ur: adds 32-bit ur_cue traversal, ur_cue_test validator

This commit is contained in:
Joe Bryan 2020-08-25 16:56:05 -07:00
parent 63d36b4e75
commit 177432f914
3 changed files with 373 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,62 @@
ur_jam(ur_root_t *r, ur_nref ref, uint64_t *len, uint8_t **byt);
typedef uint32_t (*ur_coin32_f)(ur_root_t*, ur_bsr_t*, uint64_t);
typedef uint32_t (*ur_cons32_f)(ur_root_t*, uint32_t, uint32_t);
typedef uint64_t (*ur_coin64_f)(ur_root_t*, ur_bsr_t*, uint64_t);
typedef uint64_t (*ur_cons64_f)(ur_root_t*, uint64_t, uint64_t);
ur_cue_walk32_unsafe(ur_root_t *r,
ur_dict32_t *dict,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
uint32_t *out,
ur_coin32_f coin,
ur_cons32_f cons);
ur_cue_walk32(ur_root_t *r,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
uint32_t *out,
ur_coin32_f coin,
ur_cons32_f cons);
ur_cue_walk64_unsafe(ur_root_t *r,
ur_dict64_t *dict,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
uint64_t *out,
ur_coin64_f coin,
ur_cons64_f cons);
ur_cue_walk64(ur_root_t *r,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
uint64_t *out,
ur_coin64_f coin,
ur_cons64_f cons);
ur_cue_unsafe(ur_root_t *r,
ur_dict64_t *dict,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
ur_nref *out);
ur_cue(ur_root_t *r, uint64_t len, const uint8_t *byt, ur_nref *out);
ur_cue_test_unsafe(ur_dict32_t *dict,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt);
ur_cue_test(uint64_t len, const uint8_t *byt);

View File

@ -1475,18 +1475,24 @@ _test_cue_spec(const char *cap,
size_t len,
const uint8_t *res)
int ret = 1;
ur_nref out;
if ( ur_cue_good != ur_cue(r, len, res, &out) ) {
if ( !ur_cue_test(len, res) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "\033[31mcue %s fail 1\033[0m\r\n", cap);
return 0;
else if ( ref != out ) {
fprintf(stderr, "\033[31mcue %s fail 2 ref=%" PRIu64 " out=%" PRIu64 " \033[0m\r\n", cap, ref, out);
return 0;
ret = 0;
return 1;
if ( ur_cue_good != ur_cue(r, len, res, &out) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "\033[31mcue %s fail 2\033[0m\r\n", cap);
ret = 0;
else if ( ref != out ) {
fprintf(stderr, "\033[31mcue %s fail 3 ref=%" PRIu64 " out=%" PRIu64 " \033[0m\r\n", cap, ref, out);
ret = 0;
return ret;
static int

View File

@ -87,19 +87,32 @@ ur_jam(ur_root_t *r, ur_nref ref, uint64_t *len, uint8_t **byt)
return j.bsw.bits;
#define CUE_HEAD32 0xffffffff
#define CUE_HEAD64 0xffffffffffffffffULL
** stack frame for recording head vs tail iteration
** $? [CUE_HEAD64 bits=@]
** $? [CUE_HEAD_NN bits=@]
** [hed=* bits=@]
typedef struct _cue32_frame_s {
uint32_t ref;
uint64_t bits;
} _cue32_frame_t;
typedef struct _cue64_frame_s {
uint64_t ref;
uint64_t bits;
} _cue64_frame_t;
typedef struct _cue32_stack_s {
uint32_t prev;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t fill;
_cue32_frame_t* f;
} _cue32_stack_t;
typedef struct _cue64_stack_s {
uint32_t prev;
uint32_t size;
@ -107,28 +120,13 @@ typedef struct _cue64_stack_s {
_cue64_frame_t* f;
} _cue64_stack_t;
static inline void
_cue64_stack_push(_cue64_stack_t *s, uint64_t ref, uint64_t bits)
if ( s->fill == s->size ) {
uint32_t next = s->prev + s->size;
s->f = realloc(s->f, next * sizeof(*s->f));
s->prev = s->size;
s->size = next;
_cue64_frame_t* f = &(s->f[s->fill++]);
f->ref = ref;
f->bits = bits;
static inline ur_cue_res_e
_cue_walk64_advance(ur_root_t *r,
_cue64_stack_t *s,
_cue_walk32_next(ur_root_t *r,
_cue32_stack_t *s,
ur_bsr_t *bsr,
ur_dict64_t *dict,
uint64_t (*coin)(ur_root_t*, ur_bsr_t*, uint64_t),
uint64_t *out)
ur_dict32_t *dict,
ur_coin32_f coin,
uint32_t *out)
while ( 1 ) {
uint64_t len, bits = bsr->bits;
@ -142,14 +140,24 @@ _cue_walk64_advance(ur_root_t *r,
switch ( tag ) {
default: assert(0);
case ur_jam_atom: {
if ( ur_cue_good != (res = ur_bsr_rub_len(bsr, &len)) ) {
return res;
case ur_jam_cell: {
// reallocate the stack if full
if ( s->fill == s->size ) {
uint32_t next = s->prev + s->size;
s->f = realloc(s->f, next * sizeof(*s->f));
s->prev = s->size;
s->size = next;
*out = coin(r, bsr, len);
ur_dict64_put(r, dict, bits, *out);
return ur_cue_good;
// save a head-frame and read the head from the stream
_cue32_frame_t* f = &(s->f[s->fill++]);
f->ref = CUE_HEAD32;
f->bits = bits;
case ur_jam_back: {
@ -162,41 +170,40 @@ _cue_walk64_advance(ur_root_t *r,
else {
uint64_t bak = ur_bsr64_any(bsr, len);
if ( !ur_dict64_get(r, dict, bak, out) ) {
// XX distinguish bad backref?
return ur_cue_gone;
return ur_dict32_get(r, dict, bak, out)
? ur_cue_good
: ur_cue_gone;
case ur_jam_atom: {
if ( ur_cue_good != (res = ur_bsr_rub_len(bsr, &len)) ) {
return res;
*out = coin(r, bsr, len);
ur_dict32_put(r, dict, bits, *out);
return ur_cue_good;
case ur_jam_cell: {
_cue64_stack_push(s, CUE_HEAD64, bits);
ur_cue_walk64(ur_root_t *r,
ur_cue_walk32_unsafe(ur_root_t *r,
ur_dict32_t *dict,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
uint64_t *out,
uint64_t (*coin)(ur_root_t*, ur_bsr_t*, uint64_t),
uint64_t (*cons)(ur_root_t*, uint64_t, uint64_t))
uint32_t *out,
ur_coin32_f coin,
ur_cons32_f cons)
ur_cue_res_e res;
uint64_t ref;
ur_dict64_t dict = {0};
uint32_t ref;
ur_bsr_t bsr = {0};
_cue64_stack_t s = {0};
// init dictionary
ur_dict64_grow(r, &dict, ur_fib11, ur_fib12);
_cue32_stack_t s = {0};
// init bitstream-reader
@ -211,36 +218,200 @@ ur_cue_walk64(ur_root_t *r,
// advance into stream
res = _cue_walk64_advance(r, &s, &bsr, &dict, coin, &ref);
res = _cue_walk32_next(r, &s, &bsr, dict, coin, &ref);
// retreat down the stack
// process result
while ( s.fill && (ur_cue_good == res) ) {
_cue64_frame_t f = s.f[--s.fill];
// f is a head-frame
// peek at the top of the stack
if ( CUE_HEAD64 == f.ref ) {
_cue64_stack_push(&s, ref, f.bits);
res = _cue_walk64_advance(r, &s, &bsr, &dict, coin, &ref);
_cue32_frame_t *f = &(s.f[s.fill - 1]);
// f is a head-frame; stash result and read the tail from the stream
if ( CUE_HEAD32 == f->ref ) {
f->ref = ref;
res = _cue_walk32_next(r, &s, &bsr, dict, coin, &ref);
// f is a tail-frame
// f is a tail-frame; pop the stack and continue
else {
ref = cons(r, f.ref, ref);
ur_dict64_put(r, &dict, f.bits, ref);
ref = cons(r, f->ref, ref);
ur_dict32_put(r, dict, f->bits, ref);
// finalize result
if ( ur_cue_good == res ) {
*out = ref;
return res;
ur_cue_walk32(ur_root_t *r,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
uint32_t *out,
ur_coin32_f coin,
ur_cons32_f cons)
ur_dict32_t dict = {0};
ur_dict32_grow(r, &dict, ur_fib11, ur_fib12);
ur_cue_res_e res = ur_cue_walk32_unsafe(r, &dict, len,
byt, out, coin, cons);
return res;
static inline ur_cue_res_e
_cue_walk64_next(ur_root_t *r,
_cue64_stack_t *s,
ur_bsr_t *bsr,
ur_dict64_t *dict,
ur_coin64_f coin,
uint64_t *out)
while ( 1 ) {
uint64_t len, bits = bsr->bits;
ur_cue_tag_e tag;
ur_cue_res_e res;
if ( ur_cue_good != (res = ur_bsr_tag(bsr, &tag)) ) {
return res;
switch ( tag ) {
default: assert(0);
case ur_jam_cell: {
// reallocate the stack if full
if ( s->fill == s->size ) {
uint32_t next = s->prev + s->size;
s->f = realloc(s->f, next * sizeof(*s->f));
s->prev = s->size;
s->size = next;
// save a head-frame and read the head from the stream
_cue64_frame_t* f = &(s->f[s->fill++]);
f->ref = CUE_HEAD64;
f->bits = bits;
case ur_jam_back: {
if ( ur_cue_good != (res = ur_bsr_rub_len(bsr, &len)) ) {
return res;
else if ( 62 < len ) {
return ur_cue_meme;
else {
uint64_t bak = ur_bsr64_any(bsr, len);
// XX distinguish bad backref?
return ur_dict64_get(r, dict, bak, out)
? ur_cue_good
: ur_cue_gone;
case ur_jam_atom: {
if ( ur_cue_good != (res = ur_bsr_rub_len(bsr, &len)) ) {
return res;
*out = coin(r, bsr, len);
ur_dict64_put(r, dict, bits, *out);
return ur_cue_good;
ur_cue_walk64_unsafe(ur_root_t *r,
ur_dict64_t *dict,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
uint64_t *out,
ur_coin64_f coin,
ur_cons64_f cons)
ur_cue_res_e res;
uint64_t ref;
ur_bsr_t bsr = {0};
_cue64_stack_t s = {0};
// init bitstream-reader
bsr.left = len;
bsr.bytes = byt;
// setup stack
s.prev = ur_fib10;
s.size = ur_fib11;
s.f = malloc(s.size * sizeof(*s.f));
// advance into stream
res = _cue_walk64_next(r, &s, &bsr, dict, coin, &ref);
// process result
while ( s.fill && (ur_cue_good == res) ) {
// peek at the top of the stack
_cue64_frame_t *f = &(s.f[s.fill - 1]);
// f is a head-frame; stash result and read the tail from the stream
if ( CUE_HEAD64 == f->ref ) {
f->ref = ref;
res = _cue_walk64_next(r, &s, &bsr, dict, coin, &ref);
// f is a tail-frame; pop the stack and continue
else {
ref = cons(r, f->ref, ref);
ur_dict64_put(r, dict, f->bits, ref);
if ( ur_cue_good == res ) {
*out = ref;
return res;
ur_cue_walk64(ur_root_t *r,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
uint64_t *out,
ur_coin64_f coin,
ur_cons64_f cons)
ur_dict64_t dict = {0};
ur_dict64_grow(r, &dict, ur_fib11, ur_fib12);
ur_cue_res_e res = ur_cue_walk64_unsafe(r, &dict, len,
byt, out, coin, cons);
return res;
@ -266,7 +437,74 @@ _cue_coin(ur_root_t *r, ur_bsr_t *bsr, uint64_t len)
ur_cue(ur_root_t *r, uint64_t len, const uint8_t *byt, ur_nref *out)
ur_cue_unsafe(ur_root_t *r,
ur_dict64_t *dict,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
ur_nref *out)
return ur_cue_walk64(r, len, byt, (uint64_t*)out, _cue_coin, ur_cons);
return ur_cue_walk64_unsafe(r, dict, len, byt,
(uint64_t*)out, _cue_coin, ur_cons);
ur_cue(ur_root_t *r,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt,
ur_nref *out)
return ur_cue_walk64(r, len, byt,
(uint64_t*)out, _cue_coin, ur_cons);
static inline uint32_t
_cue_test_coin(ur_root_t *r, ur_bsr_t *bsr, uint64_t len)
// XX need a ur_bsr_skip()
uint64_t len_byt = (len >> 3) + !!ur_mask_3(len);
uint8_t *byt = calloc(len_byt, 1);
ur_bsr_bytes_any(bsr, len, byt);
return 0;
static inline uint32_t
_cue_test_cons(ur_root_t *r, uint32_t hed, uint32_t tal)
return 0;
ur_cue_test_unsafe(ur_dict32_t *dict,
uint64_t len,
const uint8_t *byt)
// NB, the root argument is unused, as all dict keys are
// backreferences, limited to 62-bit direct atoms
ur_root_t *r = 0;
uint32_t out;
ur_cue_res_e res = ur_cue_walk32_unsafe(r, dict, len,
byt, &out,
return ur_cue_good == res;
ur_cue_test(uint64_t len, const uint8_t *byt)
ur_root_t *r = 0;
ur_dict32_t dict = {0};
ur_dict32_grow(r, &dict, ur_fib11, ur_fib12);
ur_bool_t ret = ur_cue_test_unsafe(&dict, len, byt);
return ret;