accel: retool with codegen

This commit is contained in:
Liam Fitzgerald 2024-06-03 19:54:28 -04:00 committed by SuperCoolYun
parent 792d3d35c1
commit 1a4f3c94e2
5 changed files with 176 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -1583,7 +1583,6 @@
++ seize
|= [par=pith:neo child=pith:neo car=?(%y %z)]
^- ?
=- ~&(seize/[par child -] -)
?: =(%y car)
=(`par (~(parent of:neo tide) child))
!=(~ (dif:pith:neo par child))
@ -1689,14 +1688,12 @@
(ingest cards)
++ plunder
~& plundering/~
^+ arvo
=/ by-parent=(jug pith:neo dust:neo)
%+ roll grit
|= [=dust:neo by-parent=(jug pith:neo dust:neo)]
%- ~(gas ju by-parent)
=/ adoptees (adopt pith.dust)
~& adoptees/adoptees
(turn ~(tap in (adopt pith.dust)) |=(=pith:neo [pith [(dif:pith:neo pith pith.dust) +.dust]]))
:: XX: assert gifts empty
=. gifts
@ -1704,7 +1701,6 @@
|= =pith:neo
^- [pith:neo gift:neo]
[(tail pith) (gas-gift ~(tap in (~(get ju by-parent) pith)))]
~& gifts/gifts
=. smut (welp smut grit)
=. grit ~

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
/@ accel-conf
++ card card:neo
++ build
|= [=bowl:neo conf=accel-conf]
^- (quip card pail:neo)
:_ accel-conf/!>(conf)
=/ =term
`@tas`(cat 3 'accel-' (scot %t (spat (pout (snip here.bowl)))))
=/ =pith:neo
=; =vase
[pith %make %ford-riff `vase/vase ~]^~
=- !>(-)
=> [..zuse neo=neo og=bowl conf=conf]
++ lift-lore
|= =lore:neo
^- vase
q.pail:(~(got of:neo lore) ~)
++ get-prelude
|= =bowl:neo
^- vase
%+ with-faces:ford:neo (slop !>(neo) !>(..zuse))
:- bowl/!>(bowl)
%+ turn ~(tap by deps.bowl)
|= [=term =pith:neo =lore:neo]
^- [^term vase]
[term (lift-lore lore)]
++ produce
|= =bowl:neo
^- pail:neo
=/ res=(each vase tang)
(mule |.((slap (get-prelude bowl) hoon.conf)))
?: ?=(%& -.res)
^- kook:neo
++ state any/~
++ poke (sy %rely ~)
++ kids *kids:neo
++ deps
%- ~(gas by *band:neo)
%+ turn ~(tap in ~(key by crew.conf))
|= =term
^- [_term fief:neo]
[term req=& [any/~ ~] ~]
++ form
^- form:neo
|_ [=bowl:neo =aeon:neo =pail:neo]
++ poke
|= [=stud:neo vax=vase]
^- (quip card:neo pail:neo)
`(produce bowl)
++ init
|= pal=(unit pail:neo)
`(produce bowl)
^- kook:neo
++ state pro/%accel-conf
++ poke (sy %hoon %accel-dep %accel-conf %ack ~)
++ kids *kids:neo
++ deps *deps:neo
++ form
^- form:neo
|_ [=bowl:neo =aeon:neo =pail:neo]
+* sta !<(conf=accel-conf q.pail)
++ poke
|= [=stud:neo vax=vase]
^- (quip card:neo pail:neo)
=+ !<(conf=accel-conf q.pail)
=. conf
?+ stud !!
%hoon conf(ready |, hoon !<(hoon vax))
%accel-dep conf(ready |, crew (~(put by crew.conf) !<([term pith] vax)))
%accel-conf !<(accel-conf vax)
%ack ((slog leaf/"ack" (sell vax) ~) conf(ready &))
?: ready.conf
(build bowl conf)
++ init
|= old=(unit pail:neo)
^- (quip card:neo pail:neo)
=+ !<(conf=accel-conf q:(need old))
(build bowl conf)

View File

@ -1,34 +1,58 @@
/@ accel
/@ accel-diff
/@ accel-conf
+$ kind ?(%in %out %both)
++ make-cells
|= [=bowl:neo colstart=@ud colend=@ud rowstart=@ud rowend=@ud]
|= [=bowl:neo colstart=@ud colend=@ud rowstart=@ud rowend=@ud =kind]
^- (list card:neo)
%- zing
%+ turn (gulf colstart colend)
|= col=@ud
^- (list card:neo)
%- zing
%+ turn (gulf rowstart rowend)
|= row=@ud
[(welp here.bowl #/[ud/col]/[ud/row]) %make %accel-cell `accel-cell/!>(['~' ~ ~ ~ ~]) ~]
^- (list card:neo)
(make-cell bowl row col *accel-conf kind)
++ make-cell
|= [=bowl:neo row=@ud col=@ud conf=accel-conf =kind]
^- (list card:neo)
=/ =pith:neo (welp here.bowl #/[ud/col]/[ud/row])
=/ =stud:neo
`@tas`(cat 3 'accel-' (scot %t (spat (pout pith))))
=; caz=(list card:neo)
?- kind
%in (snag 0 caz)^~
%out (snag 1 caz)^~
%both caz
:~ [`pith:neo`(snoc pith `@tas`%in) %make %accel-conf `accel-conf/!>(conf) ~]
[`pith:neo`(snoc pith `@tas`%out) %make stud ~ crew.conf]
^- kook:neo
++ state pro/%accel
++ poke (sy %accel-diff ~)
++ poke (sy %accel-diff %gift ~)
++ kids
:- ~
:- %y
%- ~(gas by *lads:neo)
:~ :- [|/%ud |/%ud |]
[pro/%accel-cell (sy %sig ~)]
:~ :- [|/%ud |/%ud &/%in |]
[pro/%accel-conf ~]
:- [|/%ud |/%ud &/%out |]
[any/~ ~]
++ deps *deps:neo
++ form
^- form:neo
::|_ [=bowl:neo =ever:neo sta=vase *]
|_ [=bowl:neo =aeon:neo =pail:neo]
++ init
|= old=(unit pail:neo)
@ -36,44 +60,54 @@
=/ width 10
=/ height 10
:_ accel/!>([width height])
(make-cells bowl 1 width 1 height)
(make-cells bowl 1 width 1 height %in)
++ poke
|= [=stud:neo vax=vase]
^- (quip card:neo pail:neo)
?> =(%accel-diff stud)
=/ state !<(accel q.pail)
=/ poke !<(accel-diff vax)
?> =(our ship.src):bowl
?- -.poke
=/ new (add 1 width.state)
:_ accel/!>([new height.state])
(make-cells bowl new new 1 height.state)
=/ new (add 1 height.state)
:_ accel/!>([width.state new])
(make-cells bowl 1 width.state new new)
:_ accel/q.pail
=; conf
:~ :- (welp here.bowl ~[[ud/row.poke] [ud/column.poke]])
:* %make
`accel-cell/!>([text.poke ~ refa.poke refb.poke target.poke])
:: there has to be a more elegant way to do this
?~ refa.poke
?~ refb.poke
(malt ~[[%b u.refb.poke]])
?~ refb.poke
(malt ~[[%a u.refa.poke]])
(malt `(list [term pith])`~[[%a u.refa.poke] [%b u.refb.poke]])
|^ ^- (quip card:neo pail:neo)
=^ cards=(list card:neo) state
?+ stud !!
%accel-diff (on-diff !<(accel-diff vax))
%gift (on-gift !<(gift:neo vax))
[cards accell/!>(state)]
++ on-diff
|= poke=accel-diff
?> =(our ship.src):bowl
?+ -.poke !!
=/ new (add 1 width.state)
=. width.state +(width.state)
:_ state
=, state
(make-cells bowl width width 1 height %in)
=/ new (add 1 height.state)
=. height.state +(height.state)
:_ state
=, state
(make-cells bowl 1 width new new %in)
++ on-gift
|= =gift:neo
^- (quip card:neo _state)
:_ state
=/ changes ~(tap by ~(tar of:neo gift))
%- zing
%+ turn changes
|= [=road:neo =loot:neo]
^- (list card:neo)
?. ?=([[%ud col=@] [%ud row=@ud] %in ~] road)
?. (~(has of:neo kids.bowl) road)
=+ !<(conf=accel-conf q.pail:(~(got of:neo kids.bowl) road))
?. ready.conf
(make-cell bowl row.road col.road conf %out)

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
=. open.this (dec open.this)
:- ~
=. hawks.this

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
$: =hoon