diff --git a/main/pub/src/doc/sail-moveme.md b/main/pub/src/doc/sail-moveme.md
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index 0000000000..af58fbd91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/pub/src/doc/sail-moveme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+The fundamental hoon structure used to generate XML is a manx. A manx is
+composed of a `marx` and a `marl`, representing an XML node:
+++ manx ,[g=marx c=marl] :: XML node
+++ marx ,[n=mane a=mart] :: XML tag
+++ mane $|(@tas [@tas @tas]) :: XML name/space
+Names, manes
+The most basic `manx` consists of an XML node name, called a `mane`, an empty
+`marl`, and an empty `mart`:
+~zod/try=> ;div
+[[%div ~] ~]
+~zod/try=> ;namespaced_div;
+[[[%namespaced %div] ~] ~]
+This represents an XML node, an opening and a closing tag with no attributes
+nor children:
+~zod/try=> (xmlt | ;div; "")
+~zod/try=> (xmlt | ;namespaced_div; ~)
+**Note**: `++xmlt` takes three arguments: a loobean determening whether text should be
+xml-escaped, the `manx` to be rendered, and a tape onto which to append the
+results. `
+Tall form
+Most development is done in tall form:
+ ;head
+ ;title
+ ; Hi
+ ==
+ ==
+ ;body
+ ;p
+ ; Hello world
+ ==
+ ==
+This produces the `manx`:
+g=[n=%html a=~]
+ c
+ ~[
+ [ g=[n=%head a=~]
+ c=~[[g=[n=%title a=~] c=~[[g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="Hi
+"]]] c=~]]]]
+ ]
+ [ g=[n=%body a=~]
+ c=~[[g=[n=%p a=~] c=~[[g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="Hello world
+"]]] c=~]]]]
+ ]
+ ]
+When the `manx` is rendered, it produces:
+Hello world
+As previously mentioned, a tag must always be closed. In tall form, this is accomplished by a `'=='`, which should align directly beneath it; any node in between the two is a subnnode.
+As demonstrated in the example above, the tall form for character data
+is opened by `'; '` (note the space). Unlike wide form, the text that follows
+the `'; '` is not wrapped in quotes, but is instead terminated with a new
+line. The syntax for interpolation remains the same.
+The final way in which a tag may be closed is with `': '`, which is equivalent
+to a `manx` with a single child declared by `'; '`. As with `'; '`, the text
+ declared by the `': '` is terminated by a new line:
+;p: par contents
+:: par contents
+Another syntax that is unique to tall form is`';='`, which describes a `marl`
+with no tag:
+=- [- (xmll | - ~)]
+ ;p: node
+ ;node(with "attribute");
+This produces the `marl`:
+[[[%p ~] [[%~. [%~. "node"] ~] ~] ~] [[%node [%with "attribute"] ~] ~] ~]
+Notice how this renders two XML nodes without an outer tag:
+ "node
+Tall interpolation
+A ';' followed by an interpolation glyph(`-, +, *, or %`) and two or more spaces,
+accepts a twig and interpolates it into the surrounding structure:
+ ;- "foo"
+ ;+ ;p:"bar"
+ ;* :- ;p:"baz"
+ ?: &
+ ~
+ ~[;hi;]
+ ;% |= a=marl
+ (weld a a)
+ ; dup
+This produces the `manx`:
+[ g=[n=%div a=~[[n=%id v="demo"]]]
+ c
+ ~[
+ [g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="foo"]]] c=~]
+ [g=[n=%p a=~] c=~[[g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="bar"]]] c=~]]]
+ [g=[n=%p a=~] c=~[[g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="baz"]]] c=~]]]
+ [g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="dup
+"]]] c=~]
+ [g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="dup
+"]]] c=~]
+ ]
+ ]
+When the `manx` is rendered, it produces:
+The tall form syntax for attributes is `'='` followed by a `mane` (the key), two
+or more spaces, and a tall twig that produces a tape:
+ =id "foo"
+ =class "bar"
+ ;p: baz`
+This produces the `manx`:
+[ g=[n=%div a=~[[n=%id v="foo"] [n=%class v="bar"]]]
+ c=~[[g=[n=%p a=~] c=~[[g=[n=%$ a=~[[n=%$ v="baz"]]] c=~]]]]
+When rendered, this `manx` produces:
+The tall-form syntax can be combined with the wide-form attribute syntax (and all of its short forms):
+ ;div#foo(tag "bar")
+ =attr "exceedingly value in here"
+ ; tall form
+ ;p: contents
+ ==
+This produces the `manx`:
+[ [%html ~]
+ [ [%div [%id "foo"] [%tag "bar"] [%attr "hella long value in here"] ~]
+ [[%~. [%~. "tall form
+"] ~] ~]
+ [[%p ~] [[%~. [%~. "contents"] ~] ~] ~]
+ ~
+ ]
+ ~
+When rendered, this `manx` produces: