
withLocalState val x = do { old <- get; put val; x <* put old }
inWideMode :: Parser a -> Parser a
inWideMode = withLocalState Wide
-- Simple Lexers ---------------------------------------------------------------
ace, pal, par ∷ Parser ()
ace = void (char ' ')
pal = void (char '(')
par = void (char ')')
gap ∷ Parser ()
gap = choice [ char ' ' >> void (some spaceChar)
, newline >> void (many spaceChar)
whitespace ∷ Parser ()
whitespace = ace <|> void gap
-- Literals --------------------------------------------------------------------
alpha ∷ Parser Char
alpha = oneOf (['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'])
sym ∷ Parser Sym
sym = bucSym <|> some alpha
where bucSym = char '$' *> pure ""
atom ∷ Parser Nat
atom = do
init ← some digitChar
rest ← many (char '.' *> some digitChar)
guard True -- TODO Validate '.'s
pure (Prelude.read $ concat $ init:rest)
nat ∷ Parser Nat
nat = Prelude.read <$> some digitChar
limb ∷ Parser (Either Nat Sym)
limb = (Right <$> sym) <|> (char '+' >> Left <$> nat)
wing ∷ Parser Wing
wing =
subjt <|> limbs
subjt ∷ Parser Wing
subjt = pure [] <* char '.'
limbs ∷ Parser Wing
limbs = do s ← limb
ss ← many (char '.' >> limb)
pure (s:ss)
tape ∷ Parser Text
tape = do
between (char '"') (char '"') $
pack <$> many (label "tape char" (anySingleBut '"'))
cord ∷ Parser Text
cord = do
between (char '\'') (char '\'') $
pack <$> many (label "cord char" (anySingleBut '\''))
literal ∷ Parser Hoon
literal = choice
[ Atom <$> atom
, Wing <$> wing
, pure Yes <* string "%.y"
, pure No <* string "%.n"
, pure Pam <* char '&'
, pure Bar <* char '|'
, pure Sig <* char '~'
, pure Lus <* char '+'
, pure Hep <* char '-'
, Cord <$> cord
, Tape <$> tape
-- Rune Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If the parser is in `Wide` mode, only accept the `wide` form.
- If the parser is in `Tall` mode, either
- accept the `tall` form or:
- swich to `Wide` mode and then accept the wide form.
parseRune ∷ Parser a → Parser a → Parser a
parseRune tall wide = get >>= \case
Wide → wide
Tall → tall <|> inWideMode wide
rune1 ∷ (a→b) → Parser a → Parser b
rune1 node x = parseRune tall wide
where tall = do gap; p←x; pure (node p)
wide = do pal; p←x; par; pure (node p)
rune2 ∷ (a→b→c) → Parser a → Parser b → Parser c
rune2 node x y = parseRune tall wide
where tall = do gap; p←x; gap; q←y; pure (node p q)
wide = do pal; p←x; ace; q←y; par; pure (node p q)
rune3 ∷ (a→b→c→d) → Parser a → Parser b → Parser c → Parser d
rune3 node x y z = parseRune tall wide
where tall = do gap; p←x; gap; q←y; gap; r←z; pure (node p q r)
wide = do pal; p←x; ace; q←y; ace; r←z; par; pure (node p q r)
rune4 ∷ (a→b→c→d→e) → Parser a → Parser b → Parser c → Parser d → Parser e
rune4 node x y z g = parseRune tall wide
where tall = do gap; p←x; gap; q←y; gap; r←z; gap; s←g; pure (node p q r s)
wide = do pal; p←x; ace; q←y; ace; r←z; ace; s←g; pure (node p q r s)
runeN ∷ ([a]→b) → Parser a → Parser b
runeN node elem = node <$> parseRune tall wide
where tall = gap >> elems
where elems = term <|> elemAnd
elemAnd = do x ← elem; gap; xs ← elems; pure (x:xs)
term = string "==" *> pure []
wide = pal *> option [] elems <* par
where elems = (:) <$> elem <*> many (ace >> elem)
runeNE ∷ (NonEmpty a → b) → Parser a → Parser b
runeNE node elem = node <$> parseRune tall wide
where tall = do
let elems = term <|> elemAnd
elemAnd = do x ← elem; gap; xs ← elems; pure (x:xs)
term = string "==" *> pure []
fst <- gap *> elem
rst <- gap *> elems
pure (fst :| rst)
wide = mzero -- No wide form for cores
-- Irregular Syntax --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inc ∷ Parser Hoon -- +(3)
inc = do
string "+("
h ← hoon
char ')'
pure h
equals ∷ Parser (Hoon, Hoon) -- =(3 4)
equals = do
string "=("
x ← hoon
y ← hoon
char ')'
pure (x, y)
tuple ∷ ∀a. Parser a → Parser [a]
tuple p = char '[' >> elems
xs ∷ Parser [a]
xs = do { x ← p; (x:) <$> tail }
tail ∷ Parser [a]
tail = (pure [] <* char ']')
<|> (ace >> elems)
elems ∷ Parser [a]
elems = (pure [] <* char ']') <|> xs
irregular ∷ Parser Hoon
irregular =
inWideMode $
choice [ Tupl <$> tuple hoon
, IncrIrr <$> inc
, uncurry IsEqIrr <$> equals
-- Runes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cRune ∷ (Map Sym Hoon → a) → Parser a
cRune f = do
mode ← get
guard (mode == Tall)
f . mapFromList <$> arms -- TODO Complain about duplicated arms
arms :: Parser [(Sym, Hoon)]
arms = many arm <* string "--"
arm :: Parser (Sym, Hoon)
arm = do
string "++"
s ← sym
h ← hoon
pure (s, h)
data Skin
rune ∷ Parser Hoon
rune = runeSwitch [ ("|=", rune2 BarTis hoon hoon)
, ("|-", rune1 BarHep hoon)
, (":-", rune2 ColHep hoon hoon)
, (":+", rune3 ColLus hoon hoon hoon)
, (":^", rune4 ColKet hoon hoon hoon hoon)
, (":*", runeN ColTar hoon)
, (":~", runeN ColSig hoon)
, ("^-", rune2 KetHep spec hoon)
, ("=<", rune2 TisGal hoon hoon)
, ("=>", rune2 TisGar hoon hoon)
, ("?:", rune3 WutCol hoon hoon hoon)
, ("?=", rune2 WutTis spec hoon)
, ("?@", rune3 WutPat hoon hoon hoon)
, ("?^", rune3 WutKet hoon hoon hoon)
, (".+", rune1 Incr hoon)
, (".=", rune2 IsEq hoon hoon)
, ("^=", rune2 KetTis sym hoon)
, ("=.", rune3 TisDot wing hoon hoon)
, ("|%", cRune BarCen)
runeSwitch ∷ [(Text, Parser a)] → Parser a
runeSwitch = choice . fmap (\(s, p) → string s *> p)
-- runeSwitch ∷ [(String, Parser a)] → Parser a
-- runeSwitch = parseBasedOnRune
-- . fmap (\([x,y], p) → (x, (y,p)))
-- where
-- parseBasedOnRune ∷ [(Char, (Char, Parser a))] → Parser a
-- parseBasedOnRune = combine . restructure
-- where combine = lexThen . overSnd lexThen
-- overSnd f = fmap (\(x,y) → (x,f y))
-- lexThen = choice . fmap (\(x,y) → char x *> y)
-- restructure = MM.assocs
-- . MM.fromList
-- Infix Syntax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
colInfix ∷ Parser Hoon
colInfix = do
x ← try (hoonNoInfix <* char ':')
y ← hoon
pure (ColOp x y)
faceOp ∷ Parser Hoon
faceOp = FaceOp <$> try (sym <* char '=')
<*> hoon
infixOp ∷ Parser Hoon
infixOp = do
inWideMode (colInfix <|> faceOp)
-- Hoon Parser -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hoonNoInfix ∷ Parser Hoon
hoonNoInfix = irregular <|> rune <|> literal
hoon ∷ Parser Hoon
hoon = infixOp <|> hoonNoInfix
-- Entry Point -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hoonFile = do
option () whitespace
h ← hoon
option () whitespace
pure h
parse :: Text -> Either Text Hoon
parse txt =
runParser (evalStateT hoonFile Tall) "stdin" txt & \case
Left e -> Left (pack $ errorBundlePretty e)
Right x -> pure x
parseHoonTest ∷ Text → IO ()
parseHoonTest = parseTest (evalStateT hoonFile Tall)
main ∷ IO ()
main = (head <$> getArgs) >>= parseHoonTest
-- Parse Spec ------------------------------------------------------------------
base :: Parser Base
base = choice [ BVoid <$ char '!'
, BNull <$ char '~'
, BFlag <$ char '?'
, BNoun <$ char '*'
, BCell <$ char '^'
, BAtom <$ char '@'
specTuple ∷ Parser Spec
specTuple = tuple spec >>= \case
[] -> mzero
x:xs -> pure (STuple (x :| xs))
specFace ∷ Parser Spec
specFace = SFaceOp <$> try (sym <* char '=') <*> spec
specIrregular ∷ Parser Spec
specIrregular = inWideMode (specTuple <|> specFace)
spec :: Parser Spec
spec = specIrregular <|> specRune <|> fmap SBase base
specRune ∷ Parser Spec
specRune = choice
[ string "$:" >> runeNE SBucCol spec
, string "$-" >> rune2 SBucHep spec spec
, string "$=" >> rune2 SBucTis sym spec
, string "$?" >> runeNE SBucWut spec
, string "$@" >> rune2 SBucPat spec spec
, string "$^" >> rune2 SBucKet spec spec
, string "$%" >> runeNE SBucCen spec
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-- TODO Handle comments
module Language.Hoon.AST.Types where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
-- AST Types -------------------------------------------------------------------
type Nat = Int
type Sym = String
type Wing = [Either Nat Sym]
data Base = BVoid | BNull | BFlag | BNoun | BCell | BAtom
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Spec
= SBase Base -- ^, ?
| SFaceOp Sym Spec -- x=@
| SBucCol (NonEmpty Spec) -- $:
| SBucHep Spec Spec -- $-, function core
| SBucTis Sym Spec -- $=, name
| SBucWut (NonEmpty Spec) -- $?, full pick
| SBucPat Spec Spec -- $@, atom pick
| SBucKet Spec Spec -- $^, cons pick
| SBucCen (NonEmpty Spec) -- $%, head pick
| STuple (NonEmpty Spec) -- [@ @]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Hoon
= WutCol Hoon Hoon Hoon -- ?:(c t f)
| WutTis Spec Hoon -- ?=(@ 0)
| WutPat Hoon Hoon Hoon -- ?@(c t f)
| WutKet Hoon Hoon Hoon -- ?^(c t f)
| KetTis Sym Hoon -- ^=(x 3)
| ColHep Hoon Hoon -- :-(a b)
| ColLus Hoon Hoon Hoon -- :+(a b c)
| ColKet Hoon Hoon Hoon Hoon -- :^(a b c d)
| ColTar [Hoon] -- :*(a as ...)
| ColSig [Hoon] -- :~(a as ...)
| KetHep Spec Hoon -- ^-(s h)
| TisGal Hoon Hoon -- =<(a b)
| TisGar Hoon Hoon -- =>(a b)
| BarTis Hoon Hoon -- |=(s h)
| BarHep Hoon -- |-(a)
| TisDot Wing Hoon Hoon -- =.(a 3 a)
| BarCen (Map Sym Hoon) -- |% ++ a 3 --
| ColOp Hoon Hoon -- [+ -]:[3 4]
| Tupl [Hoon] -- [a b]
| FaceOp Sym Hoon -- x=y
| Wing Wing -- ., a, a.b
| Atom Nat -- 3
| Cord Text -- 'cord'
| Tape Text -- "tape"
| Incr Hoon -- .+(3)
| IncrIrr Hoon -- +(3)
| IsEq Hoon Hoon -- .=(3 4)
| IsEqIrr Hoon Hoon -- =(3 4)
| Lus -- +
| Hep -- -
| Pam -- &
| Bar -- |
| Yes -- %.y
| No -- %.n
| Sig -- ~
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.Desugar (desugar) where
import Prelude
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Language.Hoon.Nock.Types
import Language.Hoon.Types
import Language.Hoon.SpecToMold
import Language.Hoon.SpecToBunt
-- open:ap
desugar :: Bool -> Hoon -> BHoon
desugar fab = go
-- things that are already desugared
go (HAutocons hs) = BAutocons (map go hs)
go (HDebug s h) = BDebug s (go h)
go (Hand t nk) = BHand t nk
-- but open:ap also strips note
go (Note note h) = BNote note (go h)
go (Fits h w) = BFits (go h) w
go (Sand n nou) = BSand n nou
go (Rock n nou) = BRock n nou
go (Tune t) = BTune t
go (Lost h) = BLost (go h)
go (BarCen n b) = BBarCen n (Map.map (Map.map (\(w, h) -> (w, go h))) b)
go (BarPat n b) = BBarPat n (Map.map (Map.map (\(w, h) -> (w, go h))) b)
go (CenTis w cs) = BCenTis w (map (\(w, h) -> (w, go h)) cs)
go (DotKet s h) = BDotKet s (go h)
go (DotLus h) = BDotLus (go h)
go (DotTar h j) = BDotTar (go h) (go j)
go (DotTis h j) = BDotTis (go h) (go j)
go (DotWut h) = BDotWut (go h)
go (KetBar h) = BKetBar (go h)
go (KetCen h) = BKetCen (go h)
go (KetLus h j) = BKetLus (go h) (go j)
go (KetPam h) = BKetPam (go h)
go (KetSig h) = BKetSig (go h)
go (KetWut h) = BKetWut (go h)
go (SigGar hint mh j) = BSigGar hint (fmap go mh) (go j)
go (SigZap h j) = BSigZap (go h) (go j)
go (TisGar h j) = BTisGar (go h) (go j)
go (TisCom h j) = BTisCom (go h) (go j)
go (WutCol h j k) = BWutCol (go h) (go j) (go k)
go (WutHax s w) = BWutHax s w
go (ZapCom h j) = BZapCom (go h) (go j)
go (ZapMic h j) = BZapMic (go h) (go j)
go (ZapTis h) = BZapTis (go h)
go (ZapPat ws h j) = BZapPat ws (go h) (go j)
go ZapZap = BZapZap
go (H_ axis) = (BCenTis [AxisLimb axis] [])
go (HBase basetype) = go (specToMold fab (SBase basetype))
go (Bust basetype) = go (specToBunt fab (SBase basetype))
go (KetCol spec) = go (specToMold fab spec)
-- writen into open:ap even though mint:ut uses handles debug case directly
-- go (Debug h) = go h
go (Error msg) = error ("%slog.[0 leaf/" ++ msg ++ "]")
go (Knit woofs) = error "TODO: implement %knit desugar"
go (HLeaf name atom) = go (specToMold fab (SLeaf name atom))
go (Limb name) = (BCenTis [NameLimb name] [])
go (Wing wing) = (BCenTis wing [])
go (Tell hs) = go (CenCol (Limb "noah") [ZapGar (ColTar hs)])
go (Yell hs) = go (CenCol (Limb "cain") [ZapGar (ColTar hs)])
go (Xray _) = error "TODO: %xray not implemented"
-- TODO implement bars
go (ColKet h1 h2 h3 h4) = BAutocons (map go [h1, h2, h3, h4])
go (ColLus h1 h2 h3) = BAutocons (map go [h1, h2, h3])
go (ColCab h1 h2) = BAutocons (map go [h2, h1])
go (ColHep h1 h2) = BAutocons (map go [h1, h2])
go (ColSig hs) = BAutocons (map go hs ++ [BRock "n" (Atom 0)])
go (ColTar (h :| hs)) = BAutocons (go h : map go hs)
go (KetTar spec) = BKetSig (go (specToBunt fab spec))
-- CenTis, but the product is cast to the type of the old value
go (CenCab wing changes) = BKetLus (go (Wing wing))
(BCenTis wing (desugarChanges changes))
go (CenDot h1 h2) = go (CenCol h2 [h1])
go (CenKet h1 h2 h3 h4) = go (CenCol h1 [h2, h3, h4])
go (CenLus h1 h2 h3) = go (CenCol h1 [h2, h3])
go (CenHep h1 h2) = go (CenCol h1 [h2])
-- the implementation that "probably should work, but doesn't"
go (CenCol h hs)
= go (CenTar [NameLimb ""] h [([AxisLimb 6], HAutocons hs)])
-- in lieu of the "electroplating" implementation
go (CenSig wing h hs) = go (CenTar wing h [([AxisLimb 6], HAutocons hs)])
go (CenTar wing h changes)
| null changes = BTisGar (go (Wing wing)) (go h)
| otherwise = go (TisLus h (CenTis (wing ++ [AxisLimb 2]) changes))
go (KetDot h j) = BKetLus (go (CenCol h [j])) (go j)
go (KetHep spec h) = BKetLus (go (specToBunt fab spec)) (go h)
go (KetTis skin h) = go (grip skin h)
go (SigBar h j) = BSigGar "mean" (Just (hint h)) (go j)
hint (Sand "tas" x) = (BRock "tas" x)
hint (HDebug _ h) = hint h
hint h = go (BarDot (CenCol (Limb "cain") [ZapGar (TisGar (H_ 3) h)]))
go (SigCab h j) = BSigGar "mean" (Just (go (BarDot h))) (go j)
go (SigCen chum h tyre j) = error "desugar: TODO ~% not supported"
go (SigFas chum h) = error "desugar: TODO ~/ not supported"
go (SigLed n mh j) = BTisGar (go j) (BSigGar n (fmap go mh) (go (H_ 1)))
go (SigBuc name h)
= BSigGar "live" (Just (BRock "" (nameToAtom name))) (go h)
go (SigLus atom h) = BSigGar "memo" (Just (BRock "" (Atom atom))) (go h)
go (SigPam atom h j)
= BSigGar
(Just (BAutocons [BSand "" (Atom atom)
, go (CenCol (Limb "cain") [ZapGar j])]))
(go j)
go (SigTis h j) = BSigGar "germ" (Just (go h)) (go j)
go (SigWut atom h j k)
= go (TisLus
(WutDot j (Bust SNull) (HAutocons [Bust SNull, k]))
[AxisLimb 2]
(TisGar (H_ 3) k)
(SigPam atom (H_ 5) (TisGar (H_ 3) k))))
-- TODO mic runes
go (TisBar h j) = go (TisLus (specToBunt fab h) j)
--go (TisTar name Nothing h j) = BTisGar (BTune Tone) j
--go (TisTar name (Just spec) h j) = undefined
go (TisCol chs h) = BTisGar (go (CenCab [AxisLimb 1] chs)) (go h)
go (TisFas skin h j) = go (TisLus (KetTis skin h) j)
go (TisDot w h j) = BTisGar (go (CenCab [AxisLimb 1] [(w, h)])) (go j)
go (TisWut w h j k) = go (TisDot w (WutCol h j (Wing w)) k)
--go (TisKet skin wing h j)
-- = BTisGar
-- (go (KetTis
go (TisLed h j) = BTisGar (go j) (go h)
go (TisLus h j) = BTisGar (go (HAutocons [h, (H_ 1)])) (go j)
go (TisHep h j) = go (TisLus j h)
go (TisSig hs) = foldr BTisGar (go (H_ 1)) (map go hs)
go (WutBar hs)
= foldr
(\h r -> BWutCol (go h) (BRock "f" (Atom 0)) r)
(BRock "f" (Atom 1))
go (WutPam hs)
= foldr
(\h r -> BWutCol (go h) r (BRock"f" (Atom 1)))
(BRock "f" (Atom 0))
go (WutDot h j k) = BWutCol (go h) (go k) (go j)
go (WutLed h j) = BWutCol (go h) BZapZap (go j)
go (WutGar h j) = BWutCol (go h) (go j) BZapZap
go (WutKet wing h j)
= BWutCol (go (WutTis (SBase (SAtom "")) wing)) (go h) (go j)
--go (WutKet
go (ZapWut (Left vers) h)
| vers >= hoonVersion = go h
| otherwise = error "hoon-version"
go (ZapWut (Right (lower, upper)) h)
| lower <= hoonVersion && hoonVersion <= upper = go h
| otherwise = error "hoon-version"
desugarChanges = map (\(w, h) -> (w, go h))
grip :: Skin -> Hoon -> Hoon
grip = error "grip not implemented"
@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.IR.Desugar where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (union)
import Language.Hoon.IR.Ty
import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable (foldr1)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Char (ord)
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import qualified Language.Hoon.AST.Parser as AST
import qualified Language.Hoon.AST.Types as AST
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Language.Hoon.IR.Infer as IR
import qualified Language.Hoon.IR.Ty as IR
import qualified Language.Hoon.LL.Run as LL
import qualified Language.Hoon.LL.Types as LL
import qualified Prelude
import qualified System.Exit as Sys
list :: [IR.Hoon] -> IR.Hoon
list [] = HAtom 0
list (x:xs) = HCons x (list xs)
tuple :: NonEmpty IR.Hoon -> IR.Hoon
tuple (x :| []) = x
tuple (x :| y : zs) = HCons x (tuple (y :| zs))
baseToTy :: AST.Base -> Ty
baseToTy = \case
AST.BVoid -> bot
AST.BNull -> tyNull
AST.BFlag -> tyBool
AST.BNoun -> top
AST.BCell -> tyAnyCell `union` tyAnyCore
AST.BAtom -> tyAnyAtom
gateTy :: Ty -> Ty -> Ty -> Ty
gateTy ctx arg result = tyCore batt ctx
batt = mapFromList [("", result)]
ctx = tyCell arg ctx
specToTy :: AST.Spec -> Ty
specToTy = \case
AST.SBase b -> baseToTy b
AST.SFaceOp f s -> specToTy (AST.SBucTis f s)
AST.STuple specs -> specToTy (AST.SBucCol specs)
AST.SBucCol specs -> foldr1 tyCell (specToTy <$> specs)
AST.SBucHep a r -> gateTy top (specToTy a) (specToTy r) -- TODO Ctx type
AST.SBucTis s y -> let y' = specToTy y
in y' { tFace = Set.insert s (tFace y') }
AST.SBucWut specs -> foldr1 union (specToTy <$> specs)
AST.SBucPat x y -> specToTy x `union` specToTy x
AST.SBucKet x y -> specToTy x `union` specToTy y
AST.SBucCen specs -> foldr1 union (specToTy <$> specs)
armNm "" = "$"
armNm nm = nm
arm :: Sym -> AST.Hoon -> Either String (Ty, AST.Hoon)
arm _ (AST.KetHep s h) = pure (specToTy s, h)
arm nm _ = Left msg
where msg = mconcat [ "Arm ", armNm nm, " needs a type declaration" ]
axisPath :: Nat -> Maybe TreePath
axisPath 0 = Nothing
axisPath 1 = Just []
axisPath 2 = Just [False]
axisPath 3 = Just [True]
axisPath n
| 0==(n `rem` 2) = (++) <$> axisPath (n `quot` 2) <*> axisPath 2
| otherwise = (++) <$> axisPath (n `quot` 2) <*> axisPath 3
mbErr :: String -> Maybe a -> Either String a
mbErr err = \case Nothing -> Left err
Just a -> pure a
wing :: AST.Wing -> Either String Wing
wing = traverse \case
Left a -> WAxis <$> mbErr "+0 is not valid" (axisPath a)
Right n -> Right (WName n)
core :: Map Sym AST.Hoon -> Either String (Map Sym (Ty, AST.Hoon))
core = Map.traverseWithKey arm
desugar :: AST.Hoon -> Either String IR.Hoon
desugar = \case
AST.Sig -> pure (HAtom 0)
AST.No -> pure (HAtom 1)
AST.Yes -> pure (HAtom 0)
AST.Bar -> pure (HAtom 1)
AST.Pam -> pure (HAtom 0)
AST.Hep -> pure (HRef [WAxis [False]])
AST.Lus -> pure (HRef [WAxis [True]])
AST.IsEqIrr x y -> desugar (AST.IsEq x y)
AST.IsEq x y -> HEq <$> desugar x <*> desugar y
AST.IncrIrr x -> desugar (AST.Incr x)
AST.Incr x -> HSucc <$> desugar x
AST.Tape t -> pure (list (HAtom . ord <$> unpack t))
AST.Cord _ -> pure (HAtom 1337)
AST.Atom a -> pure (HAtom a)
AST.Wing ss -> HRef <$> wing ss
AST.FaceOp n h -> desugar (AST.KetTis n h)
AST.KetTis n h -> HFace n <$> desugar h
AST.Tupl xs -> desugar (AST.ColTar xs)
AST.ColOp x y -> desugar (AST.TisGal x y)
AST.BarCen arms -> do bat <- core arms >>= traverse (traverseOf _2 desugar)
pure (HCore bat)
AST.TisDot w x y -> do x <- desugar x
y <- desugar y
w <- wing w
pure (HWith
(HEdit w
(HLike (HRef w) x)
(HRef []))
AST.BarTis s h -> desugar (AST.TisGar
(AST.Tupl [s, AST.Wing []])
(AST.BarCen (mapFromList [("", h)])))
AST.BarHep x -> do (t, x') <- arm "" x
x'' <- desugar x'
pure (HWith
(HCore (mapFromList [("", (t, x''))]))
(HRef [WName ""]))
AST.TisGal x y -> desugar (AST.TisGar y x)
AST.TisGar x y -> HWith <$> desugar x <*> desugar y
AST.KetHep s x -> HCast (specToTy s) <$> desugar x
AST.ColSig xs -> list <$> traverse desugar xs
AST.ColTar [] -> Left "empty tuple"
AST.ColTar (x:xs) -> tuple <$> traverse desugar (x :| xs)
AST.ColHep x y -> desugar (AST.ColTar [x, y])
AST.ColLus x y z -> desugar (AST.ColTar [x, y, z])
AST.ColKet x y z a -> desugar (AST.ColTar [x, y, z, a])
AST.WutTis s h -> do h <- desugar h
pure (HNest (Pat $ specToTy s) h)
AST.WutKet x y z -> desugar (AST.WutPat x z y)
AST.WutPat x y z -> do x <- desugar x
y <- desugar y
z <- desugar z
pure (HIf (HNest (Pat tyAnyAtom) x) y z)
AST.WutCol x y z -> HIf <$> desugar x <*> desugar y <*> desugar z
getRightAndShow :: Show r => (l -> Text) -> Either l r -> IO r
getRightAndShow err = \case
Left e -> putStrLn (err e) >> Sys.exitFailure
Right x -> pPrint x >> putStrLn "" >> pure x
main :: IO ()
main = do
ex <- Prelude.head <$> getArgs
putStrLn "== Parsing =="
ast <- getRightAndShow id (AST.parse ex)
putStrLn "== Desugaring =="
ir <- getRightAndShow pack (desugar ast)
putStrLn "== Type Inferring =="
ty <- getRightAndShow pack (IR.infer tyNull ir)
putStrLn "== Compiling =="
ll <- getRightAndShow pack (IR.down tyNull ir)
putStrLn "== Result Type =="
_ <- getRightAndShow pack (Right (ll ^. LL.llTy))
putStrLn "== Result =="
res <- getRightAndShow pack (LL.runLL (LL.VAtom 0) ll)
pure ()
sugar :: LL.LL a -> AST.Hoon
sugar = \case
LL.LWith _ x y -> AST.ColOp (sugar y) (sugar x)
LL.LAxis _ p -> undefined
LL.LEdit _ p x y -> AST.TisDot undefined undefined undefined
LL.LFire _ s _ -> AST.Wing [Right s]
LL.LAtom _ n -> AST.Atom n
LL.LPair _ x y -> AST.Tupl [sugar x, sugar y]
LL.LCore _ _bat -> undefined
LL.LSucc _ x -> AST.IncrIrr (sugar x)
LL.LTest _ x y z -> AST.WutCol (sugar x) (sugar y) (sugar z)
LL.LCelQ _ x -> AST.WutKet (sugar x) (AST.Atom 0) (AST.Atom 1)
LL.LEqlQ _ x y -> AST.IsEqIrr (sugar x) (sugar y)
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.IR.Infer where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (union, intersect, subtract, negate)
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Void
import Language.Hoon.IR.Ty
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import Language.Hoon.LL.Types hiding (L, R, Ctx)
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Lens
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Language.Hoon.LL.Types as LL
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Language.Hoon.IR.Wing as Wing
import qualified Prelude
-- Code Inference --------------------------------------------------------------
infer :: Ty -> Hoon -> Either String Ty
infer sut h = view llTy <$> down sut h
splitPattern :: Ty -> Ty -> (Ty, Ty)
splitPattern pat sut = (pat `intersect` sut, pat `diff` sut)
traversePair :: Applicative f => (f a, f b) -> f (a, b)
traversePair (mx, my) = (,) <$> mx <*> my
refine :: Wing -> Ty -> Ty -> Either String (Ty, Ty)
refine w pat sut = do
(_,oldTy) <- Wing.resolve w sut
let matchBr = pat `intersect` oldTy
elseBr = pat `diff` oldTy
update = \t -> snd <$> Wing.edit w t sut
traversePair (update matchBr, update elseBr)
extractRefinement :: Ty -> Hoon -> Either String (Ty, Ty)
extractRefinement sut (HNest (Pat p) h@(HRef w)) = refine w p sut
extractRefinement sut _ = pure (sut, sut)
-- Resolve Names and Infer Types -----------------------------------------------
splitHoonPath :: HoonPath -> Either HoonPath (HoonPath, Sym, Core Ty)
splitHoonPath pp = pp ^? _Snoc & \case
Just (xs, Arm n c) -> Right (xs, n, c)
_ -> Left pp
fromHoonPath :: HoonPath -> LLPath
fromHoonPath = catMaybes . fmap \case
Dot -> Nothing
Arm _ _ -> Nothing
L -> pure LL.L
R -> pure LL.R
Ctx -> pure LL.Ctx
resolve :: Ty -> Wing -> Either String LLTy
resolve sut w = do
(hoonPath, resTy) <- Wing.resolve w sut
pure $ splitHoonPath hoonPath & \case
Left p -> LAxis resTy (fromHoonPath p)
Right (p, arm, core) -> lFire resTy (fromHoonPath p) arm core
lFire :: Ty -> LLPath -> Sym -> Core Ty -> LLTy
lFire ty [] arm (Core bat ctx) = LFire ty arm bat
lFire ty axis arm (Core bat ctx) = LWith ty (LFire ty arm bat)
(LAxis (tyCore bat ctx) axis)
-- TODO Should we produce an LFire if we edit an arm?
mkEdit :: Ty -> Wing -> LLTy -> LLTy -> Either String LLTy
mkEdit sut w v x = do
(p,ty) <- Wing.edit w (x ^. llTy) (v ^. llTy)
p <- pure (fromHoonPath p)
pure (LEdit ty p v x)
disjoin, conjoin :: LLTy -> LLTy -> LLTy
disjoin x y = LTest tyBool x llYes y
conjoin x y = LTest tyBool x y llNo
negate :: LLTy -> LLTy
negate x = LTest tyBool x llNo llYes
reduce1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
reduce1 f z [] = z
reduce1 f z (x:xs) = foldl' f x xs
disjoinAll, conjoinAll :: [LLTy] -> LLTy
disjoinAll = reduce1 disjoin llYes
conjoinAll = reduce1 conjoin llNo
fishAtom :: (LLPath, Ty) -> Nat -> Either String LLTy
fishAtom (p, t) n = pure (LEqlQ tyBool (LAxis t p) (LAtom (tyConst n) n))
-- TODO maybe this is wrong?
fishCell :: (LLPath, Ty) -> Cell Ty -> Either String LLTy
fishCell (p, sut) (Cell l r) =
let cellSut = bot { tCell = tCell sut }
in if cellSut == bot then pure llNo else do
lef <- Wing.getPath [L] cellSut
rit <- Wing.getPath [R] cellSut
left <- fishTy (p ++ [LL.L], lef) l
right <- fishTy (p ++ [LL.R], rit) r
pure (conjoin left right)
fishCore :: (LLPath, Ty) -> Core Ty -> Either String LLTy
fishCore _ _ = Left "Can't fish using core type."
fishHappy :: Ord a
=> ((LLPath, Ty) -> a -> Either String LLTy)
-> (LLPath, Ty)
-> Happy a
-> Either String LLTy
fishHappy f p (Fork (setToList -> xs)) = disjoinAll <$> traverse (f p) xs
fishHappy f p (Isnt (setToList -> xs)) = conjoinAll <$> traverse (fmap negate . (f p)) xs
fishFork :: Ord a
=> ((LLPath, Ty) -> a -> Either String LLTy)
-> (LLPath, Ty)
-> Fork a
-> Either String LLTy
fishFork f _ Top = pure llYes
fishFork f p (FFork (setToList -> xs)) = disjoinAll <$> traverse (f p) xs
fishTy :: (LLPath, Ty) -> Ty -> Either String LLTy
fishTy (p, sut) t@Ty{..} = do
atomic <- fishHappy fishAtom (p, sut) tAtom
core <- fishHappy fishCore (p, sut) tCore
cellular <- fishFork fishCell (p, sut) tCell
let atomic' = conjoin (negate (LCelQ tyBool (LAxis sut p))) atomic
cellular' = conjoin (LCelQ tyBool (LAxis sut p)) cellular
pure (disjoinAll [atomic, core, cellular])
doesNest :: LLTy -> Pat -> Either String LLTy
doesNest (LAxis t p) (Pat ref) = fishTy (p, t) ref
doesNest h (Pat ref) = do
j <- fishTy ([], (h ^. llTy)) ref
pure (LWith tyBool h (simplify j))
simplify :: LLTy -> LLTy
simplify = \case
LTest t c x y -> simplify c & \case
LAtom _ 0 -> simplify x
LAtom _ 1 -> simplify y
c' -> LTest t c' (simplify x) (simplify y)
LWith t x y -> LWith t (simplify x) (simplify y)
LEdit t p x y -> LEdit t p (simplify x) (simplify y)
LPair t x y -> LPair t (simplify x) (simplify y)
LCore t b -> LCore t (simplify <$> b)
LSucc t x -> LSucc t (simplify x)
LCelQ t x -> LCelQ t (simplify x)
LEqlQ t x y -> LEqlQ t (simplify x) (simplify y)
ll -> ll
mbErr :: String -> Maybe a -> Either String a
mbErr err = \case Nothing -> Left err
Just a -> pure a
down :: Ty -> Hoon -> Either String LLTy
down sut = \case
HRef w -> resolve sut w
HCast t h -> do h <- down sut h
let nestFail = mconcat [ show (h ^. llTy)
, " does not nest in "
, show t
mbErr nestFail $ guard (view llTy h `nest` t)
pure (h & set llTy t)
HFace f h -> over llTy (addFace f) <$> down sut h
HLike x y -> do x <- down sut x
down sut (HCast (view llTy x) y)
HEdit w v x -> do v <- down sut v
x <- down sut x
mkEdit sut w v x
HEq h j -> do h <- down sut h
j <- down sut j
let (ht, jt) = (h ^. llTy, j ^. llTy)
let nestFail = mconcat [ "type mismatch: "
, show ht
, " vs "
, show jt
mbErr nestFail $ guard (nest ht jt || nest jt ht)
pure (LEqlQ tyBool h j)
HAtom a -> pure (LAtom (tyConst a) a)
HCons h j -> do h <- down sut h
j <- down sut j
let ty = tyCell (h ^. llTy) (j ^. llTy)
pure (LPair ty h j)
HSucc h -> LSucc tyAnyAtom <$> down sut (HCast tyAnyAtom h)
HIf c l r -> do (lSut, rSut) <- extractRefinement sut c
c <- down sut c
l <- down lSut l
r <- down rSut r
let nestFail = show c <> " is not a boolean value"
mbErr nestFail $ guard (nest (c ^. llTy) tyBool)
let res = view llTy l `union` view llTy r
pure (LTest res c l r)
HWith h j -> do h <- down sut h
j <- down (h ^. llTy) j
pure (LWith (j ^. llTy) h j)
HNest p h -> do h <- down sut h
doesNest h p
HCore arms -> do let coreTy = tyCore (fst <$> arms) sut
let go decl arm = down coreTy (HCast decl arm)
arms <- traverse (uncurry go) arms
pure (LCore coreTy arms)
@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.IR.Ty where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (union, intersect)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.TH
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Void
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Prelude
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.TH
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Happy and Fork --------------------------------------------------------------
data Fork a = Top | FFork (Set a)
deriving (Eq, Ord)
showHappy :: (Show a, Ord a) => String -> Set a -> String
showHappy i xs = intercalate i (show <$> setToList xs)
instance (Ord a, Show a) => Show (Fork a)
show Top = "Top"
show (FFork alts) | null alts = "Bot"
show (FFork (setToList -> [x])) = show x
show (FFork alts) =
"(" <> showHappy " ∪ " alts <> ")"
data Happy a = Fork (Set a) | Isnt (Set a)
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance (Ord a, Show a) => Show (Happy a)
show (Isnt alts) | null alts = "Top"
show (Fork alts) | null alts = "Bot"
show (Fork (setToList -> [x])) = show x
show (Isnt (setToList -> [x])) = "not:" <> show x
show (Fork alts) = showHappy " ∪ " alts
show (Isnt alts) = "not:" <> showHappy " ∩ " alts
_HappyFork :: Ord a => Prism' (Happy a) (Fork a)
_HappyFork = prism' mk get
mk Top = Isnt mempty
mk (FFork f) = Fork f
get (Isnt i) = if null i then pure Top else Nothing
get (Fork h) = pure (FFork h)
_Singleton :: Ord a => Prism' (Fork a) a
_Singleton = prism' mk get
mk a = FFork (Set.singleton a)
get = \case FFork (setToList -> [x]) -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
nullHappy :: Ord a => Happy a -> Bool
nullHappy (Fork f) = null f
nullHappy (Isnt i) = False
nullFork :: Ord a => Fork a -> Bool
nullFork = nullHappy . review _HappyFork
traverseSet :: (Applicative f, Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> f b) -> Set a -> f (Set b)
traverseSet f = fmap setFromList . traverse f . setToList
mapFork :: Ord b => Fork b -> (a -> b) -> Fork a -> Fork b
mapFork top _ Top = top
mapFork _ f (FFork k) = FFork (Set.map f k)
traverseFork :: (Applicative f, Ord a, Ord b)
=> f (Fork b) -> (a -> f b) -> Fork a -> f (Fork b)
traverseFork top f = \case
Top -> top
FFork k -> FFork <$> traverseSet f k
traverseHappyFork :: (Applicative f, Ord a)
=> (a -> f a) -> Happy a -> f (Happy a)
traverseHappyFork f = \case
Isnt k -> pure (Isnt k)
Fork k -> Fork <$> traverseSet f k
-- Type Types ------------------------------------------------------------------
type Sym = String
type Nat = Int
data Cell t = Cell t t
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show t => Show (Cell t) where
show (Cell l r) = mconcat [ "["
, filter (/= '"') (show l)
, " "
, filter (/= '"') (show r)
, "]"
data Core t = Core (Map Sym t) t
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show t => Show (Core t) where
show (Core batt ctx) = mconcat [ "%:("
, filter (/= '"') (show ctx)
, " → "
, filter (/= '"') (show $ mapToList batt)
, ")"
data Func t = Func t t
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Ty = Ty { tFace :: Set Sym
, tAtom :: Happy Nat
, tCore :: Happy (Core Ty)
, tCell :: Fork (Cell Ty)
-- , tFunc :: Func Ty
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Ty
show t = "\"" <> showTy t <> "\""
showTy :: Ty -> String
showTy t@Ty{..} = faces <> niceTy
niceTy = let tyNoFace = t { tFace = mempty } in
if top == tyNoFace then "*" else
if tyBool == tyNoFace then "?" else
t ^? _Discrim & \case
Just d -> show d
Nothing -> let alts = catMaybes [ atoms, cores, cells ]
in "(" <> intercalate " ∪ " alts <> ")"
faces = if null tFace then "" else unpack (intercalate "," tFace <> "=")
atoms = if tAtom == bot then Nothing
else if tAtom == top then Just "@"
else Just (show tAtom)
cores = if tCore == bot then Nothing
else if tCore == top then Just "%"
else Just (show tCore)
cells = if tCell == bot then Nothing
else if tCell == top then Just "^"
else Just (show tCell)
-- IR Types --------------------------------------------------------------------
type TreePath = [Bool]
data Limb
= WName Sym
| WAxis TreePath
| WDot
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Wing = [Limb]
newtype Pat = Pat Ty
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Hoon
= HRef Wing
| HNest Pat Hoon
| HSucc Hoon
| HEq Hoon Hoon
| HIf Hoon Hoon Hoon
| HAtom Nat
| HCons Hoon Hoon
| HEdit Wing Hoon Hoon
| HWith Hoon Hoon
| HFace Sym Hoon
| HCore (Map Sym (Ty, Hoon))
| HCast Ty Hoon
| HLike Hoon Hoon
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Path Types ------------------------------------------------------------------
data HoonDir = Dot | L | R | Ctx | Arm Sym (Core Ty)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type HoonPath = [HoonDir]
-- Type Discrimination ---------------------------------------------------------
data Discrim
= DAtom (Fork Nat)
| DCore (Fork (Core Ty)) -- TODO: Should this be Core Discrim
| DCell (Fork (Cell Ty))
| DCoreAndCell (Fork (Core Ty)) (Fork (Cell Ty))
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Discrim where
show = \case
DAtom Top -> "@"
DCore Top -> "%"
DCell Top -> "^"
DAtom (FFork (setToList -> [])) -> "!"
DCell (FFork (setToList -> [])) -> "!"
DCore (FFork (setToList -> [])) -> "!"
DAtom (FFork (setToList -> [x])) -> show x
DCell (FFork (setToList -> [x])) -> show x
DCore (FFork (setToList -> [x])) -> show x
DAtom (FFork xs) -> showHappy " ∪ " xs
DCell (FFork xs) -> showHappy " ∪ " xs
DCore (FFork xs) -> showHappy " ∪ " xs
DCoreAndCell k p -> showHappy " ∪ " (setFromList [DCore k, DCell p])
-- Boolean algebras ------------------------------------------------------------
class BoolAlg a where
top :: a
bot :: a
complement :: a -> a
union :: a -> a -> a
intersect :: a -> a -> a
nest :: a -> a -> Bool
diff :: a -> a -> a
diff x y = intersect x (complement y)
-- Ur Elements -----------------------------------------------------------------
class Ord a => Ur a
instance Ur Nat
instance (Ord t) => Ur (Core t)
-- Happy BoolAlg ---------------------------------------------------------------
instance Ur a => BoolAlg (Happy a) where
bot = Fork Set.empty
top = Isnt Set.empty
complement (Fork x) = Isnt x
complement (Isnt x) = Fork x
union (Fork x) (Fork y) = Fork (Set.union x y)
union (Isnt x) (Isnt y) = Isnt (Set.intersection x y)
union (Isnt x) (Fork y) = Isnt (Set.difference x y)
union (Fork x) (Isnt y) = Isnt (Set.difference y x)
intersect (Fork x) (Fork y) = Fork (Set.intersection x y)
intersect (Isnt x) (Isnt y) = Isnt (Set.union x y)
intersect (Isnt x) (Fork y) = Fork (Set.difference y x)
intersect (Fork x) (Isnt y) = Fork (Set.difference x y)
nest (Fork xs) (Fork ys) = xs `Set.isSubsetOf` ys
nest (Isnt xs) (Isnt ys) = ys `Set.isSubsetOf` xs
nest (Fork xs) (Isnt ys) = Set.null (ys `Set.intersection` xs)
nest (Isnt xs) (Fork ys) = False
-- (Fork Cell) BoolAlg ---------------------------------------------------------
instance (Ord t, BoolAlg t) => BoolAlg (Fork (Cell t)) where
bot = FFork mempty
top = Top
complement Top = bot
complement (FFork cs) = FFork $ Set.fromList do
(Cell x y) <- toList cs
id [ Cell (complement x) y
, Cell x (complement y)
, Cell (complement x) (complement y)
union Top _ = Top
union _ Top = Top
union (FFork xs) (FFork ys) = FFork (Set.union xs ys)
nest _ Top = True
nest Top _ = False
nest (FFork xs) (FFork ys) = all (\x -> any (cellNest x) ys) xs
cellNest (Cell x1 y1) (Cell x2 y2) = nest x1 x2 && nest y1 y2
intersect Top f = f
intersect f Top = f
intersect (FFork xs) (FFork ys) = FFork $ Set.fromList do
(Cell x1 x2) <- toList xs
(Cell y1 y2) <- toList ys
let z1 = (intersect x1 y1)
z2 = (intersect x2 y2)
guard (z1 /= bot && z2 /= bot)
pure (Cell z1 z2)
-- Func BoolAlg ----------------------------------------------------------------
instance BoolAlg t => BoolAlg (Func t) where
bot = Func top bot
top = Func bot top
complement (Func x y) = Func (complement x) (complement y)
union (Func x1 y1) (Func x2 y2) = Func (intersect x1 x2) (union y1 y2)
intersect (Func x1 y1) (Func x2 y2) = Func (union x1 x2) (union y1 y2)
nest (Func x1 y1) (Func x2 y2) = nest x2 x1 && nest y1 y2
-- Ty BoolAlg ------------------------------------------------------------------
instance BoolAlg Ty where
bot = Ty mempty bot bot bot
top = Ty mempty top top top
complement = \case
Ty{tFace,tAtom,tCore,tCell} ->
Ty { tFace = mempty
, tAtom = complement tAtom
, tCore = complement tCore
, tCell = complement tCell
union p q =
Ty { tFace = tFace p `Set.intersection` tFace q
, tAtom = tAtom p `union` tAtom q
, tCore = tCore p `union` tCore q
, tCell = tCell p `union` tCell q
intersect p q =
Ty { tFace = Set.union (tFace p) (tFace q)
, tAtom = tAtom p `intersect` tAtom q
, tCore = tCore p `intersect` tCore q
, tCell = tCell p `intersect` tCell q
nest p q =
and [ nest (tAtom p) (tAtom q)
, nest (tCell p) (tCell q)
, nest (tCore p) (tCore q)
diff p q =
Ty { tFace = Set.union (tFace p) (tFace q)
, tAtom = tAtom p `diff` tAtom q
, tCore = tCore p `diff` tCore q
, tCell = tCell p `diff` tCell q
-- Basic Types -----------------------------------------------------------------
tyAnyCell, tyAnyAtom, tyAnyCore :: Ty
tyAnyAtom = bot { tAtom = top }
tyAnyCell = bot { tCell = top }
tyAnyCore = bot { tCore = top }
tyConst :: Nat -> Ty
tyConst x = bot { tAtom = Fork (singleton x) }
tyCell :: Ty -> Ty -> Ty
tyCell x y = bot { tCell = _Singleton # Cell x y }
tyCore :: Map Sym Ty -> Ty -> Ty
tyCore arms ctx = bot { tCore = Fork (singleton (Core arms ctx)) }
tyNull, tyYes, tyNo, tyBool :: Ty
tyNull = tyConst 0
tyYes = tyConst 0
tyNo = tyConst 1
tyBool = tyYes `union` tyNo
addFace :: Sym -> Ty -> Ty
addFace fc t = t { tFace = Set.insert fc (tFace t) }
-- Lenses ----------------------------------------------------------------------
TODO The review case is not quite right. If we do
`DAtom nullFork # _HappyFork`, we will get `tyNull`. So
this law is broken:
Just f == (f # _HappyFork) ^? _HappyFork
_Discrim :: Prism' Ty Discrim
_Discrim = prism' mk get
mk = \case
DAtom f -> bot { tAtom = _HappyFork # f }
DCore f -> bot { tCore = _HappyFork # f }
DCell f -> bot { tCell = f }
DCoreAndCell core cell ->
bot { tCell = cell, tCore = _HappyFork # core }
get Ty{..} =
(nullHappy tCore, nullFork tCell, nullHappy tAtom) & \case
( False, True, True ) -> DCore <$> tCore ^? _HappyFork
( True, False, True ) -> DCell <$> pure tCell
( True, True, False ) -> DAtom <$> tAtom ^? _HappyFork
( False, False, True ) -> DCoreAndCell <$> tCore ^? _HappyFork
<*> pure tCell
_ -> Nothing
makePrisms ''HoonDir
makePrisms ''Discrim
_Cell :: Prism' Ty (Fork (Cell Ty))
_Cell = _Discrim . _DCell
_Core :: Prism' Ty (Fork (Core Ty))
_Core = _Discrim . _DCore
_Atom :: Prism' Ty (Fork Nat)
_Atom = _Discrim . _DAtom
_CoreAndCell :: Prism' Ty (Fork (Core Ty), Fork (Cell Ty))
_CoreAndCell = _Discrim . _DCoreAndCell
-- Cast cores to cells. --------------------------------------------------------
castCoreToCell :: (BoolAlg t) => Core t -> Cell t
castCoreToCell (Core _ c) = Cell top c
castTyToCell :: Ty -> Maybe Ty
castTyToCell = fmap (review _Cell . cast) . preview _CoreAndCell
cast (cores, cells) = union cells (mapFork Top castCoreToCell cores)
-- Testing: Generators ---------------------------------------------------------
-- prop_example :: Int -> Int -> Bool
-- prop_example a b = a + b == b + a
-- tests :: TestTree
-- tests = $(testGroupGenerator)
perms :: forall a. Show a => [a] -> [[a]]
perms as = do
ii <- iis (length as)
pure (foldr f [] (zip ii as))
f (True, x) xs = x:xs
f (False, x) xs = xs
iis :: Int -> [[Bool]]
iis 0 = pure [True, False]
iis n = do
x <- iis (n - 1)
b <- [True, False]
pure (b:x)
genFace :: Gen (Set Sym)
genFace = do
xs <- oneof (pure <$> perms ["p", "q"])
pure (setFromList xs)
instance Arbitrary Ty where
arbitrary = do
getSize >>= \case
0 -> oneof [pure top, pure bot]
1 -> resize 0 (Ty <$> genFace <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
n -> Ty <$> genFace <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> resize 1 arbitrary
instance (Arbitrary t, Ord t) => Arbitrary (Happy (Core t)) where
arbitrary = oneof [ pure (Fork mempty), pure (Isnt mempty) ]
instance (Arbitrary t, Ord t) => Arbitrary (Fork t) where
arbitrary = oneof [ pure Top, FFork <$> setFromList <$> listOf arbitrary ]
instance Arbitrary t => Arbitrary (Cell t) where
arbitrary = Cell <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary (Happy Nat) where
arbitrary = do
xs <- oneof (pure <$> perms [0, 1])
b <- arbitrary
pure case b of
True -> Fork (setFromList xs)
False -> Isnt (setFromList xs)
instance Arbitrary t => Arbitrary (Func t) where
arbitrary = Func <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
-- can we make this ==?
equiv :: (BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> Bool
equiv x y = nest x y && nest y x
nestRefl :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> Bool
nestRefl x = nest x x
subGivesBot :: (Arbitrary a, Eq a, BoolAlg a) => a -> Bool
subGivesBot x = bot == diff x x
nestTrans :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> a -> Property
nestTrans a b c = (nest a b && nest b c) ==> nest a c
nestUnion :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> Bool
nestUnion x y = nest x u && nest y u
where u = x `union` y
nestIntersect :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> Bool
nestIntersect x y = nest u x && nest u y
where u = x `intersect` y
unionId :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> Bool
unionId x = union x bot `equiv` x
intersectId :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> Bool
intersectId x = intersect x top `equiv` x
unionAbsorbs :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> Bool
unionAbsorbs x = union x top `equiv` top
intersectAbsorbs :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> Bool
intersectAbsorbs x = intersect x bot `equiv` bot
unionCommutes :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> Bool
unionCommutes x y = union x y `equiv` union y x
intersectCommutes :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> Bool
intersectCommutes x y = intersect x y `equiv` intersect y x
unionAssociates :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
unionAssociates x y z = union x (union y z) `equiv` union (union x y) z
intersectAssociates :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
intersectAssociates x y z = intersect x (intersect y z)
`equiv` intersect (intersect x y) z
unionDistributes :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
unionDistributes x y z = union x (intersect y z)
`equiv` intersect (union x y) (union x z)
intersectDistributes :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
intersectDistributes x y z = intersect x (union y z)
`equiv` union (intersect x y) (intersect x z)
doubleCompl :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> Bool
doubleCompl x = equiv x (complement (complement x))
complSub :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> Bool
complSub x y = diff x y `equiv` intersect x (complement y)
deMorganUnion :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> Bool
deMorganUnion x y = complement (union x y) `equiv` intersect (complement x) (complement y)
deMorganIntersect :: (Arbitrary a, BoolAlg a) => a -> a -> Bool
deMorganIntersect x y = complement (intersect x y) `equiv` union (complement x) (complement y)
prop_nestReflAtom = nestRefl @(Happy Nat)
prop_nestTransAtom = nestTrans @(Happy Nat)
prop_nestUnionAtom = nestUnion @(Happy Nat)
prop_nestIntersectAtom = nestIntersect @(Happy Nat)
prop_unionIdAtom = unionId @(Happy Nat)
prop_intersectIdAtom = intersectId @(Happy Nat)
prop_unionAbsorbsAtom = unionAbsorbs @(Happy Nat)
prop_intersectAbsorbsAtom = intersectAbsorbs @(Happy Nat)
prop_unionCommutesAtom = unionCommutes @(Happy Nat)
prop_intersectCommutesAtom = intersectCommutes @(Happy Nat)
prop_unionAssociatesAtom = unionAssociates @(Happy Nat)
prop_intersectAssociatesAtom = intersectAssociates @(Happy Nat)
prop_unionDistributesAtom = unionDistributes @(Happy Nat)
prop_intersectDistributesAtom = intersectDistributes @(Happy Nat)
prop_doubleComplAtom = doubleCompl @(Happy Nat)
prop_complSubAtom = complSub @(Happy Nat)
prop_deMorganUnionAtom = deMorganUnion @(Happy Nat)
prop_deMorganIntersectAtom = deMorganIntersect @(Happy Nat)
prop_nestReflCore = nestRefl @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_nestTransCore = nestTrans @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_nestUnionCore = nestUnion @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_nestIntersectCore = nestIntersect @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionIdCore = unionId @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectIdCore = intersectId @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionAbsorbsCore = unionAbsorbs @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectAbsorbsCore = intersectAbsorbs @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionCommutesCore = unionCommutes @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectCommutesCore = intersectCommutes @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionAssociatesCore = unionAssociates @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectAssociatesCore = intersectAssociates @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionDistributesCore = unionDistributes @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectDistributesCore = intersectDistributes @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_doubleComplCore = doubleCompl @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_complSubCore = complSub @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_deMorganUnionCore = deMorganUnion @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_deMorganIntersectCore = deMorganIntersect @(Happy (Core (Happy Nat)))
prop_nestReflCell = nestRefl @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_nestTransCell = nestTrans @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_nestUnionCell = nestUnion @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_nestIntersectCell = nestIntersect @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionIdCell = unionId @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectIdCell = intersectId @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionAbsorbsCell = unionAbsorbs @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectAbsorbsCell = intersectAbsorbs @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionCommutesCell = unionCommutes @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectCommutesCell = intersectCommutes @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionAssociatesCell = unionAssociates @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectAssociatesCell = intersectAssociates @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_unionDistributesCell = unionDistributes @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_intersectDistributesCell = intersectDistributes @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_doubleComplCell = doubleCompl @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_complSubCell = complSub @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_deMorganUnionCell = deMorganUnion @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_deMorganIntersectCell = deMorganIntersect @(Fork (Cell (Happy Nat)))
prop_nestReflFunc = nestRefl @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_nestTransFunc = nestTrans @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_nestUnionFunc = nestUnion @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_nestIntersectFunc = nestIntersect @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_unionIdFunc = unionId @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_intersectIdFunc = intersectId @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_unionAbsorbsFunc = unionAbsorbs @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_intersectAbsorbsFunc = intersectAbsorbs @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_unionCommutesFunc = unionCommutes @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_intersectCommutesFunc = intersectCommutes @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_unionAssociatesFunc = unionAssociates @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_intersectAssociatesFunc = intersectAssociates @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_unionDistributesFunc = unionDistributes @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_intersectDistributesFunc = intersectDistributes @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_doubleComplFunc = doubleCompl @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_complSubFunc = complSub @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_deMorganUnionFunc = deMorganUnion @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_deMorganIntersectFunc = deMorganIntersect @(Func (Happy Nat))
prop_nestReflTy = nestRefl @Ty
prop_nestTransTy = nestTrans @Ty
prop_nestUnionTy = nestUnion @Ty
prop_nestIntersectTy = nestIntersect @Ty
prop_unionIdTy = unionId @Ty
prop_intersectIdTy = intersectId @Ty
prop_unionAbsorbsTy = unionAbsorbs @Ty
prop_intersectAbsorbsTy = intersectAbsorbs @Ty
prop_unionCommutesTy = unionCommutes @Ty
prop_intersectCommutesTy = intersectCommutes @Ty
prop_unionAssociatesTy = unionAssociates @Ty
prop_intersectAssociatesTy = intersectAssociates @Ty
prop_unionDistributesTy = unionDistributes @Ty
prop_intersectDistributesTy = intersectDistributes @Ty
prop_doubleComplTy = doubleCompl @Ty
prop_complSubTy = complSub @Ty
prop_deMorganUnionTy = deMorganUnion @Ty
prop_deMorganIntersectTy = deMorganIntersect @Ty
@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.IR.Wing where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (union)
import Control.Lens hiding (union)
import Language.Hoon.IR.Ty
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
-- Search Forks ----------------------------------------------------------------
Search all the branches of a fork, and merge the results.
If the fork is `Top`, return `top`, otherwise `search` all the branches
of the fork and `merge` the results. This succeeds if all of the
searches succeed and all of the merges succeed.
searchFork :: Ord a
=> Either String b
-> (b -> b -> Either String b)
-> (a -> Either String b)
-> Fork a
-> Either String b
searchFork top merge search = \case
Top -> top
FFork alts -> do
results <- traverse search (setToList alts)
case results of
[] -> Left "searchFork: no matches"
r:rs -> foldrM merge r rs
-- Traversals ------------------------------------------------------------------
atDir :: HoonDir -> Traversal' Ty Ty
atDir dd f t = dd & \case
Dot -> f t
Ctx -> walk _Core topCtx ctx
Arm s c -> walk _Core (topArm s) (arm s)
L -> walk _Cell topLeft left
R -> walk _Cell topRight right
sing :: Ord a => a -> Fork a
sing = review _Singleton
topRight = sing <$> right (Cell top top)
topLeft = sing <$> left (Cell top top)
topCtx = sing <$> ctx (Core mempty top)
topArm s = sing <$> ctx (Core mempty top)
right (Cell l r) = Cell <$> pure l <*> f r
left (Cell l r) = Cell <$> f l <*> pure r
ctx (Core a c) = Core a <$> f c
arm s k@(Core a c) =
Map.lookup s a & \case
Nothing -> pure k
Just at -> do at' <- f at
pure (Core (Map.insert s at' a) c)
walk :: (Ord a, Applicative f)
=> Prism' Ty (Fork a) -> f (Fork a) -> (a -> f a) -> f Ty
walk p top get =
(t ^? p) & \case
Nothing -> pure t
Just fk -> review p <$> traverseFork top get fk
atPath :: HoonPath -> Traversal' Ty Ty
atPath [] f t = f t
atPath (d:ds) f t = (atDir d . atPath ds) f t
getPath :: HoonPath -> Ty -> Either String Ty
getPath d t = t ^.. atPath d & \case
[] -> Left ("No values found at path " <> show d)
(d:ds) -> pure (foldr union d ds)
-- Name Resolution -------------------------------------------------------------
mbErr :: String -> Maybe a -> Either String a
mbErr err = \case Nothing -> Left err
Just a -> pure a
getName :: Sym -> Ty -> Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
getName nm = fmap (over _1 reverse) . go []
go :: HoonPath -> Ty -> Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
go acc t | member nm (tFace t) = pure (acc, t)
go acc t =
mbErr "getName: Can't discriminate type" (t ^? _Discrim) >>= \case
DCore k -> searchFork top merge (goCore acc) k
DCell p -> searchFork top merge (goCell acc) p
DCoreAndCell _ _ -> Left "getName: Might be core or cell"
DAtom _ -> Left "getName: Search ended at atom"
top :: Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
top = Left "Trying to search through top type"
merge :: (HoonPath, Ty) -> (HoonPath, Ty) -> Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
merge (i,x) (j,y) = do
mbErr "face matches at differing locations" $ guard (i == j)
pure (i, union x y)
goCore :: HoonPath -> Core Ty -> Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
goCore acc c@(Core arms ctx) = isArm <|> inCtx
isArm = ((Arm nm c:acc),) <$>
mbErr "no such arm" (Map.lookup nm arms)
inCtx = go (Ctx:acc) ctx
goCell :: HoonPath -> Cell Ty -> Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
goCell acc (Cell l r) = go (L:acc) l <|> go (R:acc) r
-- Simple Getters and Setters --------------------------------------------------
previewErr :: String -> Prism' a b -> a -> Either String b
previewErr err p a = mbErr err (a ^? p)
getDir' :: HoonDir -> Ty -> Either String Ty
getDir' = \case
Dot -> pure
L -> previewErr notCell _Cell >=>
searchFork ptop merge (\(Cell l _) -> pure l)
R -> previewErr notCell _Cell >=>
searchFork ptop merge (\(Cell _ r) -> pure r)
Ctx -> previewErr notCore _Core >=>
searchFork ptop merge (\(Core _ c) -> pure c)
Arm s c -> \t -> do c' <- mbErr "getDir': can't discern core type" $
t ^? _Core . _Singleton
mbErr "arm signature doesn't match core type" $
guard (c == c')
pure (_Core . _Singleton # c)
notCell = "Trying to use cell-indexing into non-cell value"
notCore = "Trying to get context of non-core value"
merge = \x y -> pure (union x y)
ptop = pure top
getPath' :: HoonPath -> Ty -> Either String Ty
getPath' [] t = pure t
getPath' (d:ds) t = getDir' d t >>= getPath' ds
setDir' :: HoonDir -> Ty -> Ty -> Either String Ty
setDir' dd newTy t = dd & \case
Dot -> pure newTy
Ctx -> Left "Can't edit context type"
Arm s c -> Left "Can't edit arms"
L -> review _Cell . mapFork topLeft setLeft <$> asCell
R -> review _Cell . mapFork topRight setRight <$> asCell
asCell = mbErr "Can't get axis of non-cell value" (t ^? _Cell)
topRight = _Singleton # Cell top newTy
setRight (Cell l _) = Cell l newTy
topLeft = _Singleton # Cell newTy top
setLeft (Cell _ r) = Cell newTy r
-- Get and Edit Wings ----------------------------------------------------------
getAxis :: TreePath -> Ty -> Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
getAxis axis = fmap (path,) . getPath path
path = axis <&> \case { False -> L; True -> R }
getLimb :: Limb -> Ty -> Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
getLimb (WAxis a) = getAxis a
getLimb (WName n) = getName n
getLimb WDot = \t -> pure ([Dot], t)
In Hoon, only the last arm name actually resolves to an arm,
everything else just refers to the core of that arm. `muck` handles
this transformation.
resolve :: Wing -> Ty -> Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
resolve (reverse -> ww) tt = over _1 muck <$> go ww tt
go [] t = pure ([], t)
go (l:ls) t = do (p,t') <- getLimb l t
over _1 (p <>) <$> go ls t'
muck = reverse . r . reverse
r [] = []
r (d:ds) = d : filter (not . isWeird) ds
isWeird (Arm _ _) = True
isWeird Dot = True
isWeird _ = False
edit :: Wing -> Ty -> Ty -> Either String (HoonPath, Ty)
edit w newTy ty = do
(path, oldTy) <- resolve w ty
guard (all (isn't _Arm) path)
result <- any (has _Ctx) path & \case
True -> ty <$ guard (nest newTy oldTy)
False -> pure (set (atPath path) newTy ty)
pure (path, result)
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.LL.Gen where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (union)
import Data.Bits (shift, finiteBitSize, countLeadingZeros)
import Language.Hoon.IR.Ty (Sym, Nat)
import Language.Hoon.LL.Types
import Language.Hoon.Nock.Types
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
axis :: LLPath -> Atom
axis = go . reverse
go [] = 1
go (L:ds) = 2 * go ds
go (R:ds) = 2 * go ds + 1
go (Ctx:ds) = 2 * go ds + 1
log2 :: Int -> Int
log2 x = finiteBitSize x - 1 - countLeadingZeros x
-- | The greatest power of two less than the argument
scale :: Int -> Int
scale x = shift (log2 x) 1
layoutPath :: Nat -> Nat -> LLPath
layoutPath 0 1 = []
layoutPath _ 1 = error "axis-fell"
layoutPath idx sz =
let midpoint = sz `quot` 2
in if idx <= midpoint
then L : layoutPath idx midpoint
else R : layoutPath (idx - midpoint) (sz - midpoint)
-- | The axis of an arm, as laid out in a battery
coreAxis :: Sym -> (Map Sym t) -> Maybe Atom
coreAxis a bat = do
i <- Map.lookupIndex a bat
let batPath = layoutPath i (Map.size bat)
pure (axis (L : batPath))
layOut :: Vector Noun -> Noun
layOut ns
| null ns = Atom 0
| length ns == 1 = Vector.head ns
| otherwise = Cell (layOut as) (layOut bs)
where (as, bs) = splitAt (length ns `quot` 2) ns
battery :: (Map Sym a) -> (a -> Maybe Noun) -> Maybe Noun
battery bat conv = layOut <$> Vector.fromList <$> Map.elems <$> traverse conv bat
generate :: LLTy -> Maybe Nock
generate = \case
LWith _ x (LFire _ s bat) -> do
ax <- coreAxis s bat
x' <- generate x
-- FIXME icky
pure (NNineInvoke ax x')
LWith _ x y -> NSevenThen <$> generate x <*> generate y
LAxis _ a -> pure (NZeroAxis (axis a))
LEdit _ a r x -> do
r' <- generate r
x' <- generate x
pure (NTenEdit (axis a, r') x')
LFire _ s bat -> do
ax <- coreAxis s bat
-- FIXME icky
pure (NNineInvoke ax (NZeroAxis 1))
LAtom _ n -> pure (NOneConst (Atom n))
LPair _ x y -> NCons <$> generate x <*> generate y
LCore _ arms -> do
b <- battery arms (fmap nockToNoun . generate)
pure (NCons (NOneConst b) (NZeroAxis 1))
LSucc _ x -> NFourSucc <$> generate x
LTest _ x y z -> NSixIf <$> generate x <*> generate y <*> generate z
LCelQ _ x -> NThreeIsCell <$> generate x
LEqlQ _ x y -> NFiveEq <$> generate x <*> generate y
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.LL.Run where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (succ, union, intersect)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.TH
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Void
import Language.Hoon.IR.Ty (Ty, Nat, Sym, Hoon, HoonPath)
import Language.Hoon.LL.Types
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Language.Hoon.IR.Wing as Wing
import qualified Prelude
-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type Battery a = Map Sym (LL a)
data Val a
= VAtom !Nat
| VCell !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VCore !(Battery a) !(Val a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Lenses ----------------------------------------------------------------------
makePrisms ''Val
_VBool :: Prism' (Val a) Bool
_VBool = prism' mk get
mk True = VAtom 0
mk False = VAtom 1
get (VAtom 1) = pure False
get (VAtom 0) = pure True
get _ = Nothing
-- Value Manipulation ----------------------------------------------------------
succ :: Val a -> Either String (Val a)
succ = fmap (review _VAtom . (+1)) . mbErr notAtom . preview _VAtom
where notAtom = "Can't increment non-atom value."
isCell :: Val a -> Bool
isCell = \case
VAtom _ -> False
VCell _ _ -> True
VCore _ _ -> True -- bah
get :: LLPath -> Val a -> Either String (Val a)
get = go
go [] val = pure val
go (L:ds) (VCell l _) = go ds l
go (R:ds) (VCell _ r) = go ds r
go (Ctx:ds) (VCore _ c) = go ds c
go _ _ = Left "Failed to lookup LLPath in value"
edit :: LLPath -> Val a -> Val a -> Either String (Val a)
edit = go
go [] x v = pure x
go (L:ds) x (VCell l r) = VCell <$> edit ds l x <*> pure r
go (R:ds) x (VCell l r) = VCell <$> pure l <*> edit ds r x
go (Ctx:ds) x (VCore arms ctx) = VCore <$> pure arms <*> edit ds ctx x
go _ x _ = Left "LL.Run.edit: Bullshit edit"
-- Interpreter -----------------------------------------------------------------
mbErr :: String -> Maybe a -> Either String a
mbErr err = \case Nothing -> Left err
Just a -> pure a
fire :: (Eq a, Show a) => Sym -> Val a -> Either String (Val a)
fire nm = \case
k@(VCore batt ctx) -> mbErr noArm (Map.lookup nm batt) >>= runLL k
_ -> Left "Attempting to fire arm in non-core value"
noArm = unpack ("LL.Run.fire: Can't find arm " <> nm)
toBool :: Show a => Val a -> Either String Bool
toBool v = mbErr notBool (v ^? _VBool)
notBool = "Expected a bool, but got " <> show v
runLL :: (Eq a, Show a) => Val a -> LL a -> Either String (Val a)
runLL sut = r
r = \case
LAxis _ p -> get p sut
LFire _ a bat -> fire a sut -- TODO do we test whether bat is correct?
LSucc _ h -> r h >>= succ
LPair _ x y -> VCell <$> r x <*> r y
LAtom _ n -> pure (VAtom n)
LEdit _ w x y -> join (edit w <$> r x <*> r y)
LWith _ x y -> r x >>= flip runLL y
LCore _ b -> pure (VCore b sut)
LTest _ v t f -> r v >>= toBool >>= bool (r t) (r f)
LCelQ _ v -> review _VBool . isCell <$> r v
LEqlQ _ x y -> review _VBool <$> ((==) <$> r x <*> r y)
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.LL.Types where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (union, intersect)
import Language.Hoon.IR.Ty
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.TH
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Void
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Prelude
-- Low-Level Representation ----------------------------------------------------
data LLDir = L | R | Ctx
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type LLPath = [LLDir]
data LL t
= LWith t (LL t) (LL t)
| LAxis t LLPath
| LEdit t LLPath (LL t) (LL t)
| LFire t Sym (Map Sym t)
| LAtom t Nat
| LPair t (LL t) (LL t)
| LCore t (Map Sym (LL t))
| LSucc t (LL t)
| LTest t (LL t) (LL t) (LL t)
| LCelQ t (LL t)
| LEqlQ t (LL t) (LL t)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor)
type LLTy = LL Ty
llYes, llNo :: LLTy
llYes = LAtom tyBool 0
llNo = LAtom tyBool 1
llTy :: Lens (LL a) (LL a) a a
llTy = lens get set
get = \case
LWith t _ _ -> t
LAxis t _ -> t
LEdit t _ _ _ -> t
LFire t _ _ -> t
LAtom t _ -> t
LPair t _ _ -> t
LCore t _ -> t
LSucc t _ -> t
LTest t _ _ _ -> t
LCelQ t _ -> t
LEqlQ t _ _ -> t
set ty t = ty & \case
LWith _ x y -> LWith t x y
LAxis _ x -> LAxis t x
LEdit _ x y z -> LEdit t x y z
LFire _ x bat -> LFire t x bat
LAtom _ x -> LAtom t x
LPair _ x y -> LPair t x y
LCore _ x -> LCore t x
LSucc _ x -> LSucc t x
LTest _ x y z -> LTest t x y z
LCelQ _ x -> LCelQ t x
LEqlQ _ x y -> LEqlQ t x y
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.Nock.Types where
import ClassyPrelude
type Atom = Int
data Noun = Atom !Atom
| Cell !Noun !Noun
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
yes, no :: Noun
yes = Atom 0
no = Atom 1
-- | Tree address
type Axis = Atom
data Nock = NCons Nock Nock -- ^ autocons
| NZeroAxis Axis -- ^ 0: tree addressing
| NOneConst Noun
| NTwoCompose Nock Nock
| NThreeIsCell Nock
| NFourSucc Nock
| NFiveEq Nock Nock
| NSixIf Nock Nock Nock
| NSevenThen Nock Nock
| NEightPush Nock Nock
| NNineInvoke Axis Nock
| NTenEdit (Axis, Nock) Nock
| NElevenHint Hint Nock
| NTwelveScry Nock Nock
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
data Hint = Tag Atom
| Assoc Atom Nock
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
nockToNoun :: Nock -> Noun
nockToNoun = go
go (NCons n m) = (Cell (go n) (go m))
go (NZeroAxis a) = (Cell (Atom 0) (Atom a))
go (NOneConst c) = (Cell (Atom 1) c)
go (NTwoCompose n m) = (Cell (Atom 2) (Cell (go n) (go m)))
go (NThreeIsCell n) = (Cell (Atom 3) (go n))
go (NFourSucc n) = (Cell (Atom 4) (go n))
go (NFiveEq n m) = (Cell (Atom 5) (Cell (go n) (go m)))
go (NSixIf n m o) = (Cell (Atom 6) (Cell (go n) (Cell (go m) (go o))))
go (NSevenThen n m) = (Cell (Atom 7) (Cell (go n) (go m)))
go (NEightPush n m) = (Cell (Atom 8) (Cell (go n) (go m)))
go (NNineInvoke a n) = (Cell (Atom 9) (Cell (Atom a) (go n)))
go (NTenEdit (a, n) m) = (Cell (Atom 10) (Cell (Cell (Atom a) (go n)) (go m)))
go (NElevenHint h n) = (Cell (Atom 11) (Cell (ho h) (go n)))
go (NTwelveScry n m) = (Cell (Atom 12) (Cell (go n) (go m)))
ho (Tag x) = (Atom x)
ho (Assoc x n) = (Cell (Atom x) (go n))
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.SpecToBunt (specToBunt) where
import Prelude
import Language.Hoon.Types
specToBunt :: Bool -> Spec -> Hoon
specToBunt = undefined
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.SpecToMold (specToMold) where
import Prelude
import Language.Hoon.Types
-- | factory:ax. Given a spec and a boolean (?) produces a normalizing gate.
specToMold :: Bool -> Spec -> Hoon
specToMold fab spec = error "TODO specToMold"
@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
module Language.Hoon.Types where
import Prelude
import Language.Hoon.Nock.Types
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
hoonVersion :: Atom
hoonVersion = 141
type Name = String -- "term"
type Aura = Name
type Tape = String
type AtomUD = Atom
nameToAtom = error "TODO nameToAtom"
data Type = Void
| Noun
| Atomic Name (Maybe Atom)
| Cell Type Type
| Core Type -- TODO
| Face Name Type -- TODO name or "tune"
| Fork (Set Type)
-- TODO %hint
| Hold Type Hoon
data Polarity = Wet | Dry
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
data Variance = Invariant -- "gold"
| Contravariant -- "iron"
| Bivariant -- "lead"
| Covariant -- "zinc"
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
type Claims = Map Name Spec
data Base
= SVoid -- Empty Set
| SNull -- ~
| SFlag -- Bool
| SNoun -- *
| SCell -- ^
| SAtom Aura
data Spec
= SBase Base
| SDebug Spot Spec
| SLeaf Name Atom
| Like (NonEmpty Wing)
| Loop Name
| Made (NonEmpty Name) Spec
| Make Hoon [Spec]
| Name Name Spec
| Over Wing Spec
| BucGar Spec Spec -- ^ $> filter: require
| BucBuc Spec Claims -- ^ $$ recursion
| BucBar Spec Hoon -- ^ $$ recursion
| BucCab Hoon -- $_
| BucCol (NonEmpty Spec) -- $:
| BucCen (NonEmpty Spec) -- $%, head pick
| BucDot Spec Claims -- $., read-write core
| BucLed Spec Spec -- $<, filter: exclude
| BucHep Spec Spec -- $-, function core
| BucKet Spec Spec -- $^, cons pick
| BucLus Stud Spec -- $+, standard
| BucFas Spec Claims -- $/, write-only core
| BucMic Hoon -- $;, manual
| BucPad Spec Hoon -- $&, repair
| BucSig Hoon Spec -- $~, default
| BucTic Spec Claims -- $`, read-only core
| BucTis Skin Spec -- $=, name
| BucPat Spec Spec -- $@, atom pick
| BucWut (NonEmpty Spec) -- $?, full pick
| BucZap Spec Claims -- $!, opaque core
type Bindings hoon = Map Name (Map Name (BindingHelp, hoon))
data BindingHelp -- "what"
data Tome
data Hoon
= HAutocons [Hoon]
| H_ Axis -- shorthand which should have been a function
| HBase Base -- base type mold
| Bust Base -- base type bunt
| HDebug Spot Hoon
| Error Tape
| Hand Type Nock
| Note Note Hoon
| Fits Hoon Wing
| Knit [Woof]
| HLeaf Name Atom
| Limb Name
| Lost Hoon
| Rock Name Noun
| Sand Name Noun
| Tell (NonEmpty Hoon)
| Tune (Either Name Tune)
| Wing Wing
| Yell (NonEmpty Hoon)
| Xray ManxHoot
-- Cores
| BarCab Spec Alas (Bindings Hoon)
| BarCol Hoon Hoon
| BarCen (Maybe Name) (Bindings Hoon)
| BarDot Hoon
| BarKet Hoon (Bindings Hoon)
| BarHep Hoon
| BarSig Spec Hoon
| BarTar Spec Hoon
| BarTis Spec Hoon
| BarPat (Maybe Name) (Bindings Hoon)
| BarWut Hoon
-- Tuples
| ColCab Hoon Hoon
| ColKet Hoon Hoon Hoon Hoon
| ColHep Hoon Hoon
| ColLus Hoon Hoon Hoon
| ColSig [Hoon]
| ColTar (NonEmpty Hoon) -- was ordinary list
-- Invocations
| CenCab Wing [(Wing, Hoon)]
| CenDot Hoon Hoon
| CenHep Hoon Hoon
| CenCol Hoon [Hoon]
| CenTar Wing Hoon [(Wing, Hoon)]
| CenKet Hoon Hoon Hoon Hoon
| CenLus Hoon Hoon Hoon
| CenSig Wing Hoon [Hoon]
| CenTis Wing [(Wing, Hoon)]
-- Nock
| DotKet Spec Hoon
| DotLus Hoon
| DotTar Hoon Hoon
| DotTis Hoon Hoon
| DotWut Hoon
-- Type conversions
| KetBar Hoon
| KetCen Hoon
| KetDot Hoon Hoon
| KetLus Hoon Hoon
| KetHep Spec Hoon
| KetPam Hoon
| KetSig Hoon
| KetTis Skin Hoon
| KetWut Hoon
| KetTar Spec
| KetCol Spec
-- Hints
| SigBar Hoon Hoon
| SigCab Hoon Hoon
| SigCen Chum Hoon Tyre Hoon
| SigFas Chum Hoon
| SigLed Name (Maybe Hoon) Hoon
| SigGar Name (Maybe Hoon) Hoon
| SigBuc Name Hoon
| SigLus Atom Hoon
| SigPam AtomUD Hoon Hoon
| SigTis Hoon Hoon
| SigWut AtomUD Hoon Hoon Hoon
| SigZap Hoon Hoon
-- Miscellaneous
| MicTis MarlHoot
| MicCol Hoon [Hoon]
| MicNet Hoon
| MicSig Hoon [Hoon]
| MicMic Hoon Hoon
-- Compositions
| TisBar Spec Hoon
| TisCol [(Wing, Hoon)] Hoon
| TisFas Skin Hoon Hoon
| TisMic Skin Hoon Hoon
| TisDot Wing Hoon Hoon
| TisWut Wing Hoon Hoon Hoon
| TisLed Hoon Hoon
| TisHep Hoon Hoon
| TisGar Hoon Hoon
| TisKet Skin Wing Hoon Hoon
| TisLus Hoon Hoon
| TisSig [Hoon]
| TisTar Name (Maybe Spec) Hoon Hoon
| TisCom Hoon Hoon
-- Conditionals
| WutBar [Hoon]
| WutHep Wing [(Spec,Hoon)]
| WutCol Hoon Hoon Hoon
| WutDot Hoon Hoon Hoon
| WutKet Wing Hoon Hoon
| WutLed Hoon Hoon
| WutGar Hoon Hoon
| WutLus Wing Hoon [(Spec, Hoon)]
| WutPam [Hoon]
| WutPat Wing Hoon Hoon
| WutSig Wing Hoon Hoon
| WutHax Skin Wing
| WutTis Spec Wing
| WutZap Hoon
-- Special
| ZapCom Hoon Hoon
| ZapGar Hoon
| ZapMic Hoon Hoon
| ZapTis Hoon
| ZapPat [Wing] Hoon Hoon
| ZapWut (Either Atom (Atom, Atom)) Hoon
| ZapZap
type Wing = [Limb]
data Limb
= NameLimb Name
| AxisLimb Axis -- ^ %& tag
| ByNameLimb Atom (Maybe Name) -- ^ ??? %| tag
data Tune
= Tone
{ aliases :: (Map Name (Maybe Hoon))
, bridges :: [Hoon]
data Alas
data Spot
data Woof
data ManxHoot
data MarlHoot
data Note
data Chum
data Tyre
data Stud
data Skin
-- | Basic hoon: totally desugared
data BHoon
= BAutocons [BHoon]
| BDebug Spot BHoon
| BHand Type Nock
| BNote Note BHoon
| BFits BHoon Wing
| BSand Name Noun
| BRock Name Noun
| BTune (Either Name Tune)
| BLost BHoon
| BBarCen (Maybe Name) (Bindings BHoon)
| BBarPat (Maybe Name) (Bindings BHoon)
| BCenTis Wing [(Wing, BHoon)]
| BDotKet Spec BHoon
| BDotLus BHoon
| BDotTar BHoon BHoon
| BDotTis BHoon BHoon
| BDotWut BHoon
| BKetBar BHoon
| BKetCen BHoon
| BKetLus BHoon BHoon
| BKetPam BHoon
| BKetSig BHoon
| BKetWut BHoon
| BSigGar Name (Maybe BHoon) BHoon
| BSigZap BHoon BHoon
| BTisGar BHoon BHoon
| BTisCom BHoon BHoon
| BWutCol BHoon BHoon BHoon
| BWutHax Skin Wing
| BZapCom BHoon BHoon
| BZapMic BHoon BHoon
| BZapTis BHoon
| BZapPat [Wing] BHoon BHoon
| BZapZap
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
name: language-hoon
version: 0.1.0
license: AGPL-3.0-only
source-dirs: lib
- -fwarn-incomplete-patterns
- -O2
- async
- base
- case-insensitive
- chunked-data
- classy-prelude
- containers
- data-fix
- extra
- flat
- ghc-prim
- http-client
- http-types
- integer-gmp
- largeword
- lens
- megaparsec
- mtl
- multimap
- para
- pretty-show
- QuickCheck
- semigroups
- smallcheck
- stm
- stm-chans
- tasty
- tasty-quickcheck
- tasty-th
- text
- these
- time
- transformers
- unordered-containers
- vector
- ApplicativeDo
- BangPatterns
- BlockArguments
- DeriveAnyClass
- DeriveDataTypeable
- DeriveFoldable
- DeriveGeneric
- DeriveTraversable
- DerivingStrategies
- EmptyDataDecls
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- FunctionalDependencies
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- LambdaCase
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- NamedFieldPuns
- NoImplicitPrelude
- NumericUnderscores
- OverloadedStrings
- PartialTypeSignatures
- QuasiQuotes
- Rank2Types
- RankNTypes
- RecordWildCards
- ScopedTypeVariables
- TemplateHaskell
- TupleSections
- TypeApplications
- TypeFamilies
- UnicodeSyntax
- ViewPatterns
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ resolver: lts-13.10
- pkg/hs-urbit
- pkg/hs-vere
- pkg/hs-hoon
- pkg/hs-conq
- para-1.1@sha256:a90eebb063ad70271e6e2a7f00a93e8e8f8b77273f100f39852fbf8301926f81
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