mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 16:51:42 +03:00
fine: reuse packet en/decoding logic from ames
Also adds some more of the core logic, but still wip.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1799,8 +1799,7 @@
++ fine ^?
+$ gift :: to arvo:
$% [%tune =path =(cask)] :: found at path
::TODO add task to clay (& gall?) for declaring notify desire
$% [%tune =path data=(unit (cask))] :: found at path
:: :: to vere:
[%hoot =lane:ames =hoot] :: request packet
[%howl =path =song] :: full response
@ -21,11 +21,6 @@
$% $: %behn
$% $>(%wake gift:behn)
== ==
$: %fine
$% $>(%tune gift)
$>(%hoot gift)
$>(%howl gift)
== ==
$: %jael
$% $>(%private-keys gift:jael)
$>(%public-keys gift:jael)
@ -35,15 +30,42 @@
+$ fine-state
$: %0
urth=duct :: unix duct
hear=(jug path duct) :: awaiting existence
want=(jug path duct) :: awaiting response
part=(map path [siz=@ud pac=(map @ud @)]) :: partial responses
part=(map path partial) :: partial responses
::TODO re-send request timers?
::TODO types for unpacked packets?
+$ bits [w=@ud d=@]
++ protocol-version %0
+$ partial
$: num-fragments=@ud
fragments=(map @ud byts)
+$ twit :: signed request
$: signature=@
+$ peep :: request data
$: =path
+$ rawr :: response packet
$: sig=@
+$ roar :: response message
$: sig=@
~% %fine ..part ~
@ -53,6 +75,9 @@
|= [now=@da eny=@uvJ rof=roof]
=* fine-gate .
=> |%
++ encode-packet (encode-packet:ames | protocol-version)
++ decode-packet (decode-packet:ames | protocol-version)
++ spit
|= =path
^- [pat=@t wid=@ud]
@ -61,50 +86,6 @@
?> (lte wid 384) ::TODO check when we handle %keen, instead of here?
[pat wid]
++ meet ::NOTE from ames, but bits instead of bytes
|= =ship
^- [size=@ rank=@ub]
=/ size=@ (met 3 ship)
?: (lte size 2) [16 %0b0]
?: (lte size 4) [32 %0b1]
?: (lte size 8) [64 %0b10]
[128 %0b11]
++ header
|= [for=ship req=? bod=@ rel=?]
^- bits
=+ him=(meet our)
=+ her=(meet for)
=+ sum=(end [0 20] (mug bod))
:- 32
%+ can 0
:~ 2^0 :: reserved
1^req :: request or response
1^| :: not ames
3^protocol-version :: protocol version
2^size.him :: sender address size
2^size.her :: receiver address size
20^sum :: checksum
1^rel :: relayed
++ prelude
|= [for=[=ship =life] =life origin=(unit lane:ames)]
^- bits
=+ him=(meet our)
=+ her=(meet ship.for)
=/ ore=bits
?. ?=([~ %| *] origin) 0^0
(mul 8 (met 3 p.u.origin))^p.u.origin
:- :(add 4 4 size.him size.her w.ore)
%+ can 0
:~ 4^(mod life 16) :: sender life
4^(mod life.for 16) :: receiver life
size.him^our :: sender
size.her^ship.for :: receiver
++ request-body
|= [=path num=@ud]
^- bits
@ -117,14 +98,14 @@
(mul 8 wid)^`@`pat :: namespace path
++ packetize-request
++ encode-request
|= [=path num=@ud]
^- hoot
=+ bod=(request-body path num)
(can 0 512^(sign:keys d.bod) bod ~)
++ packetize-response
|= [=path data=(unit (cask *))]
++ encode-response
|= [=path data=(unit (cask))]
^- song
:: prepend request descriptions to each response packet
@ -134,13 +115,12 @@
|= [pac=bits num=@ud]
^- [purr _num]
:_ +(num)
^- @ux
::NOTE we stub out the receiver & origin details,
:: runtime should replace them as appropriate.
=/ pre=bits (prelude [*ship *life] life:keys ~)
=/ req=bits (request-body path num)
=/ bod=bits [:(add w.pre w.req w.pac) (can 0 pre req pac ~)]
=/ hed=bits (header *ship | +.bod |)
(can 0 hed bod ~)
=/ con=@ux (can 0 req pac ~)
(encode-packet [our ~zod] (mod life:keys 16) 0b0 ~ con)
:: prepend a signature and split the data into 1024-byte fragments
=/ frag=(list @)
@ -191,125 +171,6 @@
::TODO copied from ames
+$ dyad [sndr=ship rcvr=ship]
+$ packet
$: dyad
origin=(unit @uxaddress)
::TODO copied from ames, only req parsing added
++ decode-packet
~/ %decode-packet
|= blob=@ux
^- [req=? packet]
~| %decode-packet-fail
:: first 32 (2^5) bits are header; the rest is body
=/ header (end 5 blob)
=/ body (rsh 5 blob)
:: read header; first two bits are reserved
:- req==(0 (cut 0 [2 1] header))
=/ is-ames (cut 0 [3 1] header)
?: =(& is-ames)
~| %fine-but-ames !!
=/ version (cut 0 [4 3] header)
?. =(protocol-version version)
~| fine-protocol-version+version !!
=/ sndr-size (decode-ship-size (cut 0 [7 2] header))
=/ rcvr-size (decode-ship-size (cut 0 [9 2] header))
=/ checksum (cut 0 [11 20] header)
=/ relayed (cut 0 [31 1] header)
:: origin, if present, is 6 octets long, at the end of the body
=^ origin=(unit @) body
?: =(| relayed)
[~ body]
=/ len (sub (met 3 body) 6)
[`(end [3 6] body) (rsh [3 6] body)]
:: .checksum does not apply to the origin
?. =(checksum (end [0 20] (mug body)))
~| %ames-checksum !!
:: read fixed-length sndr and rcvr life data from body
:: These represent the last four bits of the sender and receiver
:: life fields, to be used for quick dropping of honest packets to
:: or from the wrong life.
=/ sndr-tick (cut 0 [0 4] body)
=/ rcvr-tick (cut 0 [4 4] body)
:: read variable-length .sndr and .rcvr addresses
=/ off 1
=^ sndr off [(cut 3 [off sndr-size] body) (add off sndr-size)]
?. (is-valid-rank sndr sndr-size)
~| ames-sender-impostor+[sndr sndr-size] !!
=^ rcvr off [(cut 3 [off rcvr-size] body) (add off rcvr-size)]
?. (is-valid-rank rcvr rcvr-size)
~| ames-receiver-impostor+[rcvr rcvr-size] !!
:: read variable-length .content from the rest of .body
=/ content (cut 3 [off (sub (met 3 body) off)] body)
[[sndr rcvr] sndr-tick rcvr-tick origin content]
:: +decode-ship-size: decode a 2-bit ship type specifier into a byte width
:: Type 0: galaxy or star -- 2 bytes
:: Type 1: planet -- 4 bytes
:: Type 2: moon -- 8 bytes
:: Type 3: comet -- 16 bytes
++ decode-ship-size
~/ %decode-ship-size
|= rank=@ubC
^- @
?+ rank !!
%0b0 2
%0b1 4
%0b10 8
%0b11 16
:: +is-valid-rank: does .ship match its stated .size?
++ is-valid-rank
~/ %is-valid-rank
|= [=ship size=@ubC]
^- ?
.= size
?- (clan:title ship)
%czar 2
%king 2
%duke 4
%earl 8
%pawn 16
+$ twit :: signed request
$: signature=@
+$ peep :: request data
$: =path
+$ rawr :: response data
$: sig=@
++ decode-request
|= =hoot
^- twit
@ -326,7 +187,7 @@
:: if there is data remaining, it's the response
(rsh [3 (add 6 len)] hoot)
++ decode-response
++ decode-response-packet
|= =purr
=; =rawr
~? !=(wid.rawr (met 3 dat.rawr)) [%fine %unexpected-dat-size]
@ -337,9 +198,81 @@
dat=(rsh 0^560 purr)
++ verify-response
++ verify-response-packet
|= rawr
++ decode-response-msg
|= partial ::TODO maybe take @ instead
^- roar
=/ mess=@
%+ can 3
%+ turn (gulf 1 num-fragments)
~(got by fragments)
:- sig=(cut 0 [0 512] mess)
~| [%fine %response-not-cask]
;;((cask) (cue (rsh 0^512 mess)))
++ process-response
|= [=path data=(unit (cask))]
^- (quip move _state)
:- %+ turn ~(tap in (~(get ju want) path))
(late [%give %tune path data])
=. want (~(del by want) path)
=. part (~(del by part) path)
++ handle-request
|= =twit
^- (list move)
::TODO collect scry response
::TODO sane y/n? other task?
[duct %give %fine %howl !!]~
++ handle-response
|= [[from=ship =lane:ames] =peep =rawr]
^- (quip move _state)
?: =(0 siz.rawr)
?> =(0 dat.rawr)
(process-response path.peep ~)
?. (~(has by part) path.peep)
:: we did not initiate this request, or it's been cancelled
=/ partial (~(got by part) path.peep)
=. partial
?: (~(has by fragments.partial) num.peep)
~& [%fine %duplicate-response peep] ::TODO disable
::TODO what if non-equal?
=, partial
:+ ~| [%fine %response-size-changed have=num-fragments new=siz.rawr]
?> |(=(0 num-fragments) =(num-fragments siz.rawr))
(~(put by fragments) num.peep [wid dat]:rawr)
?: =(num-fragments num-received):partial
:: we have all the parts now, construct the full response
=/ =roar (decode-response-msg partial)
::TODO check signature
(process-response path.peep `dat.roar)
:: otherwise, store the part, and send out the next request
=. part (~(put by part) path.peep partial)
=/ next-num=@ud
=/ next=@ud +(num.peep)
:: we should receive responses in order, but in case we don't...
?. (~(has by fragments.partial) next) next
$(next +((mod next num-fragments.partial)))
=/ =lane:ames !! ::TODO
=/ =hoot (encode-request path.peep next-num)
::REVIEW no %f tag?
[[urth %give %hoot lane hoot]~ state]
@ -361,54 +294,43 @@
=^ moves state
?- -.task
:- ~ ::TODO emit request packet
state(want (~(put ju want) path.task hen))
^- (quip move _state)
=. want (~(put ju want) path.task hen)
?: (~(has by part) path.task)
:: request is already ongoing
[~ state]
:: kick off the request
=. part (~(put by part) path.task *partial)
=/ =lane:ames !! ::TODO just scry out of ames, or what?
=/ =hoot (encode-request path.task 1)
::TODO how to make sure this ends up in the runtime? default duct??
[[urth %give %hoot lane hoot]~ state]
[~ state(want (~(del ju want) path.task hen))]
=/ [req=? =packet] (decode-packet purr.task)
^- (quip move _state)
=/ =packet:ames (decode-packet `@ux`purr.task)
=/ req=? =(& (cut 0 [2 1] purr.task))
?: req
=/ =twit (decode-request `@ux`content.packet)
::TODO verify request signature
::TODO handle twit
[(handle-request twit) state]
=/ [=peep =purr] (decode-request-info `@ux`content.packet)
=/ =rawr (decode-response purr)
=/ =rawr (decode-response-packet purr)
::TODO validate response signature
?: =(0 siz.rawr)
::TODO complete instantly
::TODO (~(del by part) path.peep) for safety?
:: =/ have=(list @) (~(get ja part) path.peep)
:: ::TODO if we get fancier, we could receive in any order
:: ?> =((lent have) (dec num.peep))
:: =. have [[wid dat]:rawr have]
:: :: if we have all the parts now, construct the response
:: ::
:: ?> (lte num.peep siz.rawr)
:: ?: =(num.peep siz.rawr)
:: ?. =((lent have) siz.rawr)
:: ::TODO wtf! start over?
:: !!
:: ::TODO need to flop first y/n?
:: !!
:: :: otherwise, store the part, and send out the next request
:: ::
:: =. part (~(put by part) path.peep have)
:: ::TODO emit properly
:: :+ %hoot
:: !! ::TODO get lane, from response or ames?
:: ::TODO needs header, prelude
:: (packetize-request path.peep +(num.peep))
(handle-response [from lane]:task peep rawr)
[~ state(hear (~(put ju hear) path.task hen))]
[~ state(hear ~)] ::REVIEW assuming this is for runtime use only?
^- (quip move _state)
::REVIEW assuming hear is for runtime use only?
[~ state(hear ~, urth hen)]
[~ state] ::TODO maybe clear part?
@ -448,7 +370,7 @@
?. ?=(%x car) ~
?. ?=([%message @ *] s.bem) ~
:: s.bem is expected to be a scry path of the shape /vc/desk/rev/etc,
:: t.s.bem is expected to be a scry path of the shape /vc/desk/rev/etc,
:: so we need to give it the right shape
=/ pax=path
@ -467,8 +389,8 @@
=+ res=(rof lyc u.nom)
?- res
~ ~
[~ ~] ``noun+!>((packetize-response pax ~))
[~ ~ *] ``noun+!>((packetize-response pax `[p q.q]:u.u.res))
[~ ~] ``noun+!>((encode-response pax ~))
[~ ~ *] ``noun+!>((encode-response pax `[p q.q]:u.u.res))
++ stay state
Reference in New Issue
Block a user