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synced 2025-01-01 17:16:47 +03:00
ames: expose state through scries
Support /=peers= and /=peer=/~ship scries for getting at all peers and a specific peer's connection state, respectively. Moves some internal types into zuse for easier external use.
This commit is contained in:
@ -373,15 +373,8 @@
+| %atomics
+$ bone @udbone
+$ fragment @uwfragment
+$ fragment-num @udfragmentnum
+$ message-blob @udmessageblob
+$ message-num @udmessagenum
+$ private-key @uwprivatekey
+$ public-key @uwpublickey
+$ signature @uwsignature
+$ symmetric-key @uwsymmetrickey
:: $rank: which kind of ship address, by length
:: 0: galaxy or star -- 2 bytes
@ -465,13 +458,6 @@
:: $naxplanation: nack trace; explains which message failed and why
+$ naxplanation [=message-num =error]
:: $ack: positive ack, nack packet, or nack trace
+$ ack
$% [%ok ~]
[%nack ~]
[%naxplanation =error]
+| %statics
@ -499,237 +485,6 @@
$: veb=_veb-all-off
ships=(set ship)
:: $ship-state: all we know about a peer
:: %alien: no PKI data, so enqueue actions to perform once we learn it
:: %known: we know their life and public keys, so we have a channel
+$ ship-state
$% [%alien alien-agenda]
[%known peer-state]
:: $alien-agenda: what to do when we learn a peer's life and keys
:: messages: pleas local vanes have asked us to send
:: packets: packets we've tried to send
:: heeds: local tracking requests; passed through into $peer-state
+$ alien-agenda
$: messages=(list [=duct =plea])
packets=(set =blob)
heeds=(set duct)
:: $peer-state: state for a peer with known life and keys
:: route: transport-layer destination for packets to peer
:: qos: quality of service; connection status to peer
:: ossuary: bone<->duct mapper
:: snd: per-bone message pumps to send messages as fragments
:: rcv: per-bone message sinks to assemble messages from fragments
:: nax: unprocessed nacks (negative acknowledgments)
:: Each value is ~ when we've received the ack packet but not a
:: nack-trace, or an error when we've received a nack-trace but
:: not the ack packet.
:: When we hear a nack packet or an explanation, if there's no
:: entry in .nax, we make a new entry. Otherwise, if this new
:: information completes the packet+nack-trace, we remove the
:: entry and emit a nack to the local vane that asked us to send
:: the message.
:: heeds: listeners for %clog notifications
+$ peer-state
$: $: =symmetric-key
route=(unit [direct=? =lane])
snd=(map bone message-pump-state)
rcv=(map bone message-sink-state)
nax=(set [=bone =message-num])
heeds=(set duct)
:: $qos: quality of service; how is our connection to a peer doing?
:: .last-contact: last time we heard from peer, or if %unborn, when
:: we first started tracking time
+$ qos
$~ [%unborn *@da]
[?(%live %dead %unborn) last-contact=@da]
:: $ossuary: bone<->duct bijection and .next-bone to map to a duct
:: The first bone is 0. They increment by 4, since each flow includes
:: a bit for each message determining forward vs. backward and a
:: second bit for whether the message is on the normal flow or the
:: associated diagnostic flow (for naxplanations).
:: The least significant bit of a $bone is:
:: 1 if "forward", i.e. we send %plea's on this flow, or
:: 0 if "backward", i.e. we receive %plea's on this flow.
:: The second-least significant bit is 1 if the bone is a
:: naxplanation bone, and 0 otherwise. Only naxplanation
:: messages can be sent on a naxplanation bone, as %boon's.
+$ ossuary
$: =next=bone
by-duct=(map duct bone)
by-bone=(map bone duct)
:: $message-pump-state: persistent state for |message-pump
:: Messages queue up in |message-pump's .unsent-messages until they
:: can be packetized and fed into |packet-pump for sending. When we
:: pop a message off .unsent-messages, we push as many fragments as
:: we can into |packet-pump, which sends every packet it eats.
:: Packets rejected by |packet-pump are placed in .unsent-fragments.
:: When we hear a packet ack, we send it to |packet-pump to be
:: removed from its queue of unacked packets.
:: When we hear a message ack (positive or negative), we treat that
:: as though all fragments have been acked. If this message is not
:: .current, then this ack is for a future message and .current has
:: not yet been acked, so we place the ack in .queued-message-acks.
:: If we hear a message ack before we've sent all the fragments for
:: that message, clear .unsent-fragments and have |packet-pump delete
:: all sent fragments from the message. If this early message ack was
:: positive, print it out because it indicates the peer is not
:: behaving properly.
:: If the ack is for the current message, have |packet-pump delete
:: all packets from the message, give the message ack back
:: to the client vane, increment .current, and check if this next
:: message is in .queued-message-acks. If it is, emit the message
:: (n)ack, increment .current, and check the next message. Repeat
:: until .current is not fully acked.
:: The following equation is always true:
:: .next - .current == number of messages in flight
:: At the end of a task, |message-pump sends a %halt task to
:: |packet-pump, which can trigger a timer to be set or cleared based
:: on congestion control calculations. When the timer fires, it will
:: generally cause a packet to be re-sent.
:: Message sequence numbers start at 1 so that the first message will
:: be greater than .last-acked.message-sink-state on the receiver.
:: current: sequence number of earliest message sent or being sent
:: next: sequence number of next message to send
:: unsent-messages: messages to be sent after current message
:: unsent-fragments: fragments of current message waiting for sending
:: queued-message-acks: future message acks to be applied after current
:: packet-pump-state: state of corresponding |packet-pump
+$ message-pump-state
$: current=_`message-num`1
unsent-messages=(qeu message-blob)
unsent-fragments=(list static-fragment)
queued-message-acks=(map message-num ack)
+$ static-fragment
$: =message-num
:: $packet-pump-state: persistent state for |packet-pump
:: next-wake: last timer we've set, or null
:: live: packets in flight; sent but not yet acked
:: metrics: congestion control information
+$ packet-pump-state
$: next-wake=(unit @da)
live=(tree [live-packet-key live-packet-val])
:: $pump-metrics: congestion control state for a |packet-pump
:: This is an Ames adaptation of TCP's Reno congestion control
:: algorithm. The information signals and their responses are
:: identical to those of the "NewReno" variant of Reno; the
:: implementation differs because Ames acknowledgments differ from
:: TCP's, because this code uses functional data structures, and
:: because TCP's sequence numbers reset when a peer becomes
:: unresponsive, whereas Ames sequence numbers only change when a
:: ship breaches.
:: A deviation from Reno is +fast-resend-after-ack, which re-sends
:: timed-out packets when a peer starts responding again after a
:: period of unresponsiveness.
:: If .skips reaches 3, we perform a fast retransmit and fast
:: recovery. This corresponds to Reno's handling of "three duplicate
:: acks".
:: rto: retransmission timeout
:: rtt: roundtrip time estimate, low-passed using EWMA
:: rttvar: mean deviation of .rtt, also low-passed with EWMA
:: num-live: how many packets sent, awaiting ack
:: ssthresh: slow-start threshold
:: cwnd: congestion window; max unacked packets
+$ pump-metrics
$: rto=_~s1
+$ live-packet
$: key=live-packet-key
+$ live-packet-key
$: =message-num
+$ live-packet-val
$: packet-state
+$ packet-state
$: last-sent=@da
:: $message-sink-state: state of |message-sink to assemble messages
:: last-acked: highest $message-num we've fully acknowledged
:: last-heard: highest $message-num we've heard all fragments on
:: pending-vane-ack: heard but not processed by local vane
:: live-messages: partially received messages
+$ message-sink-state
$: last-acked=message-num
pending-vane-ack=(qeu [=message-num message=*])
live-messages=(map message-num partial-rcv-message)
nax=(set message-num)
:: $partial-rcv-message: message for which we've received some fragments
:: num-fragments: total number of fragments in this message
:: num-received: how many fragments we've received so far
:: fragments: fragments we've received, eventually producing a $message
+$ partial-rcv-message
$: num-fragments=fragment-num
fragments=(map fragment-num fragment)
+| %dialectics
@ -1196,32 +951,19 @@
?. =([%& our] why)
[~ ~]
?+ syd ~
?^ tyl [~ ~]
:^ ~ ~ %noun
!> ^- (map ship ?(%alien %known))
(~(run by peers.ames-state) head)
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
=/ who (slaw %p i.tyl)
?~ who [~ ~]
=/ per (~(get by peers.ames-state) u.who)
=/ res
?- per
~ %unknown
[~ %alien *] %alien
[~ %known *]
=, u.per
:* %known
symkeymug=(mug symmetric-key)
snd=~(key by snd)
rcv=~(key by rcv)
?~ peer=(~(get by peers.ames-state) u.who)
[~ ~]
?. ?=([@ ~] tyl) [~ ~]
@ -490,6 +490,259 @@
:: payload: semantic message contents
+$ plea [vane=@tas =path payload=*]
:: +| %atomics
+$ bone @udbone
+$ fragment @uwfragment
+$ fragment-num @udfragmentnum
+$ message-blob @udmessageblob
+$ message-num @udmessagenum
+$ public-key @uwpublickey
+$ symmetric-key @uwsymmetrickey
:: +| %kinetics
:: $ack: positive ack, nack packet, or nack trace
+$ ack
$% [%ok ~]
[%nack ~]
[%naxplanation =error]
:: +| %statics
:: $ship-state: all we know about a peer
:: %alien: no PKI data, so enqueue actions to perform once we learn it
:: %known: we know their life and public keys, so we have a channel
+$ ship-state
$% [%alien alien-agenda]
[%known peer-state]
:: $alien-agenda: what to do when we learn a peer's life and keys
:: messages: pleas local vanes have asked us to send
:: packets: packets we've tried to send
:: heeds: local tracking requests; passed through into $peer-state
+$ alien-agenda
$: messages=(list [=duct =plea])
packets=(set =blob)
heeds=(set duct)
:: $peer-state: state for a peer with known life and keys
:: route: transport-layer destination for packets to peer
:: qos: quality of service; connection status to peer
:: ossuary: bone<->duct mapper
:: snd: per-bone message pumps to send messages as fragments
:: rcv: per-bone message sinks to assemble messages from fragments
:: nax: unprocessed nacks (negative acknowledgments)
:: Each value is ~ when we've received the ack packet but not a
:: nack-trace, or an error when we've received a nack-trace but
:: not the ack packet.
:: When we hear a nack packet or an explanation, if there's no
:: entry in .nax, we make a new entry. Otherwise, if this new
:: information completes the packet+nack-trace, we remove the
:: entry and emit a nack to the local vane that asked us to send
:: the message.
:: heeds: listeners for %clog notifications
+$ peer-state
$: $: =symmetric-key
route=(unit [direct=? =lane])
snd=(map bone message-pump-state)
rcv=(map bone message-sink-state)
nax=(set [=bone =message-num])
heeds=(set duct)
:: $qos: quality of service; how is our connection to a peer doing?
:: .last-contact: last time we heard from peer, or if %unborn, when
:: we first started tracking time
+$ qos
$~ [%unborn *@da]
[?(%live %dead %unborn) last-contact=@da]
:: $ossuary: bone<->duct bijection and .next-bone to map to a duct
:: The first bone is 0. They increment by 4, since each flow includes
:: a bit for each message determining forward vs. backward and a
:: second bit for whether the message is on the normal flow or the
:: associated diagnostic flow (for naxplanations).
:: The least significant bit of a $bone is:
:: 1 if "forward", i.e. we send %plea's on this flow, or
:: 0 if "backward", i.e. we receive %plea's on this flow.
:: The second-least significant bit is 1 if the bone is a
:: naxplanation bone, and 0 otherwise. Only naxplanation
:: messages can be sent on a naxplanation bone, as %boon's.
+$ ossuary
$: =next=bone
by-duct=(map duct bone)
by-bone=(map bone duct)
:: $message-pump-state: persistent state for |message-pump
:: Messages queue up in |message-pump's .unsent-messages until they
:: can be packetized and fed into |packet-pump for sending. When we
:: pop a message off .unsent-messages, we push as many fragments as
:: we can into |packet-pump, which sends every packet it eats.
:: Packets rejected by |packet-pump are placed in .unsent-fragments.
:: When we hear a packet ack, we send it to |packet-pump to be
:: removed from its queue of unacked packets.
:: When we hear a message ack (positive or negative), we treat that
:: as though all fragments have been acked. If this message is not
:: .current, then this ack is for a future message and .current has
:: not yet been acked, so we place the ack in .queued-message-acks.
:: If we hear a message ack before we've sent all the fragments for
:: that message, clear .unsent-fragments and have |packet-pump delete
:: all sent fragments from the message. If this early message ack was
:: positive, print it out because it indicates the peer is not
:: behaving properly.
:: If the ack is for the current message, have |packet-pump delete
:: all packets from the message, give the message ack back
:: to the client vane, increment .current, and check if this next
:: message is in .queued-message-acks. If it is, emit the message
:: (n)ack, increment .current, and check the next message. Repeat
:: until .current is not fully acked.
:: The following equation is always true:
:: .next - .current == number of messages in flight
:: At the end of a task, |message-pump sends a %halt task to
:: |packet-pump, which can trigger a timer to be set or cleared based
:: on congestion control calculations. When the timer fires, it will
:: generally cause a packet to be re-sent.
:: Message sequence numbers start at 1 so that the first message will
:: be greater than .last-acked.message-sink-state on the receiver.
:: current: sequence number of earliest message sent or being sent
:: next: sequence number of next message to send
:: unsent-messages: messages to be sent after current message
:: unsent-fragments: fragments of current message waiting for sending
:: queued-message-acks: future message acks to be applied after current
:: packet-pump-state: state of corresponding |packet-pump
+$ message-pump-state
$: current=_`message-num`1
unsent-messages=(qeu message-blob)
unsent-fragments=(list static-fragment)
queued-message-acks=(map message-num ack)
+$ static-fragment
$: =message-num
:: $packet-pump-state: persistent state for |packet-pump
:: next-wake: last timer we've set, or null
:: live: packets in flight; sent but not yet acked
:: metrics: congestion control information
+$ packet-pump-state
$: next-wake=(unit @da)
live=(tree [live-packet-key live-packet-val])
:: $pump-metrics: congestion control state for a |packet-pump
:: This is an Ames adaptation of TCP's Reno congestion control
:: algorithm. The information signals and their responses are
:: identical to those of the "NewReno" variant of Reno; the
:: implementation differs because Ames acknowledgments differ from
:: TCP's, because this code uses functional data structures, and
:: because TCP's sequence numbers reset when a peer becomes
:: unresponsive, whereas Ames sequence numbers only change when a
:: ship breaches.
:: A deviation from Reno is +fast-resend-after-ack, which re-sends
:: timed-out packets when a peer starts responding again after a
:: period of unresponsiveness.
:: If .skips reaches 3, we perform a fast retransmit and fast
:: recovery. This corresponds to Reno's handling of "three duplicate
:: acks".
:: rto: retransmission timeout
:: rtt: roundtrip time estimate, low-passed using EWMA
:: rttvar: mean deviation of .rtt, also low-passed with EWMA
:: num-live: how many packets sent, awaiting ack
:: ssthresh: slow-start threshold
:: cwnd: congestion window; max unacked packets
+$ pump-metrics
$: rto=_~s1
+$ live-packet
$: key=live-packet-key
+$ live-packet-key
$: =message-num
+$ live-packet-val
$: packet-state
+$ packet-state
$: last-sent=@da
:: $message-sink-state: state of |message-sink to assemble messages
:: last-acked: highest $message-num we've fully acknowledged
:: last-heard: highest $message-num we've heard all fragments on
:: pending-vane-ack: heard but not processed by local vane
:: live-messages: partially received messages
+$ message-sink-state
$: last-acked=message-num
pending-vane-ack=(qeu [=message-num message=*])
live-messages=(map message-num partial-rcv-message)
nax=(set message-num)
:: $partial-rcv-message: message for which we've received some fragments
:: num-fragments: total number of fragments in this message
:: num-received: how many fragments we've received so far
:: fragments: fragments we've received, eventually producing a $message
+$ partial-rcv-message
$: num-fragments=fragment-num
fragments=(map fragment-num fragment)
-- ::ames
:: ::::
:::: ++behn :: (1b) timekeeping
Reference in New Issue
Block a user