mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 19:05:48 +03:00
Got tests working again.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module AmesTests (tests) where
import Arvo
import Data.Acquire
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List hiding (take)
import Data.Ord.Unicode
@ -16,9 +15,10 @@ import Vere.Ames
import Vere.Log
import Vere.Pier.Types
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread)
import Data.LargeWord (LargeKey(..))
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import KingApp (runApp)
import Network.Socket (tupleToHostAddress)
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ turfEf = NewtEfTurf (0, ()) []
sendEf :: Galaxy -> Wen -> Bytes -> NewtEf
sendEf g w bs = NewtEfSend (0, ()) (ADGala w g) bs
runGala :: Word8 -> Acquire (TQueue Ev, EffCb NewtEf)
runGala :: Word8 -> RAcquire e (TQueue Ev, EffCb e NewtEf)
runGala point = do
q <- liftIO newTQueueIO
cb <- snd $ ames pid (fromIntegral point) Nothing (writeTQueue q)
liftIO $ cb turfEf
q <- newTQueueIO
let (_, runAmes) = ames pid (fromIntegral point) Nothing (writeTQueue q)
cb ← liftAcquire runAmes
rio $ cb turfEf
pure (q, cb)
waitForPacket :: TQueue Ev -> Bytes -> IO Bool
@ -51,37 +52,37 @@ waitForPacket q val = go
EvBlip (BlipEvAmes (AmesEvHear () _ bs)) -> pure (bs == val)
_ -> pure False
runAcquire :: Acquire a -> IO a
runAcquire acq = with acq pure
runRAcquire :: RAcquire e a -> RIO e a
runRAcquire acq = rwith acq pure
sendThread :: EffCb NewtEf -> (Galaxy, Bytes) -> Acquire ()
sendThread cb (to, val) = void $ mkAcquire start cancel
sendThread :: EffCb e NewtEf -> (Galaxy, Bytes) -> RAcquire e ()
sendThread cb (to, val) = void $ mkRAcquire start cancel
start = async $ forever $ do threadDelay 1_000
wen <- now
wen <- io $ now
cb (sendEf to wen val)
threadDelay 10_000
zodSelfMsg :: Property
zodSelfMsg = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
zodSelfMsg = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: Bytes -> IO Bool
runTest val = runAcquire $ do
runTest :: Bytes -> RIO e Bool
runTest val = runRAcquire $ do
(zodQ, zod) <- runGala 0
() <- sendThread zod (0, val)
liftIO (waitForPacket zodQ val)
twoTalk :: Property
twoTalk = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
twoTalk = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: (Word8, Word8, Bytes) -> IO Bool
runTest :: (Word8, Word8, Bytes) -> RIO e Bool
runTest (aliceShip, bobShip, val) =
if aliceShip == bobShip
then pure True
else go aliceShip bobShip val
go :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes -> IO Bool
go aliceShip bobShip val = runAcquire $ do
go :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes -> RIO e Bool
go aliceShip bobShip val = runRAcquire $ do
(aliceQ, alice) <- runGala aliceShip
(bobQ, bob) <- runGala bobShip
sendThread alice (Galaxy bobShip, val)
@ -129,6 +130,15 @@ genIpv4 = do
then genIpv4
else pure (Ipv4 x)
instance Arbitrary Text where
arbitrary = pack <$> arb
instance Arbitrary Cord where
arbitrary = Cord <$> arb
instance Arbitrary BigCord where
arbitrary = BigCord <$> arb
instance Arbitrary AmesDest where
arbitrary = oneof [ ADGala <$> arb <*> arb
, ADIpv4 <$> arb <*> arb <*> genIpv4
@ -155,6 +155,10 @@ instance Arbitrary StdMethod where
instance Arbitrary Header where
arbitrary = Header <$> arb <*> arb
instance Arbitrary BigCord where
arbitrary = BigCord <$> arb
instance Arbitrary ServId where arbitrary = ServId <$> arb
instance Arbitrary UD where arbitrary = UD <$> arb
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Vere.Pier.Types
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread, threadDelay)
import Data.LargeWord (LargeKey(..))
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import KingApp (runApp)
import Network.Socket (tupleToHostAddress)
import qualified Urbit.Time as Time
@ -32,12 +33,12 @@ king = KingId 0
-- TODO Timers always fire immediatly. Something is wrong!
timerFires :: Property
timerFires = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
timerFires = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: () -> IO Bool
runTest :: () -> RIO e Bool
runTest () = do
q <- newTQueueIO
with (snd $ behn king (writeTQueue q)) $ \cb -> do
rwith (liftAcquire $ snd $ behn king (writeTQueue q)) $ \cb -> do
cb (BehnEfDoze (king, ()) (Just (2^20)))
t <- atomically $ readTQueue q
print t
@ -11,16 +11,17 @@ import Vere.Pier.Types
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.List hiding (filter)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, runInBoundThread)
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread, threadDelay)
import Data.LargeWord (LargeKey(..))
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import KingApp (runApp, App)
import qualified Vere.Log as Log
-- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
withTestDir :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestDir :: (FilePath -> RIO e a) -> RIO e a
withTestDir = withTempDirectory "./" ".testlog."
data NotEqual = NotEqual String String
@ -28,10 +29,9 @@ data NotEqual = NotEqual String String
instance Exception NotEqual where
assertEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> IO ()
assertEqual :: MonadIO m => (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> m ()
assertEqual x y = do
unless (x == y) $
throwIO (NotEqual (show x) (show y))
unless (x == y) $ io $ throwIO $ NotEqual (show x) (show y)
-- Database Operations ---------------------------------------------------------
@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ data Db = Db LogIdentity [ByteString] (Map Word64 ByteString)
addEvents :: Db -> [ByteString] -> Db
addEvents (Db id evs efs) new = Db id (evs <> new) efs
readDb :: EventLog -> IO Db
readDb :: EventLog -> RIO App Db
readDb log = do
events <- runConduit (streamEvents log 1 .| consume)
effects <- runConduit (streamEffectsRows log 0 .| consume)
pure $ Db (Log.identity log) events (mapFromList effects)
withDb :: FilePath -> Db -> (EventLog -> IO a) -> IO a
withDb :: FilePath -> Db -> (EventLog -> RIO App a) -> RIO App a
withDb dir (Db dId dEvs dFx) act = do
with (Log.new dir dId) $ \log -> do
rwith (Log.new dir dId) $ \log -> do
Log.appendEvents log (fromList dEvs)
for_ (mapToList dFx) $ \(k,v) ->
Log.writeEffectsRow log k v
@ -59,70 +59,75 @@ withDb dir (Db dId dEvs dFx) act = do
tryReadIdentity :: Property
tryReadIdentity = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
tryReadIdentity = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: LogIdentity -> IO Bool
runTest :: LogIdentity -> RIO App Bool
runTest ident = do
runInBoundThread $
env <- ask
io $ runInBoundThread $ runRIO env $
withTestDir $ \dir -> do
with (Log.new dir ident) $ \log ->
rwith (Log.new dir ident) $ \log ->
assertEqual ident (Log.identity log)
with (Log.existing dir) $ \log ->
rwith (Log.existing dir) $ \log ->
assertEqual ident (Log.identity log)
with (Log.existing dir) $ \log ->
rwith (Log.existing dir) $ \log ->
assertEqual ident (Log.identity log)
pure True
tryReadDatabase :: Property
tryReadDatabase = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
tryReadDatabase = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: Db -> IO Bool
runTest :: Db -> RIO App Bool
runTest db = do
runInBoundThread $
env <- ask
io $ runInBoundThread $ runRIO env $
withTestDir $ \dir -> do
withDb dir db $ \log -> do
readDb log >>= assertEqual db
pure True
tryReadDatabaseFuzz :: Property
tryReadDatabaseFuzz = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
tryReadDatabaseFuzz = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: Db -> IO Bool
runTest :: Db -> RIO App Bool
runTest db = do
runInBoundThread $
env <- ask
io $ runInBoundThread $ runRIO env $
withTestDir $ \dir -> do
withDb dir db $ \log -> do
readDb log >>= assertEqual db
with (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
rwith (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
readDb log >>= assertEqual db
with (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
rwith (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
readDb log >>= assertEqual db
readDb log >>= assertEqual db
pure True
tryAppend :: Property
tryAppend = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
tryAppend = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: ([ByteString], Db) -> IO Bool
runTest :: ([ByteString], Db) -> RIO App Bool
runTest (extra, db) = do
runInBoundThread $
env <- ask
io $ runInBoundThread $ runRIO env $
withTestDir $ \dir -> do
db' <- pure (addEvents db extra)
withDb dir db $ \log -> do
readDb log >>= assertEqual db
Log.appendEvents log (fromList extra)
readDb log >>= assertEqual db'
with (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
rwith (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
readDb log >>= assertEqual db'
pure True
tryAppendHuge :: Property
tryAppendHuge = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
tryAppendHuge = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runApp . runTest)
runTest :: ([ByteString], Db) -> IO Bool
runTest :: ([ByteString], Db) -> RIO App Bool
runTest (extra, db) = do
runInBoundThread $ do
extra <- do b <- readFile "/home/benajmin/r/urbit/bin/brass.pill"
env <- ask
io $ runInBoundThread $ runRIO env $ do
extra <- do b <- readFile "./bin/brass.pill"
pure (extra <> [b] <> extra)
withTestDir $ \dir -> do
db' <- pure (addEvents db extra)
@ -130,7 +135,7 @@ tryAppendHuge = forAll arbitrary (ioProperty . runTest)
readDb log >>= assertEqual db
Log.appendEvents log (fromList extra)
readDb log >>= assertEqual db'
with (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
rwith (Log.existing dir) $ \log -> do
readDb log >>= assertEqual db'
pure True
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.))
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import Test.Tasty.TH
import RIO.Directory
import System.Environment (setEnv)
import Control.Concurrent (runInBoundThread)
@ -18,11 +19,12 @@ import qualified BehnTests
main :: IO ()
main = do
runInBoundThread $ defaultMain $ testGroup "Urbit"
[ DeriveNounTests.tests
, ArvoTests.tests
, AmesTests.tests
, LogTests.tests
, BehnTests.tests
makeAbsolute "../.." >>= setCurrentDirectory
runInBoundThread $ defaultMain $ testGroup "Urbit"
[ DeriveNounTests.tests
, ArvoTests.tests
, AmesTests.tests
, LogTests.tests
, BehnTests.tests
Reference in New Issue
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