diff --git a/mar/work/command.hoon b/mar/work/command.hoon
index 89241ad9cd..5e211171d5 100644
--- a/mar/work/command.hoon
+++ b/mar/work/command.hoon
@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@
++ id (ci (slat %uv) so)
++ ship (su fed:ag)
- ++ coma (of new/task old/(ot id/id version/ni dif/uppd ~) sort/(ar id) ~)
+ ++ coma (of new/task old/(ot id/id dif/uppd ~) sort/(ar id) ~)
++ task
%- ot :~
- id/id date-created/di
- version/ni date-modified/di
+ id/id 'date_created'^di
+ version/ni 'date_modified'^di
owner/ship status/(ci (soft status) so)
- tags/(as so) date-due/(mu di)
+ tags/(as so) 'date_due'^(mu di)
done/(mu di) title/so
description/so discussion/(ar (ot date/di ship/ship body/so ~))
diff --git a/mar/work/report.hoon b/mar/work/report.hoon
index c1940b89bb..e16191af4b 100644
--- a/mar/work/report.hoon
+++ b/mar/work/report.hoon
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
claiming/[%b claiming]
=< audience/[%a (turn (~(tap in audience)) .)]
|=(a=station:talk [%s (crip "{
}/{(trip q.a)}")])
- date-created/(jode date-created)
- date-modified/(jode date-modified)
+ 'date_created'^(jode date-created)
+ 'date_modified'^(jode date-modified)
description/[%s description]
=< discussion/[%a (turn discussion .)]
|=(comment (jobe date/(jode date) ship/(jope ship) body/[%s body] ~))
- date-due/?~(date-due ~ (jode u.date-due))
+ 'date_due'^?~(date-due ~ (jode u.date-due))
done/?~(done ~ (jode u.done))
diff --git a/pub/work/src/js/actions/WorkActions.coffee b/pub/work/src/js/actions/WorkActions.coffee
index 50dabc90f2..7343b7b972 100644
--- a/pub/work/src/js/actions/WorkActions.coffee
+++ b/pub/work/src/js/actions/WorkActions.coffee
@@ -2,21 +2,22 @@ Dispatcher = require '../dispatcher/Dispatcher.coffee'
Persistence = require '../persistence/Persistence.coffee'
module.exports =
- newItem: (index,list) ->
+ newItem: (index,_item={}) ->
item =
- id:window.util.uuid32()
- version:0
- "date-created":Date.now()
- "date-modified":Date.now()
- "date-due":null
- done:null
- owner:window.urb.ship
- status:'announced'
- tags:[]
- title:''
- description:''
- discussion:[]
- audience:[window.util.talk.mainStationPath window.urb.ship]
+ id: window.util.uuid32()
+ version: 0
+ owner: window.urb.ship
+ date_created: Date.now()
+ date_modified: Date.now()
+ date_due: _item.date_due ? null
+ done: _item.done ? null
+ status: _item.status ? 'announced'
+ tags: _item.tags ? []
+ title: _item.title ? ''
+ description: _item.description ? ''
+ discussion: _item.discussion ? []
+ audience: _item.audience ?
+ [window.util.talk.mainStationPath window.urb.ship]
Persistence.put "new":item
Dispatcher.handleViewAction {type:'newItem', index, item}
diff --git a/pub/work/src/js/components/FilterComponent.coffee b/pub/work/src/js/components/FilterComponent.coffee
index 485b932797..7d80dd2950 100644
--- a/pub/work/src/js/components/FilterComponent.coffee
+++ b/pub/work/src/js/components/FilterComponent.coffee
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
recl = React.createClass
rece = React.createElement
-[div,h1,label] = [React.DOM.div,React.DOM.h1,React.DOM.label]
+{div,h1,label} = React.DOM
module.exports = recl
_onKeyDown: (e) ->
diff --git a/pub/work/src/js/components/ItemComponent.coffee b/pub/work/src/js/components/ItemComponent.coffee
index d40402a9c2..e160425eac 100644
--- a/pub/work/src/js/components/ItemComponent.coffee
+++ b/pub/work/src/js/components/ItemComponent.coffee
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
recl = React.createClass
-[div,textarea] = [React.DOM.div,React.DOM.textarea]
+{div,textarea} = React.DOM
WorkActions = require '../actions/WorkActions.coffee'
module.exports = recl
- _dragStart: (e) ->
+ onDragStart: (e) ->
$t = $(e.target)
@dragged = $t.closest('.item')
e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'
e.dataTransfer.setData 'text/html',e.currentTarget
@props._dragStart e,@
- _dragEnd: (e) -> @props._dragEnd e,@
+ onDragEnd: (e) -> @props._dragEnd e,@
- _keyDown: (e) ->
+ onKeyDown: (e) ->
@props._keyDown e,@
kc = e.keyCode
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module.exports = recl
if $el[0].tagName is 'TEXTAREA'
return $el.val()
- if key is 'date-due'
+ if key is 'date_due'
d = $el.text().slice(1).replace(/\./g, "-")
return NaN if d.length < 8
return new Date(d).valueOf()
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ module.exports = recl
compareVal: (l,n,key) ->
if key is 'tags' or key is 'audience'
return (_.xor(l,n).length > 0)
- if key is 'date-due'
+ if key is 'date_due'
return l isnt new Date(n)
l isnt n
validateField: ($t,id,key,val) ->
valid = 1
- if key is 'date-due'
+ if key is 'date_due'
valid = 0 if isNaN(val)
if key is 'audience'
i = _.filter val,(a) ->
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module.exports = recl
valid = 0 if i.length isnt val.length
- _keyUp: (e) ->
+ onKeyUp: (e) ->
$t = $(e.target).closest '.field'
id = $t.closest('.item').attr 'data-id'
key = $t.attr 'data-key'
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module.exports = recl
WorkActions.setItem id,ver,key,val
- _focus: (e) -> @props._focus e,@
+ onFocus: (e) -> @props._focus e,@
_markDone: (e) ->
id = $(e.target).closest('.item').attr 'data-id'
@@ -118,6 +118,15 @@ module.exports = recl
getInitialState: -> {expand:false}
+ renderField: (key,props,format=_.identity)->
+ _props = _.extend {}, props, {contentEditable:true,className:'input ib'}
+ className = "#{props.className ? key} field ib"
+ (div {className,'data-key':key}, (div _props, format(@props.item[key])))
+ renderTopField: (key,props,format)->
+ _props = _.extend {className:"#{props.className ? key} top"}, props
+ @renderField key,_props,format
render: ->
itemClass = 'item'
if @state.expand then itemClass += ' expand'
@@ -132,79 +141,29 @@ module.exports = recl
owner.unshift (div {className:k},@formatOwner(@props.item.owner))
(div {
- className:itemClass
- draggable:true
- 'data-id':@props.item.id
- 'data-index':@props.index
- onDragStart:@_dragStart
- onDragEnd:@_dragEnd
+ className:itemClass
+ draggable:true
+ 'data-id':@props.item.id
+ 'data-index':@props.index
+ @onDragStart,@onDragEnd
}, [
(div {
className:'owner ib'
- (div {
- className:'audience field ib'
- 'data-key':'audience'
- },[
- (div {
- contentEditable:true
- className:'input ib'
- },@formatAudience(@props.item.audience))
- ])
- (div {className:'sort ib top'},@props.item.sort)
- (div {
- className:'done ib'
- onClick:@_markDone
- },'')
- (div {
- className:'title ib top field'
- 'data-key':'title'
- },[
- (div {
- contentEditable:true
- onFocus:@_focus
- onKeyDown:@_keyDown
- onKeyUp:@_keyUp
- className:'input ib'
- },@props.item.title)
- ])
- (div {
- className:'date ib top field'
- 'data-key':'date-due'
- }, [
- (div {
- contentEditable:true
- className:'input ib'
- onKeyUp:@_keyUp
- },@formatDate(@props.item['date-due']))
- ])
- (div {
- className:'tags ib top field'
- 'data-key':'tags'
- },[
- (div {
- contentEditable:true
- className:'input ib'
- onKeyUp:@_keyUp
- },@props.item.tags.join(" "))
- ])
+ (@renderField 'audience', {}, @formatAudience) # no onKeyUp?
+ (div {className:'sort ib top'}, @props.item.sort)
+ (div {className:'done ib', onClick:@_markDone}, '')
+ (@renderTopField 'title', {@onFocus,@onKeyDown,@onKeyUp})
+ (@renderTopField 'date_due', {@onKeyUp,className:'date'}, @formatDate)
+ (@renderTopField 'tags', {@onKeyUp}, (tags)-> tags.join(" "))
(div {
className:'expand ib',
- onClick: (e) =>
- @setState {expand:!@state.expand}
- },[
- (div {className:'caret left'},"")
- ])
- (div {
- className:'description field'
- 'data-key':'description'
- },[
- (textarea {
- className:'input ib'
- onKeyUp:@_keyUp
- },@props.item.description)
- ])
+ onClick: (e) => @setState {expand:!@state.expand}
+ }, (div {className:'caret left'},"")
+ )
+ (@renderField 'description',{@onKeyUp})
(div {className:"hr"},"")
(div {className:"discussion"},[
(div {className:"comments"}, @props.item.discussion.map (slug) =>
@@ -225,4 +184,4 @@ module.exports = recl
(div {className:'submit',onClick:@_submitComment},'Post')
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+ ])
diff --git a/pub/work/src/js/components/ListComponent.coffee b/pub/work/src/js/components/ListComponent.coffee
index d65698ca43..353fe83f8f 100644
--- a/pub/work/src/js/components/ListComponent.coffee
+++ b/pub/work/src/js/components/ListComponent.coffee
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
recl = React.createClass
rece = React.createElement
-[div,h1,input,textarea] = [React.DOM.div,React.DOM.h1,React.DOM.input,React.DOM.textarea]
+{div,h1,input,textarea} = React.DOM
WorkStore = require '../stores/WorkStore.coffee'
WorkActions = require '../actions/WorkActions.coffee'
diff --git a/pub/work/src/js/components/ListeningComponent.coffee b/pub/work/src/js/components/ListeningComponent.coffee
index ce9f6b2c21..edada9a164 100644
--- a/pub/work/src/js/components/ListeningComponent.coffee
+++ b/pub/work/src/js/components/ListeningComponent.coffee
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
recl = React.createClass
rece = React.createElement
-[div,h1,input,textarea] = [React.DOM.div,React.DOM.h1,React.DOM.input,React.DOM.textarea]
+{div,h1,input,textarea} = React.DOM
module.exports = recl
render: ->
- (div {className:'listening'}, "")
\ No newline at end of file
+ (div {className:'listening'}, "")
diff --git a/pub/work/src/js/components/SortComponent.coffee b/pub/work/src/js/components/SortComponent.coffee
index df9cf242e1..8320849058 100644
--- a/pub/work/src/js/components/SortComponent.coffee
+++ b/pub/work/src/js/components/SortComponent.coffee
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
recl = React.createClass
rece = React.createElement
-[div,h1,button,label] = [React.DOM.div,React.DOM.h1,React.DOM.button,React.DOM.label]
+{div,h1,button,label} = React.DOM
module.exports = recl
_onClick: (e) ->
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ module.exports = recl
(label {}, k)
(div {className:'caret ib'}, '')
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+ )
diff --git a/pub/work/src/js/components/WorkComponent.coffee b/pub/work/src/js/components/WorkComponent.coffee
index 3f18bbcb00..8f2c093c1f 100644
--- a/pub/work/src/js/components/WorkComponent.coffee
+++ b/pub/work/src/js/components/WorkComponent.coffee
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
recl = React.createClass
rece = React.createElement
-[div,h1] = [React.DOM.div,React.DOM.h1]
+{div,h1} = React.DOM
ListComponent = require './ListComponent.coffee'
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ module.exports = recl
(div {}, [
(h1 {className:'leader'}, "Work")
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+ ])
diff --git a/pub/work/src/js/main.js b/pub/work/src/js/main.js
index 4cff94f145..2a96b1b780 100644
--- a/pub/work/src/js/main.js
+++ b/pub/work/src/js/main.js
@@ -6,22 +6,25 @@ Dispatcher = require('../dispatcher/Dispatcher.coffee');
Persistence = require('../persistence/Persistence.coffee');
module.exports = {
- newItem: function(index, list) {
- var item;
+ newItem: function(index, _item) {
+ var item, ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7;
+ if (_item == null) {
+ _item = {};
+ }
item = {
id: window.util.uuid32(),
version: 0,
- "date-created": Date.now(),
- "date-modified": Date.now(),
- "date-due": null,
- done: null,
owner: window.urb.ship,
- status: 'announced',
- tags: [],
- title: '',
- description: '',
- discussion: [],
- audience: [window.util.talk.mainStationPath(window.urb.ship)]
+ date_created: Date.now(),
+ date_modified: Date.now(),
+ date_due: (ref = _item.date_due) != null ? ref : null,
+ done: (ref1 = _item.done) != null ? ref1 : null,
+ status: (ref2 = _item.status) != null ? ref2 : 'announced',
+ tags: (ref3 = _item.tags) != null ? ref3 : [],
+ title: (ref4 = _item.title) != null ? ref4 : '',
+ description: (ref5 = _item.description) != null ? ref5 : '',
+ discussion: (ref6 = _item.discussion) != null ? ref6 : [],
+ audience: (ref7 = _item.audience) != null ? ref7 : [window.util.talk.mainStationPath(window.urb.ship)]
"new": item
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ recl = React.createClass;
rece = React.createElement;
-ref = [React.DOM.div, React.DOM.h1, React.DOM.label], div = ref[0], h1 = ref[1], label = ref[2];
+ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, h1 = ref.h1, label = ref.label;
module.exports = recl({
_onKeyDown: function(e) {
@@ -211,12 +214,12 @@ var WorkActions, div, recl, ref, textarea;
recl = React.createClass;
-ref = [React.DOM.div, React.DOM.textarea], div = ref[0], textarea = ref[1];
+ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, textarea = ref.textarea;
WorkActions = require('../actions/WorkActions.coffee');
module.exports = recl({
- _dragStart: function(e) {
+ onDragStart: function(e) {
var $t;
$t = $(e.target);
this.dragged = $t.closest('.item');
@@ -224,10 +227,10 @@ module.exports = recl({
e.dataTransfer.setData('text/html', e.currentTarget);
return this.props._dragStart(e, this);
- _dragEnd: function(e) {
+ onDragEnd: function(e) {
return this.props._dragEnd(e, this);
- _keyDown: function(e) {
+ onKeyDown: function(e) {
var kc;
this.props._keyDown(e, this);
kc = e.keyCode;
@@ -253,7 +256,7 @@ module.exports = recl({
if ($el[0].tagName === 'TEXTAREA') {
return $el.val();
} else {
- if (key === 'date-due') {
+ if (key === 'date_due') {
d = $el.text().slice(1).replace(/\./g, "-");
if (d.length < 8) {
return NaN;
@@ -277,7 +280,7 @@ module.exports = recl({
if (key === 'tags' || key === 'audience') {
return _.xor(l, n).length > 0;
- if (key === 'date-due') {
+ if (key === 'date_due') {
return l !== new Date(n);
return l !== n;
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@ module.exports = recl({
validateField: function($t, id, key, val) {
var i, valid;
valid = 1;
- if (key === 'date-due') {
+ if (key === 'date_due') {
if (isNaN(val)) {
valid = 0;
@@ -309,7 +312,7 @@ module.exports = recl({
return valid;
- _keyUp: function(e) {
+ onKeyUp: function(e) {
var $t, id, key, val, ver;
$t = $(e.target).closest('.field');
id = $t.closest('.item').attr('data-id');
@@ -330,7 +333,7 @@ module.exports = recl({
}, 1000);
- _focus: function(e) {
+ onFocus: function(e) {
return this.props._focus(e, this);
_markDone: function(e) {
@@ -367,6 +370,28 @@ module.exports = recl({
expand: false
+ renderField: function(key, props, format) {
+ var _props, className, ref1;
+ if (format == null) {
+ format = _.identity;
+ }
+ _props = _.extend({}, props, {
+ contentEditable: true,
+ className: 'input ib'
+ });
+ className = ((ref1 = props.className) != null ? ref1 : key) + " field ib";
+ return div({
+ className: className,
+ 'data-key': key
+ }, div(_props, format(this.props.item[key])));
+ },
+ renderTopField: function(key, props, format) {
+ var _props, ref1;
+ _props = _.extend({
+ className: ((ref1 = props.className) != null ? ref1 : key) + " top"
+ }, props);
+ return this.renderField(key, _props, format);
+ },
render: function() {
var itemClass, k, owner, ref1;
itemClass = 'item';
@@ -396,55 +421,29 @@ module.exports = recl({
draggable: true,
'data-id': this.props.item.id,
'data-index': this.props.index,
- onDragStart: this._dragStart,
- onDragEnd: this._dragEnd
+ onDragStart: this.onDragStart,
+ onDragEnd: this.onDragEnd
}, [
className: 'owner ib',
'data-key': 'owner'
- }, owner), div({
- className: 'audience field ib',
- 'data-key': 'audience'
- }, [
- div({
- contentEditable: true,
- className: 'input ib'
- }, this.formatAudience(this.props.item.audience))
- ]), div({
+ }, owner), this.renderField('audience', {}, this.formatAudience), div({
className: 'sort ib top'
}, this.props.item.sort), div({
className: 'done ib',
onClick: this._markDone
- }, ''), div({
- className: 'title ib top field',
- 'data-key': 'title'
- }, [
- div({
- contentEditable: true,
- onFocus: this._focus,
- onKeyDown: this._keyDown,
- onKeyUp: this._keyUp,
- className: 'input ib'
- }, this.props.item.title)
- ]), div({
- className: 'date ib top field',
- 'data-key': 'date-due'
- }, [
- div({
- contentEditable: true,
- className: 'input ib',
- onKeyUp: this._keyUp
- }, this.formatDate(this.props.item['date-due']))
- ]), div({
- className: 'tags ib top field',
- 'data-key': 'tags'
- }, [
- div({
- contentEditable: true,
- className: 'input ib',
- onKeyUp: this._keyUp
- }, this.props.item.tags.join(" "))
- ]), div({
+ }, ''), this.renderTopField('title', {
+ onFocus: this.onFocus,
+ onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown,
+ onKeyUp: this.onKeyUp
+ }), this.renderTopField('date_due', {
+ onKeyUp: this.onKeyUp,
+ className: 'date'
+ }, this.formatDate), this.renderTopField('tags', {
+ onKeyUp: this.onKeyUp
+ }, function(tags) {
+ return tags.join(" ");
+ }), div({
className: 'expand ib',
onClick: (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
@@ -453,19 +452,11 @@ module.exports = recl({
- }, [
- div({
- className: 'caret left'
- }, "")
- ]), div({
- className: 'description field',
- 'data-key': 'description'
- }, [
- textarea({
- className: 'input ib',
- onKeyUp: this._keyUp
- }, this.props.item.description)
- ]), div({
+ }, div({
+ className: 'caret left'
+ }, "")), this.renderField('description', {
+ onKeyUp: this.onKeyUp
+ }), div({
className: "hr"
}, ""), div({
className: "discussion"
@@ -519,7 +510,7 @@ recl = React.createClass;
rece = React.createElement;
-ref = [React.DOM.div, React.DOM.h1, React.DOM.input, React.DOM.textarea], div = ref[0], h1 = ref[1], input = ref[2], textarea = ref[3];
+ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, h1 = ref.h1, input = ref.input, textarea = ref.textarea;
WorkStore = require('../stores/WorkStore.coffee');
@@ -734,7 +725,7 @@ recl = React.createClass;
rece = React.createElement;
-ref = [React.DOM.div, React.DOM.h1, React.DOM.input, React.DOM.textarea], div = ref[0], h1 = ref[1], input = ref[2], textarea = ref[3];
+ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, h1 = ref.h1, input = ref.input, textarea = ref.textarea;
module.exports = recl({
render: function() {
@@ -753,7 +744,7 @@ recl = React.createClass;
rece = React.createElement;
-ref = [React.DOM.div, React.DOM.h1, React.DOM.button, React.DOM.label], div = ref[0], h1 = ref[1], button = ref[2], label = ref[3];
+ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, h1 = ref.h1, button = ref.button, label = ref.label;
module.exports = recl({
_onClick: function(e) {
@@ -799,7 +790,7 @@ recl = React.createClass;
rece = React.createElement;
-ref = [React.DOM.div, React.DOM.h1], div = ref[0], h1 = ref[1];
+ref = React.DOM, div = ref.div, h1 = ref.h1;
ListComponent = require('./ListComponent.coffee');
@@ -1264,9 +1255,9 @@ _list = [
id: "0v0",
version: 0,
sort: 0,
- "date-created": new Date('2015-8-18'),
- "date-modified": new Date('2015-8-18'),
- "date-due": new Date('2015-8-18'),
+ date_created: new Date('2015-8-18'),
+ date_modified: new Date('2015-8-18'),
+ date_due: new Date('2015-8-18'),
owner: "~zod",
audience: ["~doznec/urbit-meta", "~doznec/tlon"],
status: "working",
@@ -1284,9 +1275,9 @@ _list = [
id: "0v1",
version: 0,
sort: 1,
- "date-created": new Date('2015-8-18'),
- "date-modified": new Date('2015-8-18'),
- "date-due": null,
+ date_created: new Date('2015-8-18'),
+ date_modified: new Date('2015-8-18'),
+ date_due: null,
owner: null,
audience: ["~doznec/tlon"],
status: "working",
@@ -1298,9 +1289,9 @@ _list = [
id: "0v2",
version: 0,
sort: 2,
- "date-created": new Date('2015-8-18'),
- "date-modified": new Date('2015-8-18'),
- "date-due": null,
+ date_created: new Date('2015-8-18'),
+ date_modified: new Date('2015-8-18'),
+ date_due: null,
owner: "~talsur-todres",
audience: ["~doznec/tlon"],
status: "working",
@@ -1323,7 +1314,7 @@ _filters = {
_sorts = {
title: 0,
owner: 0,
- "date-due": 0,
+ date_due: 0,
sort: 0
@@ -1431,14 +1422,23 @@ WorkStore = assign({}, EventEmitter.prototype, {
_item = _.extend({
sort: index
}, item);
- _item["date-modified"] = new Date(item["date-modified"]);
- _item["date-created"] = new Date(item["date-created"]);
- if (item["date-due"] != null) {
- _item["date-due"] = new Date(item["date-due"]);
+ _item.date_modified = new Date(item.date_modified);
+ _item.date_created = new Date(item.date_created);
+ if (item.date_due != null) {
+ _item.date_due = new Date(item.date_due);
if (item.done != null) {
_item.done = new Date(item.done);
+ _item.discussion = item.discussion.map(function(arg) {
+ var body, date, ship;
+ ship = arg.ship, body = arg.body, date = arg.date;
+ return {
+ ship: ship,
+ body: body,
+ date: new Date(date)
+ };
+ });
return _item;
newItem: function(arg) {
diff --git a/pub/work/src/js/stores/WorkStore.coffee b/pub/work/src/js/stores/WorkStore.coffee
index 25007bee51..0a7cb05c47 100644
--- a/pub/work/src/js/stores/WorkStore.coffee
+++ b/pub/work/src/js/stores/WorkStore.coffee
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ _list = [
- "date-created":new Date('2015-8-18')
- "date-modified":new Date('2015-8-18')
- "date-due":new Date('2015-8-18')
+ date_created:new Date('2015-8-18')
+ date_modified:new Date('2015-8-18')
+ date_due:new Date('2015-8-18')
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ _list = [
- "date-created":new Date('2015-8-18')
- "date-modified":new Date('2015-8-18')
- "date-due":null
+ date_created:new Date('2015-8-18')
+ date_modified:new Date('2015-8-18')
+ date_due:null
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ _list = [
- "date-created":new Date('2015-8-18')
- "date-modified":new Date('2015-8-18')
- "date-due":null
+ date_created:new Date('2015-8-18')
+ date_modified:new Date('2015-8-18')
+ date_due:null
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ _filters =
_sorts =
- "date-due":0
+ date_due:0
WorkStore = assign {},EventEmitter.prototype,{
@@ -114,10 +114,12 @@ WorkStore = assign {},EventEmitter.prototype,{
itemFromData: (item,index=0)->
_item = _.extend {sort:index}, item
- _item["date-modified"] = new Date item["date-modified"]
- _item["date-created"] = new Date item["date-created"]
- _item["date-due"] = new Date item["date-due"] if item["date-due"]?
- _item.done = new Date item.done if item.done?
+ _item.date_modified = new Date item.date_modified
+ _item.date_created = new Date item.date_created
+ _item.date_due = new Date item.date_due if item.date_due?
+ _item.done = new Date item.done if item.done?
+ _item.discussion = item.discussion.map ({ship,body,date}) ->
+ {ship,body,date: new Date date}
newItem: ({item,index}) -> _list.splice index,0,@itemFromData item,index